HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-12, Page 3THE WINGUAM TIMES, DECEMBER 12, 1007 ir DOMINION BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS NVITE.0 INTtR t3T PAI D QUARTERLY w�snn.� W fN GHAINI ,BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT ',THE CANA17IA%T BANIC OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL. AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED! 84 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WINGHAM BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. Anybody who has the "determina- tion' can become a good penman if he or she will intelligently follow our instructions and practice an hour or so a day for a few months. Penmanship is of far greater im- portance than most young people realize.. We know from intimate acquaint- ance with business men that there isn't anything that creates a more favorable impression on an employer than the neatness and legibility of an applicant's handwriting. Write for our large, illustrated fres catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail. Shows the value of an education in a school which is a member of the Business Educators' Association. The detnand for graduates is greater than we can supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' .1. W. WESTERVELT, Association. Principal, Leaden. SPEUTAU •h CLUBBING OFIER V1ESTER BIOME IONTIILY WINNIPEG. the Windham Times Tr3E TWO FOR ONE YEAR FDR „rs 25 - THE WESTERN HOME MONTI•iLY has long been recognised as the greatest illustrated home magazine published in Canada, and is read by over 35000 families every month. It Contains a' wealth of leading fiction, editorials for men and women, able articles ea leading subjects, while its one dozen or more departments, under specie) standard headings, are kte,cating and•helpful to the member 0 every ham: circle. i , d:1mlien-color cover month; ; 6c,ut'd ul half -tone tonc ,� u. tralions of farm ranch, City, town and country scenes, made horn Photos taken by out own bifida! photographers in the provinces of blanitoba,Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, Cur Suhscritiers are urged to oke sdvantale of this SPECIAL 'OFFER NOW. ISO Pages and up. 60r HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, Capital paid up, $3,633,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $4,120,000 Total Assets, oler 51,000,000 WINOHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the. United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPART ENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly- end of March, June, September and Deoem• her eaoh year, D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solioitbr. DISTRIBUTION OF SEED GRAIN. this country. Not a toile of poet: road. Could be opened or a new postoiiloe established without the consent of the head of the department in England, and the postage on a letter from Qan- ada to Englapd was incite Ga, to '7e. and 6d. Proportionate rates were charged, according to distance, for let- tere carried !rota one point to another in Oanada. Meantime the Deputy Postmaster General, who was not re- eponaible to Canadian public opinion, was in reoeipts of emoluments aggre- gating some $10,000 a year. General social conditions' were in keeping with the state of the postal servioe. In Toronto, which then had a population of only 2,000, there were sixty taverns. In an underground cell in the town jail three female lunation were herded together, and the stenoh from there cell was complained of by prieonere above; the prisoners above were little better off than those under- ground, their bedolotbing iu some cease not having been washed in six mouthe. The story of the general political con- ditions then prevailing reads like a nightmare. By a British statute pass- ed in 1790 aliens were required to wait seven years after their arrival for nat- uralization, and even then, besides tak- ing.the oath of allegiance, et was ne- cessary for them to paetake of the Lord's supper according to the usages of the Protestant Oburoh. A retired captain of the Royal Navy, reported by spies as having, while drunk, asked the orchestra in a Toronto threatre to play Yankee Doodle, was temperarily deprived of his pension; certain officers of the militia, who has been promised lands for their service in the war of 1812, found these lands withheld because they had attend- ed a convention in 1818 called to con- sider the grievances of the colony, and when the Legislature asked that the greats be no longer held back Governor Maitland replied that when the officers expressed "deep contrition" for having presumed to ask for a redness of griev- ances the lands would be given them The Legislature, elected by the people, was withodt control over the taxes raised by the people; and when one member most justly criticised the act - tions of public men, in language much more moderate than it frequently heard iu parliament to -day, he was repeatedly expelled from the House. By inatrnotion of the Hen. Minster of Agriculture a distribution is being made this season of samples of° superior sorts of grain and potatoes to Canadian farmers for improvement of peed. The stock for distribution has been se- cured mainly from the Experimental Farms at Indian Head, Sask., and Bran- don, Man. The aamplee consist of oats, spring wheat, barley, Indian corn (for ensilage on1,,) and potatoes The quan- tity of oats sent is 4 lbs and of wheat or barley 5 lbs., sufficient in eaoh case to sow one -twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes weigh 3 lbs. each. A quantity of eaoh of the following varieties has been se- cured for this dietribntion: - OATS -Banner, Wide -Awake, White Giant, Dauiah Island, Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo, all white varieties. Blank oats are net recommended for general cultivation, a few samples, how- ever are available which can be sent if specially asked for. WHEAT. -Red Fite (beardless) ; Pres- ton Pringle'e, Champlain and Huron (early bearded sorts) ; Percy and Stanley (early beardless varieties ) BARLEY. -Six. rowed-Nioneury, Odes- sa, Manefield and Claude. Two -rowed -Standwell, Invincible, Canadian Thor. pe and Sidney. INDIAN CORN (tor ensilage). -Early sorts -Angel of Midnight, Crompton's Early and Longfellow; later varieties - Selected Leamieg, Early Mastodon and White Cap Yellow Dent. POTATOES. - Early varieties -Early White Prize and Rochester Rose. Med- ium to late varieties, Carman No. 1 and Late Puritan. These later varieties are as a rule more prodnotive than the earl- ier kinds. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant, hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat, barley, Indian corn or po- tatoes, Lists of names from one indi- vidual, or application for more than one sample for one household, cannot be entertained. The samples will be sent free of charge through the mail. Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Varna', Ottawa, and may be sent in any time be- fore the 15th of February, after which the lista will be closed so that samples asked for may be sent out in good time for sowing. ...,its_ Is Famine■ Your BuSiness P t It so, THE WEFICLY SDW the Farmer's Business Paper, willeach week be of special Interest to you, S�ubsoribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN 09 11� 1'1� , d ! iN C01uIINATION WZT*A THE WINGEAM TIMES PO $1 r80 CARTERS ISLE IVER PILLS. In the Days of Our Grandfathers. Some people of to -day are prone to complain of their hard lot and bemoan the conditions ander which they have to live in this country. A look bank may do all such good. It will not only Show the progress we have made but it also calls to remembrance the grat- itude we owe those who are gone, for the work they accomplished in making easier the path of the present generation. In 1828 the poet office service in Can- ada was iiibtiaged by a Postmaster - General in London, with a deputy in WORSE THAN ONIONS. NEW YORK NEWSPAPER PRINTS PRESCRIPTION. A Noted Authority Gives Directions To Prepare Simple, Yet Remark- able Home Mixture. A well•kuown authority on Rheuma- tism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following valu- able, yet simple and harmless prescrip- tion which anyone can easily prepare at home. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three sun: es. Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients can bo obtained from any good presoription pharmacy at small cost, and, being of vegetable extraction, are harmless to take. This pleaeant mixture, if taken regu- larly for a few days is eaid to overcome almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and mailing, if any, diminishes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained. and without injuring the stomach. While there are many so- called Rheumatism remedies, patent medicines, etc , some of which do give relief, few really give permanent results and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this time. Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that these drugs are harmless and can be bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the preeoription for qur readers if asked to. Bad Breath From Indigestion Can- not be Overcome With Perfumes. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl. dent to a btlio7o etatc of tho u) stem, each as Dlzzlneru, Nau,en, 1)rov maces, Dratrcus eater outing, Pain In the site d:c. While their moat remarkable succe.a lam }:ren shown In curing 1 Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ere equally valuable Inco latipation,curingturdpro- venting this annoying complaint. wltllethey also correct ell disurdc:oolthe atligne ]. etlmPlate the liver and regulate tiro bowels. Evenif they only clued Ache they would he al me :trr Keir es ^o thorn who suffer from this tastrcn:rogcc .plaint-, but tortn- uatelytheirgoodness (less .:rettyt I;en:vit ltttoeo who once try thetuwill y 0t.m,•olitrlopillevalu• able in so runny Wire that thry will notho wit - Meg to do without them. Bat after allelck head Is the bane of ao many lives thnt here is where we urnko onr grettt boast. Oar pile curoit a nue others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are sort small and very cagy to take. Ono or two pills make n dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pleaao al�who nue them. CLEM MEDICIU CO.. i1EW 703E. ka11 Et ma11 Dose. S12a111 % All of ns suffer from had breath - sometimes our own, but oftener that of onr friends. • Nine -tenths of this bad breath comes from some stomach trouble, and cannot bo overcome by breath perfumes or any other palliatve measures. If you occasionally have bad breath; if there is heartburn, flatulence and acid gulpings of undigested food; if the stomach barns or smarts; if there is sleeplesenesd, nervousness, headaches or any other of the many aymptems of indi- gestion, use Mi-o•na stomaoh tablets and get well. Mi-o•na is not a mere digestive nor a me that strength. n onin remedy etch tat h y g ens the muscles of the stomach and bow• els so that the flow of gastric juices is lnoreased,,And the food is digested nat- urally and does not stay in the stomach to ferment and poison the breath. Walton ltloRibbon bas seen so many curer made by liti•o.na stomach tablets that he giver a guarantee with every 60.0ent box that the money will be re• funded if the reniedyfails to give midis - tuition. Be taker te Whole isk, and s box of Iti•o•na'will not oast yon s penny West It cores yon, ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar bet's Inch and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A L. Hamilton. CATARRH If you want a sure cure for CATARRH OF THE HEAD, here it is • • • • • • • OXYOEKRTOR THE REASON WHY: BECAUSE OXYGENATOR REALS The mucous membrane being in an inflamed condition, causes running tv' the nose; but when this membrane is Healed the discharge ceases. Every effort should bo made to cure Catarrh, for it leads to Catarrh of the Throat, Stomach or Bladder, Consump- tion and Bright's Disease. "Oxygenator" i9 put up in largo sine bottles. Price. 51.25. $i.uO, and 5t)e. **Oxygenator" is sold by all wholesale and. retail druggists. The Oxygenator Company Toronto, Canada. COAL COAL COAL PGPe are sole agents for the orlebrated *MAN TON COAL, whiob has no equal. Also the beet grader of Bnlithiug, arn'isl and Deenestio Coal, aad Wood of all kinds. always on hand. • We carry full stook of tDLU BER1 SHINGLES, LATH reamed or Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. "' High teest Price paid for all kinds of LuRid. "WI ! J.14.McLean!. Residenoe Phone No. 55. OM]ioe, No. 64. XIII, No- •44. �` a 64/ 4•••••41414••••••••••eato.a►wrtr +P*a+ ••ots*••11••1• *•`•►#+tna••1, AAAOVAAAAAAAAAAAutlkAAAAAAAAAA wwewearaawetwvwVerre ►+dwvW.sea COALIValley Come with the crowd and have your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers IT HAS NO EQUAL. C AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA WVVVVVWVWWVVV VVVI VW ¢!ft•s••os•s••se•usss•1@•,• •••••i"d••Y•••®ss••sass•s•:1MC A • to • OLU fl tO t9 D 0 • p A • • • • • BING RATES i • FOR 1907 - 08. I. NOW • The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any of the following publications : Times and • Times and .� • Times and �. Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and 4• /Men and Women of OWaii;): This APPEAL Yop * as' a• is for The Great Provincial Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children, Calls On You For Aid. Remember that this Hospital is not a local institution, but Provincial. It cares for every sick child in the Province of Ont- ario whose parents cannot afford to pay for treatment. Busy dollars are better than idle tears. The sym- pathy that Weeps is good, but the Hospital lints toba'm the sympathy that Works. THE BACHELOR'S IDEAL. [London Chronicle.] The excuse that they have never met the right woman seems still to bo popular among bachelors. Cale hien not selfish that he does not wed, Compelling one that worebips him to share An ever-growing load of sordid care, The ceaseless struggle for his daily bread. He site a1 ie before his dying fire, Envying others their domestic joys, The love and laughter of their girls and boys, This exile from the land of his desire. Despite what truly selfish lovers say, Enough for one is not enough for two; Or else were All arithmetic untrue. Whose laws mankind with one consent obey. It is not that he dreads the simpler life, Shorn of the things that minister to ease; ti He tees t comforts 1 he loss of oo fort Ouch as these Would be distinntly hard neon his wife. Only in dreams he sometimes sees his fate Divinely fair and sweetly womanly, The perfect, the incomparable she Whose love might draw him from his lone oetate. She makes the way to matrimony clear, Obedient and perfect, alow to vex, Endowed with all the virtue of her sex, And something like ten thousand pounds a year. "1 tarts rxc'rvnes" Last year there were 1093 patients ad- mitted. Ot these 378 came from _25I places outside of Toronto --all were children of poor people who could not afford to pay for treatment of their little ones. Each child was in the Hospital 4771 days at a cost of $1.31 each per day, or $62.'22 for the 47days stay. ' If your dollar cc uld serai g It t en the feet o f a little boy tuaaseuts or girl with club feet, you would gladly give it, and your dollar will do that. There were 79 cases of club feet treatel •tFneat. net�onr. fat year. Out of the 79, about 50 were from the country. If you know of any child in your county who is nick or has club fent, and whose parents can not, afford to pay, send the name to the Ilospital Secretary. Tho stock books are open. won't you let the hospital write your name down for it few ,.•'"i in heaven's own ,�,r•k of healing little children t A groat mine of Mercy crc y -•-the rnining stock that always pays dividends - is bought with the money thee, helps The Hospital for Sick Children to ex- tract the Gold of Life from the Quartz of Death. to. Ross bJ ontrition• u Memo send c Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David - Sec. -Treat., of the hospital for Sick 411111c1 on. College Street, Toronto. Erg Casks, ++++++++++++ 'r 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• Daily Globe Daily Mail and Empire Daily World Toronto Daily News.. Toronto Daily Star Daily Advertiser Toronto Saturday Night Weekly Globe . Weekly Mail and Empire Family Herald and Weekly Star Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate , We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Farming World . Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) Times and Youths' Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine ..... Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine Times and Cosmopolitan' Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Viek's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazine Times and Practical Farmer Times and IIome Journal, Toronto Times and Designer Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg Times and Canadian Pictorial.... ......... 4.50 4.50 + 2.60 2.30 2.30 a. 2.35 2.60 4• 4• 1.35 1.35 1.75 2.10 1.85 1.80 1.60 1.80 2.20 1.35 2.35 1.35 2.25 2.25 3,25 1.90 3.25 2.90 1.95 1 85 2.15 2.25 2.60 2.95 • 1.95 1.55 2.30 . 1.70 2.30 1 90 1.90 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2,50 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.90 1 75 2 80 1.25 1,60 The above prices include postage on American puhlicatini a to any •1i+ 4• address in Canada. It the TIMES is to be sent to an American address, add a s 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to o, American addresses a reduction will be made in price, • i.. We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in w the list, call am this office, or drop a card and we will give you pricy is on the 1with all the leading movement ens and m azi)tes. paper you want. We club fi P P � When premiums are given with any of above papers= eubacribers will secure each premiums when ordering through ns, same as ordering direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and ae ST1tICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal tete, post office or express money order, addressing TIMES OF '11ICE, WING.1�At ,-, r t ;6 NTAIt10 01111.11111111111111101110011011111111111111111114 11111111.411111.111110111,06******46.01, {