HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-12, Page 51 THE WJNGIIAM TIMES, DECEMBER 12, 1907 20 per cent. Discount Our December Discount Sale is in full swing. Have you heard about it? We are giving a discount of 20 per cent, off the regular price of all our ready-to-wear suits.' What 11 Means to You MEN'S SUITS Men's $10.00 suits will now cost you " $12 00 " " „ " $15,00 " " " " $8.00 $0.60 $12.00 YOUTHS' SUITS Youths' $G.00 suits will now cost you $4.80 $S.00 „ „ I, „ $6.40 " $10.00 " " " " $8.00 BOYS' SUITS Boys' $3 75 snits will now cost you.... $3.00 " $4 50 ,. " . „ '; .... ...... $3.60 „ $5.50 „ ., „ 44 $4.40 . Every suit in'the house is subject to this discount. The sooner you come the better choice you get. Tell your friends that they may also share in the profits. M cGEE CAMPBELL1 CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. Akmesionkt pmstammussomearaismsassous 1 BELGRAVE. The annual Christmas tree entertain• ment of Enox ()hard. Sabbath sohocl will be held in the Foresters' hall, on Friday evening, December 20th. The program will consist of solos by Norman L. March, of Stratford, and dialogues, recitations, solos, quartettes, instrument- al manic, eto. by members of the Soho• 1 and others, OVER Big siock of Hardware to be Sacrificed For Cash Only Have sold my business ! But stock must.be reduced ! And for the next few weeks the people oWingham and surrounding country will have one 'of the chances of a lifetiine to obtain BARGAINS in STOVES, TIN AND GRANITE WARE, LAMP GOODS, CUTLERY; and •a host of other lines too numerdus to mention'. CIC STOCK OF SKATES, ETC., ETC. And don't forget that everything in the .store is to be saclifieed ! Now is the time to buy for Christmas i So hurry 'up,. before the best is gone ! H. BI$HOP CENTRAL HARDWARE - - • 11• WINGHAM. n __11 laiL� –•-11••11-- BLUEVALl Meeting of Tnrnberry Council in the Clerk's office nett Monday.. The opening earvioes lu the new Pres- byterian oharoh will tape place on Sabbath, December 22nd, and the open- ing tea meeting on Monday evening, December 23rd. Rev. W. A. J. Mar- tin, of Zion Church, Brantford will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m., and Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A„ of Brussels at 3 p. m. A good program has been arranged fpr the Monday evening entertainment, Judge Hutchison, of Sherbrooke, Qua , an old Blnevale bey will aot as chair- man, ----�-1111 Have You Bronchial Datarrh. It is easily recognized by the dry oongh and hoarseness, Not difficult to cure with Oatarrhozone as Mr, Xavier Babin of River Capalin, Qae., proved. "No .one could suffer from Bronchitis more than I did. I had a hard haoking cough that caused me great pain. My throat was hoarse, and I had great dis- tress in my chest. Catarrhozone reaoh- ed the sore spots and gave immediate relief. Since using it I have not had a single attack." Every physician who is asked abont Oatarrhozone says it is a sure oure,—so will you if you try it. Sold everywhere, 25o and $1.00 GREY. The trustees of Dutra school have re-engaged the services of Mies Lizzie McKay for 1908 at a salary of $450. She is giving good satisfaction. Wo are pleased to hear that Levi Whitfield, 12th oon„ who had the misfortune to break Me knee cap some months ago, is able to get round with good prospects of the complete restor- ation of his limb. Goo, McDonald and David Thomson, of the boundary of Grey and Howaok, disposed of 8 2 year old Hereford steers to John Hoott, of Listowel, which weighed over 8100 pounds, They receiv- ed $321.00. 7 of them belonged to Mr. McDonald.' Township Council holds the final meeting for this year at Ethel next Monday. 1 .n..-.w�.mww.#.m..a. ��•x �-.•-�..-.....-m......+n...r......w..«,�m-.-m.w.r.._..........:_n .... ................1111...- "44044 00000000000-0000.0000 tat 0 a m•1••••••••••�•••1.0•••••• •••••0••••••••••x•••1•••• C KNOX'S_JEELERY STORE t� The place to buy your Christmas Presents Watches, Clocks, Gents' and Ladies' Chains, Necklets and Lockets, Cuff Links, Bracelets, Brooches, Tie Pins .1 and Jewelery of all kinds. Diamond wedding and engagement rings a specialty. I, Silverware of all kinds, Call and inspect our stock. We havethe goods and the prices to suit you. Nursing baby? It's a heavy strain on mother. Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother's system is needed. Scott's Emulsion contains the greatest possible amount of nourish- ment in easily digested form. Mother and baby are wonderfully helped by its use. ALL DRUGGISTS: SQc. AND $1.00 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 8 0 000000000000C•0000000000 Howler. After an illness of several weeks dur- ation, Mra, Alex. Johnston, passed away on Monday, Nose. 25th, .at the residence of her son, Mr. Ab. Johnston, Gth con., Howiok, aged 77 years. Deceased was born on Nov. 26, 1830 in County Cavan, Ireland and was married to Mr. Rich. Johnston in Ireland where they lived for several years. Mr. Johnston emigrated to Canada and settled i i Hotlaud, where he died. Mrs. Johnston came out later and was married to Mr. Alex. Johnston, Gth con., Howick. who predeceased her many years ago. She was a kind, a mpathetic woman, a good neighbor, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. To mourn her demise there are Mra. Rich. John- ston of Raddison, Sask. and John, Rob- ert and Samnel Johnston of Neepawa, Man: of the first family and Alex. John - Ston of Neepawa, Mau., Abraham of Howiok and Mrs, Jacob Diebel of Hep- worth, of the second family. 57-62 The Critical Ago. Height of vigor is past—nature's pow- er slowing down—vitality ebbing away, endurance decreasing. Stop the pro- gress of decay, tone np the weakened nerve centres, impart vigor to the tiring body—prepare for the crisis. Best means for rebuilding is found in Ferro - zone; its brigtens up the whole being, imparts power, strength, vigor. Old age Is pushed back twenty years, the reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim and new life established. You'll try 11'errozone, 50o. at alI dealers. Have you Stomach Trouble? When yon wake up with headache, bad taste iu the month, something to settle the stomach is needed. That dull, heavy feeling must be lifted, and appe- tite must be created. Get a tumbler of water, some sugar, and th-n pour in a stiff dose of Nerviline. You'll Leel tip top in a few minutes. Nerviline invig. orates, braces, tones, puts vim and snap into your movements. You'll be fitted for a hard day's work by taking Nervi• line -nothing better. Large bottle, 25c, everywhere. SIXTH. Read the TIMES clubbing rates in another oolunr. Last week J. E. Johnston moved his business and household goods to Clinton where 'he will open up a harness shop. Riley's old'friends will wish him success. At the election of 'officers of the I. 0. 0. F. the following were elected: Past Grand, H. L. Haines; N. G., A'. W Robinson; V. G., F. Anderson; F. S.,, E. McTaggart; R. S., R. M. McKay ; Treasurer, Jas. Cutt. Aroh. Hislop, M. P. P. has received word from the Postmaster•General that a mail service will be put on G. & G. railway at onoe.` Mr. Hislop has started already to help•Blyth and vicin- ity in the 'riding he represents. The thanks of the people will go to him. R.. KNOX Opposite Queen's Hotel. - - VirINGIiAM. !►•••••••••••••••••1••••••• •••••••••••••!••••••••••••• Fire swept the east side of Main street and the south aide of First avenue at Alameda, Sask., cleaningout the basi- 'nese) Needed, and Causing a lose of $200,- discovered in o Hog cholera has been din o v 1.Essex County. Government inspectors who visited the farm of et man in Sand- witch South found 91 hogs afflicted with the disease, Every one was destroyed, Do You Get Bilious? This trouble arises from torpidity of of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They stir np the liver, rid the system of bile, tone the stomaoh, give appetite and sound diges- tion, you feel drowsy and bad tempered, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help you at onee,—taken at might you're well by morning. Don't be afraid of Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills, they are mild—don't gripe or nauseate. They just ' "cure"—that's all. ST. AUGUSTINE. Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Beninger, of Dungannon have taken possession of the store and postoffice. John Boyle is making several improve- ments around the store. Mrs. E. McGuire and Gas. have moved into the house formerly 000npied by Mrs. Einahan and intend remaining there for the winter months. MORRIS. Get the beet. Titan and Weekly Globe to January 1st, 191,9 for $1 35. Mrs, G. Hood is here visiting her father, Wm. Little, who is ill, and call- ing on old friends. The visitor, a ho was a former Morrisite, now resides in Michigan. varrncRuRcH. Matilda Hetherington, wife of Mr Herbert Pettypieoe, of Kinloss, passed away on Sunday last in her 37th year. The bereaved family will have the sym• pathy of many friends in their affliction The annual meeting of the White- church Cheese and Butter Mannfactur• ing Oo will be held in the Forresiers' hall, on Wednesday afternoon, Decem• ber 18th. Owing to the shortage in pasture the creamery did rot hive as snocessfal a season' as in former years, Elizabeth Rintoul, wife of Mr. Josh• natOlark, passed away at her home hero on Wednesday, aged 33 years and S months. Deceased had been ailing for some mouths. The bereaved husband and other relatives will have the sym- pathy of many friends, The funeral will take plane on Friday afternoon to the Wingham cemetery. EAST WAWANOSI1. TI\MEs and Weekly Globe to January lst, 1909 for $1.35. At a special meeting of the ratepayers held on Saturday last at S. S. No. 7 schoolhouse Alex. Leishman was elect• ed trustee in the place of Robt. Haines, who recently resigued. Another of the pioneer residents of this township passed away on Wednes- day of last week, in the person of Robert Scott, in his 68th year. Deceased had resided on the 9th concession for some fifty years and was a man held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nixon of East Wawanosh, was the Boone of a pretty event on Tuesday. 3rd., when their eldest daughter Eliza, was united in marriage io James Plowman, a pros- perous farmer of West Wawanosh. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Jones, in the presence of the immediate friends of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Plowman left by the evening train on their honeymoon tour, after which they will reside near Donny' rook. BRUSSELS. Miss Jean MoLanohlin, of town, will perform the duties of accompanist at the Sous of Scotland Concert at Wing - ham on Friday evening of this week. Municipal politics are quiet this year. The three public school Trustees whose term expires are D. C. Ross, R. Leater- dale and James Elliott. They will be eligible for re-election and should be returned unopposed. Thos. Saunders, wife and three chil- dren, of Vancouver, B. C., are visitors at John Simmons. Mrs. Saunders is a sister of Mr. Simmons. There is a possibility that the visitors may make their home in Ontario of Mr. Saunders finds what suits him. At the regular meeting of Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 774, ' Brussels, held on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd, the following brethren were elected to official positions for the ensuing year;— B. Gerry, Worshipful Master; Joseph Hunter, Dep. Master; W. R, Mooney, Secretary; S. 11. Jackson, Finance- Seoretary; M. M. Cardiff, Treasurer. Committee men, J. B. Smith, N. Mc- Cauley, George Davis, R. Berry, Wm. Keys. Lecturers—Wm. Holt and Joseph Hunter. Tylers, J. W. Sim- mons and Nelson Cardiff. By a vote of the Lodge donations were made to the Protestant Orphans' Home at Picton, Out , and the Sanitarium at Graven- hurst. The Trustees of S. S. No. 5 have en- gaged Miss Mary Scott as teaoher for next year at a salary of $340. Miss Scott is now in attendance at the Model School at Clinton. The trustees of Belmore School have engaged the services of Relit. Bryans, son of Wm. Bryans, 4th line, for the incoming yoar. Mr. Bryans is now at the Model. He will make a good teach- er we have no doubt and we wish him success. The barn and shed on North Half Lot 13, Con. 6, belonging to Wm. Cook, 5th line, were destroyed by fire Monday evening, Dec. 2nd; Mr. Cook had 23 head of cattle running loose in the stables and had gone to feed them. He went into the barn to throw down feed, closing the door behind him but not fastening it. The lantern was placed on the seat of the mowing machine and on the barn door blowing open some of the cattle came in and upset the lantern, breaking the globe and setting•fire to the straw. The proprietor witnessed the scene and was quickly on the floor fighting the flames but soon found out it was no use. He ran to get the stock out of the stable which he succeeded in doing bat the buildings and contents, consisting of hay, straw and implements, the latter mostly new, were speedily consumed. The barn was 3.4x56 feet and the shed 24x45 feet. Property was insured in the Howick Mutual, $000 being placed on buildings and $310 on contents. Mr. Cook did not Live on this farm but On hi: 100 acres further East. Mies Annie Flynn has moved and is living with her brother Joseph, R. H. Anderaon has returned from the "hunter's paradise" in Muskoka and Parry Sound and reports great success in capturing the limited number of deer. Charles Robinson and John Eeadle have taken the contract of supplying a large Ediubnrg-h firm with raw fur and started on their contract last week. They have lab -let part of the contr.ot to Wm, Sillibs and rssao Marwood. They intend to employ Jim Craig Woo, e Esfa31is1ted zS79 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Daesit not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of tie breathing orgam time to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the air rendered strongly an' i septic is carried over the disenset surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.' ment, It i3 invaluable to mothers with t,nali children. Those of a cerium ptive tendency fad itnnte,itate relief from coughs or in- flamed cooditians of the throat. sold by druggists. Send pa -tel for booklet. L66MIttG, idILOO Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307, 7:::::ITHE LEADING STORE U1F:^ Christmas Presents in Great Variety at Isard's HANDKERCHIEFS FOR CHRISTMAS Dainty Handkerchiefs are always acceptable Christ:434 Gifts. We can supply the haudeomest styles and beret q'uelities at lowest isrices. See oar epeeist line at 15e or 2 for....25e SILK A;IANDKEI.{C*11 IEPSinplain White Ilem•Stito$11- ed. Fancy Colored and Inuiale.t, prices are 10c, 15e, 25e, 35c, 50e. 75c and ,X1.00 SILK COLLARS.—Just arrived by express a shipment of the vary 1ateet novelties in Ladies Silk Neckwear. Prices 20e, 25e, 35e, 40e, 50c, 60e, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25. See our leader 25e 01001111111111111.101..1.4. LADIES BELTS.—This store is headquarters for the larg. est and hest assortment of Ladies' Silk and Ktd Belts Prioes 25c to $1.25. See our 75e Ktd Balt for 50e LADIES' (* MOVES. —Whet more useful present can you give than Nice Kid Gloves? We have the best maks Fownes Gaaranteed Gloves $1.25 ‘gmusaasimagrormaammumam..r.• mesa OTHER USEFUL PRESENTS —Hand Satchels, Squaw Bags, Fascinators, °loads, Cushion Tope, Table Napkins, Tray Cloths, Table Cloths, Silk Garters, Silk Umbrellas, Ribbons, Kid Mitts, Quilts, Rugs, etc. SILK WAISTS.—We are agents for the La Moska Silk Waist, the very latest style and made of guaranteed Silk, White Cream or Black. See our leader at ....... ..... $2.90 FURS —Special values in all kinds of Fars, big stock to choose from. Ruffs, Mnffa, Gauntlets, Throw Scarfs, Far Coate, Fur Lined Coats, etc. PRESENTS FOR MEN Gents' Furnishings Department is crowded with the up•tn•date Furnishings for Men and B rya. Silk Mufflers. Way Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Braces, Collars, all styles of Neckties, Fancy Shirts, Gaff Buttons, Mitts, Fur Caps, eto. BUSY DEPARTMENT The Clothing Department is a busy spot these days. Why! because the stock is large and peieea aro low and for Christmas buying wo are giving a straight 20 per cent. off our close prices oa Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Pants. ■ E. PHONE 68. -<o and WINGHAIM •t,.:�fih".c•,t�M,.".'.W;.,�,•,,..-i ry=4+..�..kD!a �.C+ .!... • : M• HANNA & CO.'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Your NewF r Goat They are going out of them, and will sell any Coat at COST PRICE. NEAR SEAL, plain, and trimmed in Mink and Sable. ASTRACHAN, plain and Sable trimmed. BE SL'. D AND CALL, H =tea n a First Door North of Queen's Hotel. M;:=M==na2MZ=Ere roliaMROMME CM= MA C An Up•to-date School. The Central Business College of Stratford, which is the leading business training school of Westeru Ontario, has again advanced a stop towards perfec- tion. It has now Grand Truuk wires running through the class rooms. This gives the telegraphy students actual railway wire practice, they have the privilege of reading the messages pass- ing over Grand Trunk wires. Those wishing to learn telegraphy or obtain a commercial or ahtrthand training should not overlook this up.to•date school. The winter term opens on ,Tan. 0, and those who are interested should write for their free catalogue. --1111-•11+11-1111 Thomas Richardson of Windsor swallowed two ounces of carbolic acid in the presence Of his young wife, dy- ing a few minutes later. ••••••••••••••••••••e••••• ••••9••••$4 •••♦••••••••••; A ♦ • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • •• • • CLEAiING SALE FANCY G AT KNOX'S • • . • DSI! • • ♦ 14400••••••4•••••t ••♦ Going out of the Fancy Goods, B, bks, Chinaware, etc. « —these goods are going at cost• 1,' • V%VVVVVVVVYVVVYYYVVV • ♦ • —Beautiful Manicure and Toilet Sets. • • — Collar and Cuff Boxes. • —Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. • —Burnt Leather Goods. —Pocket Books. w —Combs and Brushes. • —Souvenir Goods, and Novelties. • —Children's Sleighs. • —Gaines of all kinds. • —Fancy Chinaware. r —Toys and Dolls.• —Rocks of all kinds, and numerous other lines. •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •: ♦ Come and get your Christmas Presents at Cost ! a • I a tKNOX,: . : if+ 0:04••01000 4.44.44• it •♦•••••ZI•*••••••••141+.41 !: ,. `r - - •tom..._.. I.