HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-19, Page 1HE WINCiHA1VI T'IM�S.
.VOL OL X XYL---NO. 1871.
Jost drop in 'at Walton McKibbon's
Drug Store and barrow (without
any charge to ypu what-
ever) an
AdOStrOp Rsi,T®R
A Common Sense Self -
Stropping Safety Razor
Renews sharp edge each shave and makes
YOU, without previoni experience, as ex -
4 port aea good Barber,
Not unscrewed or taken apart to strop or
4 clean. YOU. shave with, sharpen and clean
it so QUICKLY that shaving hecomei a
.t pleasure,instead of a task,
The complete outfit, $5.00
(Worth at least double)
Stropping Safety Razor
Twelve Certified Blades
One First Quality Her.ehide Strop.
All in Handsome Loather Case
NOTE:—Ona Auto Strop blade is always,
kept properly sharp and outlasts dozens of
"no stropping" kind that you must throw
away when dull. ‘
Walton McKihbon
L Macdonald Block, Wingham.
All sizes and prices.
Figs Cooking
Figs Layer
Natural Pulled Figs
of all kinds
Come here tor your
Chinaware Presents,
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,
eta. ete.
JIHenry Christie
Grocer and China Merchant
Wear Greer's Shges and Rubbers
Telephone Connection.
The private teleph
ing from Lucknow
been connected to thi
Telephone Company
the lines of the ems
now be reached over
no system a end.
o St. He ns has
syste the Bell
B 0 th!►S points on p0 t
ler Company can
tbo Bell lines,
Two eight room houses to let. Apply
to R. Vanatone.
Repairs Abou
Tho parts of the e
liebt plant recently
pairs were received
take some days to h
placed in position, b
everything will be
before the close of t
Rine of the electrio
sent to Galt for re.
�n Monday. It will
ve the engine again
t it is expected that
�orkine satisfactory
is week.
KNox's fan. y goods sale—tbe place to
buy your Ohristmus presents.
Home Circle Officers.
Wingham Circle, N . 434, O. 0. H. 0,
has elected the folio ing officore for
1908:—Leader, Rev S. Boyle: Past
Leader, R. Awde; Vi e Leader, Mrs. R;
Awde; Chaplain. R W. Armstrone;
Trees., W Nicholson Fin -Seo„ W. J.
Wyles; Rec. Sec., . H. Ooopmen;
Marshall. I. Davids n : Warden, Miss
Pearl Awde: Sentin , Mrs. J. Reading;
Guard, W. Bowen.
Give the boys and girl's our excellent
Shoes for Christmas. Nothing more
sensible. W. J. GREER. '
Young Britons
At the regular me
Lodge of Orange Yo
in the Orange Hall on
last, the following o
—W, M , James R
Robert Ogram; chap
gins; recording score
financial seoretary.
treasurer, Andrew
Gen. Kerr; oommitt
McGee, Chas. Reid
Guest, Wm. Scott,
lett Officers.
ting of Wingham
ug Britons, held
Thursday evening
core were elected:
bertson; D. M.,
ain, Chester Hig-
arv, Wm. Scott;
Joseph Guest:
aeennore: lecturer,
S. Phippen, Jas.
auditors, Joseph
en. Weems.
Meat by the piece and quarter at
reduced prices. T. T. Field.
Married at Narriston.
On Thursday at airview, the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Beck,
Harriston, a pretty home wedding was
eolemnized, when t eir daughter, Miss
Margaret Elizabeth was married to Mr.
John J. Lavery of orriston, this Rev.
T. J. Atkins offi iating, The bride
was !riven away by her father. Little
Mies Lavery made a charming ringbear-
er, and flower girl, Misses Jesse Beck,
Edna Beatty and Cry Wilson acted as
ribbon•bearors. T e bride was a former
well•known reside t of Wingham and
will have the very est, wishes of many
friends here.
AT S. GRACEY's furniture store you
will find a nice line of goods—jnet the
thing for Christmas and New Year''
S. O. S. Officers.
At the regular m
donia, Sons of Soo
day evening. offio
elected as follows:
Dooald ; Chioftian,
Chap,, Robt. Carrie,
Agnew; Reo.-Seo.,
Sec., J. D. Burns; T
Marshal, Jas. Few
Anderson; S. G., A
G., Geo. Ross; Pipe
and Geo. Ross., Au
and Alex. Ross; Tr
son, Alex. Rose and
ting of Camp Cale -
and, held on Mon-
rs for • 1908 were
Chief, D. E. Mc -
Alex. Davidson ;
jr; Physician, Dr.
. B. Elliott; Fin:.
as., Wm. Holmes;
er; S. Bearer, F.
oh. Campbell; J.
s, D. E. McDonald
itors, D. M. Gordon
steel, Wm, Nichol-
. E. McDonald.
Death of For er Resident.
The many friend
don were sorry to
London on Triad
week, after an ill
several menthe. D
ter of Mr. Wm. Ba
Her husband was
Wingham for sortie
ago was transferre
then to Lond{trn, • M
in very high estee
here. Besides ner
vived by three brot
ter, Miss May Go
were interred in th
on Friday last.
of Mrs. J. H. Gore
earn of her death at
y evening of last
ess extending over
eased was a Baugh.
es, of Palmerston.
T. R. agent in
ars and eight years
to Brantford and
a. Gordon was held
by many friends
usbatid she is sur -
ere and one daugh-
don. The remains
Drayton cemetery
Remember, we are giving speoial re-
duced prices on all lines of furniture all
through December, Call and see what
we have in bedroom suites, sideboards,
parlor goode, fancy rocking chairs,
pictures, eto., etc., at S. GRAcay's
furniture store. 7
School M
Annual schodl m
schools aro usually
Wednesday of Decent
this year is Ohriatma
be some doubt as to
meeting. Having bee
tion by several interim
Having that there m
are in doubt it is only
for their information
Pablio Scheele Act,
follows: —"A meeting
of every eohool section
anally on the last W
ember or it such Wedr
day, then on the next
The school meeting a
held this year on Thin
etings in rural
field on the last
er but as that day
there seems to
the day for the
r asked the eines-
ed parties and be-
y be others that
teeessary to (Moto
eotion 14 of the
which reads as
t the ratepayers
hall be held an-
ndeday of Deo -
eddy be a holi-
ey following."
11 therefore, be
ay, Deeember
The temperance n
Town Hall on Sand
close of the churn
attended. Rev. H,
chairman and Rev.
ton was the speak
Dr. Speer is a pleasi
address was listened
terest by those pres
fair in dealing wit
Local Option and of
placds in whioh he ha
reliable men to show
had been a success,
peranoe workers to -re
allties in the oampail
fight fair.
eeting held in the
y evening at the
services was well
E. Allen was the
r. Speer of Bramp.
of the evening.
g speaker and his
to with much in.
nt. He was very
the question of
ted a number of
the testimony of
hat Local Option
He warned tem -
rain from perpon-
n and to always
Beautiful silverware at Knox's.
Farmers' Instit to Meetings.
The regular meeti
Farmers' Institute w
Town Hall, Brussels,
ary 16th. Outside a
Gardhouse, Highfield
Kidd, of Simooe. A
held at Gerrie on the
speakers. Supplemen
dated as follows:—F
Bluevale, Feb 4; Je
Molesworth, Feb, 6;
Walton, Feb. 8;
Winthrop, Fob. 11; S
12. Delegation:—Ga
Hill; A. G. MOKenzi
i. Rife, H.speler,
g of East Huron
1 be held in the
n Tuesday Jana-
akere will be J.
Ont., and W, F.
meeting will be
6th with the same
ary meetings are
rdwich, Feb, 3;
eetown, Feb. 5;
Ethel, Feb. 7;
rlock, Feb. 10:
. Columbian, Feb
in Barbour, Oroes
, Fairview; Miss
Huron Made F nest Display.
In its report of 1•: recent Provinojal
hortion.tnral exhibit ou at Toionto The
Canadian Hortioult, ist says:
"In quality of ape • imene and in num-
ber of varieties, t e county exhibits
were excellent. A +rge range of varie-
ties were gown. he possibilities of
each county were b ought to the atten-
tion of the passer -•by and of growers
from other parts f the Province, in a
manner that was ..nolusive. These ex-
hibits illustrated ..e latitudes and local•
ities, where vari-.ties do best. It was
interesting to o.:erve the variations in
variety type p •• diced by the varying
conditions that prevail in she different
counties. The +nest display came from
the county of H . ron. " -- s
Hoose to rent; also one for sale.
Apply to MRS. (Dlt,) J. E. TAMLYN.
Hockey CI b Oranized.
At a largely atte ded meeting held in
the Council Obam r on Thursday even-
ing Last, the Win ham Hockey Club
wee re-deganized. he olub has arrang-
ed With Mr. Steph neon for the use of
the rink and hoc ey promises to be
popular in Wingha this season. Offi-
cers were elected a follows :e-Patrons—
J. A. Taylor,. A. . Mn•grove, 0. P.
Smith, Dr. H. E. . Tamlyn, R. Clegg,
J. E. Swarte, L. W. Hanson; Hun.
President, Dr. J. . Keunedv; Presi-
dent, Geo. Spotto ; 1st Vioe President,
Robt Johnston; 2 .d Vice President, W.
A. Campbell; Se .•Trees , J. Walton
MoKibbon; Man ger, Elmer Moore;
Executive, D L insley, C. G. Pan•
Stone, J. G. Wor man; Captain, to be
named by players club colors, green
and white.
For diamond, wedding and engage-
ment rings, go to R. KNOX.
WANTED—Woman to do lannday
work at the Wingham Hospital. Apply
at Hospital,
Methodist Anni
The anniversary
Methodist Church,
Monday last, were
preacher for the oc
Speer, D. D., Pro
Conference, who
practical, helpful
oongregations, botl
ing. On Monday
Speer delivered a 1
his subject being,
men." For over a
speaker held the of
audience, as he d
part in the world's
taken by sons of
the realm of art,
the battle field,
the forefront. T
spersed with man
Diems pointing to
the Iris`i race, an
ever delivered in
the anniversary
pleasing and profl
on Sunday were ve
ersary Services.
ervices of Wingham
eld on Sunday and
ery successful. The
asion was Rey. J. C.
dent of the Toronto
delivered eloquent,
discourses to large
morning and even -
evening Rev.' Dr,
tura in the church,
'A night with Irish•
hour and a half the
Best attention of the
elt on the important
work which had been
he emerald isle. In
f literature, and on
Women had been in
e lecture was inter -
anecdotes and witti-
he characteristics of
was one of the best
ingham. Altogether
ervices were very
able. The offerings
y satisfactory,
Opera Hou
The Herald Sq
its atttactive gi
clever comedians,
and all that goes t
so popular nowaday
ap,.earance in this
evening, 19th inst.
morty musioal mi
"Said Pathe," a eta
one for its interestin
mesio and its sparhl
advertised "Just for
to contain many oat
bers, and its picture
redolent of the Orien
are laid. The oast,
small but attractive
such well-known e
Paohe, George Willi
and Collins Verry. an
trio of oomedians,
'Telephone Girl and
fame, and Frederic
features of this attrao
known. Although n
ganization of a mai
the oldest and best in
ing the country, an
reputaticn, well e
snooeeeful produoti
Admission, hOo., 3
on isle at MolKtbbo
e To•Night.
aro Company with
s, gifted singers,
rilliant costumes,
make comic opera
will make its first
own on Thursday
'A Trip to India le a
-up adapted from
d light opera fano.-
story, its brilliant
og wit. Although
Fun," it is stated
by musical mem
qne costumes are
where lie scenes
supported by a
chorus, contains
gars as Martin
ms, Jack Dewey
irresistibly fanny
tine Brandt of
Girl from Paris"
Keck are alto
ion, which is well
t the largest or.
1 oharacter it is
to class now tour -
has an enviable
ned through its
of many operas.
and 250. Seats
s drug store.
A silence) which is alm•st unbearable
pervades the municipal arena, Town
Clerk Ferguson announce that "appli.
cations" for the positi ns of Mayor,
Reeve end Councillors 11 be received
by him between 7 and 8 o'clock on
Monday evening, 30th in t , and se yet
there seems to be littl: or no definite
information as to who, .r how many,
will apply for the jobe, It is probable
that the members of this year's council
will remain in the field, and it is said
that some of them ma seek to step
higher up. However, from present
indications the campaign it an election
is required—will be short i nd ebarp.
In Culross, we underet+
oounoiliors will again see
of the ratepayers, with
addition of some new bl
likely that Reeve Donald
opposition;. A vote an
will also be taken.
In.•'Turnberry and Ea
then. seems to be little
election by acclamation i
ships is -within the range
nd the present
the suffrages
possibly the
od. It is not
on will have
•cal Option
t Wawanosh
oing, and an
these town -
f possibility.
For a good watch or clock go to
HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for linles,
kine, tallow and wool, at the Wingham
Tannery. W. D TRINGLE,
Town Taxes W}II Paid.
Collector Paterson re
taxes as having been we
total taxes ot the roll w
of thia amount lees than
standing on Wednesday
Collector received nearl:
turday last, the largest d
some years. The amen
is very small and the pe
well in the matter of pay
orte the town
I paid up. The
s $23,619,50 and
$600 was out
caning. The
$4.000 on Sa-
y's receipts for
t outstanding
ple have done
ng taxes.
Fancy gccds of all kinds, at cost,
at Knox's.
have a fine selection of fancy collars,
handkerchiefs, ratifiers, gloves, neck
tyre, eto, Geo. E. KING.
Special Annou ement.
Sale by auction in th
hall, Edward street.
will sell by public ant
reserve, on Thursda
p. m., six selected
children include so
the town. The chil
the night of the Bale
down in one lot seer 't
A sale of work will
of the service. All
Salvation Army
r, John Mev—
on and without
, Dec, 19th, at 8
ohildren. These
e of the beet in
ren can be viewed
and will be knocked
highest bidder.
held,at the close
re invited.
the same old stand. Come and see the
bargain's in Handkerchiefs. Collars and
Fancy Goods for Xmas. W. J. LEAR.
Scottish t oncert.
The Scottish nonce
evening last was not a
as it usual, but in th,
who were in attendanc
the best held in rec
Sons of Scotland. T
Imperial Male Quartet
the best quartette sing
Wingham and the mel
mach enjoyed. The c
were excellent. Miss
outionist was well r
numbers were much ap
J. H. Cameron and Ja:
sure of a hearty welt
ham audience. This
by Mr. Cameron wer
ed. The Highland d
dell, of London and u
and Verna MCDonal
we have heard many
ing was the best ever
concert. Mr. D E. M
bis duties as piper
manner and Mise Je.
Brussels gave the ve
tion as accompanist,
t held on Friday
largely attended
opinion of many
the concert was
nt years by the
e singing by the
of London was
me ever heard in
otions were. very
los by Mr. Pink
acDonald, elo-
: eived and her
eciated. Messrs
, Fax are always
.me from a Wing -
ear the selections
very mnoh enjoy-
ncing by Miss Rid•
isees Mabel, Flora
was splendid and
ay that the dilue-
nt on at a Scottish
Donald performed
n the usual good,
n MacLachlan, ,cif
best of satieffac-
fancy neckwear, mufiters andkerchiefe,
hosiery, the beet fur cb ,s, eto.
Old Railway ime Tables.
Our friend. Mr ohn Quirk spent a
few' days in South mpton and brought
home with him ea iosities in the shape
of three old time abler issued by the
Great Western R ilway in May, 1874;
Maya 1875 and No 'ember. 1876 When
these cards were i sued Mr. Quirk was
living in Sonthaml ton ane was egndnc-
tor ou one of the trains running into
that place, In theltitne table of 187.4 no
time of trains is ven for the Palmer
Ston -Kincardine b anch and it is not
likely this road ' as open for traffic
In the card for 1875 two passenger traius
up and down were on this line. The
trains were then ti .t ed to make the run
from Kincardine t. Palmerston in 2
hours and 50 minute: and now the run
ie made in 2 lionr and 30 minutes.
The run from Ha riebnrg to South-
ampton iu 1875 ook seven hours
and the same rnnnd is now
covered in five hours. On the main line
trainewere timed to •overbetweenParis
and London in one h. ur and fifty min.
rates and now the eaground is cover.
ed in one hour anfitw Ivo minutes. The
lleea then eontroll:d by the Great
Western Railway ere the Toronto
branch, Toronto'to H milton; Welland
railway, Welland to ,lifton ; Air Line,
Buffalo to Glencoe; t ain Line, Simon.
mien Bridge to Winds r; Sarnia branoh,
London to Sarnia; Pe rolia to Wyoming
Port Stanley brant , London to Port
Stanley; W. G. & S. main line, }Terris -
burg to Southamptoi , and the Kincar•
dine to Palilieret'n branch. Great
changes have take place since these
time ends Mere issued.
The statutory me
Council was held on
Mayor Holmes in
members present
Gordon, who is indis
The minutes Of pr
read and confirmed.
Au inventory was
Citizen'? Band, oho
instruments, etc.,•
$1289 95.
Tile Executive
that they had held a
the offer of Mr. W
purchaso of the elec
and had come to th
the town was respo
went of the deben
purchase of the pia
and that as the mo
plant in Dame of a s
the town as a sin
the debentures as
the Statutes provi
can only invest its
purchase of its
first farm more
recommend the
of Dash in full p
first farm mortg
ed. They oonfe
to payment, an
was prepared t
Mayor Holm
quently he had
Mr. Green, eta
to pay the cue
time to call
thought it bee
The report
Coups. McDo
Upon reoom
Committee, t
ordered to be
J.B Fergus()
R. Rankin,
Goo. Allen,
dog tax
ting of the Town
Monday evening.
the chair, and all
xcept Councillor
ions meetng were
received from the
ing the value of
Id by them to be
mmittee reported
meeting to consider
H. Green for the
rio lighting plant,
oouolusion that as
Bible for the pay -
res issued for the
t from Mr. Green,
ey received for the
e would t•e used by
ing fund to redeem
hey fell due, and as
e that a municipality
sinking fund in the
n 'debentures or in
ages, they could not
le of the plant short
yment or security on
ges as before mention -
red with Mr. Green as
he informed them he
pay only part in cash,
s stated that subse-
eoeived a letter from
ng that he was prepared
, but as there was not
another meeting, they
to bring in the report.
as adopted, on motion of
ald and Kerr.
endation of the Finance
e following accounts were
aid : —
, salary and postage $57 50
B luny,-,. . 6 75
Bilary, and Dom. on
49 90
Ed Lewis, sal
W. H. Rintoul
13 Firemen, se
Ernest Dennis,
V. Vannorman,
as fire chief
Gartshore, Tho
J. Bugg & Son, s
T. Hall, printing
D. C McDonald,
Electric light a0
of $322,48 were al
On motion of O
ory, Messre. John
M. Inglis were gi
each, error in tax n
A rebate of $1.25
was given to M.
cheson was paid $4
of way across his p
ens' Band was paid
of $37 50. On mot -
Councillor Nichols
empowered to Dont
taxes and the time
Collector's roll was
ry 20 00
repairs at hall.55
ries .,..... 6500
cartage 1 65
half year's salary
and caretaker of
2 63
6 30
son Pipe Co...
plies ......
d advt.... ..
ork at power
1 40
ottnts to the amount
0 ordered to be paid.
tens, Bell and Greg.
cNevin and Chas.
v a refund of $1 45
on waterworks fees
Pearen. Thos. Ait-
0 for rent of light
operty. The Citiz•
the quarterly grant
n of the Reeve and
n, the Collector was
nae the collection of
'or the return of the
extended to Jan. 1st.
Don't forget baby's feet in selecting
your Christmas Shoes. We have hand-
some styles. W. J. GREER.
AT S GRACEY'S you can get sleighs
for the bibles, chairs for the ohildren,
Morris chairs for the gentlemen, nine
rattan and upholstered rockers, parlor
tables, ate,, for the ladies; all at special
Christmas prioee.
The Editor does not luld himself responsible
for the opinions ex, ressed by correspond-
ents. Nor does) e always hold the same
views as expressed y correspondents.
Mr. Boyle's
Dear Sir,—Let me
myself clear as to
'suggestion' of Stied
been deoided to subm
the electors next yea
Local Option is but a
never read or+seen the
understand the prov
would seem to be n
gestion to Mr. Buc
these meetings should
not one-sided or avow
in purpose. If they are
representative of the c
are two sides to this, a
tion, and what is neede
statement of fact wit
prejudice or persona
something more than h
of the abuses of the tr
the troth. Let us ha
I shall not have to t
generosity agala,
Yours very tr
'E TPens:-
00 a word to make
y badly expressed
y evening. It has
t Local Option to
Now, to many
ame. They have
Aot, andiso do not
ions. Education
oessary. My sag-
anan was that
bo representative,
y Local Option
they will not be
mmunity. There
to every clues -
is an impartial
out passion or
ty, We desire
rrowing de ails
file. We want
e light. I hope
eepaas on your
T. S. 130YLE
To the Editor of the T
Dear Sir,--.Kindty a
your paper to briefly r
Boyle's letter whioh
last week's isane,
doubt many others
believe that any hot
ES: —
ow me space in
sply to Rev. T. S.
ppeared in your
r. Boyle, and no
find it hard to
keeper figured in
the incident as eta
"Local Option Not
a fact. I am the "
red to in that item.
tient in the base
teriau church on t
22, 1907, and I am
stand behind that et
d by the editor of
e," And yet this is
nainess man" refer -
I made the state-
ent of the Preeby-
e evening of Aug.
fully prepared to
Yours truly,
To the Editor of the
Dear Sir,—Just
miserable charge a
keeper, by a writer
'oouvenient" word
lady ever made such
and I ask an explicit
clearance from the
wardly article. I thi
this both legally and
not forthcoming in y
shall take legal prcoe
, Deo, 10th, 1907.
word abotit the
ainst some kotel-
idiog behind the
committee. No
request on me,
xplanation and a
niter of that co•
k I am entitled to
orally and if it is
ur next issue, I
House and also rooms to rent. Apply
t0 MIss K, M. FISHER.
Highest oath price for hides, skins
and tallow. T. T. Field.
Don't ! DON'T ! 1 DON'T ! I !—Miss
THE LITTLE EAT N Xmas Ent . in
ment at The I tper al Th orinm,
Monday, Deo. 23 d. Tic s FREE—
given away at th S , oommencieg
Thursday, 19th; Be ou hand, like a
Highest price paid for hides and pony
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
To arrive in B
mas, 1,000 bushe
good, sweet and c
ing their orders a
same at 65 cts pe
Aot quick; its a s�
this pride. Beate
peice paid for all
lgrave about Christ -
s American
ean. Patr
s book-
c.oe c . have the
.•s s off the car,
one car only at
irty wheat. Highest
R. E IMCKENZIE, Belgrave.
1 Py Rev. 11. Edge
[We wishitt
that the editor
author ot the
the heading of
but that the
regular advert
necessarily en
ed in this cola
Allen, for the Local Option
mmittee 1
Midland h
Read what
Midland say
A. McKee,
School: "Lee
blessing to Mi
and morally."
be distinctly understood
of this paper is not the
titles appearing under
"Local Option Notes,"
ame is inserted at our
sing rates. Nor do we
crse the opinions express-
s a Local Option law.
he following citizens of
upervisor of the Public
1 Option has been a great
land financi.tlly, socially
S. F. L. Mo
"As to Local
I am getting i
which were ab
A. C. Adams,
Iron Furnace
Option a splen
furnishings, a
splen did increa
Local Option,
more competit
moral pont of
even better, res
ity of three hot
tiny, general merchant:
ption, I am well satisfied.
Dr R Raike
hospital: eI co
is proving an
Jamee Play
merchant; "I h
ing that Local
benefit to Dandle
rank Wilson, gents'
ter speaking of the
e in his business under
n spite of the fact of
on, says: "From the
ew the' improvement is
ding as I do in the violin.
Is since laet [Way."
, superintendent of the
eider that Local Option
urqualified success in
air, lumberman and
ve no hesitation in say-
ption has been of great
in every way."
J. B. Reelnec , department manager
for Playfair Pres on Co ; "Any man who
says Local Optio is not good for a plaoe
is either a drun rd, or there is a place
awaiting him in n insane asylum."
W, A. Simps n, butcher; "Would
say as a OnSinee man, and to quote tho
words of our emollients 'It has done won-
ders for Midland.' "
E. Lotherby,
letter deolares th
of Local Option
in value,hotel ac
improved, goner
cash paYments
never had brigh
tion of liquor ha
the moral tone
and in conclude
wish success to
mitring a Los
umberman, in a long
t Orme the introduction
property has increased
mmodation hat greatly
business has increased.
nre better, ths town
been greetly reduced,
the town improved,
he says: "1 eincerely
very municipality sub-
& Option by-law thie
By Times Corres ndent of the H. S.
Literar Society
A joyoue OPirit 11 13 the air; probably
the books are suffer g a little.
The regular meeti g of the Literary
Society was held o Friday afternoon.
The program consist d of instrumentals,
violin duets, eta. T1 e item whiala near.
ly brought down th bowie was a acne
by our Form I s oist, Mr, Daniel
O'Toole, The chief f attire of the after,
noon however, was a patriotic addrees
"Canada and her peep e." Mr. Camer-
on gave us a brief and pioturesque
outline of our native land which was
muoh appreciated b all. After the
address the school j Med ia singing
"The Maple Leaf F raver." It wail
moved by Mr, E. Cur ie and seconded
of thanks 1 e extended to Mr Cameron
for hie excellent addre s. The meeting
closed by singing "God Sa•ve the King."
It has been iutiraet d that some of
the concerts in town m ght take a Emeriti
from the High Seem an sten more
promptly on time.
Next Friday will be the last Literary
meeting this term. suitable Christ-
mas program is und r preparation and
we hope next week to report seine of the
many items of the 0 ristmas Journal.
The High School wish all a Merry
Christmas and a Ha py brew Year.
Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and
Throat Specialist, 370 Qaeen's Avenue,
London, 3rd door Inset of St. Andrew's
Ritchie 86 Cosens
Ghoice Farm for Sale
We have lieted with us Wes week,
for quick sale, the farm of Mr. J. F.
Linklater, lie miles trom town, ort
good gravel road. This farm con-
tains 75 acres of choice land, and
there is on it a good bank barn 50x50,
also a sheep and hog pen 20x30, and
a comfortable log house, as well as
material tor a new house Ni% hich will
be sold with tbe place. Terms easy,
Thu' farm ehould not remain long on
the market.
We are still at the old stand, re•
presenting the best Corapaniee in
Life, Fire, Accident., Marine, Plate
Glass aud Boiler Insuranoe, ready to
attend to the woote of all our old
customers and as mime new mats as
can come..
Our long experience gives us a
kno wledge of the business that we
place freely at the disposal of our
clients, We leave nothing to caance,
whether it is the merchant or manu-
facturer requiring thousands of
dollars of insure/ace, or the hotise-
holder needing two or three hundred
on his furniture, we guve the matter
our personal attention.
Phone 12
Merry Christmas
Our Christmas Footwear
Display wins great admiration
from every looker, and well it
For Women
There are handsome Street
and Dress Boots, with the new
Cuban Heels and Narrow Toes.
Beautiful Slippers. Sandals and
Oxfords in Dainty Styles.
We've everything to make a
Woman's foot look hAndsane,
For Men
We've splendid Shoes in all
the new bhanes, made from the
best of leather. Business
Shoes, Full Dress Shnes, Stip.
pers, Dancing Pumps, etc.
For Boys and Nlisses
We've the be,t of Shoes for
School and for Dress oueasions.
Leggi s and 13 libber Boots for
Girls and Little Fellows, ete.
Can't tell you the half here
W. J. Greer