HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-06-27, Page 3Cavan UW Meets
chur, ch for their Jun Vigiter'a
Cavan UCW met in tile
4teeting I
Mrs. Robert Dalton presided
and the meeting WaS,, opened
with a poem, "A Call bri Faith".
Hymn 288 was sung followed
by prayer. Mrs. George Case
react an item called "The First
Step toward Faith".
Mrs. Gordon Pryce sang a solo
accompanied by Mrs. Robert
The correspondence was read
and the rollcall was answered
by 27 members.
Hymn 275 was sling and the
offa. g We...received by Mrs.
ROI) rt-Vainpbell and Ms V417.
gin Schado,, •
neer "Christian Educa..
tion for' MOS". Was read by
Ma. qase. and .sluralso read .the
seripttire lesson from Matthew
18; 1-11.
A very educational topic "Ev-
ery Child Has A Gift" was giv-
en 'by Mrs. Wm, Church.
A short fihn called "Teaching
Children" was shown by Mrs.
Wm. Dodds and the meeting was,
closed with singing Hymn 356
and prayer by Mrs. Dalton.
A •bake sale Was held and
lunch was served.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Stuart House — 18" x 25''
FOIL WRAP, roll box • ..... • •.• 630
Maple Leaf -
CANNED RAM, 1'/2 -lb. tin • • • • • $1.39
Rose Brand — Hamburg, Sweet, Hot Dog or Corn
ASSORTED RELISHES 2 12 -oz. jars 490
Laundry Detergent
BOLD, giant -size pkg.
Ballet — White or Coloured
BATHROOM TISSUE . 4 2 -roll pkgs. 950
St. William's Assorted
TAMS 5 9 -oz. jars $1
Superior •Fresh Hot Dog or ".
HAMBURG ROLLS 2 pkgs. of 8 each 49c
Premium Fancy Red
SOCKEYE SALMON • • • • 7% -oz. tin 550
New Crop, No. 1 U.S
Juicy Red
Vine Ripened — Fresh Picked From Alabama
10 -lbs. 790
lb. 290
lb. 450
Phone 527-0990
Free Delivery
News * et ZIO
*8. *47 %moo awl s4i-
by, surtord, viAttea tam Vera"
Moore, Mr ,
, and Xrp. ,T0h4
Diphto IMdar alsct cAtun.g
Mr. An4 IVIraf Ponal4
Misa 'Eleanor Lannin visited "
Miss Patsy Tilhian, Monkton for
the Neelmnd.
Miss Nancy Lannin, 'Miss
Mary Lannin spent the weekend
at the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper;
Mr. 'and Mrs, Ross Pepper, Den-
nis and Nancy; Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Barker, Wendy; Mrs.
Mabel Higgerson; Mr. Harry
Proctor; Mr. and Mrs. George
Pepper; and Mr. and Mrs. Dal-
ton Malcolm attended. the Pep-
per reunion in Seaforth on Sun-
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R.
S. Aikens •are Mr. and Mrs.
Marium Stewart, Kathleen, Jim-
my and Bin, Mrs. Marie Telford,
Mrs. Frank Reedier, Cincinnati
and all attended the Borth re-
union on Sunday.
Zion UCW
Mrs. Ross pepper was hostess
to the June meeting of the Zion
UCW With 14 members and a
number of visitors present.
Mrs. Gordon Aikens opened the
meeting with a reading, "Our
Heavenly Bank". The worship
service was taken by Mrs . -"Lloyd
Barker and Mrs. Norman Bush -
field. Mrs. Glenn Pepper and
,Mrs. Gordon Aikens. Musical
selections by Mrs. Joan Annis
and, by Dennis Pepper were en-
joyed. Since this was the last
meeting before the closing of
Zion Church on June 30, a sum-
mary story of the UCW of the
church from its beginning until
the present, time was presented
by Mrs. Dalton Makohn.
Mrs. Lloyd Barker took charge
of the business. It was decided
to continue the meetings in the
fall. The ladies quilted during
the afternoon and lunch was
served by the hostess assisted
by Mrs. Joe Looby and Mrs. Dal-
ton Malcolm.
Unit one of the Brumfield U.
C.W. held their June meeting at
the home •of Mrs. Ross Chapman
recently with eighteen members
present. .
Miss M. Swan -and Mrs. John
13roacifoot were in charge. Miss
Swan had the meditation and.de-
.votional .period.- A few minutes
of silent prayer was observed
the late Mrs. Stuart Sr. •
Mit John Broadfoot gave an in
Wresting. paper on "Japan Man-
hood, Not Scholarship is their
first aim to Education."
The business part of the me-
eting was •taken by Mi. Norris
-sillery .and 'Mrs. Ross Chapman.
Mrs. J. Henderson gave a very
interesting talk on the few
days spent while a 'delegate at
Westminster College in London
which will be followed up at the
'September general meeting.
Number of humorous songs
were Composed by Mrs. George
Starting with Daniel L10 Sills' Grain, Drug and Hardware
Store in Brumfield, the Sills h ve been serving this district for
ovek 100 years. George A. Sills was lporif in Brucefield, but came
to Seaforth at an early age, where he worked for Johnson Bros.'
Hardware before starting Geo. A. Sills & Sons Hardware.
The sons, comprised of Frank, Charlie and 'Joseph, for a time,
and then became Geo. A. and Frank. When his father retired,
Frank took over the business. He was in the business 66 years.
For the past 33 years, D'Orleon Sills, son of Frank, has been
associated with the store, and _was joineciby his brother Frank, Jr.,
21 years ago. Jim, son of Frank, Jr., has recently joined the busi-
ness and with his uncle and father 'still carry on the tradition of
their elders, and are very pleased to serve such a fine districtas-
• 7//r, and $111144 .P•1010011
gorologtatd704 Otratf,
Ord,'otb*rinad, 35thk wed-
ding 1.014velriMrti oii .Saft.Pr4+0"y,.
June 22. A orPriS b4,1*-t11P^
POT*i0.990.4. 0014 was
nod and #r0P4rt.4-bY,Abgir. fain-
ily xfoVsr ,closp firio14,;.:111te
cools! .peogivO' Tor0r.
floyms and 0.04,* of
wishes. Their family fr. and
Mrs. Gary Sholdiee, Wookatmon;
Mr. and Mrs Warren" f4b0141ce,
Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Sheldice, Preston; Beverly;. at
home and W:54 .$110141P0 bro-
ther, tn. and. Mrs. .Howard
Querengestser, .glerlden,114,,
Stratford, Igannecl7the
and Mo. 1,5101400 Iuwe
feu r gmandakildren,....Pen4 Mark,
Judy,' of Brodhagen 0110: Jeffrey
of Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. ShO/diee',..are
leaving on a Ogee via4a4 4470
to the Western Provinees and
VallP9Wiref0 a.1141 'and
pealed by `tand 'WS, -CUL
-ereet 'Que*IigeSaer, 'PO' P,045 -
las St., Stratford.- -
Mrs. Norinan_Rerriewies,lis. a
patient at sosiorth OanuntlnitY
' Mr. and Mrs. George Wesen.
berg, and girls,- Brusitelsi'vWted
with Mrs. Rachael Ahrens on
Sunday. •
Mn. and Mrs. Bernie Leader,
Calgary, Alberta1. visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern IVW:te; -
The Brodhagen Intermediates'
had a steady pace of ball games
last vittik On 'Monday night
they played in Linwood with
Linwood Winning 7-3. Wednes-
day night they played. in Moore-
field and Brodhagen won 8 - 5.
Sunday, Atwood playie.d •at Brod-
hagen with Atwood wiiming 7 -
• An annual, reunion was held
Sunday at the Brodhagen Com-
munity Hall for the families of
the late Albert Hine. -About 80
persons attended. from Hamil-
ton, Kitchener, Waterleo„ Zur-
ich, Stratford, 3/fonicton, Mitek -
ell and surrounding district. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer
and Karl visited with Mas. Jean
Nichol and Roberl and 14.
Clifford Marks in • Brussels.
ROW. and IVIrs. Oalvtn Diegel
and family, Brantford, visited
with Mr. Wm. Diegel on„trSalur--
day. Mr. and It's. Irwin Swint
visited at the same home and
'also sattended the Diegel Re-
• Diegel Reunion
The -animal meeting •of the
Diegel Reunion was held this
year on Sundary, June 23, at the'
home of .Mr. and Mr:s. Cart
Vock. Over a hundred people
were in attendance:awl about. 30
came for dinner. Races, and
group games were held which
everyone enjoyed. A minutes
silence was held for those who
departed: MrS. Henry Diegel
Mrs. Leuis Diegel .and Mr. Grant
Moore. Specialprizes were won
by, the following; oldest lady,
Mrs. •Christina' Leenhardt; old-
est gent, Mt. Joe Smith; young-
est baby, Murray Diehl, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Diehl; father
of the most sons, Mr.' Keith
Parsons;. mother of the most
daughters:, Mrs. Glen-Diegel;
boy or girl with the most freck-
les, Richard Parsons; longest
Married couple, Mn and Mrs.
Harold .,Diegel; latest married
couple, Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Rock;
News of
Sti Columban
1Virs. VanDoornik, Holland, is
visiting her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
aft. and Mrs. Jerry Stapleton
and Patrick and Carl -Stapleton.,
London, with Mrs. Joseph Kale.
Argot birthden UOTY
AreDnelie -VOA in fakOr or
bolithig thre+ Petudoll agftn, got
rear on tarte Same 004.00 W-
end last Stindhrivi Arno.
Mr and Ms. Irwin svirint's
offer Of the IIVIIIVOnto0 WOVIenle
if Ta iholocstotykYV
Pe4 'rear* Ileimlelk, was Amp
vmcgthio for, 4oxt Year
as t911.90m; presi&.34..V.4171
Bock; vice pre,sidenit, Mr. Irwin..
Swint and see4reaalialert• Tarr
Ki.sm, toper;
Sincere Thank -you
to tho electors of Huron for
your support. Special thanks to
all those who 'worked so hard
on my behalf.
Friends of Mrs. John McAsh
are sorry to hear she is a pat-
ient in the hospital.
Mrs. Eileen Consitt has re-
turned home from Victoria Hos-
Recent guests with Mrs. Geor-
ge Reid were Tom Himmelman
and Robert Reid of Camp Bor-
den and Mrs. Verna Greenbury
and Miss Mary V. Costello of
Flint, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid,
Cheryl and Jimmie of Wallace -
burg spent the weekend at their
home on the Parr Line,
. Mrs. George .Beattie is spend-
ing two weeks with her son,
Mr. and Mrs. George Beattie
and family of Willowdale.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pilgrim
and family of New Hamburg,
spent the weekend with their ”
parents and attended the funer-
al of their uncle, Mr. Robert
The sympathy of the commun-
ity goes out to the family of
the late Robert Speir who pas-
sed away at the Seafotth Hos-
pital last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson vis-
-Red -Saturday -evening -with Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson McClure.
Dedication to missions was
observed in the United Church
on Sunday. Rev. Morrison was •
in charge and Debora Stephen-
son and Frank Postil took part
in a 'dialogue of how offerings
to missionare used to help the
people of the world.
The Messengers, Explorers
and Hi C presented their gift
to missions to the church trea-
surer, Mrs. Charles Reid during
the service. -
The annual vacational Bible
Sch061 will he held' during the
second week of July and the
church picnic Will be July 3 at
goistrok t emoorix,
Notice is herebygiven that effeetiye JuL
1, 1968, the Town of Seaforth will begin
ing purchase orders forthe supply—of all goods
and service, s tO the TOwn of Sea:or:al with the
exception, of gasoline and oil, All persons ma,
orized to make purchases" ft;or the TQ will
present a numbered purchase 9rde r issued
the Town Clerk.
Effective July 1,,1968, invoieeS n:not be
accepted for payment un1es4 the, Invoice Shows
the proper purchase order number.
Clerk, Town of Seaforth
Dial 527-0240
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