The Huron Expositor, 1968-08-01, Page 13Nationwide Network isSource For Swift Dispatch of Needed • Parts from Millions in Stock 6 In 1967 over nine hund- red thousand motor vehicles were produced in Canada. The parts going into their manufacture numbered in the millions. The number of individual makes and mod- els and the staggering num- ber of options available adds up to a crazy -quilt of combinations with which the nation's service outlet must contend. To add to the compexity of parts supply many Isf the components change year by year. For the automotive parts companies and their chan- nels of distribution, the problem becomes moment- ous. When a car owner needs service, no matter Where he may be or what make and model he is driv- ing, parts must be readily available. A good example of the complexity of this parts distribution problem can be seen in the exhaust system. One Canadian manufactur- er's catalogue lists some 3,500 different exhaust sys- tem items. Virtually every make and model car requir- ed different sizes and shapes of components. Most jobbers steck an average selection of 300 mufflers, exhaust pipes and tail pipes. , For a service station to carry every type would cre- ate an insurmountable in- ventory and storage prob- lem. Nevertheless, nearly any mechanic in Canada in a matter of an hour or two, install a muffler and tail pipe on virtuallY any make and model car likely to come into his shop. The motorist may assume that, when he drives into a garage or service 'station, the parts his car needs will be readili available. Thanks to a sophisticated parts dis- tribution network they pro- bably will be. TIME FOR NEW TIRES FOlt-TRUCK, TRACTOR AND CAR • WHOLESALE and RETAIL Representing 10 ,Major Tire Companies with a stock of more than 400 tires on hand ,. F70 — List 56.00 . WIDE OVALS white or redwall --- 4 -ply Nylon SELL 29.30 G70 — List 63.00- SELL 32.30 ALL 'SIZES — ALL TYPES — ALL STYLES Look at These Price Examples PREMIUM 500 FIRESTONE while stock remains 50% OFF FINA FLYERS 775 'x 14 L. 4 -ply Nylon whitewall tubeless List 43.95 SELL 23.00 U.T.S. . 855 x 144 -Ply Nylon List52.9052.90 SELL 21.95 Some Goodyear Power Cushions knoL in stock. While they last. LESS *drAir iu FREE INSTALLATION Retail—Wholesale Dealer—Inquiries invited We represent 10 Major Tire Companies Phone Neil 527-0927 HAUGH BROS. 1 Mile East of Brucefield The chain of events is capsuled by Mr. W. A. Raf- tery, Executive Vice-presi- dent of the Motor and Equipment Manufacturer's Association; whose organiz- ation is made up of leading maken of automotive parts chemicals and service equipment.. "To begin with," he ex- plains, the life blood of the manufacturer is _efficient distribution of his products. A company wouldn't stay in buSiness long if there were not a well organized system of getting the pro- duct to the consumer. "At the other end of the chain, the service station, specialty shop, gtqage and other outlets depend upon manufacturer and ware- house to have parts when needed. "The whole process be- gins with the parts maker, who sends his products to the distributor and jobbers who in turn supply the gar- ages, service stations, car dealers and other retail ser- vice outlets. • "When a service station or garage doesn't have a particular part on hand, or doesn't have necessary in- formation about the part, he can get the information, the part and even special ' tools necessary to install the part from his jobber or warehouse, "Often, this service is provided in a matter of minutes. "This constant flow of parts, equipment and infor- mation makes it possible for today's motorist to loSe little time getting his car repaired," Mr. Raftery con- cluded. Despite this complicated business of partsdistribu- tion, the industry manages to keep pace with the ever increasing demand and changes. Throughout the country thousands upon thousands of trained per- sonnel are dedicated to the job of knowing what is needed for every car pro- duced. • Care, Common Sense the Way to SAFETY Check Your Car Now Cover frerytifiast WITH SIMPLE, LOW COST INSURANCE FROM DON EATON Accidents Ccm Happen To Safe Drivers Too! Play it SAFE behind the wheel of your car. De- pend on AUTO INSURANCE to meet the cost of repairs, injuries and liability claims. • GET THE FACTS from DONALD G. EATON nioilE 5274616 Office 4,1•1 the Ilidsettic Bleck •••• SHAFORIt A nunilier of ainerKlane,itta the Highway 'traffic Act are now ist wool or wiu be effective in the near foture. CERTIFICATES OF • MECHANICAL FITNESS Effective' N*vemIbe 1, 1968 An amendment • to thre Highway Traffic Act . Provides that in the case of private sale of used . cam, a certificate of mechanical fitness shall: be produced when registering the vehicle at the tinie of transfer of ownership. The alternative is to surrender the licence plates, vgitk the purchaser required to obtain and submit such a certifieate before the. department 'Wit HOOK* the vehicle again. Those Mrs sold through dealers were brought under a similar riling last year. The amendtnent also provides Lor more specific and uniform standards for the certificate of mechanical fitness. The stand- ards will be prescribedj by regulations. This amenthrunt will com- plete the two.step program that was begun a year age in regard to the sale a used cars. it is a major advance in the interest a greater safety on the highway. It will nequire inspeos tian of more than 600,000 used vehicles each year; About two- thirds of this number are sold by dealers and were coveredby the amendahent last year; the remaining one-third are sold ,priyabely and Willi:come „under the new amendment. These in- spections are required at a mit." ical and timely point, the point wheru owners are disposingof their vehicles, and when an in- spection may be opportune. - SCHOOL BUSES Now in &feet - Certain municipalities in Ont- ario. may be 'exempt rrom the school bus stopping law accord- ing to an amendment to Section 94 of the Highway Traffic Act. Municipalities have a large part of the responsibility for the safety of children and they have many types of protective traffiC control devices. The amendment empowers municip- alities to assess the provision, far flashing red lights on schohl buses, and the requirement of motorists to shop in relation to other safety measures and local conditions. Several municipalit- c Act ies° have ashed for 00"; Power, The school bus stOPPiire latw applies only where the weed liuiJb is greater than, 35 miles per hour, but more and more Mane icipal highways' ana being des- igned for those speeds The qhool bus stopping law itsei lf s not changed, and the amenchnent does not change the responsibility a motorists from, one community to another. When he sees a sehaol bits flash- ing its ned' light in a zone aver 35 in. p. h., he is required to stop in a munieipalfty fhat is exempt from this law, the red light will not be flashing. MOTORCYCLISTS Effective September 1, 1068 A new section of the 'Act requines the operators and passengers of motorcycles to wear helmets— The Department a Transp- ort has encouraged the wear- ing of helmets in the past, but had not made them mandatory for one excellent reason, there was no set of standards that could realistioallyibe specified! for • the kind of helmet to be worm, and without stsph stand- ards a •law to prescribe helmets would be in - Recently the Canadian Stand- ards Association published spec- ifications and performance Stan- dards for motorcycle helmets. These standards and specificat- ions provide an authoritative •- basis to which flits, Department may refer, and therefore make it practical to make helmets m andatory. Helmets will be requiredj for passen.gers as well as operators. Standards for these helmets will be announced soon. SLOW-MOVING VEHICLES .. . _ 'An amendment requires that the red -and -orange sign for slow moving vehicles be used on farm implements Wien operated on the highway, as a pilot Project that Marks a further step far - ward in this Smportant matter. (Effective Sept. 1 1968.) PEDES'I'RlANS An amendment Will give mun- icipalities the authority to pro- hibit pssiestrians on any high- way or portionof highway under its jurisdiction on which the maximum speed is 50 miles per hour or mare. Such authority is • exoercised already for high - Suspended Sentence In Brucefield Case Wililam James YttilL 23, a Kitchener, pleaded! guilty in•God- erich Friday to a charge a pub- lic mischief in connection with the robbery a a Brumfield bank Jan. -3rd and was placed on two years, suspended seidenoe. A garage attendant, Yuill had been charged Feb. 9 with Pos- session/of money stolen from the Bank of Montreal branch 'at Brucefield Robert Stewart Sialtb., 20, ot RR 4, Brussels., who was sen- tenced April. 1 to a five year penitentiarY• term OIL a charge of aimed robbery, of the Bruce - field bank, testified at a hear- ing April 30. He said he drove to Yuill's homw. after the holdup and bought a car from Puill for .$2,600 cash. He testified he Sold 'Yuill he. had withdrawn the money from a bark that morning and helped Yuill count out the cash on a bed in the house. A charge of possession of stolen money, to which Yuill had pleaded not guilts,was with: dratuvn Friday and the new oha. rge of public mischief read. ZION . Mir. Jack Durst and sister Marlyn, Egmondville, and Ber, and Mrs. R. S. 'Ailcens visited Mrs. Neil Nairn, and boys on on Sunday in Kitclmer. Mr. and Mrs. 13. !Slathers, Lucknow, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen- n pepper on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eisler and Paul visited withher brath- er, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill and Mr. Bob Burchill, Stratford and friend..Mr. John Gregeroff, ,Toronto, visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill. Mrs. Ross Gordon, Seafarth, called on her mother, Ms's. Mary 1VIalcalm'on Wedrieday: • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper, Mr. and lVfes. Lorne Aikens and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Barker and Rus- sell! and Mr. and 1VIrs. Russell Roney and Mr. arid Mrs. Law- rence Barker and Wendy and Mr. and IVIIrs, Dalton Malcolm and Wendy Sheldon attended the Holstein Breeders Twilight meeting and babbecue at Stew- art Andersans farm Tuesday night. Mr. and Ittfrs. Robert E. Bur. chill, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs Malcolm. 111r, and Mrs Charles Roney and family •atbended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Geo. Baker at the Heath and Leslie Funeral Horne on Stmday., a*. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper attended the funeral of their main, IMt Thomas Qablete in Carboni. Nit, end Mitt- Geo, Pepper with! ekter 1STI% Mary' Mat. Stidge Harold Lang a Strat- ford ordered WO to keep the peace and maintain good be- havioun He was also ordered to post a $200 bond Crown Attorney W.G. •Cocis bane said the possession charge was withdrawn because the. public mischief charge was' "mus re appropriate." . •He said Yuill was charged with publie. mischief because of his conduct toward police in diverting . suspiciop of involve. trent with Smith and the rob- bery away from himself. Yol moos- !go ways under provincial uri:let.- ion (EffectiSe now.) The new 1'0451019n also will make it illegal for Pg'S.Strianal to areas on a flaswak gren light unless the intersection equipped with a pedestrian ems tool signal, in which, case, the pedestrian must obey the sig- nal. (Effective September 1, 1968.) TRAILERS The amendment prohibits anyone tram travelling in a. house or boat trailer when it is being operated on a highway. Effective Sept. 1 1960 USE OF TURN SIGNALS Under the new legislation, it will be illegal to 'use turn signa- ls for any other purpose than indicating turns, lane changes or a movement from a parked position. Some motorists have been in habit of using turn sig, nals to indicate an emergency situation.,Tiorwiev06:-.11)OtOr, 10.40 ide Manufacturers it*kist tow *Aro bafve, .b.ggro. provkitig all new cars • with four-way. eaeh.er lights for .einetrOnol aitaatloas..m.tecti,vosep. 1 1968.)... SAFETY FEATURES .. To - aid the government to move quickly and avoid "4.11n1P- irtg" of sub -standard gars for se1.0 in the Ontario market, the new legislation will gise the govern'. nanent authority to -enact regult atomsby adoption of sPecifleat- .ions and standards .ef safety fea- tures. (=festive um) WIDTH' OF VEHICLES Under the PPPAOISs legislnt- ion, a special permit was re, quired to move a vehicle wider tho 96 inclies...-An additional six inches will; be allowed under the changes. (Effective naw.) ODOMETER Every motor vehicle, other than a moboreyele, mud be eq- uipped with an odometer in good • iV0,4hig: SPEEDERS: • .PTOW 45'It 404ePt Makistrates in cont*.io• have en.givezs 99014 !in. *St • kandflng 01 PgieS, gloccting r(Ittvere. -44corchug to mnendnienti of Ogi Highway Traffic 49t the 034.0414004170 •;. the 4fSgrgtiotaW ,ROM to sus- pend the ligogs oL OS whe is0206404 of speeding Se miles per boar or more above the legal Unlit Speeding ontintle0- te- prohlem, Hon, 1..rwink Ha** 'Ontario Vliri5tft- "Of; said that be felt the to eansider•A Magistrate who has not heard the ervoeucuhut:hiso ok; served the aeet*ect This amendment wili give the Magistrate the power tuimpooer. a suspension of up to 00 days at the time a conviction if he deems such action .advisible. mifo, Proper Car Care Begins with using the best available gasoline -and motor oil I Sunoco provides a chbice of six blen- ded fuels and thus ensures that one of these blends is just right for your car. This means long carefree motor- ing pleasure. 0 <SUNOCO> • distributed by ROSS SCOTT LIMITED 482-3257 BRUCEFIELD - ONTARIO 482-7100 1 WIT TAKE CHANCES Get Ready For Holiday Driving! CKRECRIE HAVE YOUR CAR SAFETY -CHECKED NOW ROWCLIFFE MOTORS • SEAFORTH AND AREA DODGE AND CHRYSLER SERVICE CENTRE • PRODUCING COMPLETE SERVICE TO CARS AND TRUCKS INCLUDING COLLISION REPAIRS • ALL WORK PERFORMED BY TRAINED TECHNICIANS USING LATEST UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT ENSURING HIGH GRADE SERVICE AT ALL TIMES • NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY—DROP IN ANY TIME ROWCLIFFE MOTO GODEliICIT sinttgr, spa9RTri 11*.OXE4527,1670 1,4