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orneIs from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The Noxon works at Ingersoll are
closed and 180 men are out of work.
Sweden and Spain have fewer alien
retaldents than any other country of
When the Stomach, Heart, or kidney
mervea get weak, then these mane al-
wa74 fail. Don't drug the Stomach,
nor stimulate the Heart or Kidueye.
This is simply a makeshift. Get a pree-
eripiion ltaowu to druggists everywhere
AS Dr. Shoop's Restorative, Tho Re-
storative is prepared expressly for those
weak Inside nerves, Strengthen these
nervoe, build them up with Dr. Shoop's
Restorative—tablets or }squid—and see
flow quickly help will come. Free sam-
ple test sent on request by Dr. Shoop,
Racine Wis. , Your health is surely
worth this eitnple test.
A. new iron manufacturing company
has been orgauized at Saskatoon. Capi-
tal $50,000,
The Bell Telephone franchise in Brock-
, Mille ends tilts year and municipal
'phones are talked of.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Mr. Henry Lovell, Liber -1 M P., for
Stanstead, died at Coaticooke, Que., in
in his eightieth year.
Mr. Melvin Mode, of McKillop, has
been engaged to teach in the Walton
/school at a salary of $425 for the cona
lag year.
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, bore and swollen throat, coughs,
eto• Save 30 by usa.. of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil-
Mr. B. B Gunn, M. P. for South Hu-
ron, who hats been i11 in a hospital in
Ottawa for the past few days, is re-
.1. S. Keys, a general merchant doing
business at Pinkerton, has made an
assignment to Mr, -Oster Wade. The
seeets are $2,000 and liabilities $1,900.
It Cures all Creeds.—Here are a few
names of clergymen of different creeds
who are firm believers in Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder to "live np to the
preaching" in all it claims. Bishop
Sweetman, Rev. Dr. Langtry, (Episoo•
pallets) ; Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev.
Dr, Cnambers (Methodist); and Dr.
Newman, all of Toronto, Canada.
Copies of their personal letters for the
asking. 50cts. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Principal John McDonald and Miss
Elsie Pomeroy, Ethel have been re-
engaged as teachers for 1008 at the same
sialaries as they are now receiving.
James Delaaey, born in 1826, and said
to be the oldest letter carrier in the
'United States, has resigned after 50
years' continuous service in New York.
DR, A. W. CHASE'S or
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Hees the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantty cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo,
One of the old residents of Colborone
Township passed away Monday, Deo.
2nd, in the person of Peter Fisher. He
had been living with his daughter, Mrs.
Goebel in Goderich, Mr. Fisher was in
his 89th year, and his wife who prede-
deceased him 2 or 3 years, had also reach-
ed an advanced age. Mr. Fisher was for
well on to half a century a resident of
the Township of Colborne.
14k Cuff Links
OUR $5.50 pair of solid 14k
gold Cuff Links will
make a good practical Christ-
mas gift to a man.
THEY are substantially
made, and reinforced in
the places where the ordinary
link gives out.
Our illustrated Catalogue
showing at largo assortment of
Cuff Links will be mailed upon
131.138 Yange St,
A simple rule for finding the number
of shingles required to cover a root, is as
follows: mind the number of tquare feet
iu one roof by multiplying the length and
width of one side together. Double this
and mulltipiy the total by eight, and
this will give the narnbor of tshiegles,
ail about four and a half in, to the
Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, indentation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
In Malta, a fish boy, who sells the fish
hie father catches, carrels a big basket
on his back and in his hands two round
flat basins, one of which he balances upon
his head. Gradually his burden light-
ens, and finally he tosses his empty
basins into his emptied basket and stops
to play on his way home.
Miss Mabel Doherty, daughter of
George Doherty, Clinton, has been en-
gaged by the Goderich Collegiate as
commercial specialist for 1908. Mies
Doherty, who has the reputation of be-
ing an excellent teacher, is now holding
a similar position on the staff of the
Whitby Collegiate Iustitute.
"They Sell Well" says Druggist
O'Dell of Truro, N. S. Want any better
evidence of the real merit of Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets as a cure for
all forms of atomach trouble than that
they're in such great demand? Not a
nauseous dose that makes one's very in-
sides rebel—but pleasant, quick and
harmless—a tiny tablet to carry in your
pocket. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamil-
ton. -10:1.
The most valuable crop in the Phil-
ippines is hemp; rice comes next, fol.
towed by tobacco. The export of Manila
cigars amounts to nearly $1,000,000 a
year, and the home consumption is prob-
ably larger.
To check acold quiokly, get from your
druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets
called Preventios. Druggists every-
where are now dispensing Preventios,
for they are not only safe; but decidedly
effective and prompt. Preventics con-
tain no quinine, no laxative, nothitg
harsh nor sickening. Taken at tho
"sneeze stage" Preventioa will prevent
Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc.
Hence the name. Good for feverish
children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial
Boxes 5 ots, Sold by all dealers.
A recent estimate planes the total
Roman Catholic population of the
United States at 12,651,244, or an in-
crease of 169,151 over a year ago. The
total number of churches is 11,814 and
the number of children attending paro-
chial scnools has increased to 1,066,207.
Tho number of schools is 4,281, and
there are 859 colleges or seminaries.
Awful Experience with Heart Dis-
ease.—Mr L J. Law, Toronto, Can.,
writes: "I was so sorely troubled with
heart disease that I was unable for 18
mouths to lie down in bed ]'est I smother
After taking one dose of Dr. Agnew'e
Heart Cure. I retired and slept soundly.
I used one bottle and the trouble has not
returned." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -
Felin Leveillee, an orphan boy, fir,
teen years of age, was turned from his
uncle's home near Ottawa, and, as he
had no where to go, he wandered into
a bush, where he spent the night.
When found he had both hands and
feet frozen. c
A tickling cough, from any cause, is
quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless+
and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers
everywhere to give it without hesitation
even to very young babes. The whole.
some green leaves and tender stems of a
lung•healing mountainous shrub, furn-
ish the curative properties to Dr, Shoop's
Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and
heals the sore and sensitive bronchial
membranes. No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to injure or suppress.
Simply a resinous plant extract, that
helps to heal aching lunge. The Span-
iards call this shrub which the Doctor
uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always de-
mand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.
The best way to manage a kicking cow
says the Breeder's Gazette, ie to fasten
her by the head, then put a rope on her
hind leg below the hock. Pick it bank so
she cannot kick forward but back all she
wishes to; she will soon stand alright.
When you wish to more a young colt too
far for it to walk, load it on a wagon and
tie it so it cannot get out, then hitch
mare behind. You will find it works
well and is not hard on colt or man.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 25
A nninber of the teachers•in.training
at the Goderich Model School intend re-
turning to Collegiate Instituto next term
and some are below the age limit for
teachers, consequently a good number
have not been looking for schools for
next term. The following have obtain,
ed school: Mies Winnie Carling, at
Dashwood; Mies Martha Carling at
Dashwood; Mies Daisy Horlgeon, at
Brigden ; Miss Margaret Coward, at
Strangfield; Miss Ida Armstrong; Miss
Mary Murray, at Essex Sentra; Win,
L, Triebner, at Exeter; Wm. Matheson,
Id Taylor's ()opera; B. Stothere, at
Lanes; G. Jeftereon, at Belgrare; Wm.
J. Smyth, at Petcrbsro'; R. Mason, at
Timers, New Ontario.
Ono women in three is struggling
against weak peso.
Are you one of t'o weak ones?
N •t exaotly a•iok, but oh, how miser-
Yoa discharge your .daily duties, but
who t•a:t tneasurs the burden, the trial?
Talk of bravery, where find a finer
spirit tban among half sick women,
fighting, struggling to do their duty
against terribly odds —and tbey never
give up until they drop.
It you could put a drop of blood
under the microscope the cause would
be revealed.
You would find the blood thin and
watery, red con far too few, th+ carr es
of lite very greatly retluosd iu vitahcy,
and this menus slow death.
Ferrozooe mares weakness by forts-
fytng both appetite and digestion, and
making plenty of blood.
Ferrozone cures woaknese by supply-
ing nutriment and building material, by
giving the body the constitnents it re-
quires for restoring tired organs.
It gives vim, vigor and endurance.
Ferrozone is a tissue budder.
It adds force to all the vital functions
—the stomach, liver, kidneys.
Ferrczone gives sound sleep, sound
digestion, promotes perfect removal of
all the body wastes.
Ferrozone makes the body glow with
Any weak, pato or sickly woman that
Ferrozone won't mare —why she mn-t
be hopeless. Wonderful power in Fer-
rozone, wonderful cures it makes, and
this you Call prove by trying it. Sold
everywhere in 50o. boxes.
W. D. Scott, Superintendent of Im-
migration, has just returned from the
east, and as a result the Dominion
Government will oo•operate with the
Maritime Provinces in encouraging
I Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail-
ed out free. on request, by Dr, Shoop,
Rachine, Wis. These tests are proving
to the people—without a penny's cost—
the great valve of this scien itlm presorip-
tion known to druggists everywhere as
Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by
all dealers.
The trustees of S. S. No. 3, Stephen,
have engaged Mr. Wm. Triehner to
teach in their school daring 1908. Mr.
Triehner ie now attending Model at
Goderich. The salary is $390.
Nine young men who raiser} a distur-
bance at a fowl supper at Moonstone in
Simooe County were each fined $20 and
costs amounting to $208, Among other
idiotic things they threw the provisions
at each other,
"I believe it to be the most effective
remedy for the Stomach and Nerves
in the market," is what Annie Patter-
son, of Sackville, N. B , says of South
American Nervine, for, she says, La
Grippe and the complications which fol-
lowed it left her next to dead with Indi-
gestion. Dyspepsia and General Nervous
Shattering, It cured her. Sold by A.
Hamilton, -100.
In Texas a woman has the contract, to
carry the mail from gaffe to Sierdai
Hill, and Georgia has a woman mail
carrier who travels a 40 -mile route tri.
weekly, besides managing a large farm.
Stanley Burton, a Port Hope man,
employed as clerk in the Bank of
Montreal at Winnipeg, and Roy R,
Dawson, teller in the Crown Bank at
Burford, both committed suicide by
Beard the ^ The Kind You Have Always Bou;hi
Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was
white as snow. it strayed away one day
where lambs should never go. And
Mary sat her quickly down and tears
streamed from her eyes; she did not find
her lamb because she did not adyerttse.
And Mary had a brother John who kept
amity store, he sat him down and smoked
a pipe and watched the open door. And
as the people passed along and did not
stop to bay, John sat still and smoked
his pipe and blinked his sleepy eyes.
And so the sheriff closed him out, but
swill he lingered near, and Mary Dame to
drop with him a sympathetic tear. How
is it, sister, can you. tell, why other mer.
chants here, sell all their goods so readi-
ly and thrive from year to year. Re-
memberieg her own bad luck the little
maid Tellies, "These other fellows get
there, John, because they advortise."
Turns Bad Blood into
Rich Red Blood.
No Ober remedy possesses such
perfect cleansing, healing and purl-
ing properties.
Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers,
Abscesses, and all Eruptions.
Internally, restores the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy
action. If your appetite is poor,
your energy gone, your ambition
lost, I3.I$.B, will restore you to the
full enjoyment of happy vigorous
The death occurred Friday aftnrntion,
Nov. 29th of Mrs. John K»moixban, one.
c' Gatleriell's old rosidenta, at the ego,of
73 years, She suffortd a atroko of
paralysis a few days ago ani sank. She
watt ono of the Sturdy family, a large
and well known family in this district.
Samuel Sturdy of the Huron road,
Goderich Tp. is a brother of the deceas-
ed; Thos. Sturdy, Revelstroke B. C.,
John Sturdy, Dungannon, are other
brothers, and Mrs, Wm. Johnstone of
Goder.eb itt a sister.
The are two kinds of girls in the
world, the girl who works and the girl
who pada. Commend us to the forms
er. Work lends dignity to a pretty
girl, is nu added charm to her. The
girl who wo.ks, God bless her, combines
the useful and the ornamental. She
might gad about, roll on sofas, gossip
and road story books, but the prefere
to be of soma account in the world and
goes out as stenographer, teacher, sales.
lady or housekeeper, bravely makes
her own way. Stich are tho salt of the
earth and of such is the kingdom of
Jemima Lawrence, wife of Wm Mose,
of Goderich, pained away Friday morn-
ing, Nov, 29th at the age of 71 years and
11 mouths, after an extended inners,
Mr. and Mrs. Moss hal been living alone,
their family of four children being grown
up and away from here, and the death
of hie wife will mean the breaking up of
the household. Mr. Mose is going to live
with his son Fred in Ohio, at least for
the winter. Mrs. Moss was a native of
London, England, and came with her
father and brother to this country when
she was only seven years of age. They
lived for some time at Kingston, of
which Mr, Moss was also a resident.
They were married there, and in 1854
came to Goderich, where they had since
Bewaro of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the unmans snrfacee. Such articles
shonld never bo used except on prescrip-
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is tenfold to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toleuo, O„ contains
no mercury, and is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the
genuine. It is takeu internally and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists, Price, 750. per
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
The present tightness of money is ex-
plained thus by a contemporary. Ordin-
arily A pays B, B pays 0, C pays p, and
lets the money go promptly to pay some-
one else. Thus in a few days A will
receive back his money and so with the
others. Thus money is kept circulating
and afloat all the time. Bat it A is
tardy in paying B, and B is tardy too in
paying 0, and C keeps the money under
lock and key for a month or so, the our-
calatiou is broken and money becomes
tight. This may be an explanation, if
so, lack of confidence would appear to
be the real cause of the stringency of
money at the present time. Last year
and the year before money was plentiful,
what has become of it? It has not been
destroyed therefore it must be in exist-
ence somewhere.
As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Council met in Town Hall, Teeswater,
on Monday, December 2nd, as per
motion of last meeting. Members all
present. Tho minutes of the last meet-
ing were read and sustained.
The following accounts were passed :—
Peter Kuhry, 185 yds. gravel, $12.95;
Wm. Edwards, 306 ft. hemlock lumber,
$6.12; Edwin Bell, spreading gravel,
$5 25; Sproal Bros„ cement tile, £230.62;
Henry Huffman, cutting brash, eon, 14,
$12 75; Joseph Murray, contract gravel.
ling, $37 48.
Baptist—Kuntz—That Ballagh and
Falconer be appointed to ascertain how
many cement tile there is on hand and
repots at next meeting.—Carried,
Report re deviation of road:—
To the Calroes Connell.
Gentleman,—As per motion of Coun-
cil, wo, the undersigned,went and exam -
ed the hill on the 25th eideroad, con. 4,
and we think it advisable to the publio
interest to buy a road around the hill,
We met Councillor Falconer and ex -
Reeve Wellwood and examined the
situation of the new road, and we esti-
mated that one hundred and fifty dollars
would pay all expenses in oonnection with
buying and grading the new road,
Jae. Donaldson.
Jas. Ballagh.
Houtz—Falconer—That the report of
Messrs. Donaldson and Ballagh be anted
Tho fibanoe report was read and
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, the 16th, as per
Statute. ,
Coax, BMW' Olerk.
Contains the
elements of
Beef extracts contain only the flavor
and stimulating elements of beef—
the nutritive values are lost in the
making. Baron Liebig, the inventor
of beet' extracts, admitted that. He
said "It is but a condiment and
stimulant, containing no matter
capable of sustaining life."
That is where BOVRIL differs from
beef extracts.
BOVRIL does contain the nourish-
ment and life-sustaining elements of
beef as well as its rich flavor.
BOVRIL gives strength and nourish-
ment to the invalid. With its help
you can make Left -over scraps into
delicious consommes, bouillons and
soups with very little trouble.
BOVRIL is the true economist in the
home kitchen.
Your grocer sells BOVRIL. r5
[Boston Transcript.]
I met a gentlemen who seemed
As mce as he could be;
While I could do him any good
He was a friend to me.
But when I couldn't boost his game
He rose sad took his hat,
And made himself exceeding scarce—
We've all had friends like that.
Ho stuck to ma like liquid glue
As long as I would bey,
Laughed at the ancient jokes'I told
And boomed me to the sky.
When my resources vanished and
My money ceased to talk,
Ho folded np bis tents and things,
And straightway took a walk.
That is the way too oft, alas!
With some fair weather friends;
They hang aronrtd us like a cloak
When we can serve their ends,
Bat when no longer we produce
As once wo used to do,
They straightway rise and shake them,
And flit to pastures new.
Give me the friend who doesn't make
Too much of a parade,
But who is !hero when you're in need,
A very present aid.
Who comes when you are in the dumps
And no relief can see,
And gently says, "Cheer up, old man,
Ahd kindly draw on me."
Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousnoss, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
who find life a burden, can have health aid
,strength restored by the use of
Heart and Nerve
Tho present generation of women and girls
have more than their share of misery. with
some it is nervousness and palpitation, with
others weak, dizzy and fainting spells, while with
others there is a -general collapse of the system.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills tone up the
nerves, strengthen the heart and make it beat
strong and regular, create new red blood cor-
puscles, and impart that sense of buoyancy to
the spirits that is the result of renewed mental
and physical vigor.
Mrs. D. 0. Donoghue, Orillia, Ont., writes:
" For over a year I was troubled with nervous-
ness ami heart trouble. 1 decided 10 give Mil -
burn's Ifeart and Nerve Pills a trial. and after
using fivo Ilexes I found I was completely cured.
I always recommend them to my friends."
Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25,
all dealers or Tits T. Milburn Co., Limited
Toronto, bat.
for Wingham and adjoining country to
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries"
A permanent situation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re-
served. Pay weekly. Free Equipment.
Write for particulars.
Foothill Nurseries
(Oyer 80d gess) 0At1.1.4.
The festive season is fast approaching, and in view of
+ the great demand there will be for suitarle presents, we
have placed in stock a large and varied assortment of most
appropriate and acceptable articles for the occasion.
i o o c'Z is
• to ---
What would bring greater joy to the heart of your
wife than a present of a handsome new Sideboard ? We
the prices are right.
. have them in a variety of styles, and
A most acceptable gift
ROCKER ; for no, matter
there's always room for one
ihave, and learn the prices.
+ .
indeed would be a FANCY
how many Rockers you have,
more. Call and see what we
++++++4+++++++++A++++++++4 +O++4++++++++++++++++•+•+♦,
0. 0 t Dela,r
• It is always good policy to secure early your WINTER CLOTHING.
Here is a list in which you might find something to interest you : u,
Al •
3 only Dore Coats, - worth $25.00, for $20.00
2 light-colored Calf, " 25 00, for 20 00
1 Black Calf, • - " 28 50, for 22 50
1 Wombat, - - " 33 00, for 25.00
3 Black Calf, - - " 35.00, for 27,150
Canadian Coon, not dyed, and .handsomely :striped -
1, worth $65, for $50.00. - 3, worth $75 each, for $65.00
Men's; heavy Cloth Overcoats, regular $8 line for $4 o
,c If II„ $9 't 4 50
u r ,t t, ., $10 ” 5 00
.t „ „ ., $12 " 0.00
" •s,'' " `$14 " 7.00
Boys' Reefers, - - worth 3 00, for 2,00
" - - - " 3 50, for 2.50
25 Boys' Overcoats to be cleared at less than cost.
A full line of Boys' heavy Honeycomb Sweaters just arrived.
A few Ladies' Astrachan Coats—
Best Linings.
4 worth $50 00 each, for $87.50 1 worth $45 (10, for $32 50
5 worth 37.50 each, for 27.50 1 worth 40,00, for 30.00
2 worth 30.00 each, for 22.50
114 Wrapperette and Kimono Cloth—a good assortment, and prices not =,
• advanced. Blankets --11/4 and. 12/4 both grey and white
kept in stock. Grey Flannel from 15e to 75c yd.
Wroxeter Yarn, made only from high-
► ' grade wool.
' Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, Socks, Hose ; we can ke - -
feet warm if you buy from tis.
Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear for lieu ancl' Women.
Fresh Groceries arriving daily for Christmas trade ; prices very low
Flour, Bran, Oil Cake, Bibby's Cream 1 gniralent
and Beet Meal always in stack.