HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-08-01, Page 11Vaottiontag Here Are 10 rip ! 'rowing a trailer may be second nature tO the pre- fessional driver but to the motorist who uses one oc- casionally, the job can be triekey. ' The average car owner who may be moving, carry- ing gear to a vacation spot or hauling a camping trail- er for the first time should practise before venturing in highway traffic. He can practice on a shopping cen- ter parking lot on an, off day or on a seldom used side road. Here are 10 tips and pro- cedures for hauling a light side load. 1. PULLINNG OUT. Be- fore leaving the curb dou- ble check thatyou have am- ple clearance. Use side mir- rors and apply power slow- ly and evenly. Avoid over - acceleration. 4 2. CORNERING. Take corners at a greater width than usual. Avoid driving too close to parked cam or other roadside obstacles. 3. SHIFTING. When • pulling a loaded trailer, manually shifting your au- , tornatic transmission can ease the load on the engine • and prevent overheating. • Alternating between the 1, 2 and D positions may prove useful on slippery roads, or hills. (Avoid ex• - ceeding 30 m.p.h.- with the transmission in low gear.) • 4. STOPPING. Stop gra- dually and smoothly to maintain constant control. , • Keep one car and trailer , r 4 4 Unless you are a veteran trpiler hauler it's good, to practice first at a traffic -free spot. Then proceed with due caution. length behind the car in front of you for every 10. m.p.h. traveled. 5. TURNING. Allow for greater clearance by driv- ing slightly beyond the tur- ning point before turning the wheel. Also, slow down well before you reach the turn. This procedure helps save gas, reduce brake lin- ing wear and helps car and trailer stay on course with minimum steering adjust- ment. Always signal your intention to turn. 6, BACKING UP. Back slowly and remember one important point. The back of the trailer will move to the opposite side from the back of the tow vehicle. A- void turning the steering wheel excessively. Make small corrections when needed. To control direction, re- member 'this procedure. Place your hand at the top of the steering wheel. To back the trailer to left, move your hand and the PUT SAFIETI ON THE ROAD WITH ,,UNIROYA ) safety -approved tires' FREE WHEEL BALANCING When You Purchase NEW UNIROYAL TIRES d••• COMPLETE BRAKE JOB • All four wheels including Brake $. • Shoes and Labour, Canadian makes . (Turning DrUMEI Extra) • FREE LUBRICATION . when you get an OIL CHANGE AND 'FILTER., LICENCED MECHANIC ON DUTY FOR ALL GENEgAL,REPAIRS vlsir GERAL SUPERTESTrth *Phone 474010 s wheel clockwise. To back the trailer to., your right, move your hand and the wheel counter -clockwise. 7 PASSING. Allow more time and distance -for pass- ing another ear. After com- pleting the pass allow am- ple clearance for your trail- er before signaling and moving into your proper lane. Avoid rapid. maneu- vers that tend to sway or tilt the trailer and hamper S)•our control. 8. BEING PASSED. If a heavy vehicle passes you, air turbulence May make • your car and trailer swerve. Do not -apply the brakes. Instead, maintain •your speed and apply a steady, compensating steering pres sure. You„may find a slight acceleration will help you :maintain control. Natural- ly, when, any vehicle passes you, give him 'plenty of space to re-enter the lane, 9. SKIDDING. By turn- ing the front wheels in the direction of a skid, you can counteract the skid. If the car's rear wheels turn to the right, turn the wheel to the right. Don't apply the • vehicle brakes until the skid is reduced, and then apply them lightly. Also ap- ply trailer brakes (if any) independently. 10. OVERHEATING. If overheating takes # place, pull off the road and cothe to, a full stop. Do not turn off the ignition. Put the ' car in PARK or 'NETJT- RAI, and run the engine at fast idle until.the tempera- ture returns to normal. (Don't remove the radiator 'cap while the engine is ov- • erheated !) •-• WEDDING NICOLL - O'REILLY A lovely wedding took place at St. Patrick's Roman, Catholic Church, Dund.as St. Leann on June 29th at 2 p.m. when Dianne Bier&O'Reily •became• the bride 'of Richard Brian Nicoll This • bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly, London and Win and IVirs . Alex Nicoll of Waterford are- parents of the grnloo Father Virhillie Officiated with the bride's ;brother pin as an. altar boy. • The bride Who .was givers in marriage :by her father, chose a floor length gown of 'White or. gaudy and lace thi J.1iThe style with short scalloped lace sleev- es. The detachable chapel length train aims of organdy fell from the shoulders with a shoulder length French illusion veil. She carried a bouquet Of white roses trimmed: with green streamers. Miss Cathy Maierwas maid of honor Wdaring It floor length blue chiffon, dress and carried a botiquet of pink and white carnations. Miss Marione Wade and Miss 'Ilheresa: Generic= were brides- maids. They4wore flour length gowns of pink and white carnat- ions. Mr, Bob Martymnik was best man and Mr. Floyd Dale and Mr. Larry Martirnuik were lathers. The soloist Mrs. .1rloyd Dale sitter of the bride sang "On This Die "Paula Angelficus" rid "Ave Maria." A reception was held 'follow- ing the "ceremony at Moose Lod- ,ge.,We.ston St. London. The brid- -e mother received the guests and chose a pink chiffon dres with a pink and white orchid cottage and white ace...stories.. The groom's mother dressed in naNy arid white wore a corsage of red rose with white accessor- ies. assisted For a wedding trip to United States the bride wore a chareoal dress arid coat ensemble with white accessories and a corsage cif red roses. Guests were isreserst from Tononrbo, Detroit, Simcoe, Wateirford, Sarnia, Sea. forlh end London. On tliCtir Muth' Mr. aud, We' 'Nicoll will red& et .0, Mather. Orem. Lelideri Ontario, Wife: "I was a fool When / married you!" litithand: "I know. But / Vias so Infatuated with you at the thee% 1 didn't tiOtiOW' it lovii and kustfroof cop: hews satt.1 PotIPEllpfr WOO 014411 • (dseg • f9rfanalon; fraying). 110 MI TAW 0604 coed!** ofsatroutim ;emu ; cosessser, as op roPtr. 40114,101F) atiosti L08111011011 (check engine and transmission olt. oil filter. universal joints. wheel bearings. Lubricate chassis 0 needed) MKS .0:11101 Mem Pee$1414. treed and general r)OrkditlOrk Rotate If neettad) Women Learn What (Continued from page 10) And too, women want to be more knowledgeable when dealing with people who service their car. In addition, many t)f them want to obtain enough in- formation about the work- ings of their car to avoid that feeling of panic should the car stall on a lonely road or a crowded express- 1.1/Vey. But whatever their tea - song, more and more wo- men drivers are finding the answers lie in the know- ledge available to them at Powder P tif f Mechanic Schools. A Smile The telephone operator said, "Special operator, may I help you, please?" The voice at the other end said, "Dustin." "Dustin?" asked the operator. "What number is Dustin?" "No number. Just dustin," said the voice, "Just dustin." said phone." Classified Ads pay dividends.. • Free Inspection! Don't Risk Brake Failure tairWirOUR CLARA RE:4'13RAKE" We will check your brakes in minutes ,E5CPERT- TUNE-UP Our complete tunetup service includes in- stallation of: • • • New Points 9 New Plugs • Nejw Condensor • New Rotor BOB'S 'BoA , PHONE 527-1830 SEAF'ORTII • If HIGH TRACTION mom TIRE NO.TRADE NEEDED *520/10 *500-550/12 500-520/13 • 590-600/13- " 64b -50V13 700/13 S'60 600-650/14 ... 735/14 700/14)..( 775/14,, (750/14) .. 825/14 (800/14) .. 855/14 , (850/14) 885/14 (900/14) 560/15 685/15 (590/15) 735/15 (640/15) 775/15 (670/15) 815/15 (710/15) 845/15 (760/15) 885/15) (800/15) (*4•Ply Rating) •• FREE( STATIC WHEEL BALANCE when FOR THE PRICE OF NYLON POLYESTER BLACK 2 FOR 25.40 25.98 27.94 28.90 30.96 32.26 30.74 .33.14 33.90 38.34 41.58 30.64 32.16' 33.28 34.90 37:90 40.98 WI -HTE 18,40 WHITE ' 31.98 33.96 35.26 33.74 36.14 36-90 • 41.34 44.58 • 47,98 33.64 35.16 39.50 36.28 • 37.90 41.30 40.90 • 46.81 43.98 51.50 47.34 • 35.96 36.00 • 38.36 38.20 38.76 41.30 46.81 51.50 NEW VALVE INSTALLED for CRAPriinliGE 31b lbS t 1 A, • jowl 00i viellE1121111111114. nihnninn TIRE As%) APPLY FOR A HANDY 'CAN -CHARGE' CREDIT CARD EXTRA' Cash & Carry BONUS COUPONS mom TIRE v.gskanwl.„.. 4&"%., s'• , FRED....TILLEy seArsopm %>•,v , .4% ••< SAFETY "99" HIGH TRACTION Torture -tested at speeds you% never need! Ruggedly built with heavy; 41..ply bupOnt- Nylott 'Cord . . . pound for pound Stronger dthnodn !iveetini smoothest rolling, More miles *gallon, it's Safety ,"99" wlth Pelyoite. motning-thump." $o tough, tivell rotate it ;Whit. a tiaW one if it punctures. (scie gooralift) • Kedp cdniPtifiy with SAFETY "99" gal?, VOilillitt :ompoolon ond at .2:1'01k THE nrce.