HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-23, Page 11ffinum • A IJSE, THESE CL.ASSIFIICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAG! 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 18. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales , 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births 23. Deaths ` 29. Marriages Classified oda are inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation •counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 minimum 65c. Classifica- tions 24, 25 and 20, minimum 2e per word, minimum $1.15. All other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. For cash payment or if paid within 10 days following last insertion, °15 CENTS deducted from above rates. '1. Coming Events SEAFORTH W L bus trip, June 13th, points east; leaving Ilab• • kirks bus depot 8 a.m; Fare $3.00. Any ladies wishing to go contact Mrs. L. Strong, 527-1886 or Mrs. Icen Stewart, 527-1527, soon as possible: 1.28-1 St. James Rectory Tea and Bake Sale, June 12. Sponsored by CWL. 1-28-1 1 2. Lost, Strayed BLONDE colored 'Srianiel, ans- wers to nanie of Ginger. Phone 527-0091. 2-28-1 4. Help. Wanted PART -time waitress for cock- tail lounge, Friday 'and Satur- day nights. Commercial Hotel. 4-291 WANTED immediately - Man or woman to supply consumers in Part Huron Co. with Rawleigh. products. Can earn $50 weekly part time; $100 and up full time. Write- Rawleigh, Dept. E- .363-336, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, ontreal. CATTLE SHIPPER Applications will be received for a cattle shipper to the UCO 4 yards in Toronto: Apply in writing by six o'clock, May -27th, 1968, to the: SEAFORTH FARMER'S CO-OP Seaforth, . or DONALD DODDS, Secretary, RR1, Seaforth 4-25-4 OPPORTUNITY. FOR GREATER INCOME! The one and only Ontario Automobile Association needs, membership representatives in this area due to recent expan- .Sien. The men who qualify will be in a position to earnup to $150.00 weekly full-time; up to • $50.00 weekly part-time. • Guaranteed new and renewal commissions with cash bonuses and incentive prizes. If you like to talk to people and are vvilling to take short auto trips in your area, this Couldbe your opportunity of a lifetime! Interested? OK! Talk it Over with Ed Bauer, Elni Haven Mo- tel, Clinton, Tuesday," May 28, afternoon OT evening. - 4-28-1 'Mothers—Need Money? Earn .the convenient way choose your hours. Above av- erage earnings: Avon territories now available. Contact: Mrs. Millson 17 Flawloesbiuy Ave., London. • Phone 4514541. 4-28-1 Help Wanted Female Machine • Operators Fringe benefits — 2 weeks annual helidays, paid statuatory holidays, group insurance, pen- sion plan, time and a half for over time. HIGHLAND SHOES • SEAFORTH 4-28-2 7. Situations Wanted JOB cutting lawns, phone any- time after 4 p.m., 527-6867. 7-26-2 STUDENT wants full or 'part- time work for summer. Apply Elaine McClure 527-1668 7-28x1 8. Farin Stock For Sale NINE white-faced stocipers,„ ap- proximately 600 pounds, seven steers, two hollers. Saints -Landsborotigh, Seaforth, phone 5274820. 8-27x3 8. Farm.Stock For' Sale TlairTr • RoY sere phone 392-W4 Brussels. 8-274 TWENTY -KIM pig; ithre weeks old and twenty-five pigs, eight weeks old. Hans Verde RB2, Dublin, phone 345-2129,se ' 9-28-1 ONE Holstein bull 18 mont1i7i old; also a number of sows first litter, due soon. Apply Jerry Heyink R. R. 1 Blyth Phone 523-9203 Blyth. 8-28%1 TWEN'IT-FOUR York and Lan- drace pigs, eight weeks old. Phone David Livingstone, 527- 1159. 8-28-1 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 100 9-25-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale USED 59 Ford Galaxie, fair con- ditions Phone 527-1629. 10-29-1 1967 Ford Econoline. Phone 527-1387 after 5:30. Parkin Os- borne, RR2, Seaforth. 10-28-2 1961 Oldsmobile in good condi- tion, radio and heater. Reason- ably priced'. Apply Wm. Rich- ardson, Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. 10-28x1 11. Articles For Sale SEE OUR FINE SELECTION OF DIAMOND RINGS Convenient- Terms No Carrying Charges Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-25-tf WEED chopper, 119 volts, elec- tric fencers, 'karts arid spare fencers on hand, 1 year guar- antee. Alvin Beuernian, phone 345-2306. 11-26-tf HARD -WOOD slabs.. Delivered in truck load lots, 5 OT 6 cords, $4.00 per cord. Soft wood $3.00 per cord. Craig's Saw Mill, Au- burn, phone 526-7220. 11-27-3 NOW is the time for Dahlia and Gladioli bulbs. Darwin dah- lia, pansy, petunia and all var- ieties of flowers and vegetables. Staffen's Flowers, phone 527- 0600. 11-27-7 DIAMOND ring sale, 20% — 30% discounts on entire stock of diamonds, Savauge Jewel- lers, (opposite Post Office) Evening appointments by ar- rangement, phone 527-0270. 11-25-tf CRUSHED gravel, delivered or at the nit. John Thompson, phone 527-0238. 11 -25 -ti LAST OPFER — Frame house in Harpurhey owned by Dr. Brady. Fairly new shingles and siding. Doors and windows intaet. Will need renovation. $25.00 or best offer. Must be removed from lot in near future. Contact Mrs. Helen Brady, phone 527-1456 11-27-2 20% OFF WATCHES BULOVA CARAVELLE ENICAR ACCUTRON, ANSTETT No Trade -Ie Needed Anstett Jewellers Ltd. ' 11-254 I can still furnish you with the best seed corn you can buy: • PIONEER! While there is still a supply available, call me for the extra . bushels you will need to cold - plebe your planting require- ments this spring. Wm. S. Storey • Phone 527-1448 11-26-4 20% OFF RINGS MEN'S AND LADIES' Birthstone Onyx Hemetite Signet Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-254 PIANOS and organs, new and reconditioned, largest va- riety to choose from. Weser - vice what we sell for our cus- tomers to the highest degree of accuracy. See your Sher- lock- 1VIaminig dealer for this area and get a truly fine In- strument. Many makes and modelat Garnet Farrier's 'showrooms at Whitechurch. Phone 357-2088. 11-25-tf CRYSTAL We have open stock of the following crystal patterns: Cross and Olive — $1.00 eabh Pinwheel $1.00 each Flair $1.50 each Exquisite $2.25 each Cornflower at Regular Prices 1095 Discount on Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 11-25-tf THREE point hitch Ferguson scuffles, shields and side &ales, scuffler, shields and side discs. DON'T miss the bargains at the GOing,Outref-Intainess sale. Sae auge Jetvellers,opposite the post office,.- 11-284 11. 'Articles For. Sale TIMEX WATCHES SOL Ano =wimp . • TRW:RIM! A.NSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. • 11-2541 WE will take orders for white rock capons, first 1bunch ready • May 20th, second,, June 20th. Alvin Benerman, phone 345- 2306. 11-2541 QUANTITY mixed graain and oats. Fred 1Cleinhaar 527-0216 11-24-1. FIVrY rebuilt watches (guaran- teed) from $4.88. Savauge Jew- ellers (opposite the post office) 13.-28-tf wurrE roller skates, size 8, in good condition. Phone 527-1796 11-28-1 TWO surge milking units. Lewis Coyne Phone 346-2616 11-29x1 FLOURESCENT lights, call any- time after 5. Phone 527-1794. ' 11,28-4 GAS stove, 55,000 BTU, 8 cu. ft. refrigerator, 2 antique beds and 2 dressers, kitehen cabinet and other small articles. Clem ICrauskopf, RR1, Dublin. 11-28-1 USED FARM MACHINERY John Deere "planters, corn or beans, 494A four -row, 246 two - row 3 pt. H. and also seven foot John Deere mower. • JIM CHALMERS RR2, Kippen Phone Seaforth, 527-0205 11-28-1 13. Wanted WANTED -- A home for a spayed miniature female Col- lie, good with children. Mrs. John Thompson, phone 527-0238. 1328-1 15. Property For Rent TWO bedroom apartment, 119 North Main Street, gas heated. Available June tot Clarence Mongomery, phone 527-0043. • 15-27-tf TWO rooms, heated, ground floor, light, hot and cold water, fridge, electric stove, commer- cial clothes dryer, TV lead in, built in cupboards, storage, flush toilet, $40.00 a month. Jack Thompson, Family Shoes and Repairs. 15-27-tf MODERN two bedroom farm residence, one floor, new bath- room, kitchen. Box 1742, Hu- ron nipositor. 2-27x2 Duplex with 3 bedrooms. Ap- ply Gordon Noble phone 52'7- 0840. 15-28-1 TWO bedroom apartment, for rent, gas heated, drive -way, In Egomdville. Phone 527-1529 15-28x1 OLD STONE HOUSE Built by craftsmen Aged by time Admired by all Has, Appeal Has History And an Artists Setting INQUIRE WILLIAM M. HART Salesman — Seaforth GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker 15-28-1 17. Wanted To Rent SMALL, modern two bedroom house in Seaforth or vicinity. Re- quired early in June. Apply tc; Box 1744, Huron Expositor. 17-28x2 19. Notices WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-254 BACKHOEING, loading and lev- eling. Ivan Rapien phone 345- 2557, RR1, Bornholm. 19-27-3 Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs. Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuikl Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett jewellers Ltd. 19-25-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- 1400. 19-254f CONCRETE WORK No job too big, no job too small, also post hole,diggirig and &Tieing. Reasonable 'rates. Free estimates. Phone ' LOUIS MALONEY 527-1351. 19-284f REMOVAL Please Call, Promptly 'MARLATT -EROS. Phone 133 — Brune* Ont. 24 hot& serviee-.14 days a week 10, .Notices coweavrg.',101*.fartnerS place yo' orders now for .preetlen of' a silo in time for this years crop. Wes Heal and • Sons, Zurich, phone 2364929, 3.9.-201 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Write ' or phone LOUIS. BLAKE, RPM, Brussels, phone 442-W-6 or HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. 19 -25 -Id VACUUM Cleaner Sales 50 Ser- vice for all makes, Filter Queen Sales. Varna, Phone 262-5350, Hensall.• 10-25-tf cusmom post hole digging and fencing. Louis Maloney, phone 527-1351. 19-254 SPRAY and brush painting, houses, barns and roofs. L. Mc- Kellar, Cromarty, phone 345,, 2879. 19-28-1 ELECTROLUX Canada Ptd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light-, house St., Gederich, phone 524- 6514, 19-254 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night ,FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, oi MICHAEL J. DOYLE, • Phone 345-2549 Dublin call coll- ect. 19-2541 SPRAY and brush painting, houses, barns and roofs. Elmer McKellar, Crornarty, phone 345- 2879. 19-27-1 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of desks, tables, wood work- ing tools etc. at Seaforth Dis- trict High School on • SATURDAY, MAY 25 at 2 p.m. Stools; wooden desks; tables; 30 light globes; chicken feed- ers and hoover; 3 - 8 ft. lights, 2-4 ft. lights (floirreseent); chairs; tables; Venetian, blinds; book cases; pictumes and picture frames; desks; dumb -bells; join- ter; forge; wood working tools; 4 woodwork benches: tinsmith bench; 2 drafting tables; double e head emery; jig saw; band saw; drill press; bench saw; lathe; chisels; planes; etc.; Ferguson plow; Ferguson cultivator; Ford disc; also numerous small arti- cles. FIAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer 20-27-2 AUCTION SALE Of real estate, furniture, ap- pliances, dishes and some an- tiques at 162 James Street in the Town of Mitchell on ' SATURDAY, MAY 25th at 1 p.m. 5 piece spool bedroom suite; bronzetone table and 4 chairs; dining room suite of buffet, chi- na cabinet, table and 5 chairs; .1D Payne antique piano; Leon- ard refrigerator; Kelvinator aut- omatic washer; Singer electric portable sewing machine; Mix Master; GE iron; electric tea kettle; full 12 place setting Li- mege China; cedar chest; 3 ir- on beds springs and mattnsses; a dressers; 2 'chests Of drawers; chesterfield and chair; library table; 3 odd tables; 2 upholster- ed chairs; patio table and um- brella; lawn lounge; wire fen- cing; 2 upholstered arm chairs; wicker arm chair; 3 floor lamps; comode chair; table lamps; mir- rors; magazine stand; quantity bedding and linens; cracks; sealers; dishes; glassware; can- dle mould arid many , other ar- ticles too eumerous to men- tion. Real Estate consists of the lot at 162 James St. in the Town of Mitchell which is 142 feet deep with 66 It. frontage on which there is located a 7 room 2 storey, red brick, !loUSe with a garage attached. Anyone wish- ing to inspect the property be- fore sale should , contact Mal- coim Norris .at'348-8679. Proper- ty, subject to reserve bid, will be offered at 3 .p.m. Tunis on chattels, cash; on Real Estate, 1095 down sale day,‘ the balance in 30 days. No reserve oh chattels. Property of the late ANNIE VIVIAN R. G, GEFITIKE Auctioneer 20-2-2 AUCTION SALE' OF USED TRUCKS • The following County trucks will be offered for sale op WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th 1068, at 7:30 p.m. at the County Garage, Auburn, Ontario. 3 - 1964 Chevrolet % ton pick -tip trucks. 1 - 1004 Chevrolet economy - type van. 1 - 1963 GMC cab and chas- sis 28,000 G.V.W. 2 - 1964 Chevrolet true 28,000 G.V.W.; each complete with dump bot and hoist, one- way snow Plow and levelling wing with all harness and) con- trols. LICENSE 110. 1100 -Ped IllatirkTS -= As it Wheats fa; 19-284110 licenee; Cash or cheque; 29. Auction Sales • 0,R,S.T. Auctioneer: - Taek Alexander, Wingham, Ontario. J. W. Britnell, P. Eng., County Engineen Court House,' Goderich, Ontario. 20-28-1 21. Tenders Wanted Township of Morris - Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, June 3, 1968 for the construc- tion, of the following: McCall Drain Improve- ment Consisting of 3,100 lineal feet of covered drake 3 catch basins. Mitchell Drain Consisting of 3,100 lineal feet of covered drain, -3 catch basins. Barnard Drain Consisting of 3,400 lineal feet of covered drain, 5 catch basins. Tenders are to inelude bid price for each and a certified cheque for 1095 of bid price. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Lgwest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk Belgrave, Ontario.' 21-27-2 , Village of Hensall Tenders Wanted Sealed Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to and until 6 o'cleek p.m., Fri- day May 31st, 1968: To excavate and remove the present material, 24 feet wide, 12 inches deep, and refill the same with 8 inches ac pit run gravel and 4 inches of crushed gravel on the following streets: Approximately 275 feet on the north end of both Albert and Nelson Streets; 285 feet on the south end of Elizabeth Street; 275 feet on the south end of Brock Street; 560 feet on the west end of Oxford Street. Prices to be submited by the Cubic Yard. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. For further information apply at the Clerk's Off ice. EARL -CAMPBELL, Clerk, • Village of H,ensall 21-28-2 \I Gravel Tenders Township of Tuckersmith • 21, Tenders Wanted For the supPIyii deuvery Of aPproXlinateir 10,000 cu. yds, of granular B and 4,500 eu, yds. of granular A to specified le - 'Cations in the Township. Ten- derer to contact the under- signed regarding work area and location of gravel. Work is to be completed in July and August 1968. Teaders to be in the Road Superintendent's hands by 5.00 p m. on ,Tune 4. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders andwork are subject to approval by the Dept. of High- ways. ALLAN NICIIOLSON Egmondville, Road Superintendent 21-27-2 Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS FOR MOWER OPERATOR Work to commence about the middle of June at the rate of $1.50 per hour. Applications must be received by the under- signed not later than 6 Pm., Friday, May 31, 1968. GEORGE HOGGtART, Road Superintendent RRI21 Londesbpro, Ont. 21-27-2 23. Business Directory Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R., G. 79246E57oKnktE Phone34on Auctioneer and Appraiser Licens'ed and capable in selling all types of auetiou sales. . Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482-3384 G. A.. ITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOREVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 , - Seaforth A. M HARPER ' Chartered Accoantant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 noon For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 WHAT ARE, YOU DOING, CH UZZ ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH OUR. OWN HOME. FOR 14E12. - • 23, Business VirecterY ROY • BERITAVY Public Accountant 4 Brittania Road Ea**, Goderich Phene524-952123• • ,14-tf RONALD G. McMANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; Rattenbury St., phone 482-9677, Res; Rattenbury St., phone 482-7313 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For An Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 IVIcCONNELL & STEWART, Banisters, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNIM • D. 1bulimia Seaforth,, Thane 520850 - SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. Turnbull, D.V.M.„V.S. W. R. Bryaris, D.V.M., VS. P. D. Cullis, D.V3ii., V.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., V.S. P. S. Dwyer, M.V.B., Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, gifts, ,flowers and visits .during my stay at Seaforth Hos- pital. — Mrs. Francis Frith 24-28x1 I would like to express my sinc- ere thanks to, everyone who sent cards; flowers, and gifts to me while a patient in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Special thanks to DT. Brady, Dr. Malkus, the nursing staff and Rev. J. C. Brit- ton. — Mrs. Alex MacDonald 24-28x1 The family a the late Mary Jor- dan wish to thank sineerely all those who sent flowers and ,Mass cards and helped out in • any way during the wake arid funeral. Special thanks to Fr, Laragh, Dr. Stapleton and the Box Funeral Horrue. Everything was deeply appreciated. 24-28x1 I would like to thank all who sent flowers, gifts, cards and visited me during my stay at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Jean Campbell, the nurses of the sixth floor, North East Wing, Rev. D. 0. Fry, Rev. D. Mac- Donald and Rev. G. Anderson. Your visits and kindnesses shown to me were greatly ap- preciated. — Mrs. Wm. Brown, Jarvis Street. 24-28x1 BUT YOU HAVEN'T ANYTHING TO PROTEST ABOUT YET! SHE SAYS SHE WANTS SOMETI-UNG TI -IAT IS A REAL CHALLENGE. 24. Cards Tbanks wish to itbeaTo to all those who rerneVabekred use with ,'ca,tils and visit's while I was in. 411r1a hoeFit0•1: Special thanks to Drs. goee gine) Stapleton and nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospital. MP. E. Nolan. " 24-20x1 I would like to thank my many friends, relatives And UoighborS for the visits, cards WI treat*, Also special tbs* to the nur- ses and staff of the Listowel Memorial liesplial, Drs. WiIliazn and Donald Munn and Rev. I>Lesr, wyn Docken for all the kind- ness during my stay' in hospital. John R. WiUiamson, Walton Out. ''' 24-28x1 I Wish to express nlY stwe thanksto my relatives, 'friends and neighbors .who remembered) me with cards,"trtats and -visits while I was a Patient in See - forth Corarounity Hospital. Spe- cial thanks to Dos. 'Brady and Malkus and to those Who .were so kind to the family at home. — Mrs. Lloyd Haney. 24-28x1 25. In Memoriam , nsEnreN In laving mentore of a dear mother and gran& mother who passed away one year ago, May 24, 1967. The depths of sorrow we .can- not t)ell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peace- ful sleep, Her memory we shkl always keep. Sadly missed by Brian Joan and Marty Flannigan. 25-28-1 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wisler Of Owen Sound wish to announce the engagement of their daughte er Elizabeth Ann to 'James Ed- ward Boyles son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyes of EgmondVille The „marriage will take place June ist at 2.00 PM at the Cal- vary United Missionary Church' in Owen, Sound. 26-28x1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nigh of Seaforth announee the engage- ' ment of their daughter Patricia to Mr. John Mero, son of Mr.. ancl Mrs. John Mere Seaforth. The weddieg will take place at 10 a.m. June..8tle 1968, in St. e , James Roman Catholic' church. 26-284 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinsore Kip - pen, wish to announce the en- gagernent a their daughter, Bonnie Lynn, to Gary Hillard Lawrence, sop of MT. and Mrs. Hillard Lawrence, Goderich. The marriage will take place at 13rucefield United- Church on June 22nd, at 2 p.m. 26-28-1 Additional Classified SEE PAGE 12 I KNOW. THAT'S. Vg HY I HAVEN'T WRItTEN ANYTHING ON MY PLACARD! • ‘1)///. .;,013 SCHOOL C51:: , *@:•;:q (NS HAS Sl'oPPED Foka TIMES N 114E LAST MILE ..• ............. • FUNNY HOW WE'RE Ate TAKEN BY SORPRISE VERY iimE! WHEN OM PAaet•115 UP, MEN S140 kiEtED tAie kf 1.ao% --,•,.., • 4- a% 1,•;c1'„ 3 .0.....q • 3E:./6,0. 1.,, ....1 ‘. , IV' 1 Iv il vic ,, 41 otiliv ..t. WERE OMNI& Con ...„.. 0 ' AND SEWED 1,431 qw 'Ivo; if i Atoi , [ WOMEN BAKED AND ..11,.1.1.111I9 AND WASHED 1„11,i/ /I I i j •;':,,',4.), ,V 4 0,4 ,,-,4,,,, . 0, t • ' • et. ,t,p,Q, '.,91 •Q' .,)1 . \i'4 l'j A "q\tii; l'11 .01, ,, , ,ll il \ 1 SIT AT CONSOLES POSHIOSUrroNs :: I:,'.1,"\ A\l‘1,3i,,,,I.,IiIi.,I.•.ii: Vil.E.k:,1,,Riet.tE.4,0,1ING TO DO Is . ''' ;10 /a; , 1, i - , .. 1,,:ilt - , • 4 11,0 • a , 0 . 1,, WII1 D05s IT MATTEll IF WE 801‘4 1 WEAR.115 .8,yaE CLOIRES?. 1 P7:.';'-:------L-s', .'• ** ', ' 1)',• . .,:-. CP, C' ,9'•!4. VI 3-a ti ,0 a 1, le '•,', , 4f• (I . „,.