HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-19, Page 3A place of safety and secur- ity for the accumulations of all wlio work and save. Deposits of any amount accepted and interest paid 4 times a+year at highest current rate. WING'HAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT 11 -- uaea�ao mnnema,wr.a ser S THE CANADIAN ANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE•, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1857 B. E. WALKER, President Arrx, LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANKING BY MAIL 85 Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid to out-of-town accounts. WINGHAM • BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. *O0O4,OOOOOOOOgOOw000000000 4.00600000•••••000000000004, COAL COAL COAL • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, ♦P which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Slannol and ♦ Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. 11.°1 LU BER SHINCLES LATH (Dressed o�'IJndreseed)� g • Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. *`:Geer O s • •• w Highest Price paid for all kinds of .Logs. "Ma J. A. McL ean® Residence Phone No. 55., Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. • 1b/r•t•••00704•A04,••••••4O• ••••••AO44e440001O•t•••4.. CHRISTMAS IVIESSA An Opportunity to Carry Gladness. to the Suffering and Needy Toronto, Can., Dec. llth, 1007 Dear Friend :- A Christinas lnessage, "Peace on Earth : Good Will to Men," was sent to this old world long ago to bring gladness. Was this poor fellow included? The Plage. Not Africa or Pagan India, but Christian Canada. The Persons. A son pleading for his'father. Father, with one arm (the other lost in railway service), stands with tears streaming down his cheeks as he tells his story in the doctor's office, Muskoka Hospital: "I have been a railway conductor. I have been turned out of my boarding-house, where I lived for seventeen years, because I had. consumption. Then I had to leave the hotel for the same reason. The hospital of my town refused me. I have travelled for two days to reach here. For God's sake, doctor, let me stay. I have got money to pay for all I want." If this was the story of a poor fellow with money, what about the hundreds who are seeking admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for eotisumptives, with their money all gone in the struggle with this dread disease ? The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has never refused a patient because of his or her poverty. It now cares for seventy-five patients. It would care for three hundred if the needed money was forthcoming. It has no endowment, except in the kind hearts and the generous gifts of the people of Canada. His Excellency Earl Grey has shown his interest and sympathy in 'this great work for the needy consumptives by accepting the position of Honorary President of the National Sanitarium Association. Your golden dollars may be the Angels of Mercy this Christmas to bring the glad tidings of Good Will and Returning Health to some poor fellow seeking admission into his only refuge, the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. A last word -will you help to care for these whom others do not *want? Faithfully yours, 1 Ho, 3 Is Farming Your Business ? If so, THE WEE}LY SUIS the Farmer's Business Paper, will encli week be of Special Interest to you. illir Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to list Jan., 1909, llt coxwn ATh N wars TIM TINGEAM TIMES :'OE $1.80 TILE WINGIIAM TI14I7',S, DECD tL ER 13, 1907 DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO, Capital paid up, Reserve Fund and Undivided profits Total Assets, over $3,633,000 $4,120,000 51,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly-- end of March, Jane, September and Decem- ber each year, D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R, Vanetone, Solicitor. WASTE OF LABOR. The small profit in farming all over the country, and the average is small, is not due so much to lank of work, as it is to mieoredited work, or work that brings no profit. That field that yields but a few bush- els per acre through the lack of fertility or want of drainage, the cow that makes less than 209 pounds of butter in a year, the pig that is shut up in a peu and fed till the : eed amoui,ts to more than it is worth, these are what make so much farming unprofitable. It costa as much to plow a field that yields only 10 bsehels to the acre as it does to plow one that yields fifty. The cow that gives only 3000 pounds of milk in a year takes up as much bare room, as much pasture, and practically as much feed and care as a cow that gives 6000. The pig that has been kept a year and a half or two years, sells for but little more than the one that is kept only eight months and forced along. Half doing things results in little pro- fit, though the farmer keeps at it from sun to sun. Eight hours a day, of in- telligent, systematic work, with fields and plants and animals of high quality will result in greater production and greater profit than 16 hours a day of average farming. The proof of this may be seen the country over. Who aro the successful farmers? It is on the mortgaged, run out farm where the "man works from sun to sun, and the woman's work is never done"? Let ne as farmers seek to farm right- ly, else long hours of labor availeth little. -Maritime Farmer. WATCH FOR SMALLPDX. "Forewarned is forearmed." With oases of smallpox existing in so many places in Western Ontario, the above motto should be our guiding star. It is an expensive matter for any muni- cipality to handle smallpox when once the disease gains an entrance, but this expense can be rednced to small proportions if the first case that arouses the slightest suspicion is at once located and contagion prevented. Aside from this there is almost pertain protection in vaccination, and no one who within the past few years has not taken that pre- caution ought to delay it. The earliest symptoms of. smallpox may be recognized from a letter from Dr. W. T. Gemmell, of Stratford, printed in the Beacon. He says: I have been asked to describe a few points regarding smallpox that will en- able the public to recognize and report it. Smallpox begins with symptoms like those of "Grippe," headache, back- ache, aches and pains all over body. In severe cases there may be a chill, nen- sea or vomiting. There is also a certain amount of fever. In three or four days all this subsides and the patient feels better. About thio time there appears on the forehead and wrists and later all over the body, a crop of papules or "pimples." Passing the hand over these they feel like grains of shot in the skin. They are much harder than pimples and they oau sometimes be felt before they can be seen, Ia two or three days they are like hard blisters with a red base. In two or three days more they are yellow and are palled pustules. The patient may be sick again at this stage. In a few days more they dry up and form crusts. Be very suspiseionr of every case of "Grippe," anti watch for the hard pimples. The patient may not be very sink at any time and the "pimples" very fere. AEd'.it•OMtX.aa.. Beira th. ,, The Kind You Have Riways Bought tlignat a• �� Cf 1,444. A middle-aged woman, who maid she was from Chicago, entered the Bank of Montreal in London, Ont., in order to deposit $4,000 in American money whioh she had tied up in a towel, feeling that the money would be eater in the Bank of Montreal. The money, she said, was the life savings of her grandmother, her mother and herself. ABSOLUTE SEGUBITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills, IYIust Boar Signature of See Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Vcrr small end as easy to take as sugar., CARTERS ITTLE OVEQ PILLS. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FORSOHSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION OI3iNVIWE MU$r1UV[ WATURC. jut 1 Purelyr'Veg1a..[C+c+.� rveG CURE SICK HEADACHE, HAPPY HOMES. A woman may do her level best to make a happy home for her husband and children, but if she is treated as a slave and only given her board and clothing iu payment for her servioee as mother, wife, cook, laundress, nursegirl, chambermaid and seamstress, is it any wonder that little or no happiness exists in that home? If a mother spoils her son by pampering and waiting on him all the years of his childhood and boy- hood, and making him think that a man should always be waited on by the woman of his household, is it strange that he expects a wife to do the same and that, in all likelihood, she either wears out in a few years, or else l e - comes bitter and diaheartened? There are very many reasons why a home may not bo found a happy one and the happi- ness found therein depends fully as ranch on the husband as it does upon the wife. We are often told that in every true and ideal marriage both husband and wife must learn to boar and forbear. In every home where happiness exists there must ba perfect trust, confidence and love between the husband and wife. There are two kinds of bunehine in the world, and both quite necessary ---•the one which is caused by the sun'sshin- ing outdoors, and the other by ite shin- ing in our hearts. Happy homes abound in the heart aunehine, and whether it shines without or not, there is naught but brightness within doors. It is the loving deeds, the cheery, helpful words, and the kindly thoughtfulness, that each member of the family shows toward the others that makes an ideal, happy home -a perfect heaven on earth. How many of ne do our share in making such a hoine that shall be a haven of rest to all who may come within its inflneuce? A Pointer for Advertisers. A newspaper has 5,000 readers for every 1,000 subscribers. A merchant who • puts out 1,000 handbills gets possibly 300 or 400 people to read them -that is, if the boy who is trusted to distribute them does not chuck them ander the sideweak. The handbills cost as much as a quarter column 'adver- tisement in the home paper. All the women and girls and half the m e n and boys read the advertisements. Re- sult: The merchant who uses the news- paper has 3 500 or more readers to each 1,000 of the paper readers. There is no estimating as to the amount of busi- ness that advertising does bring to a merohant, but each dollar invested in advertising brings to the investor some- where between $20 to $100 worth of business -Albion (Sfioh) Evening Re- corder. • SAYS IT IS FACT. Walton McK1bbon Comilrms Guar- antee on Hyomei, Cure for Catarrh. The question having been raised as to whether or no Walton MoKibbou will refund the money if a Hyomei outfit does not do all that it is claimed for it in oaring catarrh, he wants to state pos- itively that this guarantee le an absolute fact. A gnarantee like this is the best proof that can he offered as to the curative powers of Hyomei in all catarrhal troubles. Yon do not risk a cent in test- ing its healing virtues. Walton McKib- ben takes all the risk, It you have catarrh, try this wonderful medicated air of Hyomei. It does not drug oi' derange the stomach, but is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that Domes with every outfit, so that its meditation reaches the most remote air cells in the nose, throat and lungs, where any catarrhal germs may be larking. It quickly deetroye them, heals and soothes the irritated mucous membrane and vital- izes the tissues so that catarrh is ao longer possible. You can lose nothing by giving Hycniei a trial, nothing but the catarrh and that is good riddanoe. The price of the complete outfit is but $1.00; nothing it it fails to cure. Get an outfit from Walton MoKibbon today and begin its use at ono. 4 The Christmas Rod and Gun, Extra attractions are the rale for Christmae numbers and in thio particular the December issue of "Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada," pibliehed by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock, Ont., is by no means behind. The, quality and character of the contents are both high and such as must prove attractive to every sportsman, while the Chrietmae flavor, though not too pronounced, is well in evidence. An exploration paper of exceptional interest leads off, the traveller, with a half breed guide, making hie way from the End of Steel on the Temiekaming & Northern Ontario Rail- way to Moose Factory ou Hudson Bay, Two stories of huutore lost in the woods are mese interesting experiences which will come home to those who are ac- quainted with ourpathleesforests, Some Christmas Fox Hunts, a Ohristmas Day spout in Marine Zoology on the shores of the Paoifio iu British Columbia, and a story of a police patrol nuder great difficulties in the far northland are all notoable articles. The story of how an ungrateful settler met his end in a snow blizzard on Christmas E o, and how a bee: was defeated by snowballs are speoimens of the variety of contents which make this number an advance upon all that has acne before, "Three Hours in a Bear Trap" is a vivid piece of description of a misadventure in the backwoods, while Indian Cooking in Northern Canada supplies another view of life in Canadian foreste which prove so attractive to all students of outdoor life. For variety and interei3t this num- ber is unsurpassed and should be the one magazine no sportsman moans t0 miss. Every article is interesting and many of them are of special iutereet. HUNDREDS HERE WILL WELCOME THE ADVICE. Put This Simple Home Recipe in Some Safe Place, for It May Come in Handy Some Day. Here is a simple home made mixture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the state- ment in a New York daily newspaper, that it relieves almost any case of Kid- ney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. He states that each symptoms as lame back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night; painful and discolored urination, are readily overcome. Here is the reci- pe; try it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. A well-known druggist here in town is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mix- ture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Uri- nary etruoture and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This mixture is said to re• move all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism by forcing the Kidneys to filter and strain, from the blood and sys- tem all uric acid and foul, decomposed waste mutter, whioh cause these afflic- tions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the preeoription. The Grand Trunk railway will be com- pelled to maintain a two -cent rate be• tween Toronte and Ottawa, according to the judgement of the S ipreme Court. CHRISTMAS JEWELRY It is not too early to think about a Christmas Gift ; and Jewelry is ap- preciated by everybody. Some folks think Jewelry is too expensive - it is, if you do not buy from a firm like ours that boys in such large quantities we get the very closest price, and sell to you so cheap it will surprise you. We can easily save your railroad fare. Call at our store and see the ex• oeptional values in: Bracelets, Watches, Cat Glass, Necklets, Rings, Stick Pins, Hand -painted China Umbrellas, Ebony Hair Brushes, Fine Engagement Rings, Walking Stinks, Opera Glasses, etc., etc. C1H1Ward & C DIAMOND SPLCIALMTS 374 Richmond St. LONDON, ONT. CANADA'S OLDEST NURSERIES INTENDING PLANTERS of Nur. sery Stock and Seed Potatoes should either write directed to to, or see our nearest agent,before placing their orders. We guarantee satisfactioa; prices right; fifty years experience; extra heavy stook of the beat apples. AGENTS WANTED. Whole or part time; salary or liberal commission; outfit free; send for tame. THE TILOS. BOWMAN sic SON, CO., Ltd. I c .L. e a appetit BOVRIL added to any dill, gives it the delightful odor of roasting beef. Makes your mouth water •- puts your appetite on edge. Its rich, beefy flavor, starts the gastric juices flowing, helping the digestive organs extract more nutrition from the food you eat, BOVRIL is not a mere extract. It contains in concentrated form all the essence, substance and flavor of prime beef. When tired out, try a little BOVRIh in a cup of boiling water, with a soda biscuit. Twill refresh and strengthen you. All good cooks keep BOVRIL always on hand. There's not a day passes that it cannot help make some dish more palatable -more nourishing, All good grocers sell BOVRIL. 13 'WON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^AhAAAAAA 40%".00"0".0.00•00~~04.0 Lehigh A Valley! Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers IT HAS NO EQUAL. e C2 AAAAAAAAAAAWNSAAHAAA"AAA VVVVVVVWVWWVVVVVWVVVVV 0941,0010110•0114•111•0116 00040108 ••41110••••••••00••••••••9110 • • • • • 0 • • O • • 0 • • • • • • • • • below • •i. d• •p t • t6 01 t$ 0 • s 0 •• 0 O 0 • to The 0 4. 4. 4. 0 4. • 4. •l- i - 4. 4. d• 4. •2 •1' 3- -i 0 CLU .'.ING RATES ÷÷4444÷+ 1 FOR 1907 - 08. TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates for any of the following publications : Times and Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World 2.60 Times and Toronto Daily News, 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 30 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.60 Times and Weekly Globe . 1.35 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.35 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums 2.10 Times and Weekly Witness 1.85 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1,80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1,60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 Times and World Wide 2.20 Times and Northern Messenger. 1.35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home blaaazine. Times and Farming World .. 1.35 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 Times and Westminster 2,25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90 Times and Youths' Companion 3.25 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.95 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1 85 Times and Michigan Farmer . 2.15 Times and Woman's Home Companion 2 25 ,OI. Times and Country Gentleman 2.60 'I' Times and Delineator 2.95 4. Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.95 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.55 + Times and Good Housekeeping 2.30 ÷ Times and McCall's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine 2.30„ Times and American Boy Magazine 1 90 Times and What to Eat 1.90 Times and Business Man's Magazine 2.15 Times and Cosmopolitan 2.15 Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.75 .s. Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.75 'Tines and Success 2.25 Times and Hoard's Dairyman 2.40 .t. Times and McClure's Magazine 2.40 +Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,50 ie - Times and Vick's Magazine 1.60 % Times and Home I?erald 2.60 Times and Travel Magazine 2.25 4. Times and Practical Farmer 2.10 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.40 Times and Designer 1 75 Times and Everybody's 2 80 Times and Western Horne Monthly, Winnipeg. L25 Times and Canadian Pictorial 1.60 .. The above prices include postage on American publications to any 4* address in Canada. It the Trans is to be sent to an American address, add 50 cents for postage, and where American pnblieatione are to be sent to - American addresses a reductio, will be made in price, Wo could extend this list. If the paper or magazine yon want is not in the list, call a: this office, or drop a card and we will give you prices on the paper you want. We club with all the leading newepapors and magazines. When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will secure snch premiums when ordering through ns, same as ordering direct from publishers. These low "rates mean a considerable saving to enbecribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post 1 office or exp"fico money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, RIDCMYILLE, O:tt&at1O. w 111• lw WINGIIAM, ONTARIO.