HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-19, Page 51 i GHRISTNII7AS NOVLLTIES Those in search of Christmas Presents will find it an easy matter to make selections from our gorgeous range of novelties. Every department filled with new and up-to-date goods in exclusive lines, Neckwear in abundance, Handkerchiefs of all kinds, Gloves and Mitts, Suspenders, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Fancy and Plain Hosiery, Shoes and Slippers, Sweaters, Coat Sweaters, Fancy Vests, House Jackets, Fur and Cloth Caps, Fur Collars, Hats, and all other accessories in the Men's Furnishing lines, in variety, and in quali- ties to suit all purses. ?f tiet `µ iscouff( We are still. giving 20 per cent off all lines of ready-to-wear suits, new goods, up-to-date pat- terns, perfect fitters, and reliable qualities. Satisfaction guaranteed. cCEE PBELL CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. rr.1 a.aYTS',> •.::FV .HYf'eM.'.-t'.i .i�. lisheisminstsurusausimmoz s'ioc to b For '1' a;:.il•15:' ::'.:4N. -:S; i'Cxt!.tAR`-¢,»'.; �51 'ta' •f,'.i re I1 5 mai S til codshS f Have sold my business 1 But stock must be reduced ! • • And for the next few weeks the people of Wingham and surrounding country will have one• of the chances of a life‘ime to obtain BARGAINS in STOVES, TIN AND GRANITE WARE, LAMP GOODS, CUTLERY, and a host of other lines too numerous to mention. OIC STOCK OF SKATES, ETC., ETC. And don't forget that everything in the store is to be saclihced ! Now is the time to buy for Christmas ! . So hurry up,, before the best is gone ! H. CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM, 1 ;••••••••••0•••4••4.4.0•••• •••ON••••♦•0�1•�•••01••• KNOXS_JEWELERYSTOREJ The place to buy your Christmas Presents Watches, Clocks, Gents' and Ladies' Chains, Necklets and Lockets, Cuff Links, Bracelets, Brooches, Tie Pins and Jewelery of all kinds. . Diamond wedding and engagement rings a specialty. Silverware of all kinds. Call and inspect our stock. We have the goods and the prices to suit you. . R. KNOX Opposite Qasen's hotel. - - . wirtGxtl.nfir _ s•••••s••••••••••••••+•4•♦ �•••••••••••••••••••••�+�►• tiieti++ The Qirebeo Central Railway defalca• -Mon amounts to about $L86,000, and has Bien going on for eighteen years. 'Treasurer Anderson was senteneed to fly's years in penitentiary. • • icor quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big pings of "Bobs," "Stag" and " Oarrenoy" Chewing TO. Wooers. THE WINGUAM TIMES, DECEMBER 19, 19O *IORRIH, Township Connell met on Monday Minutes in our next issue. Mies Murdie has been re-engaged by the trustees of S. S. No, 0 for the bnoont. frog year, She has done well in the school., Salary $•425. Mrs• Jas. Hall, Oth line, has gone on a visit with relatives and friends at. Tor onto, We hope she will have an enjoy- able time and a safe retial. On Monday evening, Deo. 23rd, the annual Sabbath Sohool entettatun e t will be held in the Jaokson Church, A mastoid and literary program will be presented, 1<IELGRAV'E. The tnany friends of Mr. Jay Clegg will be sorry to learn that he is oonfia• ed to his home through illness. Knox Oharoh Sabbath Sohool will hold the annual Christmas entertain- ment in the Foresters' hall on Friday evening of this week. A good program has been prepared. The Methodist Church Sabbath Sohool of Belgrave intend holding their anneal Christmas entertainment in'; the Foreate-s' Hall, Belgrave, on Christmas night, December 25 h, A good program is being prepared and a fine time is sv,peoted, Just The Mo.iieine Ton Need, Your color is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your stomach needs tone, your liver needs awakening. Try Dr, Hamilton's Pills. In just one nignt you'll notioe a differ. ence, for Dr. Hamilton's Pills searoh out every trace of trouble. You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better. Yon will gain is strength, have a clear com- plexion, experience the joy of robust health. To tone, purify and enliven the system there is nothing like Dr. Hamil. ton's Pills. 25ots. at all dealers. • GODERICH. After successfully treating his father, Mr. Thos. Naftel, a retired farmer of Goderich, who was ill with typhoid fever, Dr. M. J. 0. Naftel, one of Tor- onto's youngest praotittoners, contracted the disease and passed away on Fl i lay. The young manoame to Goderich on Oct. the lath last in response to a telegram that his father was ill, and he was con- stantly at his parent's bedside till his re- covery was assured. He was preparing to return to Toronto when he was tok- en ill. Tho best medical men in western Ontario were called in attendance, but they were unable to save his life, and he passed away on Friday. Miss Mand Naftel, a sister of the Toronto physician also succumbed to the disease on Nov- ember Sth at hsr home in Goderich. Mfrs. Naftel, their mother, is now dang- erously ill with typhoid fever, and her friends fear the worst. A.ro Your Children {'Croupy?" This' trouble is deadly—must be stop- ped quickly, nothing & so sure as the Nerviline Treatment: Give it internally rub it on the throat and ohest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvelone power of Nerviline, both as a liniment, and in Plaster form, will sur- prise you. For sore throat, coughs, colds, and pleurisy alone, it is used by thousands every day, Invaluable in the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch. Large' bottles Nets. each, Nerviline Plasters same price, at dealers or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. BLUEVALE Mrs. Eli Sellars, of Manitoba is visit- ing old friends in this section. Mrs. J. W. King and daughter Flor- ence were visiting for a few days at 13ervie. The children of the Methodist con- gregation are preparing for their usual Christmas entertainment, to be given in the church on Christmas night. The engine of a freight train struck a stout -boat on the track, this side of Fowler's crossing one morning recently, and, instead of its being thrown from the traok, it got lodged under the cow- catcher and slid along until Blnevale station was reached, when, with some difficulty, it was taken out. The opening services in connection with the Presbyterian Church will be held on Sunday next. Rev. W. A. J. Martin, of Zion Church, Brantford will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m , and Rev. A, C. Wishart, B. A. of Brussels at 3 p, m. On Monday evening a tea meet- ing and entertainment will be held. Judge Hutchison, of Sherbrooke, Que., an old Blnevale boy will be chairman and addresses will be given by Revs. Martin, Wishart, Perris, Baker Perrin. Hastie, Tait and.Radford. The Church choir with the assistance of Mrs. G. Allan, Wroxeter; Mr. Dugald Straohan, 13rnsels and Mies Zatte Ferguson, of Toronto Conservatory of Music, will give the mnsioal part of the program. Tea served front 6 to 8 o'olook in school room of new church. How To Gain In Weight. Yon' know you are too thin—yon eat and eat, but never get an ounce fatter. Nerve are weak, Color is bad, strength seems exhausted. It's not hard to get fat. You must eat more, digest more, oxeroise more. Try p'erro2one and Watch yourappetite grow. It turns all you eat into nutriment and building rinaterial-4115 your vans with rich, red blood—gives you ambition and vigor. For a Beene Wider, fattening ionic, one that restores penlnttnently, there is nothing to compare with Porrozone. Try it and see, 60ots. at all dealers. • �a NPR Iry 000400000400004000 Don't neglect your cough. Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people die every week from!. consumption. And most of these consumptives might be living now if they had not neglected the .warning cough. You know how quickly Scott's Emulsion enables you to throw off a cough or cold. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.ee. fro lot �a 0 Loose Leaf Ledger System Tie only Commercial Sohool west of Toronto using the above Modern Office '6V'orl. of Aetna' Canariian .Business Procedure. Wholesale houses calling daily for graduates of Canada's Greatest Chain. of 1➢igh-grat•.ele ]fussiness Colleges, beoause our student. " Learn to do by doiug," Each student has loose leaf ledger, bill and charge system, card system, bank book ; fills out scores of notes, drafts, deposit slips, chegaes, statements, leases, mortgages, receipts, shipping bills, eto., eta. Oar students do actual business from the first day. Gregg Shorthan AND Touch Typewr thin taught. by the most widely experienced teaoher in Ontario ; she is also a graduate of John E. Gregg, the Author, and Highly recommended by him. L iet year our Stenographers were all placed within ten days of graduation. Many of these young ladies now drawing $TQO to 3800 per year. It is freely admitted that we train the most rapid and accurate. Our Telegraphy Department ie well equipped. Railroads are short of operators, and salaries are advancing rapidly. Wide Attendance. Students attending our chain from almost every county in Ontario ; many from Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia ; some from the United States, England and Seotlnud. We tram more young people than any other management in Western Ontario ' s Average situation taken by bur graduates is not excelled ; we invite comrarison. Individual instruotion. Day students attend night classes free, and may take all of the above coarses. WINTER TERN BEGINS JANUARY. 6. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. WinAham Business Gofle e SIMENEMINNIF GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL. WESTFIELD. Albert McKellar, of Miohigaa, is home on a visit to his many friends here. Wm. MoLarty sold his farm stook and implements by auction on Tuesday. He intends moving to Alberta in the spring. Wm. Tabb's little daughter Ettie, had the misfortune to break her ankle while sliding on icu at school, one day last week. Rev. S. Anderson, of Blyth and Rsv. G. N. Hazen, of Goderich, assisted Rev. A. E. Jones in his special evangelistic services last week. A stairway' has been placed in the Westfield Chn:ch for the use of the pastor and choir, which makes things much more convenient for them. A Christmas tree and oshtata Will be given in Donnybrook Church on Mon- day evening, December 28rd, by the children and young people of the Sunday School. GIANT TnUPLETS "Currenoy,"' 13obs" and "ntag" ()hewing Tobaccoes, in big pings. Quality always the same. Established 2.879 Whooping Cough, Croup, .Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Doe; it Cot seam more effective to breathe in a remedy to cute disease of the breathii.g organ, than to Oro c the remedy into th t stomach? It cures because the a:r rendered strongly nnti• septic is carried over the diseased surf ce t,itlt every breath, giving prolonged mei constant 'reat- ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small chitiren. • Those of a consumptive tendency find intmc.i;ate relief (rota cough:: or in. lotted conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send pascal for booklet. LSttSttLSG, these Cb., Limited, Agents, Mont- re'si, Canada. 307 CULROSS. Mr. Wan. Goble, of the seoond conces- sion committed suicide on Sundry after- noon last by a shot from a gun. D3censed had been in poor health for some time and no other reason can be giv6 .for his rash act than he became melancholy. Mr. Goble was in hie 55th year and was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. He had for some time been living with his brother. The fnnerai took plaoe to Teeswater cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Why Liquid Catarrh Retuedies Fatl. They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect onithe linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to care. Ouly by cleansing the air passages by relieving the inflammation and killing the germs is cure possible. No combin- ation of Antiseptics is so saooessful as Oatarrhozone. In breathing it, you send the riohest pine balsams right to the sent of the disease. Irritating phlegm is oleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for catarrh, nothing equals Catarrh - ozone, 25 ats. and SI 00 at all dealers. wit trECHuRC B. Mr, Fred Davidson out bis hand last Week while working a gutting box. Zetland Sunday Sohool scholars will hold their annual entertainment next week, Rev. and Mrs. Finlay entertained the members of the Ladies' Aid Society and other friends at the parson, age last Friday evening. People were there from the three appointments and a pleasant evening wad spent. Miss Edna Cuyler, who teaches in the Sohool south of this place will hold a pnblio examination and social on Friday afternoon. The parents of the echoing have been invited. DIE. Cottle has taut thq finishing touches on Mr. Hector MoBay'e new residence and Mr. McKay end hie family will soon move into their new home. $18 per ton was paid for hay in White. church this week. Rather a high price when the market price is $14 to $16. �y or sz As THE LEADlaING STORE l'R)vSENTS 41,E Ghristrnas Presents in Great Variety at isard's HANDKERCHIEFS FOR CHRISTMAS Dainty Handkerohiefe are always aooepteble Christmas C�1•itte. We can supply the handsomest styles and best qualities at lowest prices, See oar speoial line at 1.5e or 2 for....25e SILK JLtN,DJ ER,CI!l1EFSinplain White Hem Srttett. ea, leaner Oalored and lnitiele.e, priooe are 10e, 15e, 25e, 35c, 50e. 75e and .... $t1.00 SILK COLLA,ILS.--Just arrived by express a shipment of the very latest novelties in Ladies Silk Neckwear. Prices 20e, 25e, 35e, 40e, 50c, 00e, 75e, floc, 81.40, 8$1,25. See oar leader • - 25e serummosrMisys .LADIES BELTS.—This store is headquarters for the larg. est and hest assortment of Ladies' Silk and Kid Belts Prioee 25c to $1.25. See our 75c Kul Balt for 5Oe LADIES' aC LOVES. —What more nsetul present can you give than Nice Kid Gloves? We have the beet makes Fownee Gaaranteed Gloves $1,25 OTHER USEFUL PRESENTS —Hand Satchels, Squaw Bags, Fascinators, Clouds, Cashion Tops, Tahle N•apeine, Tray Cloths, Table Cloths, Silk Garters, Silk Umbrellas, Ribbons, Kid Mitts, Quilts, Rugs, eto. SILK WAISTS.—We aro agents for the Le tinkle Silk Waist, the very latest style and made of guaranteed Silk, White Cream or Black. See our loader at .. ............. ... • 82.130 FURS —Special values iu all kinds of Fars, big stook to choose from, Ruffs. Muffs, Gauntlets, Throw Scarfs, Fur Coats, Far Lined Coate, etc. PRESENTS FOR MEN Gents' Fnrnishinge Department is crowded with the up-to-date Furnishings for Men and 13 ere. Silk Mufflers, Way Mnf11.3re, Kid Cleves, Braces, Collars, ail styles of Neckties, Fancy Shirts, Ontf Buttons, M tts, Far Caps, eto. BUSY DEPARTMENT The Clothing Department is a huey spot these days. Why! because the stock is large and prises are low and for Christmas buying we are giving a straight 20 per cent. air our elosa prises on Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Pants. 7, s 1E3 1 PI-IONE 68. WINGHAM. 0. u;x, emee ; -"'2.. a Nile .4.10.'.:'4...,. Kansa-moi". �.azte.. ansa IIANN•A & CO.'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Yl our Ne ftr at They are going oat of them, and will sell any Coat at COST PRICE, NEAR SEAL, plain, and trimmed in Mink and Sable. ASTRACHAN, plain and Sable trimmed. use SURE AND CALL. two' First Door North of Queen's Hotel. 1 n s -'t , til •••••0.0.040040 ••O•e.400*es •• • • 4 • • • • • t • • ••• • • • • • • O yam' V • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • Z •••••••••••••••••••••••••• tR O KNOXII art ...101.43E0 N:144w 2S.• *********.i••••••• *** �i LE ••tt•O.**ite•••4•••4•4e++•a • a • • ING — OF FA tkCY A T KN OX'S. ►6,••***1*00 4•••4.4 Going out• of the Fancy Goods, Books, Chinaware, —these goods are going at cost ! VVVVVVVWVVVVVVVWWWWW —Beautiful Manicure and Toilet Sets. — Collar and Cuff Boxes. ---Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. --Burnt Leather Goods.—Pocket Books. —Comps and Brushes. — Souvenir Goods, and Novelties. --Children's Sleighs. —Games of all kinds. —Fancy Chinawai e. — Toys and Dolls. ---Hocks of all kinds, and numerous other lines. •••••••••••m••i••••t••••••• Cone and get your Christmas Presents at Cost I • • • • • • •1 - •i • t, • •• •e • • • • etc. • • • • • • • • • • • • v A • • • • • • b • • • •