HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-06-27, Page 12Orm,44114 MON ,EXPOSICOR, SEAFORTN, ONT., JUNE 27 1968
• 840. grie Norris, of
•NOntrO%gli.ebee, visited her
- Parent; and Mrs. Lawrence
. BarkeV oAd family and also oth-
er' relatiVes and friends. They
leave :Thursday for Michigan
'Wbere Eric will betaking a post
graduate conrse for the next
two years at Michigan State
University, East Lansing, Michi-
gan, U.S.A.
• Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han.
non, Ir. and Mrs. Norman Bush -
field, Mrs. Rhea Jeffery, Mrs.
Ruby Reed were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl on
Sunday and attended anniver-
sary service at Whalen.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park
and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Tubb aild Lloyd, Miss Norma
Reath, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Craig and Sherril Craig,
Walton, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Roney on Sunday.
Sherrill was the soloist in Zion
Church on Sunday.
Mrs, Neil Nairn and boys vis-
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Aikens on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roney
from the west, is visiting his
'brother, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ron-
ey and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
visited Mr. and Mrs. A. ..Har -
dill in Milton on Thursday.
Mr, Wm. Balfour spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Jack Balfour.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Spearin,
London, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Balfour recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Bush -
field, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Hannon, attended Staffa anni-
versary on Sunday and were
guests of Mrs. Rhea Jeffery.
Now Ayailable. .
"From Forest to
Thriving Hamlets"
The 'story of the pioneer and early settle-
ment of thecommunities of Egmondville,
purhey and Roxboro.
By Belle Campbell
Only $2.50 per copy
The Story of Seaforth
by Belle Campbell
A History of McKillop
by Mrs. Joseph Grammett
Huron County in Pioneer Times •
by James R. Scott
The Story of Hibbert Township
A Hibbert Review (Part I)
A Hibbert Review (Part IT)
by Belle Campbell
Settlement .of Huron:County
by James R. Scott
Phone 527-0240
NEWS OF )4..Roptuv*N
475 Present for
110th Anniversary
Approximately 475 attended
the 110th Anniversary Services
at St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
here, on Sunday. Rev. Eric
Schultz, head librarian at Wat-
erloo Lutheran University, gave
the sermon, using the three
divisions of his topic, "The
Church in the Community,
Communication with God, and
Thanksgiving". The liturgist for
the service was Rev. Henry
Leutkehoelter, pastor of a
neighboring church at Moser-
ville. The acolyte for the day
was Dean Smith. Rev. Patzor
from First Lutheran Church,
Logan Township, expressed
greetings from his congregation.
Pastor H. N. Lossing, St. Pet
er's present minister, reviewed
some of the work at the church
since the 100th anniversary
celebration. The organ has been
rebuilt, towers rebuilt and the
interior and exterior. repainted.
An all girls choir, as well as
the jnior choir and a quartette
comprised of Edgar Elligsen,
Ronald Hinz, Glen .Mogk and
Gary Sholdice, sang hymns, ac-
companied by the organist,
Mrs. Lorne Mueller. Donald and
David Elligsen played two elec-
tric guitar duets.
Flowers were placed by the
wife and family, ono.the altar, in
memory of the late William
Hoppenrath, who passed away
20 years ago, June 16. A chry-
santhemum plant was placed in
front of the lectern in memory
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gotleib
Mueller. Mr. and Mrs. E. Scher-
barth, Sr., donated three pair
of flower stands, which were
used for the bouquets of flow-
ers in the church. -
Following the service, supper
was served , in the basement
with the LCW, the Church
Council and Luther League in
Saturday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Hinz had 14 peopi
as their guests at the Huron
Hotel in Dublin for supper, cel-
ebrating the occasion of their
25th wedding anniversary. Mr.
Frank Eickmeier, brother of
the bride of 25, years, escorted
them in his 1926 Ford Touring
car. 'After supper they returned
to the Hinz -home for a social
evening when they were pre-
sented with numerous gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinz were mar-
ried on June 12, 1943 by Rev.
William Schultz at St. Peter's
Lutheran Parsonage here. Mrs.
Carl Efillebrecht; RR 4, Mitchell
and Carl Schellenberger, Mit-
chell, were their attendants.
Mrs. Him was the former Jean
Eickmeier, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eickmeier
and Mr. Erin7 was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinz.
They have one daughter, Phyl-
lis, who is spending the sum-
mer with them at home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Benne-
wies, 279 Sheldon Ave. Kitchen -
Want -Ads
Phone 527-024Q
It's a pleasure to welcome back
to ' Seaforth the hundreds of
formerresidents who willvisit
here during the Homecoming
We hope everyone enjoys a
good tinie.
.• Drop in and say "HELLO" and don't
forget to stop in at our Snack Bar
We spedalize in take-out orders.
Gerald's Supertest
Phone 5274010
er, celebrated their 25th wed-
ding anniversary, Saturday eve-
ning at the Brodhagen Commun-
ity Hall. They were married on
June 19, 1943, at the bride's
home in Tavistock, by Rev. Kel-
lertn.an. Mrs_ Bennewies was the
fiirrner Elsie Mohr, daughter of
Mr. Victor -Mohr and the late
MrS. Mohr, Tavistock. Mr. Ben-
newies is the son of Mrs. Lena
Bennewies and the late George
Bennewies. Their attendants
were Mrs. Wilfred Dietrich, Kit-
chener and Mervyn Leonhardt,
Mr. and Mrs. Bennewies have
two children, Sandra, nursing in
London and Eric at home. About
250 gathered to congratulate
them. Carl liennewies, Kitchen-
er, read the -address written by
Mrs. Lorne oMueller. They were
presented with an eight -place
setting of china, other gifts and
a purse of money. A three-tier
wedding cake, iced by the
groom's mother, was centre of
attraction also.
The same evening, Mr. and
Mrs, John Henderson (Mr. Ben-
newies' niece) were called to
the platform. They are celebra-
ting their 20th wedding anni-
versary on June 19. Shirley
Vock read an address, written
by Ken Papple and they were
presented with a mantel clock
and tea Service by Mrs. Papple
and Mrs. Scott. They also had
a three-tier wedding cake, dec-
orated by Mrs. Henderson's
grandmother, Mrs. yte nne wi e s.
The music was supplied by "The
Blenders" of London. Diane
Henderson sang a couple of
numbers during the evening.
Lunch was served by the lady
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer-
man and Jeffrey, London, -With
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Man-
uel Beuerman on Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens
attended the graduation df Ber-
nice Bach, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Bach, London. She
received her Registered Nurse's
degree at Alma College on Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and
Gary, Windsor, spent the week-
end with his mother, Mrs. Car-
• oline Elligsen and attended an-
niversary services at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church en Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens
and family, Burlington, visited,
with his mother, Mrs. Rachael
Ahrens, Sunday evening, after
attending the anniversary ser-
vice here in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spain,
Kitchener, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sunday.
Mr.' and .Mrs. Norman Benne-
wies and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ben-
newies, London, spent the Week-
end in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Messerschmidt.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
spent a couple days with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and boys
at Kitchener over the weekend!'"
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens
attended a 50th wedding anni-
versary celebration for Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McKellar in Strat-
ford, Sunday.
Misses Sandra Spiers, Galt
and Mary Goodanetz, Toronto,
spent the weekend with Cheryl
• Mr. and Mrs. William Eisler,
Cattle, Saskatchewan and Mr.
and Mrs. Sam- •Wolfe, Monkton,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Lavern,
Wolfe and Dalton Hinz on Sun-
• The property of Mrs. J. L.
tennewies has been purchased
by Ford Dickison Industries.
Dr. Roger Eickmeieetbok up
residence during the weekend
at his home here which he pur-
chased from Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Nichol.
Mini Nancy lles of Owen
Sound visited during the week-
end 'with Miss Jane Rock.
News of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jeffer-
son and family, Munro, were
Sunday evening visitors with
Mrs. J. R. Jefferson.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Russell were Mrs.
,Margaret Jean Russell, London,
Mr. Hoy Russell and family,
Russeldale, Mr. and Mrs. Prank '
Miller and girls, Staffa.
. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turner
and Michael, Detroit, .spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert "Dodds and attended the
Dolmage reunion at LiOns Park,
Seaforth, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Ramsey vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Ramsey, Listowel.
Mrs. Larry Gardiner was a
guest at the Coleman -Clifton
wedding in Brucefield United
Church on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace
and Debbie spent the weekend
with their daughter, Mrs. Shir-
ley Elliott and family, Essex.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds
and Mrs. Norman Harburn at-
tended the Dolmage reunion at
Seaforth on Sunday.
Mr. ,RoY McCulloch is a pat-
ient in Seaforth Community, Hos-
Mrs. Alan Somers, St. MaryS,
visited Monday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar.
Father's Day visitors with Mr.
and •Mrs. Otto Walker were Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Currie and girls,
Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
McGhee and family and Mr.
and Mrs' Ken Walker, London,
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hulley ,and ,
family,' Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Gardiner.
Town of Seaforth — AUDITOR'S REPORT
The Mayor, Members of the Connell and Ratepayers,
Municipality of the Town of Seaforth.
We have examined the balance sheets of the Munici-
pality of the Town of Seaforth and its •affiliated bodies as
at December 31, 1967 and the related statements of revenue
and expenditure for the year then ended. Our examination
included a general review of the accounting procedures and
such tests of the accounting records and Other supporting ev-
idence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Wp
report as follows:
(a) Except as noted in (b), we have obtained all the
explanatibns and information we have required.
(b) All the financial transactions which have come
under our notice have been within the power of
the Municipality and its boards except for the
,statements of revenue and expenditure, current
fund balance sheet and capital fund balance sheet
of .the Seaforth Community Centre.- Due to lack
of internal control over revenue, we are not in a
position to express an opinion on these statements.
(c) The audit has been conducted in aceordance with
the instructions ef the Department of Municipal
(d) In our opinion, subject to the exceptions referred
• to in (b), the statements mentioned above
• present fairly the financial position of the
Municipality of the Town of Seaforth and its res-
pective boards as at December 31, 1967 and the
results of operations for the year tlaen endedi
In accordance with standard accounting practice laid
down by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontaria,
the aecompanying electric light and power statement of rev-
enue and expenditure refleets revenue for the twelve months
ended November 30, 1967 and electrical energy purchased
represents the cost of power for the twelve months ended
November 30, 1967.
London, Canada.
Chartered Accountants.
Licence No. 2198.
Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet A
December 31, 1967
General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) ..
Work in Progress
Due- from Schools (for Debentures) _
Public and Continuation 9%726.44
Collegiate and High 120,339.86
Due from Utilities and Other Munici-
pal Enterprises (for Debentures)
Electric Light and Power 10,600.00
Community Centre 5,300.00
' Due from Other Municipalities (For
Debentures Assumed—Schedule 2)
Cash (balance of debenture proceeds
held for Seaforth District High
Other Tangible Assets (specify)
OWRC Sewage Installation (cost) 196,579335
Less Municipality's equity 20,039.10
* Included in Municipality's equityis an amount of $2,420.80
paid to, OWR,C directly by residents of the Municipality.
Cash on Hand
Cash in Bank "
Dominion of Canada Bonds
Accounts Receivable
Public and Continuation 93,726.44
Collegiate and High 886,000.00
Public Utilities and Other Municipal
Electric Light and Power . 10,600.00
Community Centre ••5,300.00
Other Long Term Debt (specify)
Due to Ontario Water Resources
• commission under an agreement
dated October 19,1962, expiring 30
years from date of completion with
annual principal repayments of 2.-
018% , of the cost of $196,579.05 • 176,539.95
Investment in Capital Assets 172,514.97
• 1,043,626.44,
Revenue Fund Balance Sheet -
December 31, 1967
25.00 ..Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) $80,000.00
35,620.50 '- $35,645.50 Accounts Payable 11,154.03
Debentures and Coupons Due
Interest 575.00
Due to Schools • 221.37
Reserves (Schedule 8) • 11,432.67
Surplus (Form C) 18,321.65
„. 24,500.00
„, 24,500.00
Total • 29.98
Due from Province of Ontario 18,500.00
Due from Schools • 750.00
Due from Other Local Boards and
Commissions (specify)
Department of Public Welfare 1,513.20
Public Utilities Commission . 1,314.13
Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) 44,325.72
Less Allowance for uncollectible
taxes (Schedule 8) „ 5,500.00 38825.72
Other Assets
Deferred Charges 258.69
Accrued interest — investments 367.50
• 367;50
Total Assets
Total Liabilities, and Surplus
Revenue Fund Surplus or Deficit Account
For Year Ended December 31, 1967
, .
• Debit Credit Balance
Balance at begianing of year $28,578.32
Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget $28,578.32
Balance after above adjustments •28,578.32
Surplus or Deficit for the year (Form D) $10,256.67
Totals of Debit and:Credit columns • $10,256.67 ' $28,578.32
Balance of Surplus or Deficit at year end (Form B) $18,321.65
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure.
December 31, 1967
• Actual Budget
Total Revenue from Taxation (Sche-
dule 3) $228,653.46 $226,441.87
Long -Term Debt Charges Recoverable
(Schedule 12) 72,910.01 72,910.01
Contributions, .Grants and Subsidies
Direct Relief 9,231.66
• Highway Improvement 27,892.23
Share of Liquor Li-
cense Fees • 1,128.00
Unconditional Per Ca-
pita Grants 9,995.80
Centennial Project 4,468.00
Other Municipalities
County of Huron
Government Enterprises:
Grant in lieu of taxes . 2,592.00
, Ontario—
' Grant in lieu of taxes • 431.25
Licenses & Permits (include dog tax)
Interest, Tax Penalties, etc.
Other Revenues—
Rents, Condessions' and
Franchises 988.00
Fines 1,284.51
Miscellaneous (specify)_ -
Parking Meter a 4,249.03
Sewer Rentals , 7,933.36
Interest Income k* 7,609.29
Sundry .,.., 2,326.39
Gross Total Revenue
Deficit for the Year
52,715,69 51,414.00
8;493.98 8,597.00
2,592.00 2,331.00
431.25 20040
1,347.40 1;900.00
4,854.92 3,500.00
2,272.51 2,300.00
22,120.07 13,856.12
396,391.29 • 383,450.00
396,391.29 363,450.00
Total Revenue Section $406,647.96 $383,450.00
" Actual
General Government
Executive and Legisla-
tive • 3,600.42
Administrative 9,561.26
Other „ _13,251.04
Protection to Persons and Property*
Fire 7,125.33
Police , 18,036.44
Street Lighting •11,016.87
Protective Inspection • 250.00 ,
0 36,428.64 40,346.00
Public Works—Roads, Highways and
Streets, etc. 30,202.09 32,175.00
Sanitation and Waste Removal ... ... 7,079.21 5,742.00
Social Welfare (Schedule 10)
Relief Assistance 10,288.27
10,288.2' 11,620.00
Education, including debt charges
(Schedule 9) 80,200.27 79,682.60
Recreation and Community Services 12,374.76, 11,873.00
Debt Charges
Long-term debt charges
(Schedule 11) 135,650.71
Less own share school
debt charges 36,766.55
• Short-term interest and
other charges
102,521.13 98,195.01
605.16 • , 650.00
7,491.53 1,700.00
42,512.71 37,270.31
Discount for Taxes
Taxes written off •0
Capital Expenditures out a Revenue
(Schedule 13)
Joint or Special Expenditures
• County Rates 37,362.89
Miscellaneous (specify)
Parking Meters 89.66
Sundry 1,646.25
Provision for Allowances, Reserves
and Reserve Fund's (Schedule 8 and
Gross Total Expenditure
37,362.89 37,142.12
1,735.91 2,240.58
406,647.96 • 383,450.00
406,647.96 38$,450.00
Total Expenditure Section $406,647.06* ,$383,450.00