HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-15, Page 3Headquqrfers for SCFMOIL SUPPLIES • Here at LAR()NE'S you will find a one-stop service to fill your complete needs for Tgh School and Public School suppli&rand grade XIII text books. AT LAR Seaforth's 5c to $1.00 Store Stationery - " Gifts RUBY'S Meaty Blade or Short RIB ROAST Lean Blade , STEAKS 14. Cottage Ron Ib. 59c Polish SAUSAGES Ib. HOME MADE HAM SALAD SANDWICH SPREAD ,59,c SLICED PEAMEAL BACK BACON lb. 79c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 lbs. 99c BEEF PATTIES 10 for 99e' EXTRA SPECIAL First Grade BUTTER lb- 59c With $5.00 MEAT ORDER LIMIT — 2 lbs. PER CUSTOMER Of. COlUltnban .;ft , • Mr. and 1111m, Zack Murray and anlibr, , Terontrig visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mich, ael Merray.„ Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy and Children, Stratford,- visited M. •and Mn. Auguste Ducharme. Sr.re Mr, a'aVITSittitigS'illTiramjallles an, Rev, Gordon Kennedy, C.S.13., Toronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy. Mr, and &s Roy McQuaid, Kitchener, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Melady and family, Belle River, atted- ded the Rfan-Melady wedding on Saturday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melody. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and family, St. Thomas, spent some time with Mr. and ,Mrs. Gilbert Murray. - Mr., and Mrs. Ben Flanagan and ' family, Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane on Sun- day: Miss Linda Staples, Stratford, visited at her home here. Lorraine, Charmaine and Janette Staples visited their cousinHeather anci,"Bri 'Warr' cy in Stratford last week.' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feddema, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caner Ays. Blanche Reynolds, Kit- chener spent, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack IVIelVe,r. r. and Mrs. Leo Smith and dren, Actqn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Rev. Sister Isadore, Yellow Knife, N.W.T., spent a few days with her brothers and sisters- in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Coyne and Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Coyne. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are aceomrplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. 50 YEAR'S EXPERIENCE JACK THOMPSON Family Shoes and Repairs ain St. LEA (-Nu SMOKE, 0 ODOUR -tigAriNG Walden & Broadfoot Phone.527-1224 Seaforth Recent visitors jt1t frs- achael Ahrens Were fr. and. s. Samuel Greer, Hare/1te/4 I)neFrelli1)441 of tWell9eTTPansYnd'; ship, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westerveld, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs., Jelin HeyinIC Toronto, Mr, .and ?Airs. Jerry Ileyink, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Guichelaar' lyn and Joanie, Seaforth, atten- ded a farewell party, Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brink and family for their aunt Grade Wassink, of Halton, H011and, Who has been visiting with relatives here for the past few week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Karl visited. her father, :Mr. Clifford -Marks at iBrussels, on„, Sunday. Rev. H. N. Lowing officiated at the- Stinday mareteg ,serVige;t, when SliaWn,"phpatepber 'Jar mu% inftlef son �f r. and: Mrs; Wayne; Sarni th,wits--batil-, Used: Mand . Robertlar-i'' muth are. the' %-ponaori.,,Mfssi MargaretElligsen was guest ' oist for,the 'servite.- • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe„, Steven and Jamie, Leeden, viait-e„ ed with his parents, Mr. mut.; Mrs, Lavern Wolfe, Saterday, Mr,,and NA's. Robert Osborn,$t. Themes visited •at the nine' hothe Sunday. Misses Debbie and Karen Wal- ker, Listowel, spent a week hol- idaying with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kist- ner. Mrs. Ron White and family, London, visited with her sis- ter, Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Mr. Pfeifer, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cummings, Sebringville, visited at the same hotne recent - Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kistner, Ste- ttler, Alberta, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe.. Guests of Mr. ,and Mks. George Jarmuth following the baptism of their grandson, Shawn • Christopher Jarmuth, along with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jarmuth, Stratford, were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Win- ter, Randy and Kathy, Apsley, DEAR. D advice from Doris Clark a EN' X* 'Shari:04 R;19tt? St. Fat*, Mr. and Mrs. 17`ran1 Maitre,: Mit, chell and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarmuth. - 1V1t. and Mrs. Henry Leon- hardt, Colleen and Leise, Mani- esforct spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Leonhardt. Mr. Henry Leonhardt, Sr,, who is a pat - 'lent at the Seaforth Committal- ty Hospital, was able to spend a couple hours at hiehome al- so. Trele RUIPERELD Brucefield United Minh wii1144 tb:eir vsoation Jfervice .4 11 n'elenk..int SintdaY, Aug .18t1i, Nvith Acv. Stewart -of Sea._ forth in tharge. Mrs. Sholdice of Exeter vent a few days with lier daughter, Mrs. A.Paterson, • Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay spent Sunday witb. Mr. and Mrs. Mae WilSon. Wit. Elsie Forrest, Miss • M. McQueen, Mrs. Ebner Webster, Mr. and Mrs. V. Hargreaves and family arecaping in Hayfield. Mr .and Mrs. George Render, son attended the fiddler's con- test at Sheddon last week. NEWS of ligN$ALL Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle have returned from a trip to Wasaga, Midland, Penetangei- shene and Barrie and while at Midland took the five hour boat crutie through tbe 30,000 Is- lands on Georgian Bay. Mrs, Ethel _Conway of West - mount, Qud„ is a guest with the Misses May and Greta Lamm Mr.* and Mra. Alfred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Richard TiPping and Paul, London, spent the weekend with. Mrs. Pearl Red- den and family, St. Catharines and also enjoyed a trip to Dal- housie and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm Misses Amy and GretaLamniie and Mrs. Ethel Conway enjoyed a day at Stratford. , Miss Catharine Christie re- turned from the United Church Camp, Goderich. She was the Junior Councillor for the 8-12 girls camp. - Mr. Kenneth Sauter, Mar- lette, Mich., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mr. Stewart Bell and grand- son Richard Bedard have re- turned from a week's fishing trip to Matchewan. Cindy Parker, Jane Williams and Patti Rowcliffe have return- ed from attending , United Church Camp at Goderich. Mrs. Kay Bedard and Karen have returned to London after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Misses Barbara and Marjorie Schwalm spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Philpott, Rochester, N.Y. Likes His Strippers - DEAR DORIS my hus- band's day off we went to the city ,and he wanted to go to a girlie show, where all the wont - en dace and gyrate and take their clothes of. I said no. He didn't say anything but stood in front of the show and sulk- ed and begged me with his eyes. Finally I told him- to go in and I just walked around. We had another row about 4 on the way home. Doris, please set me, straight if I'm all wet Dad never went to these places and never heard of any of this bie,, tor now. Married One Year Dear Married — It is a shock to you; but is it as bad as it sounds? lVfany older mar- riedcouples find they can ei- ther take this sort cvf thing or leave it alone. It doesn't rock their marriage. What does a man see in a girlie shim? • Physical exeltec mena and stimulation, nothing more. Does your too -controlled attitude toward sex leave him vaguely unsatisfied? Before passing judgement — any more — try to learn mere about physical expression and what it can mean to a mate rm sending you fly list of recom- mended hooka. DEAR DORIS — 1 am 24. I am the only son of a mother who still tries to dominate me. I *as always alone and, never did make close friends. I am a teacher; but, not a very good one. • A pliychietrist summed up my problem by saying that I need; first of all, to accept my- self and 'only then will I be able to change myself. My shoulders are stooped, my arms very skin- ny ,and I have become very fat around the 'abdomen. I never did learn to skate, dance, etc., so here I am in misery. - What Next? DEAR WHAT — An over- bearing mother, has left you little self-respect. I'm 'wagering those shoulders -will straighten when you get some Pride in yourself. The change and the self -a6, ceptance go hand in hand. If you could •begin a phrysteal im- provement regime — with the help of a Y membership or health centre — you would look better to yoamself. You would feel better. • The next thin' g is to shake off your mother's influence and give yourself to warmer frienclhips with both sexes. DEAR DORIS — My boy friend mit t have talked about getting engaged but I'm afraid that before I can even thrk abont marriage, rve a lot to learn. Would like information about sex and mantage. / was "SPECIALIZED TRAINING FOR BUSINESS CAREERS"- Goderich Business College 9 WATERLOO STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO (Corner West Street) Dial 524-8521 or 7284 Diplomas for Junior and Senior Courses issued by the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA New Typewriters — Business Machines — Monthly Tuition $38.00 BALL-MACAU LAY BUILDING SUPPLIES CLINTON 482-9514 SEAF'ORTH — 527-0910 ' HENSALL — 262-2713 The__,Strike, Is Over ! ! 12 x12"x24" STARLING -PROOF MAILBOX SAVE. 3.00 — REGULAR' 14.95 VALUE 195 0;.;. Good Aug. 15 to Aug. 28th unfortunate in -that I never did find out much for myself and was never told. LEATON SIEMEN • Le4on Siemen of Santa Clara, California, formerly of Hensall and a native of Zurich, passed away Monday, August 5, in Mountain Hospital. He was 46. Surviving are his wife, the former Frances Noakes of Hen- sel', one kin, Paul Michael and one daughter, Christine; ,two brothers, Dennis and Orland, of Kitchener. The late Mr. Siemen was a life member of Huron Lodge, A.F. & 224, Hensall. Fun- eral services were held Thurs., day, August 8th. The late Mr. Siemen' was the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes of Hensall. StaiTah For ZENITH COLOR End of John St. Clueless . . DEAR. CLUELESS — Par- ents who neglect to enlighten boys and_ girls are' saying, in effect, that they are not con- cerned with their ofEspringe Young people need to under- stand thb connection, between affection and love, and the re- lation of love 'and sex, as, well as the pitfalls tied up with infatuation and careless surreal - der, - • I'm.. sending you a it of recommended reading in Sex and dating. In some places there are helpful pre -marriage courses for engagd couples, so making enquiries where you are. To Seniors In Search of a Club — More than one club has fallen apart because there was no other objectve than selfish pleasure. Better identify a community need and begin something to help meet it. Seniors can raise money through a talent fund. Yea can make cakes and sell them; one of the Old Boys can do repairs to furniture on his - work bench. And so on. Pool your efforts and one day you'll have something real to throw a party about. • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • ACCESSORIES COME IN AND„ ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTSt, The Huron Expositor Seaforth Phone 527-0240 Seafoith Use Expositor Want -Ads Phone • 527-0240 , ...the energy food for todays boys & girls Order Today MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 527-0990 Free Delivery • Dairy Products are available at GERALD'S SUPERTEST STATION Sundays, Holidays, Everyday — Maple Leaf Phone 527-0810 • Seaforth SPEEDY BILL.44,BILL sAYs HERE " THE ONLY dUTFIT THAT MAKES MONEY WITHOUTAINERTISING 15 THE MINT', THERE'S PLENTY OF&IP OuTFITs WHO Dotal ANOTHEY MAKE MONEY -BY SOAKING THEIR cusTomERs-sur ONLY ONCE -7 THEY SELDOM COMEBACK. BUT -0' *it 0 GMAT. Me0lel4.101, CUST0MER6 tiLVJATS RETuRN To .C:ohdlitests lilECAUSETHEYttETTREBEST WORKMANSHIP IN TOWN AT IVASONA814 PRICES. rella $ale Present This Coupon With Your Car at C4th MOTORS and Receive • a ON CASH SALES ' on all Labour & GM Parts • All other parts 10% discount This is a genuine offer Parts and Labour Guaranteed GOOD DURING AUGUST ONLY . SPEEDY SAYS: COME OUT from UNDER the PRICE RAIN CHEVROLET SALES (241.44 SERVICE Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m. "Serving Seaforth and District for 28 Years" ‘,1