HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-23, Page 12illmifTNA.410RONIOPOSITOR4EAFORTII, ONT., M.I1,4Y ;Ito • CLINTON DISCOUNT CENTRE _ at Main Corner Stop Lights • open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday to Friday Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. GRAND OPENING MAY 41st. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS:Dial 527-0240 Conestoga College Is Coming To Learn the Needs of Your Community ARE YOU INTERESTED? How Conestoga College Can Help You • • • • as an EMPLOYER (agricultural, Business, Industrial, Professional) as a PARENT as a POTENTIAL ADULT STUDENT as a COMMUNITY LEADER? How You Can Help Conestoga College Serve Yon'Better ? PLAN NOW TO ATTEND AN OPEN • College 'Community Forum THEME: Serving Community Needs These are your opportunities to learn fully about your College 7:45 p.m. STRATFORD, Avon Theatre, May 29th GUELPH., Steelworkers' Centre, June 3rd CLINTON, Canadian Legion Hall, June 5th KITCHENER, Conestoga College, June 12th • ROGERS MAGESTIC HI-FI AND TELEVISION CELEARJAIIII (111 1111 This is your opportuniti to make a real saving and still have. the best quality that „money can buy. Several models in stock ft:, choose from in colored and black and white television or Hi-Fi Stereo. Use your old set as a down payment, with the balance in as lorrg as 36 months. SPECIAL PURCHASE PHILIPS PORTABLE TRANSISTOR RADIOS Complete with batteries Only 24.59 A once in a lifetime buy at an unheard qf price. • Channel Master AM & FM Radio Runs on batteries or Hydro Now only 59.95 Channel Master AM & FM Radio Battery Type Now only 43.95 CROWN HARDWARE Phone 527-1420 Seaforth C W 26. P nonak • Mi. and. Igira- 3...G. Clifton, Brucefield, announce the en- gagement of their second el- dest daughter, Evelyn Grace, to Kenneth 3. Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman RR4, Seaforth. The wedding will tate place June 15, 1968, at 2:30 p.m. in Brucefibld United Church. Brucefield. 26-28x1 Mrs. Nora Maloney wishes to announce the engagement of her youngest daughter, Mary Eieen to Mr. Robert John Pryee, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Prvee, Sew - forth, and the late Leslie Fryce. Wedding to tae plase in St. Col - =ban Roman Catholic Church, on Saturday, June the 8th at one -thirty o'clock. 26-28x1 27, Births BAES — In Seaforth -Commum- ty Hospital, on May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Baes, RBA, Mitchell, a son. - VERORUYSSEN Seaforth Community Hospital, on May 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Rene Ver- cruyssen, RR2, Blyth, a son.. GRUMIMEIT Seaforth Community Hospital, on May 26, to MT. and Mrs. Alfred Grununett, RR5, -Stratford, a daughter. Too Late SENIOR High School girl desires work as a mother's hel- per. Baby-sits by the hour, day or week. References. Phone 482- 7590. 7-28-1 WANTED — 15 year old girl wants a summer position, Please call 527-0047. 7-28-1 FOR -SALE — Ten tons of oats. Phone 345-2037. t1-28-1 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of. ORVIL VICTOR WESTON, All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of Orval Vic- tor Weston, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Hu- ron, Merchant, deceased; •who died on the 26th day of March, 1968, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of June 1968 after which date the assets will be distributed having re- gard Only to claiins- then ,ne- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 22n4 day of May, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors • 22-28-3 CLEARING ,AUCTION SALE Farm machinerx; 2 buildings and household effect/4 to be held Wednesday, May 29th at 1 p.m. at lot 5, Concession. 1, Tuckersmith Township, 114 miles east. of Seaforth on No: 8 Highway. MACHINERY — Case rubber tired tractor manure spreader in real good condition; Ford spring tooth cultivator with bean and corn attachments for scuffling; 2 Dearborn mounted plows, 10" and 12". Deering Mower; drill; dump rake; garden, horse scuf- fler; 4 bar'reockshutt PTO side rake in Al condition; 5 sec- tions of Diamond harrows; rub- ber tired Otaco wagon in Al condition; quantity of wrecking mashinery; electric fencer; 16' steel gate; oil barrels; ten rolls of new asphalt siding.; scoop shovels; forks; used tires; and a host of other articles. HOUSEHOLD -taerEcrs — kit- chen cabinet; tables; kitchen chairs; oil space heater; Frigi- daire, 4 burner stove; -„sealers; beds, springs and mattresses; trunks; writing desk; dresser and stands. BUILDINGS — 2 garages, 16' X 26' with steel roof; approx- imately 12' X 14'. TE,RIVIS CASH LESLIE MAOKENZEE Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer 20-28-1 • DS Too 1 -ate MODERN three bedto. Onti apart- ment, kitellellh1iyiig 'dg10. 'And 3 piece bath, Hot water heated. Phone 527-0810. 6-284 ThinkTs-s-o-rauch for all; the _ . _ ness shown me during my\-111- ness and to those wb.o helped in so many ways at home. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appre- ciated!. — Jean Parsons. t1 -28x1 Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Papossitor -Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, Just Dial Seaforth 527-0240, CONSTANCE UCW Meeting The open meeting of the Con- stance UCW was held on Tues- day, May 7th at the home of Mrs. W. L. Whyte. . Mrs. Frank Riley, president, opened the meeting with a read- ing and prayer and welcomed the guests. Mrs. George McIlwain read the scripture, followed by pray- er by Mrs.- Reg. Lawson. Mrs. Fred Buchanan gave a reading. Mrs. David Livingstone sang a lovely solo "Were You There". It was decided that the meet- ings ,for the summer -months would be held in the evening with the June meeting being held at the home of Mrs. Wil- mer Glousher. Mrs. Frank Riley introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Tschanz who gave a worthwhile talk on "Happiness in the Hanle". Mrs. Elma Jewitt thanked the speak- er and presented her with a gift from the society. Mrs. Livingstone favored with another solo, "The Old Rug- ged Cross" accompanied by Mrs. Ella Jewitt. Mrs. Joan Whyte gave a reading. Mrs. Ril- ey thanked everyone who took part and a special thanks to Mrs. Whyte. • The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Approximate- ly 74 were in attendance. Lunch was served after which a bazaar was held. ' Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale vis- ited �n Wednesday with Mr. Will Webster of St. Helen's. ••' Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona spent Thurs- day evening with Mrs. Don Ra- pien, Lita and Joan and Mi. and Mrs. Neil Rapien sof6Slab- . town. _ Mr. and Mrs. George Hart of Brussels visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family. Mr. Clifford Trott of London spent Saturday evening with his cousin Mrs. Irene •Grimold- by. Kevin and Lori Crozier spent the weekend with their grand- , parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McHwain and Mary. Mr, and Mrs. Frank. Riley spent the .holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Woods, Debbie and Michele. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kim and Greg also spent the weekend at the Woods' home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nan der • Molan, Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds have returned home from their, trip to Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona visited on Saturday evening with Mr., and Mrs. Horace Salt. 'Mr. and Mrs. ' Marvin McDonald, ' Kim and Colin of Mitchell. Miss Linda Nott of Kitchener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Nott and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Preszcator and Steven of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator. Billy and Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, John and Elizabeth, visited on .,Sunday with Mrs. E. F. Warren, Linda and Helen and Mr. Earl Lawson of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and Elaine of Hanover, visited on Sunday with Mr. and • Mrs. George McIlwain and Mary. Mr. and Mrs.r John Jewitt, Mrs. Ella Jewitt end Steven at- tended the Masonic service at the Lucknow Presbyterian. Church on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and girls visited on Sunday with Mr. and 1Virs. Lawrence Hill of Crediton. . ' Mr. and 1Virs. Fred Buchanan • and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt, Kathy and David of Clinton vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona spent Mon- • day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Osborn and girls of Monkton. O Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George McElwain and Mary' were Mr. George Mcllwain. and Lynn of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Crozier, Brian and Paul 61 Listowel. Kevin and Lori return- ed to their home. Mr. end Mrs. John Thompson and family spent the -weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds and family.of South Field, Mich- igan. • David, Paul end Jane Reid of London, spent the weekend with their gandparents, M. and • Mrs, Luther. Sanders. ' Mr. and- Mrs. Paul McMaster, Carel and Mark of London, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dedrick and Jef- ifery 4f-S1mcoe, were weekend visitors with Mr, and MTS. George Hoggart and family, Mt. and Mrs. Jahn lioggart and Lar- ry spent Sunday at the Hoggari home. TIME IS RUNNING OUT HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS -GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE SAVAUGE JEWELLERS • NOTE: Please have all accounts paid and all lay aways picked up • by MAY 314. Free Draws this Weekend for Air Plane Ride and Merchandise Vouchers. TIM Vivok M /*forth plotrict tli*„.11 By Margie Whyte and Carol Shortreed ledge that they had, helped, their fellow students in Jamaica. • _- WALKATHON On Saturday, 182 students and teachers of SDHS walked' 18 miles from Seaforth, to Bayfield, via Brugefield and Varna, to raise money for an elementary school in Seaforth, Jamaica. The walkers began:their long journey from the highschool at 12:30 noon and reached their destination any time from 3:30 p.m. to 6:60 p.m, depending on their own, speed. Glen Me - Laughlin was first to reach Bay- field taking only three hours to hike the 18 miles. It wai report- ed that only a very few per- sons were unable to complete the walk. Even our principal, Mr. Plumsteel, who deserves congratulations, made it to the finish lino shortly after 6:00 p.m. Due to the many sponsors each walker had, this project was very successful and they raised well over- 81,000. - On reaching Bayfield, the tired bunch .of walkers; with their many blisters, were greet- ed by a "Welcome Walkathon- ers" sign, which was painted by Marg Ryan and Paul Hagan. After having an enjoyable weiner roast, the exhausted travellers returned to Seaforth by bus, rewarded in the know - News of Woodham Mr: and Km George Wheel- er and David a:nd MT. and Mrs,. Glenn Copeland and girls visi- ted with Mr_ ,an,d Mrs. John Rodd and ,family on Sunday. 'Messrs Ray Keiser of Wood- stock and Wilson Dodge of Clan- deboye visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls. .Mr. and Mrs. Telce Witteveen and Rasemery of St. Marys Were snivel' guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Witteveen and family. Mr. and .Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl and Mr. and Mrs. 'Oscar Brine were gueets on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robin- son and family of. Fourth Line. Mir. and 1VIrs. IVIarten Arenth- als and girls 01 Lucan Were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mills and Miss Donis Mills, of London was a weekend visitor with her parents,. Hippie Day Thursday of last week was one a many spectacular school days, as that day the high- school was inhabited with about 450 hippies. The students came attired in hippie dress, With beads and flowers draped on their costumes. A special event of the day was noon -hour dance for hippies Only. The stuitlents enjoyed this day as well. as clash, dress up and Jamaica dais, This speeial "Stu- dents' Week", which was organ- ized by the Students' Council stemed to arouse, much scheol spirit. Visit Ontario Hospital On Friday morning, all Grade , 11 students, aecompanied by Miss Weiler and Mr. Reidy tour- ed the Ontario Hospital at God- erich. They visited the therapy laboritories, the industrial work shops and some of the hospital wards. In) these work shops theY saw how the patients refinished furniture and made toys etc. This tour was worthwhile to • th,e students in that it showed them what hospital facilities are available even in Huron Ctainty." Toronto Visit , On Wednesday of last week, the library clubs of both Clin- ton and Seaforth high schools took a trip to Toronto,. In the O provincial capital, they first vis- ited Casa Loma and then were , given a chance to explore Bloor Street and Yorkville.. Finally, they tookin a tour of the mu- seum. • • Assembly In the assembly, held on Fri- day, the nominations for next Year's Student's Council as well as the top winners of ,the choco- late liar campaign were announ- ced). inert, these announcements were made, Kangaroo Court proceeded. In court, • those who did not obey the rules of Stu- dents Week were punished. Judge was Stephen Brady and the jury consisted of several -honorable senior male students. Chief executioner was Burl the Brute, alias Gary Nicholson. Those who underwent most ser- ious torture were Clyde Mc- Clure, Warren Frock, Donna • Storey, Bill Carter, Gary Mc- Clure, Bert yandendool. Eli. Stanley Township WEED SPRAYING Sealed tenders, for roadside spraying of weeds and brush in the Township of Stanley will be received by the undersigned until MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1968, 6 p.m. Tenders to state an hourly rate. The Township will supply the spray and a helper. Operator must have spraying licence. Tenders to be sealed and clearly marked, as to contents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. WM. TAYLOR, _ Road Supt. - Varna, Ont. Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime 1 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS:Dial 527-0240 ENDERS Stanley Township BRUSH CONTROL Sealed tenders for the supply of Brush Spray will be received by the undersigned, un- • till MONDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1968, 6:00 p.m. for . 110 Gallons of 2,4-D and 2,4, 5-T Low Volatile Ester, 96 -oz in equal amounts. Tenders to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents. 4 Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. WM. TAYLOR, Road Supt., Varna, Ont. GREAT VARIETY! GREAT EATING! SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS Ib.. MAC/CHEESE LOAF or CHICKEN LOAF Meat by-products 113. LOIN PORK CHOPS PURE PORK Sausage Meat FRESH Ground Beef WHOLE or HALF FRESH HAMS FROZEN FOOD HIGHLINER HADDOCK in batter 21 2 lbs. Ib. s. SUPREME FRENCH FRIES, 2-1b. bag WEEKEND SPECIALS FOR MAY 23, 24,25 39 45 7Sc 79 89c Ib . Sc 14 oz. pkg. 490, GREAT F0001 HERE'S. e.„ Wu PROOF , roo Her6P., up= — 32 -oz.' (free dishcloth) DETERGENT 99c 151/4 -oz. pkg. (18 biscuits) SIdded Wheat i 69 RED' C RCLE SOCKEYE — 1/2s SALMON LUSHUS 3 -oz assorted flavours JELLY POWDERS SALADA -(deal pack) TEA BAGS, 60's With Pork and Chili Sauce CLARK'S BEANS, 19 oz.; SWIFT BEEF OR IRISH STEWS, 24 oz. tin§ Q.T.F. causHso PINEAPPLE, 14 oz. tins SAICO MANDARIN ORANGE SECTIONS, 11 oz. tins 2 for 490 KOOL AID INSTANT — Assorted Flavours DRINK POWDERS ...... • • 10 for Mk KRAFT LIQUID — Italian, Thousand Island, Coleslaw DRESSINGS, 8 -oz. 3 for 96er, GOOD LUCK — (deal pack) 470 MARGARINE, 3-1b. economy pack • • 790 611'9c R 5 for 49* • 690 4 for 880 490 610r 99* UPER AVE POTATOES Indian River Extra Largo —• 32's No. 1 Grade • • GRAPEFRUIT 4for590 • ..