HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-09, Page 611 o: INNIOILL EXPOSITOR, SEAfORTH, OW, MAY,. 19411 NOTICE Public Mooting colimutirry CENTRE, CLINTON • on Tuesday, May 21, 1968 8:30 p.m. SUBJECT: COUNTY PLANNING H. B. Such, Chairman J. C. Krauter, Warden WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dia! 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime I Friday Night Joanie at the Piano Saturday Night The Reids, Violin, Guitar and Banjo SNACKS — Spareribs and Sauerkraut HURON HOTEL Dublin All This Week The Bernie Earlie Show MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Southern Fried Chicken, full course meal $1.40 Sunday 2 p.m. til 8 p.m. _QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents _ "THE MOVEMENT" • at the vi SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE ol 11 11 a st a SATURDAY, MAY 11th I 9:00 to 12:00 Dress — Casual Admission $1.00 We Reserve the Right to Refuse Admission Benefit Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kluver and family 11 Thursday, May 9th 9:00 o'clock ' BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE' Ladies' please bring lunch (This space donated in aid of the Klaver family) 1 1 LOCAL George ToWnsett4 one of the purebred Laeombei bee. ers of Munn Ontuity recently sokl some of his young breed- ing stock to Canada Agrictil- titre Research Station at Len- noxville Quebec Mr. David Ryan of Goderich Street E. is seriously ill in Sea - forth Community Hospital. Mrs. T. Black of Toronto who has been visiting with Mr. and Mr3 Mac M1cKie11ar for the past month, left on Saturday t? visit ,.vith her daughter in St. r:4thatines. " Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCurdy of Kirktort, Mrs. Lillian Lindsay and Miss Beatrice Hodgert of Vancouver, Mrs. Jessie, Hamil- ton of Cromarty, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar, Goderich St. W. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborne of Trenton, Mrs. John Meagher and children of Stratford, Mrs. Frank Stock, London, visited during the past week with Mr. OBITUARY MISS MARY JORDAN Miss Mary Jordan of Toronto died in Seaforth Cmmunity Hos- pital on Sunday, May 5, after an illness of 2 months. She was 81 year okit. Miss Jordan was born and educated in Dublin and was a seamstress. She left Dtiblin for Toronto in 1913. She is survived by two bro- thers, James C. of Toronto and Patrick, Dublin. The body rested at the R. S. Box Funeral Hortie;- Seaforth. The fun9ral was held Wedr.es- day at 10 a.m. from St. Patrick's DrInan Catholic Church, Dublin. Father Remi Durand off ..P; a ted. Pallbearers were Louis Rol- land, Jim Delaney, Angus Ken- nedy, Michael Coyne,Frank Williams and Morris Ryan. In- terment was in St. Patxick's Ce- metery, Dublin. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Earlan 0313O-rn, Melody and Leona visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Osborn' and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ma- chan and family, Mrs. Willaim Machan, all of Monkton. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON ' Box Office Opens at 8.00 pan. First Show at Dusk THURS., FRI., SAT., MON., TUES., WED. 6 Days—May 9-15 DOIIBLE FEATURE — Sidney Poitier In "TO SIR, WITH LOVE" (Adult Entertainment) Showing' at 9:00 p.m. With SUZY KENDALL — In Color — AND - "CATALINA CAPERS" TOMMY KIRK Showing at 11:00 p.m. Color Cartoon Coming Next: raThe.Wild Racers' (Adult ,Entettainment) — AND - 'One Million Years BC.'. To mat* Hospital Day and to permit residents in the area served by the Hospital to learn of its activities, SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OPEN HOUSE will be held on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 12th from 2 until 5 o'clock When all areas of the Hospital will be open to the public. Members of the Board and Staff will be present to answer any questions and to assist visitors. The public is cordially invited to attend and to tour the, Hospital. Childre* if adoIMPatiled by Par- eutt will be ,otdmitted. Tea will be served on the lower floor throughout the afternoon by members of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. BRIEFS andIVIrs, Jack Meagher% , Mr. and Mrs. john A Hruco spent a feyr days in WIngham, Mr. and Mrs. E, Toll were weekeed guests of Mr. and, 14a, Cecil Hereon in Sarnia.' Mx, and Mrs. Nelson Cloven, lock of Sinicoe were weekend guests of Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Miss Isabel Fox of Myth spent the weekend with Mrs. L. R. McDonald, North Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scott of Kitchener were Sunday guests a Mrs. James T. Scott. Mr. Kenneth Keating of Hart- ford, Conn., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. E. Keating. Complete (Continued from Page 4 —District C-1 of the Canadian Legion Drumhead SerViC0 when members of area Legion branches will Parade with hands and color parties to _Lions Park —Following this will be .-a chicken harbeque at Lions Park. —A l?and concert and old- timers get together at the park. —Street dance on MainStreet Monday — In the morning a school reunion of former stu- dents at Seaforth District High School. —A monster parade in the afternoon leading to Lions Park for a wind up program. Hallett Tax Rate Goes Up 4 Mills An increase of four mills for both residential and business property. resulted when Hullett Cduncil set the 1968 tax rates Monday night. Meeting in Londesboro Com- munity Hall, council established a rate of 20 mills for residential and 22 mills On business proper- ty. Rates were 16 for residential and 18 commercial in 1967. Council named Leonard Ar- chambault and Joe Hunking to the Tourist Council and Charles Scanlon as representative to the Zone body. Blyth Recreational committee was given a grant of ma and $10 was granted to the Road Superintendents' Association. Council accepted the applica- tion of Joe Milking and others for a municipal drainage works „ on lots 34 -pi con. 12-13 and also the application of George Uoggart and others for a mun- icipal drainage works. A petition of Lloyd Dale for a repair of the MacGregor mun- icipal drain, lot 6-7, was accept- ed and John Jewitt was named commissioner. Council agreed to advertise for applications for a mower op- erator. The tender of James' McEw- ing to purchase a used adding machine for $25 was accepted. The tender of George McCut- cheen of Brussels for a Chev. half -ton truck with trade-in for $2,642 was agreed on. The tender of Ray Stanley of Kinloss to deliver pit -run gravel to township roads at 36 cents per yard was accepted. Accounts included Tile Drain Loans, $2,600; Road Accounts, $1,304; Municipal Drain Repairs, $2,912; School Debentures, $2,- 560; Warble Fly, $1,317; and General, $1,639. Total was $12,- 332.35. The next council meeting will be June 3, at 8:30 p.m. BA1(1‘1 ;ALE Sat., May11,1968 In Former Taylor Shoe Store Homemade Candy and Delica- tessen Table Doors open 3 p.m. Unit Two of, Northside United Church ANNUAL MEETING McKillop Liberal Association WALTON COMMUNITY HALL Thursday Evening; May 9th at 9 p.m. The public is urged to attend. WILLIAM BOYD, Chairman CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY in First Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, MAY 12th Junior *Sunday School as usual. The Senior Sunday School is withdrawn so that members may worship with their family. REV. D. 0. FRY, Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist and Choir Leader Entertainment In the Red Knight Room Friday Night -Clarence Petrie Saturday Night Elgin Fischer In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room Enloy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COLORED TV BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS - Tasty Chicken Wings --SMORGASBORD— SATURDAY, MAY llth 6 — 9 p.m. $2.25 per person • COMMERCIAL Wink, Seaforth Capacity mootimiodt from rage c9misin. and Bid% XQVin Hen- der0O1) ancl Ken Swan, Members ef =theinsect dance were Lori Kennedy", Michelle Savauga, 1.4nda Heard, Heather McPherson, Jayne Cardno and Susan Kunder. The dance in Operetta was performed by Joanne Bode, Peter Harvey, Julie Bell, David Dalrymple, Bar- bara Chesney, David Moggach, Dawn Wood, Floyd Johnston, Debbie Elliott, Lee Bell, Brenda Dale and Terry Ritchie. • SOVIsare dancing for grades 7 and 8 were Mary Oke, Monica Malkus, Vicki Miller, Marlene Turnbull, Kathy Mayba, Jean McKague, Cathy McLean, Jean Hopper, Mary Jean Fry, Ann Wilbee, Jean Hildebrand, Cathy Scott, Lauren Moggach, Debbie Learn, Rosemary Newnham and Liz Ball. Tumblers (5 and 6) were Silby Jessome, Gordie Carnochan, Lee Bell, John Westerveld, Dwayne Cornish, DouglasBridle„ Peter Harvey, Paul Hulley, Allan Mas- sicotte, Dean Cornish, Gary Munro and Terry Ritchie. Tumblers (7 and 8), Peter Beattie, Allan Carnochan; Ken Doig, Douglas Hildebrand, Er- nie Putman, Stephen Southgate, Bob Carnochan, Cam Holland, Doug Hoover, Bruce Malcolm, Stewart McLean, Jim Putman, Alistair Young and Mike Nigh. The hard working staff be- hind the scenes were Mrs. J. A. Stewart, accompanist, Miss Grasby, music director, Don Morton and Mrs. Wm. Weber, stage directors, Mrs. Holmes, dance director, Mrs. R. J. Bous- sey and Mrs. Morton, stage set- tings, Ron Eyre, lighting and sound, Mrs. Kay and Mrs. El- lis, costumes, Mrs. Kellar, make- up, and Mr. Morton and Mr. Eyre, boys tumbling. All stage settings were done by members of the staff. Seaforth Junior Institute BAKE SALE on Sat., May11,1968 • at Toronto -Dominion . Bank TIME 2:00 to 4:00 London and District SOCCER - LEAGUE Sarnia Vs. St. Columban at • St, Columban Field Sat., May llth 4:00 p.m. CASH a BINGO Legion Hall, ' Seaforth Friday, May 10 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games Jackpot $75.00 to go Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work s IIURON LIBER JOSOCIATION - NOMI TION MEETING TO SELECT A LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR HURON RIDING at 8:30 p.m. MONDAY, MAY 13 Central Huron Secondary School CLINTON Gordon McGavin Ivan Kaibfleisch Harold W4 Shona Treasurer Secretary , President „ a IN , 'SATURDAY • Vill . ail! • '111111I • ;111111 IN NI Il 11111111 • 111 • MIDI .--A11-11111-----• 1.-11-1.-1.-.-ItirA AUCTION SALE P MAY 11 at 1:30 p.m. IN SEAFORTH MEMORIAL ARENA Support Minor Baseball by donating and attending. nafe dot anysarwgeorwill be picked allkecciup. Anyone wishing to • Bob Dinsmore, 527-1138 — anytime Keith McLean, 527-0278 — anytime or Read's Shoes & Luggage, 527-0690, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. 4 c ni , C Nip. ,,;,, o 111;1' 1:1 • • • 4i , , in VP- Sponsored by the Seaforth Optimist Club 11111111 '' =II • 111-1111—•-1E-1111-11111-1111 II iiii DRIVE IN THEATRE HWY. 9 CODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 5241-998 THURS., FRI.. SAT. — May 9-10-11 — DOUBLE FEATURE — It is illegal to possess MARYJ E! YET IT LS FOUND IN FVERY HIGH SCHOOL CORRIDOR! A SEVEN ARrS• HAMMER PRODUCTION COLOR Br oauxk. MON.„ TUES., WED. May 13-14-15 SECOND FEATURE THE WILDANGEIS PROW. The sh0e44 les tebt os mewl caorrinnyt 7 \ 11):: • itC'en..; eft* ki,) .PATHECOLOR HA let riGin ___WITC0311-tO MUM. LIPOPAL ADMISIANCL GessEuzair 01966 American International Pictures m TO lIteit rl OM CNN (Adult Entertainment) CARTOON AT EVERY SHOWING Admission $1.25 -2. Children Under 12 in Cars FREE ...LOOK OUT. they're COMING! Coming Next: "THE VISCOUNT" plus "THE LAST CHALLENGE" (Adult Entertainment) PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Nomination and Annual Meeting LEGION HALL, CLINTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1968 8:30 P.M. Guest Speaker: Mr. Eric Winkler, Hanover former Federal Progressive Conservative Whip and others. John Durnin President Mrs. F. G. Thompson Secretary