HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-02, Page 121,241041X HtJR9N IltrOWORe SEAFORTK OW, MAY 2 1968 CLASSIFIED 40$ 24; Cards of Thanks wir4h to extend sincere thanks to Seaforth and district friends and the Rebekah 'Lodge for etude, treats and visits while was. a...patient ixi Seaforth Hos- pital. - Grace Klein. 24,25x1 I wish to thank all those who remembered me with cards vis - Its, treats and flowers while I was -a patient in 'Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, also nurses and staff, Drs. Malkus and Bra- dy. Special thanks to the neigh- bors who helped with spring seeding. - Earl Dick. 24-25-1 I take this opportunity to ex- press my appneciation. for the lovely cards, Bowen, visits, etc. while I was a patient In Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Moyo, Dr. Stapleton, Father La- ragh and Father Durand and the nursing staff for kindness to me. - Oldxs. Dan Costello. 24-25-1 I would like to express my thanks: to all those who were so kind to our babe, Joyanne Elizabeth, and me while in hos- pital and since coming bout,. The cards, gifts; flowers and visfts were appreciated ' and shall always be remembered. Thanks - Joyce VanVliet. 24-25-1 25. In Memoriam GOLDING - In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Mrs. W. H. Golding, who passed away May 6, 1959. "A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps her memory ever dear." - Ever remembered by her family. 25-25x1 26. Personals and .Mrs. J. Clarenee „Smil- lie of Hensall wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Sharon Jean, to Mr, Ron- ald Charles Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robinson of Hamilton. The wedding will take place May 25th, 1068, at 4 o'clock, in Hensall United Chureh, Hensall Ontario. The bride -elect is a graduate of St. Joseph's Hospital &chool of Nursing, London and the University of Western Ontario. The groomJelect is a graduate of McMaster University, Hamil- ton. 26-25x1 Mr. and Mrs. George Stone wish to anrnounee• the forth -coming marriage of Connie M. Stone to Larry R. McMichael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boss McMichael, on May 17, evening oeremcmy. 26-25x1 Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime 1 WEST -END GARAGE Pontiac - Buick Dealer at MITCHELL OFFERS THESE • 1966 Me4or Rideau 500, V-8, A.T., 390 engine, radio, white walls. 1966 Galaxie'500, V-8, A.T., 390.engine, radio, ' white walls. 1966 Beaumont, 6-cyl., A.T., radio. 1965 Pontiac, 6-cyL, A.T., radio, white walls. 1965 Olds. 88, V-8, A.T., Power Steering and brakes. 1965 Olds. F85, V-8, A.T., radio. 1965 Ford, 6-cyl., sedan, radio, A.T. 1964 Pontiac, 6-cyl, A.T., radio. 1963 Olds. 88 sedan, V-8, .A.T., Power Steer- , ing and brakes. - 1963 Chrysler Saratoga hard top, A.T., pow- er steering, brakes, radio, white walls. 1963 Galaxie 500, radio, white walls. 1962 Galaxie 500, V-8, A.T., 29,000 miles, one owner, radio, white walls. 1962 Chev. Belaire, A.T., radio, power steer- ing. 1961 Olds. sedan, V-8, A.T., power steering, brakes, radio, white walls. A few older models also available. TRUCKS 1966 Chev. 1/2 -Ton, heavy duty. 1966 GMC 1/2 -Ton, V-8, AT. 1964 Ford 1 -Ton, cab and chassis, dual wheels,' V-8, 4 -speed transmission. 1964 GMC 1 -Ton, cab and chassis, dual wheels, 4 -speed transmission. 1964 Fargo 1/2 -Ton, heavy duty. 1963 GMC 1-1on, 4 -speeds, with box and hoist, dual wheels, just the truck for the farm. 1963 Ford 1/2 -Ton, heav-x duty. 1961 GMC 1 -Ton, 4 -speed, dual wheels, stock rack. 1961 GMC 6000 Tractor, 10-100 x 20 tires, 401v6 •I WEST -END 1 - GARAGE 1 Pontiac - Buick Dealer mirroisu. : PHONE 348-8932 Open givery Evening till 10 to Serve You and all Night if We have to 26. Personals Air. and Mrs; Enos Boshart, Sea - forth, 'wish to announee the en,- gagement of their daughter, Mary Jean to Mr. Alexander Ross MacLeod, son of Mrs. Gre- ta MacLeod, Egmondville and the late Mr. MacLeod. The wed- ding to take place on Friday, May 171h, 1968 at 7 o'clock in Egmondville United Church. 26-25x1 27. Births ACHILLES - In Clinton Public Hospital, on April 26, to Mr. nda Mrs. Donald Achilles, a daughter, Christine Marie.. , TWTIVHELL - In Victoria,Hos- pital, London on April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Murn,ey Twit- • ehell, London, a son. JASSOLINE - th Stratford General Hospital, on April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Las. soline, Simeoe, a daughter. PELLING - In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on April_ 25, to Mr. and Mrs. David Pelling, Mitchell, a son. - Too Late FOR SALE - 40 weaned pigs. Call William Poppe, 345-2437, t1-25-1 INCREXSE your income. You cep earn up to $3.00 per hour seging Rarwleigh Products full or part time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. E 363-16, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 4-25-1 A little late but sincere -we would like to thank all our fam- ily, relatives and friends for hel- ping make our, fiftieth annivers- ary such a memorable success. Many thanks for all the lovely gifts, cards. and messages of congratulations, - Albert and Janet Baker. 24-254 ,ST. COLUM-BAN NEWS QV WALTON WOMIell s Institute Has- Annual Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leiss and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckert, Kitchener, visited Mrs. Joseph Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and, family, St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray. Miss Theresa Croein. Inger- soll, visited Mr. and Mrs. Al- phonse Cronin. • Francis Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mal- oney. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O'Con- nor, Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs.. Glen Butters and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McQuaid, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coyne, London.. with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cciyne. Miss Jean Maloney and Miss Eileen Maloney. London, visit- ed Mrs. Nora Maloney. News of Constance The anneal dinner,,meeting of the Walton. Women's Institute was held, Wednesdayevening in St. Ambrose Roman Catholic March Brussels, with the Titer Society catering. Mrs. Alvin • McDonald first vice president, conducted the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Jan VanVliet. Following the turkgy dinner, community singthg was enjoyed under the leadership of Mrs. Herbert Travisse Mrs. Harold Bolger moved a vote of thanks for the dinner with Mrs. Gerald Ryan respon- ding. Mrs. Gerald Watson read the March minutes and reported $42.76 on hand in the treasury. The roll call was answered with the payment of fees and the ex- change of gifts by the Sunshine sisters. The meeting was handed over to the Resolution, Convener, Mrs. George 'Williamson and Mrs. Allan McCall. . The secretary -treasurers re- port of the last annual meeting was given by Mrs. Gerald Wat- son; auditor's report, Mrs. Tor ranee Dundas; agriculture and Canadian Indust/Jere Mrs. Frank Walters; citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs. William Humphries; Mrs. Harold Bolger; historical 'home economics end health, reeearch and currentevents, Mrs. Herbert Traviss; resolut- Kinsmen --Mark 14th Birthday ions, Mrs. Allan Wall; public relations, Mrs. Alehe MeDcnialdt curator, Mrs. Wilber Turnbull; sunshine committee, Mrs. Earl Watson. The following officers were installed by Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Donald: past president, MTS. Roy' Williamson; president, Mrs. Jan VanVliet Jr.; first viceenesi- dente Mrs. Alvin McDonald.; se- cond vice-president, Mrs. Harold Bolger; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Williara Humphries. Mrs. Ger- ald Watson thanked the mem- bers for their co-operation dur- ing her teem as secretary -treas- urer. • . A Meeting will be held in, the Walton Public School, May 6, to compile programs. The District Annual will be held at Fordi- wich Community Hall, May lfr, with the following as vothig delegates; Mrs. Ray Williamson, Mrs. Jan VanVliet, Mrs. William Humphries and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. Walton members will put on a program at Huronview June 19 and MTS. Roy Williamson and Mrs. Graham Sholdiee will attend a meeting there May 20. A bus trip for 1968 was discus- s.ed and led by the Public Rela- tions Committee. Priends and neighbors gath- ered at the hoane of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnston Thursday. evening for a socialevening pri- or to their moving1to a arm . rear Auburn,. • Progressive euchre wae en- joyed with eleven tables at play. During the evening ,Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were presented with a large picture, card table, electric tea kettle and a plush Teddy bear for baby Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Currie and family and Mrs. W. H. Cur- rie of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan *lc- "Hensall Kinsmen observed a and Mrs. William Dins- theirmore and fa'mily of Brampton -- 14th anniversary with a Mr.. - banquet at the Hensell Arena Mr. ' on Friday, with president Bob were week -end, guests with and Mrs. Gordon MoGavin and Caldwell in the chair. Over one Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin. hundred Kinsmen and wives at- Mr. and Mrs. Jake DeVries tended from Montreal, Font - hill, Burlington, Preston, Kit- tnave 'returned, home after visi- ener, Essex, Toronto, London, ing with relatives in Holland. eh Simcoe, Sarnia, Hanover, Clin- Mrs. Robert Pickering, Kim, Bob and David of Oakville were ton, Exeter -and Hensall: ' Head table guests for the eve-. reuzd eei-natsvisitors with Mrs. George D • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carlett and family, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Coutts last Sunday. Joan Bennett had the misfor- tune, to dislocate and chip a bone in her wrist while playing ball at the Walton Public School. Miss Corrie Ruiyter of Strat- ford is spending several days with MT. and Mrs. ,Jan VanVliet Sr Mrs. John Shannon of Sea forth visited last week with Mr. and Mrs Nelson Reid. Mr. and Mrs. James Daley of Merlin were weekend guests at. the manse with their son-in-law and daugle er, Rev. and Mrs. 1). E. Docken, Mrs. Alvin MeDonald s atten- Bill Watson; Jack Drysdale, past • ding a three day Wom,en's Inste i national director of Kin Maga- zine, presentation by Hal Tag- gart; Harold 'Knight, past dis- trict officer, -presentation by John Baker, A.P.P. Mfg. Jack Drysdale was presented with an award in appreciation of her service in the Kinette- club for the past 14 years, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, Lin- da and Helen of London. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson of Seaforth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. •Eerlan Osborn Visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rosz-. mann of Monkton Sunday visitors with Mr. an Mrs. George Mcllwain and Mary were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier., Brian, Paul, Kevin and Lorie of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kingswell of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale, Kathy and Cheryl visited Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott; Melanie and Merl - beth of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs -John De Weerd of Londesboro spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ral- ph Muller, Walter and Carl. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Bettles cif Winthrop visited with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Debbie and Billy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gary Preszcator and Steven of Goderich. Mrs. Mary Leonhardt of Bornholm, Mrs. Christina Ritz and Mr. Elmer Hoppenrath of Monkton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn. Mrs. Bill Dale attended the Lady Directors' meeting of the Clinton Fair Board at 'the home of Mrs. Don McLean of ,Clinton. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds and family of South Field, Mich- igan, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, .visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Montgomery and Faye of Clin- ton and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan in Clinton PubliC Hospital. Mrs. Rean Collins of Mar- quette, Michigan; visited Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family. Mr. ilnd Mrs. Bill Marshall of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley visited Mr. 'and Mrs. Ern. Ellwood of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Hudson Wood- ruff of a. Davi& spent Monday evening With Mr. and Mrs. W. • L. Whyte and family and left -Tuesday morning with Mr. and MTS, William Dodds for a holi- • day in 'Winnipeg, Manitoba. The 11CW of Constance are holding their annual open moat - Ing at the home of 1VIrs, W. L. Whyte on May ith, Mrs. It Tschane Will be guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook and family of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. lien Preszeator. ning were national vice-presi- dent Harry Moll, past national president Hal Taggart and wife June, guest speaker and ,past national president John Goldie and wife Marjorie, governor Bill Watson and hi,s wife Gerry, Bqb • Caldwell, president of Hensall Kinsmen Club and wife Eudora, president of Hensel Kinettes, chairman Harold Knight and his wif,e Marg. - John rreldiespoke-on, "Hen- sall's place in .the association' of • Kinsfens .clubs" and a highlight of the evening was the presen- tation of life memberships in Kin to three members of the Hensall club: Bill Mickle, past governor and national officer, presentation made by governor . Telegrams and letters were received from all across Canada' as well as congratulations from World COuncil President ,Will Klein from Hong Kong. Hensall Legion Ladies Auxil- iary catered for the banquet. Mrs: Stewart tell visited with Mrs. Raymonda Sazmarioski; of Preston, last weekend, while Pauline and Troyenri skated at Grand Valley skating school in Galt. • Mr. and Mrs. Terry North, Teresa and Tammy, St. Themes, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mr. Charles Mickle, Hamilton, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Dave Kyle has taken over the Shell Gas Station on Highway, 4, Hensell and is now open for business. Organize 4-H Clubs For 1968 Huron County 4-H clubs have been completely organized for 1968 according to Donald Pul- len, associate agricultural rep- resentative for Huron. In the 25 clubs organivid in the county there are about 400 irdividual proPets Mr. Pullen -explained, that this does not mean there are 400 members -- some members take pare in more than one club. Clubs organized are: dairy, four; beef, -three; combination dairy and beef, seven; grain corn, six; and one each of for- age, engineering, sweet corn, swine and sheep. The numb.: of clubs or mem- ' bers hasn't chaired much from ' Inst year Mr. Puller, said' Mem- bers of 1967 4-H agricultural c ubs In Huron complPts,id 94 per cent of all projects started. ' This was a record high and Mr. Pullen, is hoping for an eqUally good or better year in 1968 Classified Ads pay dividends. Cute COnvention at Guelph this week. Mr., and Mrs. Clemens Stutz, Wellesley, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz of Waterloo were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. The 4-11 Club girls' who took the course "The Club Girl En- tertains" and- their leaders Mts. William Humphries and Mrs. Gerald Watson attended Ach- ievement Day at 'the 'Seaforth District High School ,Saturday. Mary Leething, B1R4, Waltore received a Coenty Honor certif- icate and pin. Silver homemak- ing club spons were presented to each girl completing their project and to each leader. Miss Joan Bennett had the misfortune to fall and break her right arm. v HECK AND COMPARE SPECIAL - SAVE 23c - Reg, 49c each 2 for 7sc PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES, 18 -oz. - SAVE 17c - PUREX, DELSEY 2 -PLY BATHROOM TISSUE - - 1 lb. PRINT GOLDEN .DON MARGARINE - HEINZ KETCHUP, 20 -oz. XII 1/2 CRYOVAC SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS - - . SCHNEIDER'S OR DEVON SLICED BACON as As SAVE 21c - AYLMER 19 -oz. • CHERRY . PIE FILLING - SAVE, 10c - 2 -ply WHITE SWAN TOWELS •* SAVE'21c CONFIDETS FEMININE NAPKINS HEINZ- BABY FOODS - PANTRY SHELP - 48 -oz. PURE ORANGE' JUICE - - DONUTS, (Reg, 29c doz.) - MIS MO la SAVE 9c ••" HAMBURG & WIENER ROLLS-- I9 -oz. CANNED TOMATOES for $ 1 .00 IN Ns Ib. 59c .b. 63c 2 kir 89c _49 2 for 89 99 3 for $ '2U.49 49c _2 for swirrs PREMIUM IRISH STEW . '24 -oz. Reg: Oc SPECIAL 45 MILER'S RKET DUBLIN , Phone 345-2420 9 • Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 SAVE UP :TO SO% ON WATCHES PRICES ARE SLASHED ON OVER 300 ITEMS THIS WEEK at SAVE U -P- TO, - 70% ON JEWELLERY SAVAUGE JEWELLER OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE C OPEN. FRIDAY,TILL 9 p.m,