HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-15, Page 9• Want iko USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE - 1. Coming Events 2. Lkat, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. _Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Warded 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. '-Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices • 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 2ae. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages . Classified ads are Inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 minimum 65c. Classifica- tions 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. All other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates en application. For cash payment or if paid within 10 days following last Insertion, IS CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. Coming Events -GALA Seaforth Fall Fair danee, Saturday September, 21st, Re- serve your table early. -Seaforth Fall Fair, September 19th and, 20th. T1-30-3 A1R-RIDE bus to CN,E,--Satun, day August 24th. Sit front and centre at the grandstand extra- vaganza. Bus fate, grounds eadrance, grandstand tieket, one low price. Phone Miller Motors, 527-1410. - 1-37-5 $50.75 will take you to Mon, treal and return, give you two passes to Man and His World and three nights lodging down,. town. Reserve a seat now foe Labor Day week end. Habkirk Transit 'Sea -vice Limited, .phone 527-1222. • 1-394 Bus to Hepworth countrY music Friday August: 30th, the Irish Rovers entertaining. Six seats still available for the Jeannie Sheppard show, Sunday August 18th. Tickets and information Keith MacLean 527-0278. • 1-40-1 4. Heln Wanted oonstruction labourer& contact Maloney Bros., Phone 345-2964. Dublin. 4-404 A reliable person to mind two preschool children while parents work. Phone Alymer 773-9459- •• 440-1 coavt-PANioN-horusetkeepor. re- quired for 'a mature adult,..Sza, forth resident Apply stating salary desired to box 1'759 Huron Expositor 4-40-1 FREE COOK BOOK --- Get your Rawleigh Cook Book now and information how to make money sellthig Rawleigh Products, full or part titne. Write Rawleigh, Dept. H -363 -FC, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 4-40-1 CASH IN On The Big Fall and dhriStm(a..s Selflmg Seasen, represent Aeon in your . neighborhood, ' write or • call. • Mrs. M. Millson AVON- MANAGER 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London Ontario phone 451-0541. 4-404 MALE BOOKKEEPER WANTED Also to help in store. Pesition available at the *ad ot August. Apply in person to: Seaforth Farmers Co-operative 4-494 OUT OF WORK? Men and women ame required soon' for processing corn and; carrots. Foe further details look for the display advertisement in this issue or: Phone 519-235-2/145 CANADIAN' CANNERS --LIMITED PLANT NO. 51 EXETER ONTARIO •4403 HELP WANTED 1, Female Machine • Operators Ringo° benefits - 2 Weeks' annual holitiaM paid statutory h,olidays, perm insitrance, pen - sten phi/a-One aried a half for over time.. HIGHLAND SHOES stAirotint 445-2 7. Situations Wanted Married Man, wants 'part tinie evenings and weekends, formealy self employed farmer, phew( 5274994. 7-40x1 8. Farm Stock For Sale TWENTY one pigs, elgiht weeks o1d4 George Love, Walton -840-1 TWENTY -three started Pigs. Arnold Jamieson', 482-986. 8404 PUREBRED Landnace boar 8 months old. Frank Falc,oner, Clinton 482-9128. 8-40-1 " "nultrv For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Stai-ted Pullets SCOTT POtTLTRY - FARMS. LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160' 9-384f 1 Tqed Ca. IN For Sale. 1962 two door Lark Studeb-aker, Carl Dalton 527-0702. 10.40-1 . _ MT -tom Ford Fairlane 2 door cos* good cenclition, will sell reasonable. Call 527-0833 after 6 p.m. 10-40-1 1055 Fargo %ton Pick up; good shape. Phone 5274764 after 5. Harry Mero, Seaforth. 10-40.1 1963 Rambler Classic, wen kept up. over drive, interior cab warmer, block heater, best of- fer. Phone 527-1103. . 10-36-4! 1956 Fargo 3 - ton truck; hoist with 8x12 platform. phone 348- 8271 Mitchell 10-39x2 1/ . AeticIes For . Sale STUDIO couch in fair condition. Phone 527-1813: 11-40x1 SIX ft. lawn, umbrella with table. Phcave 527-1342 14-40x1 1967 YAMAHA. Tom Papple. Phone 527-0268, Seafooth. 11-40,1 ELECTRIC water heater (like new). John LanSink 527-0382. Seaforth. 11,404 CRUSHED gravel. delivered or at the nit John Thompson. Phone 527-0238. 11-38-tf 110 Volt, Weed Chopper elettric fencers, guaranteed. Alvin Bear- ' erman Phone 345-2306. 11-39-tf CHILD'S ridem horse, in good condition. Phone 5a7-1813. 11-40x1 ONE way disc or sale Apply to - Vincent Murray. R.R. 5, Seaforth 345-2367. -1140x1 RADIAL saw (I)e Wilt) 110,115 or 220-230, like new. John Lan - sink, 527-0282 Seaforth. 11-40-1 SWEET corn for table or freez- er, bring your own containers Haugh larlos. 'Thane 527-0927. , 1140-1 NUMBER of) new and used bricks, different lots. John Lansink 527-0382 Seaforth- 1140.1 LARGE Safe suitable for farm or (business, William M. Hart, Seaforth. Phone daytime 527- 0870. • 11-40x1 Sixteen acres., of second cut standing clover hay, -Apply to William L. Boyd, 527-0626. • 41-4D-1 3 neW-tables for sale, see these at John Leash*, 527-0382 1140-1 I See Our Large Selection Of Pierced Earrings Now at 1/2 price Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11.4o4, CRYSTAL We have open stock of the following crystal patterns: Cross and Olive - $1.00 each Pinwheel $1.00 each Flair $1.50 • each Exquisite $2.25 each Cornflower at Regular Prices 10% -Discount on Complete Sets • Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-384f FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems an farm line needs. r• PHONE 482-9561 17 Rattenbury Street, CLINTON' "Proudly 'We Service Canadian" what we sell" RUSS ARCIHIR, Manager ' 11,384f COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron' Expositor 11-294f ENGLISH DINNERWARE 50 piece sets of 8 Only $29.95 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Over 40 patteraa to choose • from 11.284 • 11.4 Aiticks For Sale 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales washineiiaeh1ne ohs; coPPer boner; scatter mats; nags.,942 andt fix8; garden tools;, 1956 Plymouth Sedan car gOod tires, new bade*, TIMEX WATCHESjewellerY t73airs We do all types JeAllerY SOLD AND SERVICED , THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD, 114 PIANC)S and organs, new ewt and reconditioned, largest va- riety to choose from. We ser- vice what we sell NT, our cus- tomers tor -the highest degree of accuracy. See your Sher- Lock- Manning deqer. for this area and get •rr truly fine in- ateuenent. Many- anakea and model* at Garnet Farrier's ahoVvrooms at Whitechurch. Phone 357-2068. ,,11-344f STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE Sets of 6 from $19,95 up Sets of 8 from $13.95 up At Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-384f 12. Wanted To Buy MAHOGONY and glass sectional bookcases, Rev. J. Sharpies. Phone 5274472. . 12-38x3 14. Property For Sale • FRAME hii Henson, 3 bed- rooms upstairs, built in cup- boards, 3 piece bath, a modem oil furnace, new 100 Amp Ser- vice. Phone 236-4611. Zurich. 1440-2 NINETY eight-ilies-includirg 80 acres Workable, balance bush, on the property is a 5000 bushel grain bin Located in North Stanley Township. Phone -482- 9260. a 14-40-3 $7,500 Buys good home in Seaforth. New gas furnace, connected to sewer, modern bathroom. One Mock from main street. WILLIAM M. HART . Salesman - Seaforth GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker 15. Property For Rent FIVE room apartment on North Main, Carl Dalton 527-0702. 15-404 TRAVEL trailer, sleeps 6, com- plete kitchen, available by day week • or month. Gerald's Super - test, phone 527-1010, Seaforth. 15-384f 16.. For Sale or Rent THREE bedroom house in Seaforth, living room, dining room combination. Third bed- ' room being used'as dining room. Carport, recreation room, storage laundry and fruit cellar I and Shop, new broadloom past six months, large lot, excellent loc- ation, well landscaped. Existing mortgage at 63%. for appoint rant call George Macllawain 527- 08'772. 16-40x2 19. Notices MALONEY BROS. Concrete Work ATTENTION FARMERS Cement barn yards, plum your order now reasonable rates All types of foundation and •flooas. For free esctimate,s phone Dublin 345-2964. 19-37-4! SEPTIC TANKS. - CLEANED Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Brussels, phone 442-W-6 or HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. • 19-38-ff ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-384f SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- .1406. 19-38-4! -• WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guanknteed ANSTE'TT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth 19-384f CONCRETE WORK No job too big, no job too small, also post hole digging and fencing. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Phone LOUIS MALONEY 5274351. 19-38-4! DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Please Call PromPtly , MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - 13russels; Ont. 24 hour service -7 days a week LICENSE NO. 294065 19.38-tf repairs. • Ring Sizing J pChrrals Rebuild iks Bead Restringing Repale costume iew.011qy Anstett ,Iewellero - • a a 1(a284f (1.2;.; • ti INSURAN ''rinn package, fire, wind'lia- bility, machinery and livestock Composite dwelling all .peTil, special ram ferartew construe - tion, farm personnel', aeddent, also your Income Protected should you be injure cl( :bY Par accident. ; If your present Insurallee$13 not complete, or co'ntemplatIrig bulkihrg, or remodelling a bioraq, or require additional coverage, give ns a Fall, I will gladly discuss this with you. Representing Western Mutual Ins. Co, Woodsteek, MaKillop Mutual Fine Ins. Co., Seaforth. Our rates are attractive. V. J. LANE GENERAL INSURAN'OE RR5, Seaforth, phone 345-2716. 19-384f Nonct We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. • WILLIAM J. DALE Phone Seaforth 527-0635 or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin call colt - etc. BACK * business, locai truck- ing, Geotge Love, Walton, phone 5270637. 19404 IVAN RAPIEN BACKII0EING LOADING and LEVELLING Sand Gravel Topsoil Howling • Phone 345-2557. RR1 Boanholm,_Ontario Township of -Hibbert TERMS - CASH ProP• Estate of late Ruasel Sproat. HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer • MEL GRAHAM • Cleat 20-40-2 AUCTION SME • Of household .effects in the village of Egmondville on: WEDNESDAY AUGU. ST 22th . 4 1 pana. ' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS '- 2 pitam chesterfield pante; pierto and bench (good .eoudirior); 9 Pciene walentdinieg room eultea- occasional chair and ottoman; vealraut living room tables; book shelves; 4 mixwors; R, C. A. 21 inch television; pictures; number of water eolouts; coffee table; 3 'beds; springs; mattres- ses; maple chest of drawers 'with mcircor; Pine Antique Bureau; wash stand; dressing table; matter mats; rugs 9a12; fire senere,n andirons; books orna- meats; antique cherry counter top desk; pine glass cupboard; Victrola cabinet; violin; cherry drop leaf table; kitchen chairs; lilrrarjr -table; captain's chair; 2 antique chairs; day bed; poreh furnitume; 2 54-in'eh venetian blinds; china cups and saucers; ...crystal; brass; vases; antiqtre clock; electric clock; teilet set; wan plaques; silverware; glasses; MeClarys , Frigidaire; electric heaters; washing machine; elect- , vied appliaaades; Sunbeammix- master, and ' juicer; ironing board; wash tub and stand; sea- lers; crocks,: table linen; bed- ding. THIE‘ HURONNXPOSITORf 111414511114 21, Tenders Wanted' 02,41 noon 19 Auguat 1,90e; Lowest 0(r anY 'tender not neceesarily accepted. Buidnesis Athi*OfigtrOter • Clinton Distalet Collegiate. 10* itete Board Box 550 •Clintma °at- axia, 21-40-1 • 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE. : ORLAND FOR " TAXES TOWN 'or SEAPORTH COUNTY OF HURON TO Virfl'i BY 'Virtue of a warrant issued lay the May of the Town- of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said corporation bearing date the 2nal day Of Jan- uary, 1968, sale of land in ar• ream of taxes in the Town of Seaforth be held In the Council 'Chambers at the bour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday the 6th day of November, 1968, 'unless the tax- es and mat are sooner. pal& Not- ice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears ef taxes Was published in the Ont- ario Gazette crn the 6th day of July 1968 and that copies of the said listmay be at my offic' e. TERMS CASH • MRS. W. J. FINeZIGAN Properietness HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer . Notice of Meeting 20492 to Consider • • By -Law Take Notice that a By -Law for raising $150,900.00 larder the provision of the Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consider- ation by the Council of the Town. 21. Tenders Wanted FUEL OIL foTENDERS. Sealed Tencleas, so marked, aredirvited by the Clinton Dis- trict Collegiate Institute Boaad for the provision of fuel oil ship of Hibbert, ColuttY of Perth, -11:033: Central Huron Secondary at the Hibbert Township Hall, Staffa, on Monday the 16th day of September,'" 1968 -at the hour of 820 o'clock in the evening. • Anne 13urchill, 'Clerk. 1940-3 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE School, Clinton, for the periled 1 September 1968 to 30 June 1969. State if terms net or dis- count. ,E.Stimated consumption 100,000 gallons. Storage aapacity 10,000 gallons. All deliveries will be subject •to analysis. Minimum specifications - visc- osity 100°F ( 1500 :sec. sulphur eontent 2 and B.T.U.'s 181,000. Auction sale of household ef- 'Pendeas to be i the possess- gned not later feats 1 the town of Goderich, 89 Napier Street on: SATURDAY AUGUST 17th at 1 p.m. ROBERT H RUTLEDGE PeoPrietor HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer 20-404 AUCTION SALE Auction sale of two storey red brick dwelling, timber frame, Sills and joist in excellent condition], in the village of Bornholm, 5 miles north of Mitchell on highway 23, on: WEDIV'ESDAY, • AUGUST 21s4 at 7 p.m. • Building to' be removed and basement filed to level of sur- real/At/1g ground 'to satisfaction of owner not later than' Sept. 21st 1968. TERMS: $20G bond to accomp- any settlement to guarantee work is completed by said date in satisfactory manner. .lpE MORRISON Proprletor R.. G. • GETHICE Auctioneer 347-2465. 20-40-1 ESTATE AUCTION" SALE In the town of Seaforth. High Street on: SATURDAY AUGUST 24th at 1 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFOTS - Chesterfield and chair; 4 up- holstered occasional chairs; foot stools; coffee table; 21 inch Admiral television; Mirrone; electric lamps; twi-light lamp; dresser lamps; Duncan Phyfe table; 2 chairs; walnut buffet; studio couch (like new); Blonde Bedromn suite (new); dreSs'er chest of drawers; 54 inch. 'bed with book case head board; single bed; brown iron, bed; walnut bedroom sulet, 2 vanities; beech; man's wardrobe; bed springs; mattresses; bedside 'tables; end tables; corner cab- inet:. walnut chest of drawers; antique organ stool; hall rack; 2 cant tables; 2 hall trees; 3 hall tables; vaernirri dearer; 13issel carpet sweeper; knehen table and chairs; frigidaire; 4 burner electric-, stove; utility table; kitchen utensils; dishes; ornam- ents; bedding; table Mien; Easy Treasurer's offite, thie 20th day of June 1968. Ernest Williams, Clerk. • 22-38-13 9.A . Business Directory Auctioneer and • Appraiser Licensed' and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482-3384 Auctioneer FARM 'and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton A. M .HARPER. Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street Telephone Goderich • 524-7562 RONALD G. McMANN Public Accountant - CLINTON, ONTARIO (Mice; Rattenbury St., phone 482-9677. Res; Rattenbury St., phone 482-7313 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 23:Business Directco 26, 'Personals 0.4 WilITNEY FUNERAL !TOME: ocfroetiot st. w., s,egferfit'' Altcatmorcri smincK, Adjustable hospital beds far , - rept. , FLOWERS FOR RVIIRY 00CASI0N Phone 5274390 Seaforth „ W. J. CLEARY ' Seaforth, Ontario LICENSEDALItER and FUNERAL DIR.V.CTOR, Night or Day Calls - 527.0510 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.31., V.S. W. 214. Patterson, D.V.1111 VS. P. S. Dwyer, M.V.B., .2.1ACATS.' Phone 527-1700 - Seaforth • BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and Careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680- Night 527-0885 ,JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • • OPTOMETRIST Seaforth office: Tues., Thurs., Fri, 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 noon For Appointment Phone 52'7-1240 - or 482-7010 Mon., Wed a - Clinton Office 24. Cards of Thanks IlirrTEarl Deans and Mr. and Mrs. Adin Forbes' and family wish to express siname thanks and ap- preciation to relatives, friends and neighbors' for all the kind- ness shown them sluing the recent loss ote a de.ar wife.," daughter and sister. .Also for the beautiful Sone: tributes and memorial cards that were _re- ceived. Special thanks to Rev. Douglas Stevens, Pall Bearers, Flower Bearers, the tiCW .Egiriondville church, the OES, the LOBA and the Rebeka Lod, ge, the R. S. Box Amend Home. , 24-40-1 , -.0eneernee the TflXP„ .,Visetlatim,1:001)4Xpivoio to en t*irck, August 4,01)4 1968 at two Or, . iii1000.1496-4,dy 940;4**.o. *7-1;44 Mra. StOck R. 1; Va1714, OcalI*Jea --g0.000i004,0 ,theh Jane Anlene to 104. Mt. MaeLielio::q04041Afr, Mrs. A22$0acw0L040. %liar 'firn204Y- Sea**, Th wie11414k 1141,*6/4410 oTh SO*, (Igo Vbe-02.aq 4401100., olott414'g0f02411i, 26.40-1 26.. Personals 'Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beuerman, R. R: 4 Walton wish to announce the engagement of their daught- er, Sharon Dianne to Mn. Wil- liam C. IVICClure, sort of Mr. and .IVIrs. Harvey McClure R. R. 1 Walton,. Wedding will take place Saturday, September 7th, 1968 St. Peter's Luthern Church, Bro. dhagen at two o,clock, 26-40x1 Mr: and'Mrs. Don- 6,Brien Fenton Michigan, will hold open house for their parents on the occasion of their Golden %e - ding on Sunday August 25, 1968 from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9pan. in the Family Life Centre of Staffa United Church. 26-40-1 I OFTEN WONDERED WI -I0 WOULD PICK UP A HITCH , / I 41 -YOU'RE GOING 71-4E \NRON WAN"! 27, Births WHOM T.-7. tit' Godectich AlgC- .00001,144 Nerlue '5EC0010.1 03, Alfgdat '4th • to 2tr, andlere. Larivrenee R. 2, G00046 a son, -Lawrence Todd. • ._ Additional Classified • SEE PAGE 10 News of Winchelsea Dennis Hutton returned to -his home on Sunday after spen- ding two weeks at Listowel with, relatives • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i- Walters , and Randy Dayman visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman and family of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern, Jan- et, Kevin and Greg- and Mrs. John Coward attended a birth- day celebration on Tuesday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Parsons and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Dianne are spend- ing a few days in the north muntry. Mrs. Evelyn Horne, Mrs. Reta Campbell, Mrs. • Leona Hern, Mrs. Blanche Walters and Mrs. Mabel Gilfillan of Exeter, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. John Coward helping her celebrate her birthday. Mrs. Hiram Hannah of Kirkton visit- ed her in the evening. Mr. George Bailey returned to his home on Monday after spending three weeks in Eng- land. Mr. and Mts. George Frayne of Sunshine Line, visited on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. • Miss Pamela -Coward of Sun- shine Line 4s holidaying with Kevin and Greg Herm Miss Dianne Hutton is spend- ing a couple of weeks visiting her grandparents in Monkton and Listowel. - 1/1 CAN I 60 "To THE Vs,l(ENER ROAST TONI k11., CAN I? • -SeRE. alSD Go To C1-1A.Rai6 BlG CHINESE. i.., ,• ..leST DeeIDED To, CeAN'S Focz A DINNE.R. .a, , N1014 IF l &o To 'THe WIENER ROAST 11,1) MISS CHARLI5 aa---.,..._‘........C.L4P,NS , , iii . ....AND 4F 160 To C-4-1A2LIE CHAN'S Cat MISS 1146 WIENER.' RoasT! OH , e,1•61;a1 a, ,..... • , ',Pk' 01 • e • ( \ ii,611\ f• ..i e . a ,,, -411,"*".", '. 1 , ' ( .• 0.."..,': )7,1 410111...., \ \\ \ YOQ SVOQU) see 11-1E 11No 316, laR-11TE EL.1-:' IT 1.00KS Toe61-1! =APES BoSEY GRSY PAIN'Tala oaf CAal 1Do Sc To 1-11S MoTHER'S NEW CAle `1000.S, MOM 9. YOU C.UME NEM' MY CAR ina-L14 A PAINT 8C20Sk1 A4 VIA_ PJ STRaPSS aaN YOU .... 13(6, • SLACKit BLv5 onics/ • ,„„„...