HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-06-27, Page 9It Happened In 1055
Reminiscent- of the last Old Boys' Reunion in Seaforth is this picture of Russel Hays,
Detroit, E. H. Close, Seaforth and Norman Henderson, Toronto, which was taken during the
1955 celebration as they discussed one of the old time pictures displayed at that time.
Uowar4 .4014aPOII, 81**
eltairman_ animal:04 the llopeirt
orthe Warden's and l'erSO*44
Committee to norm .09940.
Council at its, June SeSSIM1
04944 Tuesday.
'H8 ai at. a recent meeting
et the corginittee, IWerp;tt
Smith, construction • safety in-
spector, indicated there wete
few problenrs in the County of
Huron but one of 1451 MOD on
Cerne was that he was still net
getting information on neyv
constraction from all the local
The committee reCeMniendo
ed that Council concur with 'a
resolution of the County of
Simcoe as being opposed to
certain changes hi• .logia*tio
&Seeing services such as edu-
cation, ,edinsinistration oFj11,01.
ice, welfare and assessment.
No action was taken on the
ProPosid .for County We
due to the fact that "wolf
officers at thelocal level
more familiar with the si
ion and present service appears
adequate, and furthermore the
conntY.1 of HUren has Other
costs to whieh t is presently
committed. .
The Wardear'S-Banquet will
be held on November 6th in
North St. United Church, Gocl.
Although no definite plans
had been concluded in connec-
tion with the annual bus trip
the committee proposed, as one.
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1968— Second Section, Pages 9 to 16
wirox control on county
east- Huron Cormity taX-
payers 15 per cent mere this
year than last, James Ilayter,
Stephen, chairmen of the..
County Road Committee, re-
potted to Council Tuesday.
ille, stated that expenditures
totalltd, $122,000 for the. past
winter as agaimt $10.6 Oild for
the *tie 'period last year, or
$2,000 in excess of the budget-
ed, figure.
lncreesed cost was made up
of twe factors: snow an ice
conditions, and increased rate
of palnsent for rented =chin.
ery and the county's own la-
bour force.
County engineer J.W. Brit -
net', reported that work is pro.
ceeaing according to schedule
despite the wet month of May,
on. IF,1 construction projects .
inciuoing the bridge on the
G o d er i c h Township -Stanley
boundarY with two 'abutments
poured. Pre -stressed beams are
be installed on the abut-
'mentsaJuly 15.
Grading and granular base
preceeding on, schedule on
County Road 30 from Fordwich
to Mayne Corners: Paving is
well Under way on County Road
2/7 from Luclmow southerly to
County Road 20. Paving en the
Hillsgreen section of County
suggestion, a trip to the Inter-
n,ational • Plowing Match near
. The Clerk -Treasurer was in-
structed to make similar ar-
rangements as in the past for
the County Picnic, scheduled
to be held in Lions Park, Sea -
forth, Ally 24.
Warden Calvin Kreuter and
Clerk -Treasurer J. G. Berry or
to the Ontario Municipal As
alternates were named delegates
sociation convention in. Wind-
sor, August 11-14:
Be.adi is seliednied to start ,
1,4* fTWP.O. Qr leArlY July.
3).4r, B17,44,1 o$4the tromen,
dons *Tense.ii tho enogrg
ef niunielPal drains ciosaing'
HunpCrtio4bulmslY r°. t'5sta°ted4114
svsae had anticipated t10,,s increase jiji
the number of dviiis affectjng
county roads a Year or'so ago
and has. 'been, working constant-
ly with the municipal drainage
engiiseers and Munieipai drain-
age contractors to secure their-
eo-operation, in giving advance
notice to the county when the
county road .must la crossed so
that an, inspector might be pre.
sent to protect the county's
'George Radford,- .0onstruction
Limited, 'Myth, which was awar-
ded the contract at $362228 for
a development road contract is
peroceedmodeoling .ahead of schedule,
The County Engineer inform,
ed Summit, pre -engineering and
desagn are prnoeleiling or,.. two
other developmient roads'. These
projects will notioe.. designated
for construction until the county
his earned sufficient entitle',
ment as provided by the On-
tario Department of Highways.
It is hopedto proceed with one
in 1969, depending on the de.
, Mr. Britnell stated the main-
tenanoe gravel operation is now
complete and the ccunty-forc-
ea' are presently applying cal-
cium chloride' as fast as the sup-
plier clan provide It.
Tenders were cal:ed and the
following contracts have been
awardad, in addition t� develop-
ment road contract 899: four
pick-up trucks, Bridge Motors, -
$8,594; economy type van, Mills
Motors, $2,519; G.V.:W. truck,
Mills Motors, $6,648; gasoline,
37 cents per gallon, fuel oil,
40.4 cents per gallon, anti freeze,
$2.41 per gallon, all bo British
Ariel -low ComPaW Ltst4
tpes and tubes, Radfordl .014
pp', 55 pa
et filwoung •eat,
eium .eh1ori4o,
$SQ.50 Per ton; Alrenletlt PAT-
: M. C. 'Stanners and Co.,
$0,625; Weed Spray, Niagara,
nand Chernivab, varions Pri-
ces; corrugated metal pipe,
Armee pramago, P9703;
Gravel, 75,000 tons granular
"p", George Radford Construe-
txon Ltd., $36,000; woo teps
"A"'Radford, $20,650; 60,000
tons, B, Radford, $27,000; 19,000
tons, "A", Radfotd, $12,730; Hot
mix asphalt paving Levis Con-
tracting Co. Limi‘d, CRAW;
V47,002; also, $26,402; matte*:
awe gravel, Radford, "$30,720;
H. H. Jennison, $39,360; Saug-
eeri SPraYin4gr $36,050; pre-stres,_
sed concrete beams, Schell In-
dustries, $15,906.
Warden Calvin Kreuter, Brus-
peas, and James Hayter, Stephen,
chairman of the Roads Cernmit-
tee, will represent Coinity•Coun-
a at the annual convention of
Canadian Good Roads Associat-
ion in Toronto, September 30,
October 1„ 2 and 3.
The June meeting of the
Catholic Women's League was
held in the hall, Tuesday eve-
ning with Mrs. Frank Ryan, the
president, presiding. Reports
were given . Mrs. T. J. IVIurray
was appointee to visit the sick.
The presenting of gifts to the
graduating grade 8 class was
discussed. It was decided 0'
have a tea and bingo during
the month of June. Mrs. Frank
Murray and Mrs. Frank Ryan
gave informative reports of a
convention in Sarnia. Mrs. John
Moylan moved a vote of thanks
to the delegates.
*c4alrinoul, gigporOct for 1404 •
.P4U4r WO/ 130041 to Coo*
Puvoell Begioftt it 0014,
ich TIA49.47.
014,11011.10 POP* Mr, *Vs*
cku 4a1-40: 00-04:01; the
appears to lho
lating to the ine o auitoritY,
regarding purchases for tho
logal libraries. The Board Ilk*
tried to. Mire it clear at the
mom wozeduxe fer theV
libretti= or local oott
there to °WI to regeeet rek,
cinixements thrOugh. ,ouotIP
hoard. if senlietalin$.4 ri*-
mediate nature arises, Ole $ee,
mtarY of the GeltlitY xtqgrfli or
the 43pint
be contacted; otherwise Teo,
uesto ,R13,34,4...0tft.W.44.at
each Coenty mem ;memang,'
Chairman, McFadden a n d
Mrs. Minnie Noalceig, Hensal4
• were dolgated to attend the
Ontario Library Conference
• held recently 'in -FsonittOn.
McFadden gam a report of this
conferepoe, as did his predece,
ssor as chairman, Duff Thom,
won, Clinton last year.
His "comments": (1) We re -
°dyed nothing of a construct,
ive nature from this °palterers-
ce; (2) Ontario Library Trust,
ees Association are employers;
Ontario Library Association
are employees. It was not ex-
plained why OLTA part of the
conference was cancelled; (3)
Our objeCtives are the same
but we reach these objective
by two completely different
routes; (4) Plan separately and -,
pool our plans; (5) Continue
support in effort to make OLA
and OLTA productive; one de-
legate; (6) H the-sannual oon-
ferance does not become more
productive I an sure it will
pass into history.
a ur ay, Sunday, Monday June 29, 30, July 1
100th Birthday Party
Homecoming Weekend
See These Program Highlights
10:00—Registration Opens in front lobby, Town Hall
4;30 -Municipal Welcome and Opening Ceremonies
—Unveiling Plaqileto Cinnifiernorate 100th Anniversary
of the Village of Seaforth
6:30—Parade to the Lions Park
7:00—Old Timers Ball Game
9:00—Teen Dance, Lions Park Pavilion
9:00—Seaforth's Birthday Ball, in Seaforth Arena—Tickets
• available from Seaforth Merchants
11:00—Homecoming Services in Seaforth Churches
12:00—Registration, Town Hall and 2:00 p.m. at Lions Park
2:00—District C Legion 'Parade, from tiegion Hall
2:30—Service at Cenotaph, Victoria Park
3:00—District C Legion Drumhead Service at Lions Park
4:30 - 7:30 -Barbecue at Lions Park. Tickets $1.75, Children
9:00—Band Concert, Lions Park, Royal Canadian Legion of
Stratford Concert Band
12:01—Street Frolic and Dance Victoria and•Main Streets
10:00—Registration 'Opens at Town Hall
10:00—Reunion of Former Students and Teachers of Seaforth
Collegiate and Seaforth District High School at the
1:30—Monster Parade with Floats and Seven Bands, Parade
- Forms at Agricultural Park and Proceeds to North
Main Street and South Along Main Street. $235 in
Prizes. Winners and Bands Proceed to Lions Park
3:30—Old Fashioned Program at Lions Park. Contests for
, Old and Young. Athletic Events
5:00—Concluding Ceremonies at the Lions Park