HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-06-20, Page 15a
by W. W. Haysom
your telephone manager
I often think that it must seem strange to 'eitizens of
those countries which are still struggling to obtain free vot-
ink in a general election, that Canadians must be urged to
use the vote that they have enjoyed for so many years. For
more than half a century — since 1917 when women were
granted the vote in federal elections — all adult Canadians
have enjoyed this freedom to vote. The secret ballot was in-
trod:heed in Canada in New Brunswick in 1855 and voting by
sqcret ballot was adopted in federal elections in 1874. Before
this qualified voters (men over 21) called out their choice at
the polls. First votes for women .in Canada were allowed in
1884. In that year widows and spinsters in Ontario were giv-
en the ballot in municipal 'elections. The privilege of voting
has a long history in Canada. Perhaps that is why the duty
that goes with this privilege is sometimes overlooked. Thou-
sands, indeed most of us who will be voting in our federal
election next week, know nothing of the Struggle to obtain
the vote — a struggle which is still going on in many coun-
tries. June 25 we have the chance to vote for the government
we feel will best lead Canada. Freedom to vote. It's both a
privilege and a, duty.
What help can you get that: Will work overtime with-
out extra pay? Will take care of a thousand errands and nev-
er complain? Is always ready to be of service? -.Will never
speak unless spoken to? Can, speed across town or across the
continent in seconds? Your telephone, of course. It's always
there, always ready to help you accomplish more. For busi-
ness and for pleasure it is always your willing servant.
Ever doodle while talking on the phone? Be. careful
. those little scribblings can really give you away. Psychol-
ogists say if you draw squares and checkerboards, you're log-
ical and. emotionally stable; animals and birds, you're affec-
tionate and understanding. Boats mean that you're energet-
•ic and love freedom, fwhile drawing arrows points out that
your goals are high. Circles show'you're a daydreamer; floW-
ers and trees reveal that you're lonely; sketching facial fea-
tures shows that y'ou' appreciate beauty: There's the analysis.
Now . . . which one are you? '
Say Cqi.ees�- Cottage' Please
The smildeat ofai beeSes
readily available at MeSt dairy
counters. Various countries have
their 'unripened cheese similar
curd. Eating cottage- cheese is
otta" of Italy, One of the
oldest of cheesei
-Si t is now made
PeranterciallY by adding lactic
acid baeferia to skim milk to
yield a mild -flavored, white
curd. Eating cotage eheese is
like eating milk with a spoon.
It is an excellent food, readily
digested and particularly adapt,
able to warm weather meals.
Most dairies make their own
cottage cheese and pack it in 8;
12 and 1,6 -ounce containers. It
is available 4,94 "dry" or "cream-
ed". The "creamed" type has
cream added and the cheese
must °ordain at least 4 per cent
butter fat according to the reg-
ulations. The "dry" is the low -
f a t variety. The container
should be kept tightly closed,
plaeed in the refrigerator and
used within, two or three days
for best flavour.
'Cottage Cheese Dip
1 cup -cottage Cheese
% cupsalad dressing
2 tablesponos chopped green
teaspO'n salt
Dash pepper
Few drops hot pepper sauce_
1 teaspoonlernom, juice
Press cottage cheese,,,through
sieve. Add remaining ingred-
ilengts and beat until light Chill.
Makes about 1 tup.
1% cups graham wafer crumbs
1/2 teaspon cinnamon
1/4 eup butter, melted
1 can (10 -ounce) crushed pine-
1 enevelope gelatin (1 table-
spoon) -
% cup, sugar
1 tableis' poon lemon, juice,
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 cup sieved cottage cheese
F4 cupcommercial sour cream
Mix graham wafer crumbs,
cinnamon, and, butter,. Press
half the mixture in bottom of
8 -inch square cake pan. Drain
pineapple. Save juice (about 1/2
, cup). Soak gelatin in pineapple
. juice 5 minutes.Add sugar and
heat until gelatin is melted,
about 1 minute,. Remove from
heat, add pineapple and remain-
ong ingredients. Chill tmtil be-
ginning to thicken Pour hrto
pan, top With remaining crumbs
and chil until set. Cut in squares
to serve. Six to eight servings.
Strawberry Cottage Cheese
Salad •
2 --cups quartered strawberries
Vs cup, sugar
J. envelope gelatin '(1 tbls.)
% cup cold water
2 ,cups cottage cheese
1cup salad dressing or may-
1 tsp, lemon juice
.few' grains salt.
Combine strawberries and su-
gar and let stand 15 to 20 min• -
utes, stirring gently several
times. Soak gelatin in oold water
for 5 minutes and -then dissolve
over tot. WOW, T4a,•$4 ..POttig.0
awe .tuld stir in s.agd
sing, lemon ittioe and shit Ad4
dissOlssocis vista and *.contbitto
thoroughly. Fold in stawither•
rim Turn into a 5-eep MOidi
We indivitha1. Melds, :axid
until firm, about 2 hours., Sorv.o
as a -side salad or as part of a
fruit plate, Six servings.
. . •
'rho HURON fX14,5119R, SEAFORT'ili ONT, JUN 20,
Strawberries Take To Dipping
Mr. Tom Walker, Sault Ste.
Marie, Ontario; and Mrs.
Chris Rupp, North Vancouv.
er, B.C„ both won sporty
SST Javelin cars by Ameri-
can Motors.
Commonly considered as a
food for dieters, many persons
have been bypassing this ver-
satile, refreshing food, Cottage
cheese may be used as the pro-
tein part of a salad. Its mild
flavour and skowy whiteness,is
an an attractive background for
displaying colorful fruit or veg-
etables. It forms the basis of
many dips for crackers, chips,
fruits or vegetables. In casser-
oles it may be combined, as a
sauce With ground beef as in
lasagna. Many deserts feature
cottage cheese in combination
with various fruits such as pin -
apple and strawberries. Some
people feel that cottage cheese
reachs its peak .of perfection in
a cheesecake.
The home 'economists of the
Consumer Section, Canada De-
partment of Agriculture, have
so many favorite tested recipes
featuring cotage cheese, it is
difficult to make a choice. How -
over, they are confident you
will enjoy the "Cottage Cheese
Cheese "Squares" and "Straw-
berry Cottage Cheese Salad."
Mrs, K. Paquette, Eastview; Joey Morisset-
te,_Kingston; Ricky Coker, Winona; R. J. A.
Burke, Petawawa; Mrs. Barb Harrison, Seer- '
boro; Jimmy Todd, Toronto; Carl Lavigne,
Windsor, are some of the winners_of shiny,
red Honda motorbikes.
Don Lockhart, Collingwood; Bruce Scott, Strat-
ford; George Osmond, Guelph; Jim Schuett, Kit-
chener; Mrs. Sam Swain, Dundas; Kevin McCar-
thy, Alliston; Kevin Autry, Dresden; Kristy King,
OWen Sound; Barbara Schnurr, Walkerton; 'Mrs.
Doris Hardy, Point Edward; John Barton Clark-
son; Bruce Ray, Brantford; Bill Post, FaArelockv
\. • Elizabeth Kucsur, -Windtor, a win brand new
CCM bicycles.
"Come and jail mee", says this lone strawberry in the
snow-white nest of "Cram Cheese Dip". The well -beaten
cheese has salad dressing, cream and lemon juice added. The
home economists of the C,onsurner Section, Canada Depart-
ment of Agriculture, invite You to try this dip and see how
it enhances the flavor of luscious strawberries.
You could be one of next week's many winners!
Look for contest details in cartons of Coca-Cola.
Gas -Coli atid Waste ii*slared In* was .11110 caltytMplual*WCoaideL.
•.658 ERIE ST.
'PHONE 271-2240
. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. •
• • :74 0.`"'
— SAVE 40c --
Top Valu Choice
• *SAVE 20c —
Salad Dressing
32 -oz.
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• --- SAVE 6c --
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June 19-22
We reserve
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210 lb. SEAL -DOWN
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New Crop rront S. Africa (Size 48's)
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210 Std. 3 -In -1
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