HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-23, Page 7a • 1 4 NEWS:9P7,..11$„ ..r-10-11 .OW0 ,St Zone ROO* 1#4140 Olcatt*"Y' tO. the Ewell CaThadiakLegiOn, Zone 01, Rtal7 Wee held in llensalif, AVOITIL itahtin Vire4nesda7 veni ,at. tended by 10S dnewbera Mare - smiting Exeter, Clintotio. Wiu* ham, Seaferth, ICiarie, Blyth, Meneall, Brussel; RIPleYr LucknoW and Howiek. Prier to the Meeting a pereale, headed by Exeter . Legion Pipe Band marched to the Cenotaph wheee Rev. A.C. Blackw.ell of Zulich gave the Invocatien, and a Wreath. Plaeett byWs,. Ethel Tilbe, Tot, . end Mrs. Mary Taylern. Hanna. At the Arena Mrs, Garnet. 4i1an, Preniflent Hinteall 8411Xi1larY galie-WOOdal of weICOMO, a civic welcOme was given by ConneillerQliver Jaq- ues n and prnsideait EJti Davis brought greetings from HM041 Legion Branch 468, Pliab'ladV was Mrs. Evelyn, Carnal, ZeThe Command ee from CrederICrsb Guest speaker Mrs. Ethel Tdbet; Toronto, 'Ord vice presid- ent. of -Ontario Proiringial mand, spoke cm Legion Auxil- ary *oat. Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Goderich, was ein•elected Zoe Commander of 'zone CI, reports od Zone Commender ' was prer • sented by Mee.' Oarroll; Zone snorts Offioer, Mrs. Amite Bel- lows, Seaforth. Minutes Were read by Mrs. W. H. Bell. Preeentations' 'were made to Mrs. Ethel, Tithe, Mrs. Evelyn Carrell, Mrs. Salves, Mrs. W. H. Bell, Mrs. Garnet Allen. Pr- ize winners in various draws were Mrs. R. Vanstone, Mis. 'Bill Smale, Mrs. Harold Cambpell, Mensal.. Mrs. Reba JoneC Clint- on, Mrs. Peggy- Coombs,. Sea - forth, Michael Bourne,• Exeter. Entertainment was provided by Grant and Kenneth Jenee of Kippen, with vocal selections with • guitar accompaniment • The ,Kinpen East W.I. nfet in the 'Legion Hall, Hensel', on May 15th with Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. Mildred Bell hostesses. --The - new president, .Mrs Ken :McKay presided and read a poem -on. "Mother". Seeretary Mrs. James Drummond read minutes and treasurer Mrs. Vern' Alder - dice gave her report showing a balance of $617.67. - Plans were made for Exeter Fair Exhibits at Exeter Fair, the bus trip was -Scheduled for June 12, the program making Meeting was. set. for Monday May, 20, and Mrs. McKay gave.her report of the-Officers-Confeetinee. held in Guelph. Mrs. Grant MacLaren chaired the 'program, Mrs. James Chal- mers gave the motto, "The per- son who is always beefing, is likely to get himself into a stew. The roll call was to brings.some- thing with which 6 -make music, so music was made with Mrs. Ross ..Broadfoot at the piano. Members followed withmouth organs, guitars, bells, etc. The 4—H club girls entertain- ed with Miss Diane McKay sum- marizing the last club. "The Club Girl Entertains", Miss Don - News of STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Anthony • Breit, Montreal, visited with Mrs. Sam Norris' and Mr. and Mrs. Bob ' Norris and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and girls attended Munro annivers- ary arid visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hocking and fam- ily, Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Breit, Montreal, visited Sunday with Misses Laura and Ethel Balk- -well and Ray Balkwell. A -number of ladies from Staf- fa Women's Institute. attended the District Amnia' in Fuller- ton United Church on Tuesday. Staffa United Church Worn- ' en entertained from Munro and Zion United Churches and Can.- marty Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening. Church Ladies Meet On May 15 devotion's were taken by Mrs. Harold Pethick assisted, by Mrs. Darnel Parker and Mrs. Leslie Miller. The pre- sident, Miss Vera Hambley, wel- comed the visitors and intro- • aduce&the guest speaker for the evenitlg Mrs. Charles Friend, Dublin. Mrs. Friend showed pie- -tures on Bella Bella Hospital in B. C. where her daughter, Judy finned and also of India where Judy is working now with CUSO. 'Musical numbers given by . lia .Ann Elliott, (solo) Ruth and • Judy Jeffrey, (duet) and Ruth • and Judy Jeffrey and Julia Ann Elliott, (trio) aecompanied on 'the organ by ldrs. Spencer Jef- "frey were enjoyed by all pre- sent. A lovely lunch brought the evening to a close. An Expositor Classified will •a pay you dividends: Have. you • tried one? Dial 527-0240. na WIlltelMIMe /*WO WPM! 444 taiirePer Ora%04370!..* Men* Miss Karen 'Wm?' v94%* eet table :ietth/ig avri* Darlene UOICaY Table WO Mise Barbara Gemmell MAW and lmrPrePei sandwiches, for tea,' Miss Ann Kleinhaer gave a reading, A Wt"Tiaoklog a week end bag" was given and was intro - (lured by Miss Pane White- house. The, east ineluded Misses Diane IVIclCay, Maureen Connolly Rene Stoll, Lyn Aiderdicep Mar- ilyn Durst, and Darbana nieIL Mrs- James Prummond gave a treading. Club leaders Mrs. Robert Gemmell and MIS. Ken. McKay were presented with gifts in reconitien of their work with the girlie club and the two Provincial Menotti winners Miss Donna Whitehouse atidlese Mat Kleinizaar- were also presented with gifts front KIPPelt Beat - Ws: Robert Pell gave courtesy rentain9. Bowlers Begin Season The Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club got away to a good start this year on Monday afternoon with 26 bowlers taking part in a mixed doubles tournament. Winners for the ladies were: Mary Finlayson, 2 wins, plus 20; Verda Sinclair, -2 wins, plus 19n for the men it was: Fred Tilley, 2wins, plus 17; and Clarence Walden, 2 wins plus 13. Thirty-two sat down knit pot- luck supper. Jack Patterson chaired a short meetieg and wekomed Betty and Pied Til- ley, formerly of Exeter to the club. A committee was formed to look after the float again this year. Dorothy Parke, presie dent of the ladies' club, thanked the men for the addition of new lights to the club house. *The men's Westinghouse tourna- ment comes early in June, also the Provincial Playdowns start in June. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings will be mixed bowling and new members are welcome. The next potauck sup- per will be June 25th. The men will be in charge of games for the month of Jun.& • News of Cromarty Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. E. Moose and Mra A. Plyper from ICC. visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Moore and family id Lindsay. - Mr. and 1VIre. Laverne Wal- lace, Pam, Terri Ifid Valeria, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parkinson, 'Mitchell spent the week -end with MTS. Shirley 'Elliott and amily of Essex. Joanne Wallace visited with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris m Exeter. 1VLr.and MTS. Jim Denver of Belleville spent the week -end with Mr. and Mee John Wallace. Mr. and MT& G. Wilson and son Islington were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig on Sunday. Mrs. Percy - Adams and son John nf Blyth Were Sunday yi- alters with Mrs. George Wal- lace and Mrs. Verna Brooke. Misses Sandra Maley, Win- throp and Jackie McGee, Lon- don, spent the week -end with their grandparents, Mir, and Mrs.. Otto Wanner. MT. Calder McKaig hag dts- • posed of his °100 acre farm on the 12th concession of Hibbert to the Scott Brothers, sons of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs. Alan, Somers and sons Jinn and Paul of St. Marys, Mr. and MTS.' Alen Crago, Kirkton were recently visitors with •Mr: and Mrs. K. McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig have taken up residence in the village. in the home formerly owned by the. late Mr. and ' Mrs. Thomas• Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gar - don, Laing and family and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson attended anni- versary at Munro United Church and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jefferson and family, Munro on Sunday. Funeral services for the late Mr. Frank Stagg, were conduc- ted by Rev, C. Boyne at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home Exeter on Tuesday. Pall -bear- ers were Messrs. Eldon Allen, Mervin Dow, Robert -Laing, Gor- don Laing, Otto Walker, Angus McKaig, all of Cromarty. Burial was in Staffa Cemet- ery. TRADING -4" IN REAL ESTATE? "•• - 'CONTACT BRUCE PAPPLE Active Associate Member of the London Real Estate Board, offer- ing you photo M.L.S. Service (Mul- tiple Listing Service). Representing Doug Stinscin, Realtor 154 Laurentian Drive, London Farms - Business-- Residential Cominercial and Industrial SEAFORTH — 527-1616 LONDON — 451-3782 r� 101,4; MAY $8. M464 WINCH WEEK gghl, Itrx. OavAirilt TWO" Demi* salt Dia*oe PP* the ovvelpixod at'pletd.emPel; v4th rela- We* 34 ,Mrs, Doug St0P4oPOR D42114 and vDaid visited en' 44. WYY Dashwotxt Graduates- Of. Ridgetowri College Three -members of the 1968 graduating class from Wdgetown College of Agricultural Technology were former students at Seaforth District High Sehool. Graeme Craig, SQII of Mr. and Mrs, Hervey Craig, RR 1, Walton, racaived the WO.. Thompson Award ($100) for best college citizen at graduation Meteises on Tuesday. Besse l van den Aldcer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bessel van den A.Uer of St. Thomas, formerly of 'Seafortb, and Anthony van den Mengel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald van den Mengel, RR 5, Seaforth also graduated. Other area grad- uates from Ridgetown were: Robert Vodden, Clinton; Ronald Christie Cromarty; Kenneth Mc- Cowan, Brurefield; and Wayne Elston, Wingham. Brenda Iloegy, Dublin, successfully com- pleted her junior year in the -Animal Health Technician course. The following local students -successfully completed their junior year in the General Course. at Ridgetown: James Phelan, Blyth; Murray McClure, Walton; Brian Hopper, Brussels; Gerald Townsend, Seaforth; and Keith Williamson, Walton. (Photos by James Photo (ChathaM) Ltd.) News of Walton and Area Social Evening Neigh!bors and friends held a social• evening in the Walton, Community Hall, Friday even- ing honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ma- . renee Martin who have recent- ly moved to their new home in Seaforth. Nineteen tables were at play for progressive euchre with 1VIrs. Kenneth McDonald acting as M. C. and Mr. Douglas Fra- ser assisted at the cloth.. The following prizes were awarded: ladies' high, Mrs. Donald Fra- ser; 'ladies Fortiv, •.. • Bewley, 'gents' high, Dolled McDonald; gents' low, Walter Bewley. The travelling lone hand was won by Brenda Pryce. Prior to 'lunch Mr. and Mrs. Martin were called to the plat- form and Mr. • Alvin. McDonald read a farewell addre,ss. Harold Bolger, Walter Bewley, Kenneth McDonald and Rosa McCall pre- sented thieti With a coffee table, two step -'up tables, electric clock, table decoratioins and a purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. Martiii replied • inviting all to come and 'visit linen in their new home. Mission Band Meets Mission Band was held Sun- day morningin the school- rooms of Duff's United Church with thirty-eight members pre- sent. Dena Wey 'opened the see - vice with the Call to Worship followed by hymn 669, "All Pe- ople that on, Earth de Dwell", with Debbie Way at the piano. A stay, "Mother's gift", was read by the leader, 1VIrs. Merton Hackwell. The • offering was re- ceived by Perry Smith and Jef- frey ,Hackwell. Gail Traviss read the secretary's report. Mite boxes are to be brought in at the Jane meeting and each mem,ber is to being an ar- ticle from Jlapan for display. Hymn 637 was sung and the children went to cla.sises under the leadership of Sharon Marks, Mrs: Wm. Coutts, Mrs., Wm. Roe and Merton ,Ilackwell. Mr. and Mrs. C. Braxton of Longeaton, England, arespend- ing several months with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald -Lee •end ,family.. Mr. and Mrs. William Dins- more —Ed family of Branipton were week -end visitors with Mr. and MTS. Gordon McGavin. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirk- by and family' of Woodstock visited over the week -end with Mr. Frank Kirkby. Mr. and' Mrs. Alexander Gu- lutzan spent the week -end with! friends in Kifbhenter and To- ronto. • IVIas. Margaret Ilumpbries has returned home ater visiting with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and 1VIrs. Horace Rut- ledge, London. Mrs. Donald *MacDonald and family, Montreal and Miss Te- resa Ryan, London* are spend - 0 LOCAL Mrs. Elia: Marshalnand Barry of Brigden visited with Mrs. Albert Hudson. Dr, and Mrs. Ralph Krueger, Karen- and Coleen of Kitchener spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. M. Krueger and Mrs. Ings. Mr. anti Mrs. Wilmer Mac - 0 OBITUARIES 0 MRS. C. A. CHRISTMAS Word has been received here that Inez Cuthill, widow of the late Chas. Christmas of Bounti- ful, Utah, had passed away. Mrs. Christmas was the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Jiam Cuthill, former137 of Mc- Killop Township. She had been ill only a few months and pas- sed on on May 16th. She is sur- vived by two sisters, Mrs. Mer- vin Pedersen •and Miss Hazel Cuthill, of Antioch, California and cousins Oscar Cuthill Mc- Killop, Wilmer Cuthill, Seaforth, Mrs. W. A. Campbell of Guelph 1VIrs. W. C. Bennett and' Mrs. R. K. McFarlane of town. MRS. ELIZABETH NOLAN Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan died sud- .clenly- at her home in McKillop Township on Wednesday, May 22. She was in her 73rd year: A life long resident of McKil- lop, she was the former Eliza- beth Krauskopf. Her husband, James Nolan, pre -deceased her in 1956. She is survived by five daugh- ters: Dorothy, Mrs. Vincent Murray, RR 5, Seaforth; Mary, Mrs. Brian Taite, Edmonten; Anne'i, Mrs. Bill Stockie, Helen, MrsnBrece Miehm and Patricia, Md. Wilfred Hartleib, all of Kitchener. Six sons, Dennis, Joseph, Louis and Frank of Seaforth, Vincent of Kitchener and James of St. Thomas, also survive. The remains are resting at the former home of the deceas- ed. The W. J. Cleary funeral home is in cherge of funeral arrangements which are as yet incomplete. MRS. TOLBERT T. CLARK Mrs. Tolbert T. Clark passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, May 5th, in her 71st year, after a short.illness. Mrs, Clark was the former Maggie Sholdiee, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Sholdice. In 1917 she was married to Tolbert T. Clark and they lived in Grey Township. until 1946 when they moved near Exeter and then to London. She is survived by her hus- band, one brother, Watson Shol- dice, Brussels; two sisters, Mrs. John (Jennie) MeN,aughton, Lon- don; Mrs. George (Annie) Whl- llamson, Walton. Burial was in Mount Pleasant cemetery, London, • Pallbearers were neighbors of the deceased. Hold Spring .Thankoffering • To mark the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the rebuild- ing of First Presbyterian Church the -congregation will hold a special Spring Thankoffering Service on Sunday. The Guest Minister will be Rev. Frank Lawson, B.A., B.D., of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Southampton. Mr. Law- son was born in Ireland and came to Canada in childhood. He is A graduate of the University of Western Ontario and of Un- ion Theological Seminary, New York. He was ministerof St. David's Church, Malik; for 'many • years and recently was called to Southampton. His ser- mon topic will be: "Our Glor- ious Faith . . . Changing and Changeless". • Mr. Lawson has travelled ex- tensively in Europe and the Near East and' has just returned from a trip to England. Discuss Planning The first of three meetings to discuss a single county planning board and development board in Huron County was held in Clinton Tuesday night. Fifty persons were on hand to submit opinions of what steps should be taken to formulate a deyelopment plan. The meeting was called by. the Huron Coun- ty Industrial and Tourism com- mittee. E. A. Goome, Toronto, of the Ontario Department of Munici- pal Affairs and Reeve H. B. Such of GOderich, chaiman of the Huron County Industrial and Tourism committee, speke on community planning. Reeve Such said it will take about two years for a plan for develop- ment to be accepted by Huron County Couneil. The next meeting will be held at Exeter, June 5.' ing this week with l'Ar. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hackwell, Exeter, spent Seturclay with • MTS. W. C. Hackwell. Eleven Institute members at- tended the 66th armual meeting of the East Huron Women's In- stitute at Fordwich last Thurs- day. ' Week -end visitors _ with IVIrs. W. R. Broadfoot were: Mr. and Mrs. David Allison and Mr.. Wm. Farquharson,. London; Miss Amye Love, MT. John Lamb, Mrs. Gordon Churchward‘ San- dra, Jo-anne and Dale, Toronto; Mr. and (Mrs. Gerry Cardiff, Wendy and Stephen, Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKay of North Bay visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Mc- Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig and Sherill attended the grad- uation of their son Gramm at the Ridgetown College of Agri- cultural Technology last Tiles: day. Graeme receivedi the W. G. Thompson award for the best college citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall and girls of Bram-aka, visited with relatives over the week- end. BRIEFS 0 Gregor, Sault St. Marie, Ont., spent Friday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Racho, Eg- moridville and"IVIr: and -Mrs. Wil- liam MacGregor, Kippen, then left Saturday for summer base with the Dept. of Lands and Forests, Redt Lake, Ont." Mr.. MacGregor is posted there with the Air Service Branch, Ni. and Mrs. Bervil Skinn and Terry of Kitchener spent the holiday week -end with Mrs. Theresa Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. John Skinn. Mrs. Henderson Troyer, Mrs. H. B. Atkinson and Miss Edna Atkinson of Toronto were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney Gemmell. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mur- dock of Detroit spent the Week- end with Mrs.- J. D. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rennie and, Linda of Ajax spent the week -end with Mrs. M. R. Ren- nie. (Mr. and Mrs. IL McKenzie of Oshawa, Mr and Mrs. Stan Dor- ranee and Mr. Jack Dorrance of Chatham were guests of Mrs. Mae Dorrance last week. Mr. and Mrs. -J. Ure Stewart were in, Windsor the past week in attendance at the sessions of London Conference of United Church. These sessions were held on the grounds of the Uni- versity of Windsor in Tem, Col- lege of the United Church. The opening Communion Service was held in the Roman Catholic As- sumption Church where Rev: Dr. Anne Erahaue, a past president of the Conference, preached. Relatives visiting on the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Blue were Mr. and Mrs. Les Nieolle and family of Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gordon and family of Preston, Mr: and MTS. Bernie Talbot and son Ter- ry and Miss Faye,- Blue, all of itchener. Mrs Luella Phillips of Mitchell and Miss Helen Philips of Ham- ilton were Sunday visitors with MT. and Mass. Ernest Adams and Donalda. Miss Donalda Adams of Sar- nia spent the holiday week -end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Thomas Butters, Dublin, spent the holi- day week -end with Mr. and Mrs. -- Wm. M. Hart at their cottage in Bayfield. Mr. and MTS. Robert P. Wat- serif spent the week‘end with Miss Bella Watson and Mr. Pe- ter Watson. of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. James I.. Slat- tery and 'Mrs. C. P. Sills sperit the holiday week -end ,in Detro- it Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton visited the past week -end in New York: Mr. arid Mrs. James F. Scott left Tuesday for Winnipeg to attend' the funeral of the late Mrs. John W. McKinley. Male' Vit* **V VhdloiPt w#11.444, Mrt PO fAM11:176 Mrs, IP" 044 4004 MM. El'aflat, /Coral* `wad Kar, Mr*, raoro Dnin and leant. attertde.0 tbie moth* And dim 0004 on Thgoider tog et Thare4i Detod Church, Put Mrs, Toendm with Mr, ' Woe. sgog WNEK-gND TSTENV,Mt VicTORI PLVS:4 Special FREE DRAW fora KenwoOd Plaaat Regular Value 18.95 REGULAR 1.50 QUALITY • STANFIELD'S BRIEFS & SHIRTS Standard deluxe quality in .• grs A sizes SI, M., L., and M... Limit I .A41. •of two sults per customer. WEEKEND SPECIAL EACH SPECHAL 72 lc 84 FAMOUS -,Z4VAIATY, AMMO . KEN1111001, -61.A14KETS- .. Green, gold,.cedir,,, rose, beige, blue, .unholect:' quality as regular:1045 " 12.95: , ALLtiglev STOCK ONE A YEAR.'SAtA'':.. REGULAR $1.75 aumenrY STANFIELD'S "T" SHIRTS Best "no -sag" neck quality. 1.44 White only, sizes S, M, 14 XL - WEEKEND SPECIAL., EACH 'SAVE NOW ON REGULAR $1.73 WABASSO PILLOW SLIPS Comfort quality In a fine 160. thread irotevi. FRII 42" size. ,,.. WEEKEND SPECIAL PAIR 1.29 FIT -ALL SIZE AMBASSADOR DRESS SOX White and six •eolours. Wool and orlon rib. WEEKEND SPECIAL 84c 42 x 24 SIZE -- VALUES to $2.50 BATH TOWELS Slight imperfections rate these towels from 1.95 and 2.50 to this IOW bargain price. Plains, patterns, stripes. VERY SPECIAL ' 1.19 EACH NEW REGULAR 3.95, HALF SLEEVES WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Nylon -cotton, no -iron, fine totton pique.. Sizes 15 to 17 A only. Standard collars, regu- 2.94 . lar cut WEEKEND SPECIAL REGULAR 8.95 to,9.95 . PENMAN'S • CARDIGANS. • No. 5535 wool blend men's cardigans. A popular seller for years. Heather shades and plains. Sizes 36 to 44 • '6.94 Sizes 46, 48, 50 7.94, Make Your Own Beach or Bath Towels 36" WIDE TERRY .CLOTH Eleven popular shades, heavy , quality Terry, regular '1.50 quality. WEEKEND SPECIAL 99c YARD POPULAR 24 x 45 SIZE PEERLESS s SCATTER RUGS Standard' 3:S0 value! Good color range. WEEKEND SPECIAL 2.50 EACH CANADIAN MADE — Regular 8.95 PERMA-PRESS CASUAL PANTS Medium cut, 50/50 nylon and cotton, black, olive and blue. Sizes 32 to 42 only. WEEKEND SPECIAL PAIR 'EARLY -BIRD SALE! BRAND NEW STOCK OF SWIM WEAR , For all the family. Special 10% Off FREE DRAW With given every dollar purchase you will be a free ticket on a Satin Bound All Wool KENWOOD BLANKET S.-er STEWART BROS. OB STANFIELD Leader ofthe Progressive Conservative- Pally of Canada. o' SPEAKING IN SUPPORT OF ROBERT E. 'BOB' McKINLEY Progressive Conservative Candidate for Huron AT THE WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Thursday, May30, at 8:30p.m. Also attending will be HON. C. S. MaeNAUGHTON, JOHN LONEY, MARVIN HOWE, ELSTON CARDIFF Provincial Treasurer Bruce Candidate Wellington -Grey Former PC Meinbei Candidate for Huron Published by the Huron Progressive Conservative Association