The Huron Expositor, 1968-07-04, Page 1010,---11115 HURON (-Rusprt 4 -Part 419,1lief (4,W13/ married irtert 11.0ar 18,-.13evaiititted i8.13Yttib01 for yttrium ley.ketps 144Ynibol for nickel 11) - Rupees 21- eer ingredient 22-Girre name 24 -Speck 26 -,Tardy 28 -Prohibition 29 -Scoff 31 -Eft • 33 -Note of scale 34 -Jog 46 -Transaction 38 -Hebrew month • 40 - Hebrew meesum 42 -Unruly 411110111. blages 45 -Damp 47 -Wife of Geraint 49 -Diving bird 80 -Word of sorrow 62 -Rall bird 84 River In Italy 88 -Knockout (abbr.) 86 -Lingering 59-Prepos1tion 61 -Impose as a necessary result 63 -Granted usee 43 -Style of painting 66-A state (abbr.) 67-Frult drink DOWN 1 -Secret agent 2 -Sponsor 3 -Paid notice 4 -Turkish flag 5- Eiement EXPOSITOR, with omei 741 urry 8 -River in France 9 -Preposition 10 -Pertaining to the mirid 12 -Physician (abbr.) 14-Godde5s of the hunt 17 -Wolfhound 20 -Let it stand 23 -Tuberculo- sis (abbr.) 24 -Exists 28 -Danish island 27 -Pitcher 80 -European capital 33 -Caudal appendage 35- CO uotile 67. Noose 88 -Vigilant 39 -Be oonnected with 41 -Revelry SEAPORTN, ONT., JULY 4, 1968 mom- ow mrommov nmmmom mum= QM MOM= WM on mom ocama MWOM QIUMMHEMO MECUM OMMO O0 WOOD EOM OW. EOM MMEM0 MOO MEOW OBOE CHEM BMW WM UM =WHOM OM OMMUM0 MMUDOM WOMM WO O 0 SOLUTION 63-0x of Celebes 57-VentilabS 58-A state (abbr.) 60 -Poem 62 -Symbol for tellurium 64-A continent (abbr.) 43 -Sounded a horn 44 -Symbol for tin 48 -Symbol for tantalum 48 -Heavy linen fabric 51 -Graceful bird gild" 04111111111M11111111111 1111111110611111111111*5111111111 iii11111Mil 30 gigligliiinE11051111111111ARgi 4° 1111111M11111111104111E1 1111111111111111111g1111111111111111 Mi1111111111111111ENIIIIIAMIIIIIII 50 60 Looby Wins Contract Looby Construction Ltd. have been awarded a Department of Highways Contract for grading, drainage, granular base, hot mix paving and structure on Kings Highway No. 21. This is the Pine River Bridge, located 4.6 miles north of Highway No. 86. The contract price is $118,- 194.72. Huron Spreads Cost Over 2 Years Fine mg of the new $100,- 000 Assessment•uilding for the Comityof Huron, next to the jail in Goderich, will be carried out over a two-year period with $60,000 being allocated • this year, the balance payable in 1969, Huron County Council decided at its final sitting of the •June Session in Goderich last week. Two by-laws to this effect were presented fo Council at the closing sitting. By-law number .42-68 was given three readings and passed. to finance the ad- ditional accortunodation. By-law number 43-68 authorizing erec- tion of the addition was given two readings,' the third reading being subject to approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, wistieh Must be obtained before proceeding with construction. If this approval is forthcom- ing, the architects, Snider, Hug - et and March, Waterloo, will prepare plans and call for ten- ders. When tenders are receiv- ed, Huron County Council will INVEST Ina Guaranteed Trust Certificate DONALD G. EATON Office in Masonic Block Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 527-1610 be reconvened as required to approve acceptance of tenders for the new building. , In any case, the architects have been instructed to have the new Assessment Building ready for occupancy not later than December 15; 1968. The new building will be two storeys bigh to accommodate the assessment departmehf •on the mein floors, the second floor, to be reserved as the need arises. This plan would com- plete the first stage of an over- all plan for future county ac- commodation. The new building will have overall dimensions of about 65 feet frontage by about 37 feet depth, thus providing about 2,- 500 square feet of space on each floor. It will be of cement block and brick contructign, asbestos tile floor, suspended ceiling, filmed warm air which can be used as cooled air in summer, built-up roof pitched. There will be plenty of- parking space jn the rear. • News of Winchelsea Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne atteeded the Cole and Morgan wedding on Saturday at Toron- to and later the reception. • Miss Helen Campbell was a guest at the Parsons and Bell wedding and reception at Elim vile United Church on Satur- day. Mrs. Harry Ford of Woodham attended Elirnville anniversary on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan is a pat- ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. John Coward visited in Kirkton on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hannah. Miss Kathy Hern of Clinton spent the weekend- with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Quite a few people from Win- chelsea attended the Parsons and Bell reception on Saturday night at the Legion Hall in Ex- eter. I Hensall Publie School Pupils Advance to Mew Classes Grade 8 to Grade 9 Allan, Pauline; Bell, Ann; Benthron, Shelly.; Christie, Cat herine; Corbett, Wayne; Currie, • Carmen; Fields, Ittlervyti; Fuss, Cathy; Harburn, Keith; Heal, Julie; Hey, Bill; Jack.son, Dav- id; Ripley, David; Luther, Ric- ky; Maxwell, June; McNichol, Janice,; Mock, Tim; Munn, San. dna; Noakes, Donald; Noakes, John; •Pryde, GOrdon; Randan, Elaine; Rowe, Jim; Sangster, 114ichael; Sangster, Sheila; Sim- mons, Jackie; Skea, Dorothy; &treetop, Peggy; Taylor, John; Thomson, Mary; 'llocmstra, El- sie; Travers, Sherry; Vanstone, Joe; Whiteman,, Beverly; Wit- lert, Sharon; Williams, Mae; Wynia, Patricia . Grade 7 to Grade 8 Broderick, Karen; Campbell, Randy; Davis, Kay; Elliott, Ricky; Hovius, Effie; • Jantzi, Peter; Kipfer, Shelley; Koeh- ler, Keith; Lavender, Brenda; Luber, Susan; Mattson, Terry; Parsons, Brenda; Reabunr4 Jeff; Roosehoorn, Martha; Rowcliffe, John; Sangster, Bonnie; Sanale, Shirley; Smith, Scott; 'rriebner, Mary; Vanstone, Chrissie; Veal, Melanie; Ward, Gordon; Wil- son, Ron Grade 6 to Grade 7 Alexander, Ross; Allan, Joan; Allan, Lloyd; Bisback, . Kevin; Buchanan, Kevin; Campbell, Robert; Consitt, Bill; Cook, Kathy; Fields, Cecil; Forrest, Joan; Godcla.rd, Joan; • Heal, Jane; Ingram, Itticky; Joynt, Pat; Kyle, Douglas; Lovell, David; MacD.onald, Tony; Rea - burn, Paul; Rowcliffe, Joey; Smith, Danny; Thomson, Beat- rice; Triebner, Carl; Turvey, Danny; Van,Wieren, Patricia; Webster, Bill; Wedge, Wendy; Willert, Darlene; •W ill i a m s, Jayne! • Grade 5 to Grade 6 Alexander, Joan; Beer, Lin- da; BroWn, Cody; Campbell, Fred; Can -lobe'', Jayne; Camp- bell, Wayne; Clement, Bill; Corbett, Steven; Dougall, Bri- an; Elliott, Eddie; Gass, Bren- da; Gass, Gary; Keys, Daryl; Knight, Anne; Kyle, Raren; Kyle Tony; Lavender, 'Bradley; Lovell; Kevin; Noakes, Robert; Page, Martin; Parker, Cindy; Parsons, Richard; Prouty, Es- ther; Randall, Vernon; Row- cliffe, Patti; Smith, Debbie; Soldon, Robert; Stretton, Nan-, cy; Travers, Gail; VanWieren, .To -Anne; Veal, Michael; Ward, MikeL, . Grade 4 to Grade 5 Patricia; Reabern, Dean a; Reid, Steven, Sangster, Rath - 1=4 Soldan, Kathryn; Stan, Dale; Toor ri tr a, Clarence; Trleibner, 1faroId; Minter, Tit- cey; Winner, Stephen; Ward, Timoty; Willert, Bernice. Grade 2 te Grade 3 ALeXander, Paul; Armstrong, Murnay;- Baker, Robbie; Beer, Betty; Boyle, Kim; 'Campbell, Judy; Caldwell, Terry; Cle- ment, Brenda; Cook, Jennifer; Cormier, Linda; Elder, Linda; Fuss, Cheryl; Jnatzi, Mary Beth; Lavern Robbie; McCur- dy, Nancy; Melanson, Karina; Moussean6 Frankie; Sangster, Bradley; Shies, Kevin; Sim- mons, Dale; Soldan, Karen; Stanlake, Randy; Streato Susan; Triebner, Grace; Van. stone, Mary Ann; IlsraWierear; Doreen; Varley, Kenny; Vets, ner, Michael; War,d‘ Kelley; Wareing, Paul; Wedge, Cathy; Willert, Ervine. Grade 1 to Grade 2 Armstrong, Dale; Baker, Bryan; Baker, Vicki; Bell, Danny; Bell, • Paul; Bisback, Oindy; Brooks, Rodney; Camp- bell, David; Corbett, Jeff; Dal- ton, Kelly; Dixon, Elder, Paul; Elliott, Edward; Hovius, Mary; Hyde, Lisa; Jackson, Ann; Kell, Kevin; Kyle, Kar- men; Lee, Dale; Lenting, Lin da;. Lovell, • Lori; &Tatum, An- tonio; IVIcOlinchey, 'Jackie; Mc- Linchy, Nadeant; NfeCurdy, Bar- bara; Mol, Julie; Mousseau, Lori; Parsons, Kimberley; Pol- lock, James; Pryde,' Robert; Randall, Briarn, Reid, Robert; Bell Sylvia; Buchanan, Brad- ley; Caldwell, Jamie; Camp- 447— bell, Greg; Clenient, Bobby; Cormier, Brenda; Dixon, Wen- dy; Hovius, Robert; Ingram, Sandy; Koehler, Garr 30; Knight, Stephen.; Kyle,, Kathy; Mac- Donald, Terry; Mattson, Perry; Munn, Beth; Munn, Jane; Page, Leslie; Randall, Lor- raine. Rooseboom, Shir 1 e y; Rowciiffe, Joanne; -Rowe, 'Lori; Sanith, Douglas; Turvey, Beth; Vanstonte, Robert; Vanstone, Susan; •Van Wieren, Clarence; YanWieren, Robert;'Ward, Dannen; Wareing, Kevi n.; Wedge, Chris. Grade 3 to Grade 4 Allan, Norman; Baker, Brad'. ley; Baker, Tamm y; Bell, Douglas; Consitt, Dwigh t; Cooper, Barbara; 0,0 rat, I r, Mark, • Dougall, Robert; Elliott, Christine; Fields, Marlene; Keys, Beth; Koehler, Betty Lynn; MacDonald, Trudy; Mat- tuoci, Antoinette; McClinehY, Paul; Mein Gary; Tann, John; Parsons, Gregory; Pepper, Brenda; Pryde, Janet; Bandon, Receives R &.TT Certificate Damon Stannah, Seaforth, re- ceived the certificate of qualifi- cation in the certified trade of Radio and Television Technician on June 20. The certificate was awarded under the Department of Labour's ApprenticeshiP and Tradesmen's Qualification Act. CARS - 1968 Pontiac Parisienne, 2 -door hardtop 2-1967 Pontiac Parisienne 4 -door hardtops' 3-1967 Chev. Bel -Air sedans, V-8, fully equipped. 1967 Pontiac Strato-Cbief sedan 2-1967 Pontiac Laurentians, V-8, P.S. 4-1966 Pontiac Sedans, V-8, P.S. 8-1966 Chev. Bel -Airs 2-11966 Pontiac Parisienne convertibles. A number of 1961 -1966 Chevs., and Pon- BRUSSELS tiacs, mostly V -8's, fully equipped, automa- tics to choose front. STATION WAGONS - 1966 Chev. Bel -Ah) V-8, P,S., auto. 1966 Pontiac Strato-Chief, V.8, auto. TRUCKS—. 1965 Chev. Iri-Ton, heavy duty. , '19115 Chev. %-Ton pick-up. 1963 Chev. 3 -Ton elib and chassis. "VANS - 1 -1p65 Chev Van 1-1985 F,4onoline Van, heavy duty. MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO MONO 173—/The Harm of Better Witt Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING Stewart, lamberleY; ThOMSORs &UM; veal, noon; Veinier, Deborah; Waiving, Kindergarten to -Grado 1 Allan, Donna Jean; Baker, Terry; • Cooper, Stephen; Dal- ton, Michael; Deltas% Philip; Fields, Leroy; Ke* Bond% Lavery, Roxanne; MutPonald, Teresa; Mann, Bradley; Mans- field, Paul; McBride, Bradley; MeQuasrie, David; Melanoma, Kim;. Nixon,Sandra; Pepper, Marilyn; Reid, Debbie; Sangs- ter, Greg; Smith, Jerry; Stet - ton, Lisa; Triebner, Michele; Vanstene, David; Ward, Ran- dy; Wiedge, Jimmy; Willert, Barry. Teachers of Hensall ,Public School ' Kinderarten, Miss Dianne Peck; Grade 1, Miss Margret Johns; Grade 1 ,and 2, MIra. Murray,. Dalton; Grade 2 and 3, Mrs. •Edna Thompson; Grade 3 and 4,. Mts. Phyllis Melt - eat Gracle 4 and 5, Man. Mar- garet Horner; Grade 5 and 6, Wks. Beryl Algie; Grade 6 and 7, Mr. Eric Mansfield; Grade 8, las. Mary Jambe; 1Princi- pal, Mr. Robert G.- Reaburn. The Grade eight Scholanship Winners were; Girls, Sherry Travers; Boys, Wayne Corbett. The schtlarships were aWarded by the Kinette Club of Hen - salt reptesented by the 1967- 68_ president, Mrs. Eudora Caldwell and the incoming president • far, 1968-69, EVIrs. Jean Warein.g. The presentat- „ion was made at the school on Thursday afternoon. ' V414. '0 Therese Lailberte, Val .01Or Gnebec and Mike Radwiiiiiiit; Moose, Jaw, Saskatchewan,. both won sporty SST Javelin cars by Anierican Motors. ., ,,i‘eAs 4 , „0....41,, 4-0,(40-,,:,,t1,..dm.--, IS& (iiii ....... ._ ..., Wayne SIddall, Windsor; Geeree D. Stick!, Simcoe;'Jerold W;Wataort,, Dundas; Ronald N. Webb, Owen Sound; and Leonard Sketch- er, Scarborough, aro some 0 tho WI101(.4111 Of shiny, red Honda motorbikes. Brent Johnson, Harrow; Judy Haffner, Now Ham. burg; Tom Gostlin, Markham; Bob Fax Meaford; Bob Theman, Newmarket; Debbie Mazerolle, Pot. awawa; Linda Kane, Chippewa; Mrs. Bernice Coke, Petrone; Mrs. V. Tokarcyrk, Preston; Rub- ey McCabe, Fergus; Richard Lofelve, Tilbury; Mike Doodchenko, Uxbridge; and Brenda Heyr. man, Essex, all win brand new CCM bicycles. • You could be one of next week's many winners! Look for contest details in cartons of Coca-Cola. 04 .4d COS nalslind lade Mai ESBECO (HURON) LTD, STRATFORD 658 ERIE ST. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. PHONE 271-2240 - , ,w,ESS,1.13 alan't> A INCR 1.11 Mill SintERS WHITE SUGAR 0”. 5-0). Bag 4 ° Government Inspected FREsH Canada Grade "A" Pre - dressed Young Roasting or Frying i•1 • iii.,950 i Save 30c — Lady Patricia (Soft, Firm or Extra Firm) York. Frozen Asst'd. Meat Pies .. Ont. No. Toe Valu, Sliced SIDE BACON . . . • 1 -1b. 79g Voc. Poe Fearman's LINK SAUSAGE . • Fresh Cut CHICKEN OR TURKEY LEGS BREASTS ORANGES .... toz. 790 No. 1 Golden Yellow • CHIQUITA • 3 Bunches 251e Ont. No. 1 Hot House CUCUMBERS .. So,Utir African White (Size 48'13) GRAPEFRUIT .. for Af,MMFRAWrit ,,W?"'sf SEAPORTH PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 3-6 INCL. — 1•47.b. WE'RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ‘34,y1,44.5, • • *. 1 - • 1 • —