The Wingham Times, 1907-12-12, Page 8E C II AI r 11 ■■ II 2 11 11 14i GOM ,. TO O. 'M. CORDON'S FOR YOUR Christmas .. . Groceries' Very Special Bargains in all fine lime of Pure Grooeties. Our prices will please you, because you will save money.. We are not given to i° blowing," but we know that we give our .customers as gcod value (we will not say bettor) as the fellow who "blows" the hardest. Always at the top notch for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and all lines tit Good Poultry. M. GORTON. 'The Little Eaton" CHRISTMAS GIFTS F rom Gocd Old Santa Claus are swell at The Little Eaton, where Splendid Reductions can be had for next two weeks ! Handsome new goods arriving daily for Ladies, Men, Boys and Girls ! It will make you feel good to see our Elaborate Christmas Decorations. =OW CALENDARS -A beautiful six•colored calendar, 16 x 20, an exact copy. of a painting which sold for $1000 00 in London, England, last February, handsomely gotton up; the prettiest girl in seven counties. Will be given away as Long as theyy last with every purchase of 60c or over, starting Saturday, Deo. 14th. MIN BOYS AND GIRLS -A Christmas Handkerchief will be given to every boy and girl who comes to the Little Eaton the day before Christmas. in Pencil Boxes, Book Marks and Pocket Mirrors given to parents buying goods at the Little Eaton from now until Christmas, all are welcome, come in - look around -get acquainted -see the swellest store outside the large cities. • FOR LADIES 33 Ladies' Cloth Coats, 46 to 52 in. long, 3'e to 42 bast, in plain black, bine, brown and wine shades; December spe- cial, reg. $10 to $14, for $8.88 46 Ladies' & Misses' Cloth Coate in light and dark tweeds, golf plaids, self trimmed, vel- vet piped, velvet and braid trimmed, a'l good long coats, sizes from 10 years np to 40 - inch bust; regular $8.50 to see. December special.. $6.98 10 Natural Sable 2 skin Scarfs, 6 tails, good full furred; reg. $9 00 to $10.00. December special $5.49 6 Natural Sable Muffs, empire shape. dark full furred; reg. $11.00 to $13.50. December -apeoial $10.00 9 Natural Sable Scarfs, 60 in. long, trimmed with orna- ments and tails, good quality, dark full furred; regular $14,00 to $16,50. December special ............ $12.98 18 Ladies' Wool Golf Jackets, in plain and fancy rede, blue, black and white, trimmed brass buttons; reg. $1.25 to $1.50. December sale 98c 12 dozen Ladies' and Children's Worsted Hose, size 7 to 10; reg. 35c to bOc. December special... 25e 16 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, beautifully lined and quilted, sizes 34 to 40, length 27 to 36 Melees; reg. $32.50 to $40 00; December apeoial . $24.50 11 1 VERY SPECIAL PRICES ON Fur Setts, Furlined Coats, Persian Lamb, Near Seal, and Coon Coats. Also Fur Oellare eor Ladies' O14t`d. 47ilet'1. Y - NOTE. We can dry clean and make like new, light tweed Cleats which are soiled and dirty. PP.r coat........ Y.. $1•13 FOR MEIN 10 dozen Men's Heavy Leather Mitts, calf faced, continuous thumb, wax sewn, knitted wool lined ; reg. anywhere, 75c; December special 50e 14 Men's All -Wool Black Sweat- ers (heavy), suitable for hard work ; reg. $1.00 and $1.50; December special98e 5 dozen sample Winter and Fall Caps, in corduroy, tweeds, blues and blacks, fur inner band, newest styles; reg. 50c to $1.25. December special 49eili 22 Tweed Overcoats, in plain blacks, greys, browns and black and white stripe and checks, 50 inches long, 34 to 42 bust, latest style; reg. $8 50 to $12 50. Deo. sale $7.98 4 dozen Dark Brown Kid Gloves, wool nap lining„ dome fast- ener, good stock. and dur- able; reg. $1.00 and $1.25. December Sale 79e 9 extra Brown Calf Coats, No1 Astrachan or Persian Lamb Collar, soft oily Skins; reg. $35.00. December Sale.. 29.50 4 Plain Jet Black Galloway Calf Coats, soft pliable, farmers satin, quilted. leather shields and wide cuffs; reg. $27 50. December Sale $19.75 9 Dark Grey Irish Freize Pea Jackets, doable breaeted, high storm collar, heavy tweedlinin ; Reg.$ 5. 00. December sale $3.98 12 dozen Fleeced -lined Shirts and Drawers, extra good fleeces and well finished; reg. $1.25 to$1.50, December Sale, each . ............... 49c 21 Boys' School Suits in +dark tweeds, all wool; also blue serges; reg. $5.00 to $6 00 December Sale $4.49 3 dozen All -Wool and Worsted Sweaters, plain and fancy in blue, red with and without stripes; reg. 65c and 90o. December Sale . 49e 7 Men's Leather and Cordoroy Reversible Coats, H,B.K. geode best in Canada; reg. Pecenfor 5.03 hxtra special prices cit Men's Furlined Coats, Fur Collars, Caps, Fur Coate in 7otlttIe Wallaby, Galloway Lail, Russian Calf, iidefie Bide, Dog. All furs guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. GEORGE C. HANNA. TILE WINGU.AM TIMES, DECEMBER 12, 1907 MINOR LOCALS. -Sleighing g•i)e. -Ohrietmae shopping. ---Thursday, Deo loth. ---Leas than two weeks till Cbristmas, -Scottish concert on. Friday evening of this week. --The statutory meetiug of the Town. Council will be held next Monday even- ing, -Secure your tickets for the Scottish concert at Walton. IlicKibbon's drug store. --Regular meeting of Court Maitland, C. O. F., ou Friday evening •of ;hie week. --Oheeley made 221; per oent this year on the money invested in their weigh scales. -The wintry weather which sot in on Tuesday is welcomed after the few days of mild weather. -Read the announements of our ad- vertisers; they are full of interest to the holiday buyers. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat aihnents are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. -Mrs. MoMath, mother of Mre. G. C. Manners of town has been seriously ill at her home in Dungannon, -Announcement is made that the firm of Mitchell & Todd, publishers of the Goderich Star is to be dissolved. -The numerous friends of Mr. P. S. Linklater are pleased to see him able to be out again after his serious illness. -Mr. R. W. McKenzie, brother of our townsman, Mr. Geo. McKenzie, is seriously 111 at his home in Goderich. -The death is reported from Kincar- dine of Miss Olive Sellery, a well-known and popular young lady of that town. -Mr. McRoberts, general agent for the Deering Harvesting Co,, bas moved his family from Harriston to Wingham. -Mr. Geo. Spotton was one of the speakers at a Presbyterian Church entertainment in Orangeville on Tues - evening. -The Shierholtz Furniture Company in which Mr. V. Wenzel, formerly of Wingham is interested, has removed from Waterloo to New Hamburg. Mr. Id. E Toms, of Winnipeg. isl visi- ting fora few days with his aunt, Mrs. (Dr.-) J, E. Tamlyn, tutu. Jas, slo. s returned to he horns in StratfHiordphaafter spending two weeks with her cousin, Mrs. 11. B Elliott, Mrs, Wm Hone and Mrs, Chas. Gilles- pie are in Guelph this week ettenclicg the meetiog of the Provinoial Women's Instituto. Mr. Elliott Fleming left on Monday for Brantford to take a position as operator in the G. T, R. freight sheds under Mr. L. Harold, late of Wingham Mr. R Cautelon returned home lest week from the West, where he liaa been residing for some time. He intends spending the winter here, and will prob. ably return to the West in the spring. -Joseph H. Stoddart, who for many years played the part of Lachlan Camp- bell in the "Bonnie Brier Bush," died at his home in New York on Monday, aged 80 years. -The County Council concluded the business on Friday and the members left on the afternoon trains for their homes. The report of the meetings will be found on page two. -The regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Sootland,wilI be held next Monday evening in the new I. 0. 0. F. hall, Wilson block. All members are requested to be present. -Two of Wingham's highly esteemed residents, Messrs Wm. Moore and Chas. Reading have been dangerously ill for some days. The many friends of these gentlemen will wish for them a speedy recovery. -Mr. L. Kennedy has this week moved his restaurant business to the north atore in the new Wilson block. Mr. Kennedy has secured a fine store and with the increased room will be able to better serve his customers. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLEh A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combincthe germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your droagist .Sr from us, lOc in stamps. LEIDEN , Muss Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4oz -Through the efforts of Arch. Hislop, M. P. P. felt East Huron and Mr. Robt Holmes, of Clinton, the Poetoffice Department has decided to inaugurate a mail service on the Guelph and Goder- ich branch of the 0. P. R. This service will be of much benefit to the people along this line. -By the removal of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Anderson to Lucknow last week, Wingham loses two esteemed residents. They have a large number of friends in this town whose beet wishes will follow them to their new home. Mr. Anderson has purchased a grocery business in Lucknow, and is now in possession. -The citizens of any prosperous town are always publio spirited and united. Stand together, work. for the interesse of the whole town. Always stand ready to do your part, Don't grumble and spend your time in prophesying failures, but help to make every enter- prise a success, be it great or small, Be energetio and enterprising and your temple will be imitated. PERSONAL. Eleven applications for divorces have been made to Parliameut. Mies Mary Rodgers of Loudon bad part of her scalp torn off in the machin- ery of Cook & Fitzgerald's shoe factory. BORN. CRILIsvu'-In Wingham. on the 5th 'net to sir. and Mrs..7. henry Christie; a son. HAMILTON. -In Gorrie, on Dec. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Hamilton ; a son. CURRY. -At the Methodist parsonage, Lon- desboro', Ont., on Nov. 14th, to Rev,H. E. and Mrs. Curry; a daughter. KELLv.-In Morris, on Sunday, Nov 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly ; a daughter. . DIED Ter I OR -In Hullett, on Nov. 29th, Jessie A. daughter of .Toseph and Mrs. Taylor, aged 26 years, 3 months and 15 days. PETTYPTECE-In Kinloss, on December 8th, Matilda Hetherington, wife of Mr. Herbort Pettypiece, aged 80 years and 7 months. STEwART.-In Blnevale, on Tuesday, De- cembor 10th, 1007, William Henry Stewart, aged 88 years. SCOTT. -111 East Wawanosh, on December 4th, Robert Scott, aged 67 years and 5 days. PonrsRrnELn -In East Wawanosh, on De- cember 5th, Peter Porterfield aged 78 years and 4 months, CLAer.-At Whitechurch, on December llth, Elizabeth liintoul, wife of Mr. Joshua Clark, aged 33 years and 8 months. LEARN DRESS MAKING BY MAIL t C1 33'*:. R1!!9 e1!!■,rI■!!■R■y■■i11■■■e 3■ry1■■R■.#�1,�!!I�r.,�1 ! ll'! -s!!!7. 3•� !! :11'1R*1. f'!� l!!� l9i i3R3.R;��.Sr����i�ii.iii,iii�iiiii � ��:N�.i.ih��NiYN.,1Cu,�E.•ii��uCCi 1: LIE :12 i1 11 ,1•� • II .•,P MINSE,ju,■¢. ij111i 11 .iGiZ:ijil q. NOTICE. Having appointed Messrs. R. R. Mooney and J. Bugg & Son sole agents fqr Huron Stoves and Ranges in Wing - ham, we wish to notify the public that other dealers claiming:to sell Huron goods do so without authority from us, and we are not in any way responsible for what they sell or say. Our goods sold by R. R. Mooney and J. Bugg & Son are fully guaranteed by us to be of the best manufacture, and to give satisfaction, or money re- funded. To TIM WESTERN FOUNDRY Oo.,. WINtrntsr, ONT. Gentlemen, -Being in need of a Stove and having purchased one of your man* •efaoture, we can say, after having given it a fair trial, that we have found It Cir e i f c en sly at s a to ry. We have found it serviceable and efficient for every purpose for which a Stove is required, and we maybe allowed to kitchensay ,that it is an ornament to any We are, gentlemen,. Very truly yours, G. & W. J. EIOWIT, Westfield. IMOMINNIM AINEMOSIZEMERIES It will pay you to call and see a full tine of Hume Production before purchasing. HEATERS, from $7.20 to $30.50 CAST RANGES, • 24.00 to 34.50 STEEL RANGES, $27.50 to $37.00 WOOD COOKING STOVES, $16,00 up The Western Foundry 'Coll, Ltd. - Wingham, m; Enmii I will teah Sanders' Improved Course by Mail or personal instruction in four days, at Belgrave, commencing Monday, Dec 9th. Tho whole family can learn from one course. All, wishing to learn do not fail to see me at Belgrave Hotel, Saturday, Deo, 7th, from 1 to 5 o'clook only, when I will enroll pupils for class. Commencing to teach in Blnevale Mon- day, Deo. 16th; see me at Blnevale Hotel from 1 to 5 only Saturday, Dec. 14. Commencing to teach in Wingham Mon- day. Dec, 23; See me at .Exchange Hotel on Saturday, Dec. 21, from 1 to 5 only, when I will enroll pupils for class. MISS KEITH, Instraotor. ANNUAL ME The annual meeting churoh Cheese and Buttl ing Co. will be held in Whitechurch, on Wedne 1907. at 2 o'clock p. m. of Directors and any ot may be brought before t FRANK HEN'itY, President. TING. �f the White- r Mauufaotur- orestera Hall day, Deo. 18th, or the election r business that e meeting. MAC Ross, Secretary. CATTLE WANTED. The undersigned has to exchange for for Cattle (Cows preferred) :-One second-hand Cream Separator, in good working repair, Clap. 250 per hour; one Colt rising one year old; one horse ris- ing 4 years old, fit to work or drive, and well broken double. Also about 20 tone of threshed timothy for sale; about as bright as bay, was well saved, got no rain. Apply to JOSErir WHEATLEY, Harlook P. 0., Lot 2, Con. 13, Hullett, 6 miles from Blyth. TAKE NOTICE. ' Mr. L. Harold, of Brantford epent Sunday With his family in town. per Roe v; DQ enen ot FofOfie..1 ial. hely a Member of the Tulle Mr. and Mre, Wm, O'Neil, of Paris, are visiting with Wingham relatives. Mr. Jas, McSelvie, of Detroit was calling on Wingham friends this week, Mr, Jelin Fowler, Blnevale toad, at tended the 'Winter Fair at Guelph this week. Mr. and Mre. spatton, of Gorrle were 'tieitore for over Sunday at the home ,ot their on, Mr, Geo, Spotton. That J. 8, Jerome, Dentist, is making beautiful sets of teeth; for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchamber. All work guaranteed. • Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. DEBENTURES Tie Town of Wingl $1369 78 of Local Im] tures and $1860.00, Debentures, being it,t cent. per annum. cover a period of flftei in equal anneal instal said period. Offers f will be receive,' np tc fourteenth day of De Any information r ceived at the Clerk's J.B.,FE l OR SALE am offers for sale rovement Deben- of Waterworks re >yt of five per hese debentures it years, payable menta during the r these debentures and inoluding the ember, 1907. paired may be re- ifies,. GUSON,rtlerk. ON?AL • Mill MEI of Toronto, hag started thous- ands of young mei' and women an ,ho entity ray to itidepend• elicit and ■uccee■. Let us eve yott the right Start, write tor Catatogne and plan to spend the iaext biz moths 'With ns. Enter any time. Address iy. S,ailAtv,t'rinoipal,'gouge nttd t 6trard'$ts, Toronto. eRe.•s•111w •116h. 11 s3elsegeseeriess R.■q.m■.■■. ■!!.a■■efellI . tis--: 8 Christmas Store News. We have prepared for a larger Christmas trade in this store than it has in the past enjoyed ! We are also 1E placing before the public a higher grade of Christmas Gifts than is usually shown in towns the size of Wingham! je We trust you will appreoiate our efforts to raise the tone of our entire trade, and that you will at least inspect our stook 1 It is well to remember that we mention here less than a tenth of,,,our offerings for Christmas! .I. 11 1: 1: .ally■ :11NnC ■i illi. 11 ..III CI :1lull: EII� LIE :11111:: ,11; :11111,: CASE GOODS All imported at very rea- sonableprices, and going ! quickly . TOILET OASES. -Hand Painted, Silver, Ebony, Staghorn. JEWEL CASES. --- Gold, ailk lined, guaranteed 16 years. Silver, silk lined, ten year guarantee, all prices, all sizes. MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES, - Ebony. Mahogany, Ebonoid or Rose- wood Brushes, put in any case, you choose the case and the brushes, prices run from $1.00 to $5.00. COLLAR OASES. -Full range of sizes and material. CUFF CASES. -Ail styles. GLOVE CASES. -Leather cov- ered, paddEd spring tope, silk lined, all prices. NECKTIE BOXES. - In new shapes. FANCY GOODS. -We have a limited but good line of new hand- made articles, ask to see them, prices right. - BEAUTIFUL LIMOOUES CHINA We have opened over $000,00 worth of Elite 62 alone. We carry six patterns, so you can perhaps imagine the enormous range that's here, we have three cases of extra shapes for Christmas, to match any pattern, your friends would value such an extra dish added to their set at Christmas, and to reduce our stock we have concluded to offer the entire range till Deo, '26th, 1907, at 10 per Dent. Not. a large dieconnt but it makes a difference. Solid gold handled cups, now • Sugar and cream, now I1 4. 1t 67c :.i $2.70 Oasaerolea and Vegetable Dishes. now - - $3 00 and $3 25 Plotters. 10 inches to 18 inches, now up from - $1,00 We have 3 oases of Christmas shape at game discount. • LEATHER GOODS. -350 Wrist Bags and Squaw Bags, bought import to Christmas trade, all styles, Dolphin, Alligator, Moose, Seal, Leather, and many others, leather and silk lined. price , - - - 501 to$14.00 STATIONERY. -Beautiful, useful boxes of good stationery, 500 new ones, everyone a practical gift, prices depend on size and :sire. quality. Prices • - - .• - 25o to $3.00 E aet, ES 11 11 ■ 1 1 1 Baby Cutters, Sleighs. Toys, Dolls,, Christmas Globes, Christ- mas Magazines, Christmas Cards, Christmas Books, Brushes, Mirrors, all in usual multitude. R. Fisher Stand. E. S.AUNDERS •• Neer Postofiice. n.n�. ',1- tom, ilS�ciS? •'c.�1` When wanting a Stove, call at ''oung's Big Hardware see what he can show you at very lbw prices. Oak Heaters, coal or Cast Ranges, t Steel Ranges, Base Burners, ,Wood Cook Stoves, wood, from $ 8.00 to $18,00 20.00 to 45.00 ` 25,00 to 45.00 , - 15.00 to 45.00 7.00 to • 29.00 Call and see, for yourself that we have the right goods at right prices. and Doherlys Stoves and Ranges Are Unexcelled! CASE CARVERS j PIE KNIVIESI IN CASE C IN CASE ! ,Youngg's for BERRY SPOONS I' S N IN CASE PICKLE BUTTERKNIVE KNIVES IN CASE Chr,,stmras G►'ffs. CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS Yitticacticalitcattimmolotiocti YOUNG'S,. e>eeliee ie e BIG HARDWARE 14'9 t'i't? "; �C'.✓BC:'1,2r ii l-'1F✓"C..,C`r^3C"-^i( 1? .`x)15' f,9, �rc'n¢sh¢ `1r_�t)'v)l •'tom'