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rubliihed at SEAFORIII„ (MTARIO. even Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS., Publishers Ltd.
ANDREW Y. Maim, Editor
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Audit Bureau of Circulation and Class 'A' Community
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• A.uthorizeir as Second Class Mall, Post Office Deportment, Ottawa
Time for Natures - Chirpometers
When the chirp of the cricket is
heard fall is not too fat removed.
Of course there is a variety of opin-
ion Ss to what the presence of it friend-
ly cricket indicates. Most authorities —
Particularly the English — are agreed,
however, that the cricket in the house
is a sign of• good luck.
Our own authority is the Lapeer
County Press- who suggests that the
chirp the cricket niakes is especially
noticeable in..Attgust because it is then
that the fiddling begins in earnest as
males rub their wings together. A file
on one wing rubs against the scraper
on the other. Of the 2,000 ,known spe-
cies, the one. we commonly hear is the
black field cricket.
'gince ancient days the Chinese have
staged cricket fights, the records- of
celebrated cricket fighters have been
kept as meticulously as the records of
famous horses. Men have made reputa-
tions as breeders and trainers. In both
Japan and China, .crickets. are kept in
cages as household pets.
If you are so inclined, you can use
the chirpers as thermometers. Count
the number of chirps in 14 seconds,. add
40, and you will have the correct tem-
perature. This is what some authorities
say, at least. And we can agree with
the County Press when it concludes,
that all we know, for certain is that on
August evenings, when the cricket fid-
dles from behind the sofa or beneath
the bookcase, year is nearing autumn.
School Administrative Costs on Way Up
As the deadline for the introduction
of the new county -wide education sys-
tem draws near there are increasing
evidences that regardless of the im-
provements claimed for the changes,
the cost to the taxpayer is ' not going
1 to be any less.
The new system which the Robarts
government -is bringing into effect on
the first of January provides for the
creation of one board of education hav-
ing county -wide responsibility. At the
same _time all existing boards will
cease to exist.
Most recent barometer of what new
costs may be anticipated is the an-
nouncement by the Minister of educa-
tion that the salaries of school trustees
serving under the new county system
will be limited to $3,000 per year.
Not for a moment are we critical of
the practice of remunerating members
of public. boards. Too frequently, per-
haps, in the past, there has been a ten-
dancy towtprds holding down the amount
of salary to s point where it has ,not
been possible for many qualified peo-
ple to accept office.
On the other hand many of our com-
munities are whatthey are today be-
cause public spirited citizens assumed
responsibilities on council, on commis-
. slots, on school and- hospital boards
and played an active role dozens of
other ways through a desire to contri-
bute to a better life for themselves and
their fellow citizens. Thoughts of rec-
ompense were far from their minds.
While it is true Mr. Davis points out
the $3,000 payment will be maximum,
the fact it is set at this level suggests
that many boards will regard the fig-
ure as something to aim at.
This expense coupled with the added
administrative staff that such an en-
larged" operating area will demand, in-
evitably will result in. a hefty increase
in supervisory costs. No matter to what
extent the province may decide to re-
turn tax dollars in an effortto , ease,
the load of the county boards, the cost,
in terms. of local taxes, will continue to
• climb.
Monthly Quote ,
"At the bottom of all the tributes
paid to democracy is the little man,
walking into the little booth, with a
little pencil, making a little cross on a
little bit of paper — no amount of rhet-
oric or voluminous discussion can possi-
bly dimish the ,overwhelming import-
ance of that point." Sir Win-
ston Churchill.
Sugar and Spice
— By Bill .Smiley
Teachers get some pretty fun-
ny notes from parents, explain-
ing the absence of a pupil. Us-
ually it's because the harrassed
mother or father stabs down
anythhig at the last minute, as
the kid, heading for the door,
and already late, screams in
dismay: "Oh I gotta have a
note." „ •
Thus you get auch things as, .
'Please excuse Jane's grand-
mother for tieing absent due to
her Mness." The baffled teach-
er finally figures out that gran-
ny had the 'flu and Jane had to
stay home and look after her
because Mom can't miss a day
at the shoe factory, because
that's the only way she can
muster enough money to buuy
Jane sonie decent clothes so
she ean -go to school, so she'
can be a real whiz and help out
cranny and Mom.-
Snmetimes the notes are not
so ftitniy., "Please excuse Jim
for being late tei he had to ap-
pear in dourt this morning, for
drunk and disorderly, but it
,waS the other guys tault."
Well, teachers aren't the °nix,
ones who receive sad and fun.
• ny letters. The rest of the col,
titan will be Made up of gen-
• f,enteS tOert from actual let-
ters receittol by- the Toronto
Welfare' Department front ap.,
Oat* tor aid and assistance.
They'nUty explain why Eng.
lish teachers look so stunned
so much of the time. The sen-
tences will be in quotation
marks. The comments Will be "
whatever comes to mind.
"I am very annoyed that you
have branded my so lf illiterate
as this is a lie. I was married
to his father ariVeek beferd he
was born." She didn't mean il-
literate. She meant illegible.
"In answer to your letter,
have given birth to a boy
weighing ten pounds. I hope,
this is satisfactory." Really,
what could be more satisfact-
ory? •
"Unless I get my husband's
money pretty soon, I will be
forced to lead an immortal
life.." And good luck to you,
Missus. There should be a lot
more of that type of positive
thinking in the world.'
"Mrs. Jones has not had.any
clothes for a year and has been
visited regularly by the Cler-
gy." No comment.
"This is my eighth child,
what are you going to do about
it?" What, indeed? It's certain-
ly time somebody did some-
thing. Or° stopped doing some -
"1 am glad to report that my
husband who was reported mis-
sing is dead." Now there is
sentence of which Hemingway
would be proud. Not a syllable
too much or to little, The em-
otion is retrained. Note that she
said "geld", not "delighted".
And here's one with the same,
theme„ but a different twist.
"Please find for certain if my
husband is dead, the man I am
living with can't eat or do any-
thing until he finds out."
There's drama- for you. There's
tragedy. Think 'cif the poor dev-
nil, starving to death,' unable to
smoke or drink or pick his
teeth or pull the fluff out of
hi's belly -button.
Here's, another that shows a
nice respect for bureaucracy.
"In accordance with yotir in-
structions, I have given birth
to twins in the enclosed envel-
ope." And they thought The
Pill was a big deal!
Another mom writes, "I can-
not get sick pay. I have six
children. Can you tell me why*
There's a beautiful logic there
somewhere, if you could just
put your finger on it. •
"I haven't any, children 'us
yet. as my husband is a bus
driver and works day and
night." But think Of all that
And finally.. It sounds like
an old, chestnut, but teachers
actually get notes like this. 9
want money as quick as I can
get it. I have been in bed with
the doctor for two weeks and
he doesn't do me any good. If
things. don't improve, /I will
have to I;end for another doe -
This is IVIedicare?
Well, we could always try the Arctic Circle!
In the
From The Huron Expositor
August 20,1943
While working at the Bell
Engine and Thresher Company
plant this week, Jack Wright
suffered a painful accident
when a sledge unexpectedly
descended upon his left hand.
The hand was badly bruised and
cut. ,
Work of remodelling the
brick block on the corner of
Main and John)Streets, recent-
ly purchased R. Spence
and Son from E. L. Box, has
commenced. The back part will
be entirely rebuilt and the.,
whole interior altered to ac-
commodate the new refrigera-
tion plants.
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Fortune
were host and hostess to the
girls of the, Sodality of St.
James' Church, Seaforth,' When
they honored Miss Doreen Reg-
ier, bride -elect of this week.
Miss Joan Devereaux read an
address and Miss Madeline For-
tune presented Miss Regier
with a silver cake platter.
John' Boshart; local manufac-
turer, died in Niagara Falls,
following a heart attack.
The Hydro Power Commis-
sion wit)]. the Council of Tuck-
ersmith, are preparing to take
steps in regard to the i•ecAit
wilfuul damage to electric, light"
bulbs and brackets in Egmond-
Mrs. T. G. Scott, John St.,
picked a tomato in her, garden
that weighed one and a half
poundS and was perfect in form
and quality.
Mrs., Louise Murray had her
leg broken when a car passed
over it as she was getting outof
a car at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Downey in McKil-
lop Township.
Mrs. Mary McKaig of Hensall
received Word frm Ottawa that
her only sen, L. Cpl. Donald G.
McKaig of the Royal Regiment
. of Canada, had been wounded
in action in Sicily.
The beautiful cacttis plant
owned by Mrs. Alice Cudmore
on John St., bloomed over -the
weekend. and this year had
eight blooms. The flowers were
a delicate mauve with a single
star in the centre.
Sunday night last was a most
perfect night for the open air
sacred concert on Dr. L. A.
Moffatt's lawn at Varna, when
uupwards of $100.00 was raised
for war purposes. Twentylcour
hours later it was hard to be-
ileve that we were living in the
same country,. when we were
surprised to find we had a snow
storm. Only those wile were
out in it could believe the
grotind was covered with snow,
which was of short duration. ,
Miss Winnifred Russell top-
ped the list in the upper school
resaults of Seaforth Collegiate
Institute. She obtained nine
class honors and two thirds in
eleven subjects. The results are.
quite satisfactory, 83 percent of
all papers attempted being suc-
cessful. .
At the local blacksmith and
repair shop, James Erauskopf
and son have completed their
second venture on a labor -sav-
er, known as a buckrake.
* • *
From The Huron Expositer
• August 16, 1918
The entrance class of SS No.
4, Tuckersmith, assembled to-
gether to express their sincere"
thanks and to show their ap-
preciation to the faithful ser-
vices of their very efficient
teacher, Robert J. Beatty. He
was made the recipient of an
address and a signet 'ring. The
address was signed by Jeae
Wallace, Claire Sproat and John
A feW eart1 of coal were wel•
Years Agone
come receipts at the CPR yards
at Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCuaig
of Walton intends moving to
Fred G, Mann of Hensall, had
the misfortune when, he was
alighting from a car to fall on
his knee, bruising it quite bad-
A serious automobile acci-
dent occurred when a car driv-
en by the young son of William
James was coming up the Main
St, and encountered two other
vehicles. In trying to avoid a
collision with a hay rack he
lost control of the car and took
-a quick turn and bounded over
the curb striking Mrs. Marvin
of Goderich St, who was pas-
• sing and forced her through the
plate glass window of Thomp-
son's Book Store. The muscles
of her left arm were cut and
her wrist broken.
The barn on William Balfour's
farm in Hibbert near Cromar-
ty had most of the shingles and
part of the sheeting on one side
blown off in g storm.
The Grand Trunk station at
Mitchell was burned to the
ground. The agent, W. A. Abray
was awakened by smoke and
barely escaPed being suffocated.
• The storm did considerable
damage to the grain crops, beat-
ing it down to the grounil.
* * *
From The Huron Expositor
August 18, 1893
It is reported that several
Detroit people have purchased
lots in Bayfield and intend next
spring to erect sunamer cot-
tages on them.
Those who were abroad at
11 p.m. were started by the
brilliant manner in which the
western sky was i1luminate4."
The Clinton organ foundry was
the scene of a fire. This fac-
tory was owned by Messrs. Gra-
ham, and Blatchford. It was a
large three-storey frame and
burned very rapidly.
James Longworth of McKil-
lop sold a fine Percheron mare
to. Taylor of Tuckersmith, for
$95.00. About three years ago
he was offered $160.00 for the
same animal.
Nearly every wheelman of
Seaforth was in Goderich. Sea -
forth sent up nearly 50 wheels ,
with a view to capturing the
prize for the largest number of
riders from any one club.
There are great fireshraging
on the borders of the big pine
swamp near Lea dbury; the
dense clouds of smoke by day
and the reflection of the ,fire
at night can be seenrfrom every
quarter of McKillop
In passing 41ong the line
south. Leadbury we noticed
two -i e new hornes. James
Smith and James- Simpson have
erected them':
Samuel Badour of the Sauble
Line, Hay, near Blake, has
threshed his fall wheat and it
holds up the record of the lake
shores for being one of the
best wheat producing districts
in Canada. He had seven acres
and it averages 45 bushels to
the acre and it will go 62
pounds to the bushel.
During the thunder storm,
Tobias Ryclanan of Chiselhurst
had five head of cattle killed by
lightning. Some of the cattle
were said to have been 150
feet apart.
While.corning to church, Miss
'Bessie Aoss of Brucefield had
the misfortune to be thrown
out of the buggy, but escaped
with a few ;bruises.
From My Window
By Shirley
Isn't it strange? We wait all
winter for. spring and summer
to arrive and when the warm
weather finally does come we
are disappointed by those na-
tural uflpleasants we had for-
gotten — like mosquitoes.
Miserable and persistent, mos-
quitoes are one of the sorrows
in life to which God must have
been referring - when He lost
His temper with Adam and Eve.
On a cold day they lurk in the
'sunny spots to attack bared
arms and legs. On a hot day,
mosquitoes hover in the shady
nooks awaiting some juicy tar-
get. •
While I'm not particularly ap-
pealing to men, other women -
or babies, mosquitoes. find me
iekesistable. When I step out-
side on a summer evening, the
word goes out to mosquito mi-
litia for blocks .around that
sweet, sweet Shirley has emu'
Tactics used by mosquitoes
on their quarry are unbelievably
crafty. They seem tii work in
teanie. The scouter in the group
is the nee who flies the fastest,
performs the best aerobaties;
and buzzes the loudest. He does
not bite—he detracts.
First you hear him buzzing at
your ,left ear. Then you gee
him ,swooping in narrower and
narrower rings around your an-
kles — first• one, then the oth-
er. You bend to swat him and
one of the flanker mosquitoes
nip you at back waist between
your shorts and pop top.
Now the scouter is sidelining
the baek of your neck, making
his presence felt but not light -
Ing for an instant. He darts un-
der your nose a emiple of
times to keep you alert Now
before your eyes. Frantically you
dodge and dip, flicking your
J. ...Kellar
hands in front of your face and
waving your arms. YOU are a
, complete nervouS wreck.
The scouter has done his job
well. You are out -manoeuvred
and out -witted by a pint-sized
patrol of hungry hunters. They
move id with baynets flashing.
You swat furiously and some
over -eager pests fall. But a con-
stant stream of new recruits
dive in to replace those lost.
In desperation you are driven
indoors — to .your screened -in
heat and humidity.
But mosquitoes always have
the last laugh as you begin to
swell and itch. If you are lIke
me, you have the scars and the
discomfort for days and days.
Of all the plagues known.-te-
holidaying humans, mosquitoes
are likely the most annoying of
the lot. Illgern inesiniitoes are
so sneaky -smart they are not
fooled by man's insect repel-
lents.-- -
You've seen the commercial
about the research worker who
puts an' arm into a nest of rav-
ing mosquitoes and not one so
much as sits down on the warm
flesh for a° tiny nibble. Well,
rm skeptical. -
Any repellents I've tried —
whether you spray them on,.
brush them on or rub them on
—all are useless' unless you
take a bath in the stuff. At a
buck for a few ounces it would
' be mighty expensive preteetion.
Just leave one square' inch of
the body untreated, though, and
that small patch becomes the
main course on the menu for
the nearest band of blood-
thirsty mosquitoes,
I've Riven up. I've resigned
myself to a sutamer of scratch-
ing and 'squirming. Life is just
too short to spends -all of it in
-:-ThiK-Week and Next.
— by R4y
The practical consequences
of Pope Paul's encyclical disal-
lowing the pill and other birth
control devices, are already be-
ing felt.
Within the Roman Catholic
church,' it appears a majority
of families, even in North Am-
erica, are abiding by the Pope's
decision,. Surveys taken in the
past have shown that slightly
more than one-half of Catholic
cd,uples in North America have
practised birth control of one
form or another.
Some of these families, it is
obvious, are now. atnindoning
these practises. The result will
be that probably leas than one-
half of Catholics in Canada will
defy the Pope's judgement on
this subject.
Such couples will regard the
Matter of how many babies
they are going to have as one
of personal conscience, as in-
deed they have been urged to
do so by many prominent Cath-
olic theologians since the Pon-
tiff delivered his encyclical, Of
Human Life. •
It is the reaction of nearly
one-half of the Roman Catholic
family that poses such serious
consequences for the future of
the Church of Rome.
There is no doubt that the
Pope's ruling has created a cri-
sis of the first order in the
Church. It .is being freely pre-
dicted by knowledgeable Cath-
olic scholars that many will
leave the Church rather than
submit to what a substantial
bloc regards as an unfair, out-
dated and impractical edict.
It is this threat, apparently,
which accounts for the seem-
ingly mild approach taken by
the Church in backing up the
Pope's ruling. The Pope him-
self has explained the anguish
which the decision caused him,
and that ,he understands even
if he cannot accept the opposi-
tion to it. •
• Had the Pope called on the
Church to enforce the encycli-
cal as firmly as it enforces
dogma, the results would of
course have been much differ-
ent. But as the'encyclical does.
not come "ex -cathedra" (from
the throne" as an infallible
Argyle —
theological edict, the way is
left open for Catholics to disre-
gard it and yet remain within
the Church.
If they are assisted' in this
course, by sufficient biskops
and priests, as seems 'likely,
then the Church will be spared
• the kind of upheaval which
otherwise might have produced
a schism without parallel since
the P;otestant reformation.
For while the ban on birth
control is now a law of the
Church, it is not one for which
Catholics will be, excommuni-
cated for breaking.
It can be assumed that the
anguish felt by many Catholic
couples over this matter is no
less than the anguish of which
the Pope spoke in. respect to
reaching his deciSion.
There is not "space here to
discuss the theological and eth-
ical aspects of the, birth con-
trol decision.
The first practical conse-
quence, and much more far
reaching, is the influence the
Church will have on slowing
the development of birth con-
• trol programs in the over -popu-
lated and under -developed na-
tions 9f the world.
By issuing the call to secular
governments to refrain from
birth control programs, Pope
Paul took the issue out of the
fabric of Church policy and
thrust it into the arena of
world political issues. .
• By one of these curious
nies of history, Pope Paul th4
month is visiting Latin Anaeri
ca, a continent almost 100 per-
cent Catholic. It is also a .con-
tinent of grinding poverty, with
the world's highest birth rate,
where most countries are grip-
ped in social structures which
are open invitations to Com-
munist revolution. In seven
years,' the population there has
grown ,from 210 to 260 million
and, by the end of the century,'
will pais 600 million at the
present rate.
If the Church is able to swaY
governments into delaying
birth control 'education, it runs
the risk of being held account-
able at some feture date for
the effects of over -population
on all of humanity.
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