HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-06-20, Page 7• 1. 1 USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE; 1. Coming 'Events 2. Lost,'Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportueitles 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Artie lee For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property, For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 77. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are inserted at a .rate of.. 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17mu mm 60.c. Classifica- tions 24, -25 an 26, minimum 2c per word, mieimum $1.15. All other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted. (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on arpplication. For cash payment or if paid within 10 days following last 'insertion, 15 CENTS deducted,. from above rates. 1. Coming Events FRIDAY, June 21, Big Game Night, Clinton Community Cen- tre, free mooseburger, dancing 10 - 1 fie Ian Wilbee's Orches- tra, admission $2.00. 1-31-2 DIEGEL Reunion will be held on Sunday,. June 23, 1968, at the home of Carl Vock, Brodhagen. Dinner will bi served at 12:00 asze; Sports at 2:00 p.m. and supper at -530 p.m. 1-32-1 • AN "Appreciation Night" for Mr. J. H. Kinkead, former Ele- mentary Schaal Inspector of • North Huronis to be held in Wingham Publio School auditor- ium on Wedeesday, June 26, 1968 from 830 p.m. to 10:00p.m. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all former teachers, • panents, childree and friends: 1-33-1 a a ; ••' ' CHICKEN Bambecue, Cavan U. C., Winthrop, Thurs., July 11, from 5:39 to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50 Children 6 - 12, 75c, 1-32,2 gRUCEFIELD United Church Ham and Strawberry supper, Thursday, June 27. 'Served' from 5:30 to 8:30. Admission$1.50 and 75e. Music during the sup- per hour. 1-32-1 2. Lost, Strayed BEAGLE 'hound 2 years old fe- male, Dark in colour, white feet. Phone 527-0261. 2-321 TAKEN from 'beside house in Kippen, new, boy's red Super cy- cle, medium size. Anyone having information please call 262-5514, reward. 2'3.12•1 . 3. Found SMALL dog, Phone 527-1326. 3-32x1 4. Help Wanted ORGANIST wanted'Cavan Chur- ch Winthrop, duties to com- mence July 1st Apply MrS. Rob- ert Dalton R. R. 1 Londtesboro. Phone 527-1366. 4-32-2 AVON CALLING Would you like to know how to become an Avon Represent- ative? For information, mail coupon to Mrs. 1VIillson, 17 Hawk - esbury Ave., London. Nam,e Address Phone 4-30-4 SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Men and' women to work day or night shift, approximately from June 24th to November 15. Excellent Wages with a wide variety' of work available. For further information CALL 235-2445 4, Help Wanted LOCAL NAN REQUIRED, I need a nepreseentatiee for my firm in this area. Thie ()p- eeing may be worth up to .$8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-tizne. Age 21 to; 70. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time, See Ed.,, Bauer., Elm Haven Motel, Clinton, Tues., June 25th. 4-44 Canadian Cahners Ltd. EXETER ' ask for Perrsonell Department , "Look for the display ad th this Issue." ' 440-3 RAWLEIGH business new wen in pert Huron 0ountec. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time., Write 4.41ff- leigh, Dept. F-363489, 4005 Ri- chelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 7. Situations Wanted WILL makeflowers for. your wedding cars, reasonable: Box 1751e The, Huron Eeptisiter. , 74a-1 8. Farm Stock For Sale SIXTY•;ONE pigs.. Call Poppe, 3454437, Dublin. • • SIXTY pigs. 'John VanItakel, 345-2'715. 842x1 TWENTY one pigs for sale,. Sev- en to nine weeks old 482,7262 Clinton _Dote Watson. -842e1 SPOTTElt periy, very quiet, Carl, harness indl—addle, Robert; Pat- rick, R. R. 4, Seaforth, Phone 527-1278. •8-321 9. Poultry For Sale KI1VIBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-304f 10. Used Cars For Sale 1-9-66 Envoy Epic in good con- dition, 27,000 miles. No reason, able offer refused. Cell after 5 p.m., 5214220, Blyth. 1.042x1 1956 Fargo le ton with rebuilt motor atfd new paint. Good tires and radio. $150 Or best offer. Call after 5 p.m., 523-4220, Blyth. 1042x1 11. Articles For Sale WRINGER washing machine, phone 527-1736 after 5. 11-31x2 McICEE harvester with box and unloading winch, reasonable of- fer accepted. Olarenee Martin Seaforth. 11-31x2 DON'T miss the bargains at the Going -out -of -business sale. Sav auge Jewellers, opposite the post offioe. 11-284 CRUSHED gravel, delivered or ee at the pit. John Thompson, Phene 527-0238. 11-3041 SEE OURFINE SELECTION OF DIAMOND. RINGS Convenient Terms No Carrying Charges Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 11-30- tf GEI-IL Harvester, hay mid corn attacImients. Llke new. Phone 345-2746. 11-31-2 NOW Is the time for Dahlia and Gladioli bulbi. Darwin dah- lia, pansy, pettuda and all var- ieties of flowers and vegetables. Staffen's Flowers, phone 527- 0800. 11-27-7 PIANOS and organs, new and reconditioned, largest va- riety to choose from.' We ser- vice what we sell for our cus- tomers to the highest degree of accuracy. See your Sher- lock- Manning dealer for this area and get a• truly fine in- strument. Many makes and models at Garnet Farrier's showrooms at Whitechurch. Phone 357-2068. 11-304f CRYSTAL 11. Articles For TIMEX WATCHES say AND SERVICED THROTIGII ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. COPIES . - Copies of your :important pa - 'Pere or deouraents while you wait. Letter size, 250 each. The }Dam ExPOSitor 11-19-tf LARGE SELECTION OF BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY, NOW AVAILABLE • Anstett JevtkellersioLtd. 11-314f ONE new Idea three bar aide rake. Priced for quick sale. Con - tett Robert Fotheeitigham R. R. 3 Seaforth Phone 482-9196. 11-32-1 ALLAS Chalmers side rake, ne- eds "gear box. Tractor times, pair 13"x24" pair 13"x32", also 61 chee part. Phone 262-5272 Hen, stall. 11-32-2 BALE elevator, 32 foot Sam Mul- key, John Henderson, R. It. 5 Seaforth phone 527-0435. 11-32x1 FOUR row pull type bean scat- tier, also McCormick manure spreader. ApPly Pearson Char- ters, Hensall 262-500& 11-32x1 ANY reasonable offer "accepted on thiree sets, of silvee at Say- auges going •out of business sale. Also 18 diamonds at tremendous savings and more than 20 re- built vvatelves. Make the best deal eves at Saveuge Jewellers (Opposite the post office) 11-30-1. ONE good used wooden' pen Phone Brussels, 3824-6. 11-32x1 MIXED grain, Ed- Dorran•ce, RR2, Seaforth. Phone 527-1627. 11-32x1 CANADIAN Beauty rangetti with oven, suitable for 'cottage. In- good condition. Mrs. Alex Wright, phone 527-1375. 4, 11-32-1 • A continuous grain drier, MI fired. Double column, 30' high by 12' wide. Capacity, 200 buse per hour. For further infermat- i•on contact Elg-in Co-operative Services, Bea 129, Aylmer, Ont. or phone David White, manager at Aylmer, 773-8481. 11-32-1 KITCHEN cuish-o-rieds,• honey _ beige color, tops left., bottoms lefte including double sink, taps, counter tops, 7 drawers; Weigel hording -rugs, matohing 9ftse12ft. 9ft.xeft. rug Oft. x9ft: white bath tub, toilet, basin and vanity; Franklin type stove, washing equipment, beds, chest, chairs, tables, portable sewing machine, special Sc, 26c, and 50e 'tables etc. Miscellaneous art- icles, featuring clothes, child- ren's books and toys, all at bar- gain give-away prices Saturday, June Mad 2 to 4 p.m.. 'Ross Mid- dleton Storage, R. R. 2 Bayfield. - 11-32-1 We have open stock of the following crystal patterns: Cross and Olive — $1.00 each Pinwheel $1.00 eaeh $1.50 each Flair Exquisite ----e--- $2.25 each Cornflower at Regular Prices 10% Discount on Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-3041 HONEY for sale. CIOVer and light 'amber; 8 poen& $2.25, 4 pounds $1.25, 2 pmmds $.66, 30 pound pail- $8.00. All honey unpasteurized, Wallace • Roes, Apiaries, Seaforth. 11-31-2 THIRTEEN used sewer tile, 30 inch in diameter, eech 30 inches in length'. Lindsey Eyre, 462- 7120. 11-32x1 UTiLITY Trailer, $30.00, Phone 527-0129. 11-32-1 , TEN acres of hay. ,Nelson, Me- Clure. 11,32x1 INTERNATIONAL 45 baler and 32 ft. bale elevatbe, Phone 48 1142-1 3252. TWENTY acres of standing h,ay. Rrussell Bolton Phone 527-1428.. 11-32-2 COCICSHUTT 4 bar sktrimraki; 16 acres clover hay. Apply Lot 13, Con, 11, McKillop. William L. Boyd, phone 527-0626. 11-32-1 FORTYYorkpigs, 8 weeks old. Herman VanBakel, RR2, Dublin, ph -one 345-2518. 11-32-1 _ COMBINE Case '77 P.P.°, with pickup and reel, bean screens, good working condition. Phone 262-5002. Robert Elg•ie R. R. 3 11-52-2 Kippen. " , 12. Wanted To Buy TRAILER box 4ft. x eft. prefer plywood' or wood bottom and low sides. Apply Box 1750 Hur- on Expositor. 12-32-2 14. Property For Sale 100 acre farm with 25 acres sown in crop; 75 acnes grass with never -failing water sup- ply and shade. Locatedi at Lot 28, Concession 2 Hibbert Twp. Possession November 1st. James Ducharme, 11.112, Dublin. 14-31x2 DOWNTOWN , three bedroom central hall plan house. Large living room • with fireplace. By appointment only. Phene 527- 1174, evenings- 14-31-2 FOR SALE Twovacant lots, -Town of Sea - forth.' • • One vacant lot, Trivvnship of Bibbed, drilled well. • One stucco residence on Main Street in Egznondville. One 50 acre farm in Hibbert, pod grass land, good water, some bush. Three bedroom house, treed lot south Main Street. Looking for .a farm, busin- ess, cottage? Contact: • BRUCE PAPPLE Representing DOUG Srl'INSON, =AMR, 154 Laurentian Drive, Offices: Seaforth 5274616 LONDON 451-3782 Member London' Real estate hoar& 1431-1 • - 25 ACRES . Near Seaforth on paved road. New •aluminum siding on cot- tage. Fair. sized barn. Good wat- er supply. Residential home for rent in Seaforth, WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN SEAFCiRTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker 15, Property Vor,Rent Two.'*4114:7:'74.040; :040 floor, light), hot. an4 goIctwAer, fridge, 'eleetrie-gtoveo. commer- cial elothet4lrrac,.. TV lad 1, built io cupboards, atOrake, flush $49.09 •a, Utonth. Jack Thompson,. FarollY .Shoes and Repairs. I5 -274f TRAVEL trader,. sleep's 6.; .com- plete 1titchet4 .availahle by du week or month. Geraid'S. Sumer. tent, .rphone 527-1010, Seaterth. 1.541.-tf, TWO bedroom figniihedrOPart- mot for 3 or 4 single girls. Weekly rates, WOO, Mrs. James MeNairu, Phone 527448, 15-.31-tf. CABIN trailor on site -Pear San- dy Furnished,sleeps- six, water and hydro supplied. By week or month, Contact Cam Procter, Agfi Raglau.st Pliptork• Phew .102,95$0. 15--321,1 MODERN -three hedroomi hisuSe, 3 piece bathe .leitehen, roonvfultbasement, laundry tubs in .basement. -this is a new house 'With garage - Available July ist J. L. Ryan St. VoiumOon- FURNISBED or =fund:shed! duplex, 1 Egmondvillet, gas heated, heat and hydeo paid, $23 per week. Phene 527-1529. 15-324f 15. Property For Rent MODERN two bedroom apatt- ment, kitchen, living room and 3 plete bath. Hot water heated. Phone 527-0810. 0-2841 Heated apartment, '2 -bedroom; 3 piece bath. Available June 30th. Gordon Noble; phone 52/7- 0849. '15-32-1 NICE apartment for rent in country, retired or working couple preferred. Just off high, way. Drive to door in winter. Box 1749,- Huron Expositor. 1542x1 19. Notices 22. Legal Notiees, meet the; F4stato of Dore Mary Somervilleilate of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of U'UP, on, Housewife, deceased wbo 1968, are hereby -notified to send At the residence of Pat *Jordan in full particulars of their claims to the undereigeed -on or befone the• 27th day, of June, 1968, after distributed, having regard milY to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 30th day of May, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART ..Seaforth, Ontario • Solicitors for the ExecutOr,_ s Z2,40-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of e, DANIEL MUNRO All persene having claims against the Estate of Dan- iel Munro late of the. Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, -Retined Butcher, de- ceased, who died on the 25th day of March, 1966 are hereby notified to send in fullparticu- lars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 4th day of Ally, 19;:, after which date the assets will be distri- buted,. having regard - only to' claims then received. • DATED at Seaforth, this 7th day of June, 1968. s McCONTNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors • 22-31-3 DAY nursery opening- Monday June 17th. For information call 1VIrs. James McNairnezhone 527- 19-31-1e SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Br u ss e 1 s, phone 442-W-6 or HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. • 19-3044 •ELECTROLUX Canada- Ltd. Sales and: Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St, Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-304 - NOTICE We are shieping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives „ of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM. J. DALE Phone Seaforth 527-0635 or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin call coll- ect. 19-3041 CONCRETE WORK No job too big, no job too small, also post hole digging and fencing. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Phone LOUIS MALONEY 5274351. 19-304f , REMOVAL Please Call Promptly ARLATT BROS. Phone 133 — 13russe1s, Ont. 24 hour service -7 days a week . LICENSE NO. 390-C-05 19-304f Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs. ° Ring Sling . Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 19-304f SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey 'Dale, Seaforth,. phone 527- 1406. 19-304f WATCH REPAIRS • FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-304f COPIES Copies a your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 19-304f FINAL 10 hours of Savauge's Going Out of 'Busiliess Sale. Thursday 2tp.m. to 4 p.m. Fri- day and Saturday 10 to 12 noon and 2 to 4 p.m. private sale on- ly. , 19-32-1 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Ponk Breeders Promotion Sale Shetland and Welsh s WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 8 PIM. V. J. Horne's farm, Gowans - town, 3 miles- north of Listowel on highwary 23. Sale consists of 15 ponies and equipment. All sales final JACKSON & JACKSON Auctioneers 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of DORA, MARY SOMERVILLE All persons having debits eg- 23. Business Directory Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction .sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482-3384 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES coNDucrED 'R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 noon For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office W. J. CLEARY -Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 BusinOSs DireCtOrY BOX - FUNERAL SERVICE FroMPt and careful atteetten Ambulae.e0 Service FlowersFor Au Occasiena Phones; Day 527-0680 — Night 5470885 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitora, M- P. D. McCONMLL, D.1. STEWART Sealorth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 SEAFORTII VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Aryans, D.VAL, V.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., V.S. P. S. Dwyer, M.V.B., 151,11.C.V.S. Phone 527,1760 - &liar* A. M MAME Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goder/ch 524-7562 FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressuresystems and farm line needn PHONE 482-9561 17 Rattenbury Street, CLINTON "Proudly 'We Service Canadian" what we sell" " RUSS ARCHER, Manager RONALD G. McMANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO' Office; Rattenbury St., phone • 482-9677. Res; Rattenbury St., phone . 482-7313 G. A. -WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Brittania Road East, Goderich Phone 524-9521 23-14-tf 24, Cools of Thanks WE: *Ulf to extend �ur sincere thanlts and -,aw're4atiOn to aeli•• Atm; triende 4114 Wiebbers for the lovely floral tribute,40004 lonP, cads and expressions ef sYmPathY in Or recent sad ber- eavement of or PA Roy and special thanks to Bev', . 3olin C. eype, the bearers, )%01110=14 Funeral Horne, the ladies At Car- mel- Omen Who served lunch to11gYAn6 ' the funeral service. You'kiminess is deeply apprec- iated-.— EarLand Mrs. PaKaPbeR" ?,443.4 I Wish to thank the nursing staff of Seaforth Community Hospital for -.the 'kindness Shown mo dar- fag my retent accident; also special thanks • to- Ir. oy°, neighbors and friends. It was all greatly appreciated —Frank' Phillips. .244324 The family of tbe, late OW Lud- vigsen wish te thaekeeVerYme for all acts of kindness eards and Demers received in, their sad bereavement. — His wife Florenee, Isdbel and Joe WWI" Beth and Bill Cb.owen. 2442-1 I wish to thank everyone Who mseneMbered me in any way dur- ing my brief stay in Hospital. It was all very much appreciat- ed. — Mrs. Cora Baaeows- - 24-32e1 We would like, to say how grate- ful we are to everyone, who so willingly Volunteered to assist us in clearing away the damage to the Cardno Block, after last •TUesdaY's storm. Once again, please accept our sincere thanks:, for .coming to our aid so speedi- ly. ly. — John and Ken Cardno. 24-32-1 I would like to express my ap- preciation to the nurses for their kind assistance during my stay in Seaforth Community Hospital, and especially to Dr. Brady and 1VIellrus. I would also like to thank all those vrbo vis- ited or sent cards, particularly the Turner's U. C. W. and the Junior Farmers for their thou- ghtful gifts. — Ken Whitmore 24-32,1 I wish to thank relatives and friends for remembering me • with cards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in Sea forth Community Hospital, also the many thoughtful acts shown to Velma and myself. Special thanks to Dr. Moy,o Dr. Stapleton nurses aed staff.— William P. Miller. 24-32x1 Mes. Larry McMichael (nee Co-l- nie Stone) would like to thank all those who gave gifts at her showers, also special thanks to those who put on the lovely showers. 24-32x1 24. Card o tun** we.** -49 1.4*.4141* and ri- .eryone TOW 1144.**4410, in help- ing cel'e'brate obr 200,' wedclly4 AnOlvemary.4 .Tbiztolp.• for 411 the lovely gifts and 04014 Special .P01413r-' for. iigt their fhouglitfOlOicO, W14;7.0060: . was gregkb!". 44000404 '404, , .will Tootbe remembood,. , Nom an4f. . • 2..4.42$1. 25, In Memenant , wnixaomor,T In. 104110 InenTorY of ow ,oeloveclt Am), only daught-er; Meson% "Nilo Was celled home 5 :years ago' June 23rd, 1963. H.we gold haw a lifetime' WOhp One dream that wOld. con*, - true, We would pray with ail pr liearte For Yesterday and You, For there's nevier• a day that But our thoughts reaciv fitii to you, Never a JOY' that palm" Of 11A, But we wisis YOU eettld 'QUO it too. . • • We cannot bring the days back, When we were all together, But secret tears and loving - thoughts - — - Will live with us forever. — Lovingly remembered and greatly missed by mom and dad. 25-32e1 PRYCE — In loving memory of a dear son 'and brother, Les- lie John Pryce, Who passed a- way four years ago on June 24, 1964. A cluster of precious memories, Sprayed with a million, tears, Wishing God had spared you; t'or a few more years. You left a beautiful memory And sorrow too great to be told, But to us who love& andrloseyou Your memory will never grow Sleep; dear one, for it is true, You suffened so much and told so few: But someone knew you needed nest, T'was God above and He knew beet. Others have loved and lost,we But you were oars, -and we loved s ou so. — Quietly remetnhered and sad- ly Missed by Dae Mom and faze- , ily. • 25-33x1. Additional Classified SEE PAGE 8 HERE'S PIWOF SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS BEEF OR PORK LIVER Ib. lb. FRESH SIDE PORK 2 lbs. HEADCHEESE per tin GROUND CHUCK lb. BEEF AND PORK ° SAUSAGE SWISS STEAKS SCHNEIDER'S CHICKEN LEGS Ib. Ib. Ib. 45c 29 89c 89c 65c 39c 95c 49c. FROZEN FOQ,D • q•,, SWANSON — 11 -oz., Turkey or Swiss Steak (reoularly 69e) T.V. DINNERS each 590 FOOD INV House and Garden Bomb — 11 -oz. Johnson's' RAID each 99c LIBBY'S — 12 -oz., Green, Hot -Dog or Hamburg jars $ RELISHES FLUSH A BYE Disposable — 24s DIAPERS Pkg. $ 1.29 ALLEN'S — Orange, Grape, Pineapple -Grapefruit, Pileapple- Orange FRUIT DRINKS, 48 -oz, 3 for 990 HAPPY VALE 48-oz. tins 3 for 790 CIBBY'S DEEP -BROWNED REANS, 19 -oz. tins 3 for 690 BORDEN'S CHEESE SLICES, 8 -oz. CHRISTIE'S (regularly 59c) RITZ BISCUITS, 16 -oz. 2 for 670 490 McCORMICK'S — 13 -oz. bag CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 2 for 790 FOR HAMBURGS OR HOT DOGS WESTON'S ROLLS- (8s) HUMPTY DUMPTY (regularl;'69c) POTATO CHIPS, 12 -oz. REYNOLD'S (regularly 73c) FOIL WRAP, 18 -inch width 4 Pkgs: $1 590 630 WEEKEND SPECIALS FOR JUNE 20, 21, 22, 1968 UPER AVE MARKET Hensel!, Ontario PRODUCE No.,1 (good size) product U.S.A. WATERMELONS ea. 890 No. 1 Hot House (Ontario) TOMATOES • • • • lb. 390 '4 •