HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-02, Page 11• USE THEIR CLASSIOICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coining Events. 2. Lost, Strayed 3, Found • 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted) 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry, 'For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale U. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted! To Buy 13. Wanted ,14. Property For %le 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices • 20. Auction Sales 21. Tended Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26, Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classifiedads are Inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, Initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing Minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7,t, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and • 17 minimum 65c. Classifica- tions 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. All other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (2e), Tenders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. ' For Cash payment or if paid within 10 days following last insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from above mires. 1. Coming Events ANNUAL Mother's -Day buffet , dinner, Harbourlite Inn, Goder- lel, 5to 7:30 p.m., Sunday May 12th. Adults $2.75, children un- der ten $1.50e under four, free. Reservations; 524-9371 or 54- 9264. 1-24-3 An eyening of Music, Friday, May Srd, 8,,P.in, featuringldit- , ellen District High Sehool Glee Club and Oirls" Chorus under the direttion of Mr. Laene,Dot- teller in ,WelleiY Willis Cliureh, Clinton, admission; adults,: '75c, studentS, 50c. 1-24-2 cA.BABET Dance, Brodhagen Community Hall, Saturday,: May 4th, ANNUAL Chicken Barbecue, Egmendville United Chnrch, Wednesday, May 22nd. Cie as you one. Takeout.orders 1-253 Happy Citizens will hold their next meeting on May 9th ,at 2 o'clock in the LegioneHall. Ladies bring lunch. Everyone Welcome. 125-1 BEGINNING in May a , CHILD' HEALTH CENTRE will be held in the Medical Iitillding ni Belie.; sels, Ontario, on the second Tuesday of each month.. The first session will be held on ▪ May 14, 1968, 9:30 — 11:30 a.m. Public health nurses will be in attendance to weigh in- fants and preschool children, to counsel mothers and to admin- ister dunnunization. At most ses- sions a public health physician will be present also. This ser - ..vice is free of charge. 1-25-2 St. Cigumbari Penny Sale in for- mer Taylor',s Shoe Store, May 16, 17 and 18. 1-25-2 SEAFORTH Fall Fair, Sept. 19 and 20th. For copy of prize list • for Ladies Home Department and Arts and Crafts, phone Mrs. 4J. M. Scott, 527-1792. 1-25x1 3. Found SUM of money, owner may have same by praying property and paying for ad. •Phone 5274841, Joe Malone. 3-25x1 • 4. Help Wanted MAN with mower to cut lawn. $1,00 per hour. Reference re- quired. Box 1738, Huron &poi - tor; - 4454. CATTLE SHIPPER, Applications will be rece1ve fora -cattle shipper to the U - yards in Toronto. Apply In writing by six o'clock, May 27th, 1966, to the: -t-:POIR's "TV YARaws oo.oP Seafoeth, or DONALD DODDS, Secretary: • 4, RR1, Setforth. - 4-254 Operators Wanted • IlD''16 DP Alice Chalmers Bulldozer $2.75 per lir. ACH 6 G Alice Chalmers 11/2 Yard Loader $2.50 per •hr. • Looby Construction Ltd. • Dublin Ontario ^ Phone 519-345-2800 ' 4-25-1 YOUR AMBITION Is the key to 'your earn- ings with Aron Cosmetics. For information mail cou- pon. Mrs. M. Millson 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London. Nemo Phone no. 4-254 4. Help Wanted FM, 'or 'part-time clerk for nrOnerY Anne Box, 1737, Huron ,EspoSitar. 4454 Help Wanted Female Machine Operators Fringe. benefits — 2 weeks annual holiday's, paid statuatory holidaYs, group hishrance, pen- sion plate time and a half for over .time. HIGHLAND SHOES SEAFORTH 4-24-2 7. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work, aU 1044 phne 527-9183; SeefOrth- 7-254 JOB cutting 'meet, phone any- time after four 527,,0867. 7-25-1 WILL do adding and bookkeep- ing in my own home. Telephone 3454292. 725-2 McKillop Township Public School Area Board Requires a. music supervisor for six schools. Applications to be in by May 11. - CAMPBELL WEI', Secretary RR4, Walton. 7-25.2 S. Farm Stock For Sale THIRTY-TWO -well started pigs. Jim McQuaid, phone 345-2629. 8-25x1 TWO registered Holstein cows, due in one week, Also quantity of baled straw. Louis Coyne, phone 345-2616, Dublin. „ • 8-25-1 • THIRTY started 'pigs. Arnolif Jamieson, RR4, Clinton, Ontario, phone 482-9828. 8-254 TEN,pigs, .,pigs eight weeks old, ap- ply Ken Beattie, RR4, Walton. EIGIFFEEN 'pchunks ef ply Seim Calrwill, Brucefield,. phone 482-3204. .8254 , . PINTO gelding, 6 years old, 15 hand, Western broke, also Wes- tern saddle and bridle. Wm. Hodgert, Seaforth, phone 527- 0860 in a.m.- or 527-0046,Ani. TWO Hereford bulls, one polled bull 18 „months', 014; one horned bull 12 Months old. Lots of Size and quality. Contact Percy Wright, phone Hensel', 262- 5482. 8-252 9. Poultry For ,Sale KIMBER LEGTIORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-25-tf 175 Honeger hens. jimeMaloneY, Lot 7, Con. 5 Mckillop. 9-25Si 10. Used Cars For Sale 1961 Plymouth four door sedan car, low mileage, egg shell blue. Phone 527-1324. 10-24-tf 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne, A-1 condition, Estate car'Rieny VanLoon, RIR2, Kippen, phone 527-0546. • 10.2541 1963 Chevy II Nova in good con- dition with 35,000 miles;. Phone Blyth, 523-4260. , 10-25x1 1961 Rambler station wagon, Classic, 6 cyl. automatic, radio, reclining seat's, excellent con- dition, phone 482-9586. 1025-1 1901 Chev. ee ton pick-up truck, excellent condition. Phone 527- 1010. 10-25-1 11. Articles For Sale USED FARM MACHINERY CornepLanters; 290 nwoo, two row, $,5; 490:10901, folF. 1*, -poo; 04.. model, fattrerfne, enrii--fireheanS,.$1,0, JIM CHALMERS RR2, Kippen. Phone Seaforth, 522•0205 11-25-2 SEE -OUR FINE SELECTION OF DIAMOND RINGS Convenient Terms No Carrying Charges Anstett JeWellers Ltd. 11-25-tf DIAMOND ring sale, 20% — 30% discounts on entire stook of diamonds, Savauge jeswel, lers, (opposite Poet Office) Evening appointments by ar- rangement, phone 527-0270. 11-254 CRUSHED gravel, delivered or at the nit. John Thompson, phone 527-0238. 11-25-41 20%- OFF WATCHES. BULOVA CARAVELLE ENICAR ACCUTRON ANSTETT , No Trade4n Needed Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-25-tf TWO colony houses and one way disk. Phone 345-2367. 11-25M, it Articles For Sale 104 Polareid Land Vautera with flash; Hoyer upright vacuum cleaner, •both new. Hand vacuum cleaner. White elect:tie sewing Machine in desk cabinet. Ken Moore, phone 527-0508, 11-25-1 BABY lounge and carriage, like new. Phone 262-5201. • 11-25-2 FR,ESH eggs, 40c per dozen, Pick up at the farm. WS, Rus- sell, Smith, 1111/1 11-25x2 16 foot out -board motor boat in good condition' with 25 H.P. Johneon motor and trailer. — Complete $375.00. PhOne 527- 0596. 11-254 GOLDEN Falcon travel trailer, 15 feet. George Coyne, phone 316-2863, 1125-1 PARTS, for 11961 Chev Impala, excellent 6 cyl. motor and aut- omatic transmisgion. Dennis BeuMmen, RIK Walton, phone 527-0196. • 11-25-1 ,NINIWY feet of picket fence, 40c per foot; used window e end doers, $2.00 to $3.00, James Axtmanie IlfR4, Walton, phone 527-0107. • 11-25-1 JOHN Deere M tractor, new tires, overhauled, with bean scuffler and bean puller; Wat- erloo U, overhauled two years ago, new tires; New Idea 4 -bar side rake, rubber tires, minor repairs; 3- furrow International trail type plough On rubber; 3 ton Mercury, 1954 truck, grain rack, tarp, 4 speed transmission with , 2 speed axle. Phone 527- 1097, Ross McMichael, RR2, Seaforth. •11-25-2 100 foot endless belt in good condition; 12 foot Massey -Har- ris Super 26 combine, fully eq- uipped, in good condition; Mas- sey -Harris baler on rubber, mo- tor driven. Mrs. -Wilber Glen, vine, lot 25, con, 9, Hibbert, phone 346-2917, Dublin, 11-25-1 See or call us for strong ger- minating, 'high yielding, Pion- eer hybrid •- SEED CORN Choice of early, medium and late hybrids. Order now, they may be sold out later. WM. S.' STOREY Phone 527-1448 11-24-2 PFISTER hybrid Seed corn. FrancisRRO, Seaforth, Phone 345.4948 11-24-2 1JSED 22 inch Frigidaire range. Like new. A,t Box Furniture, Seaforth, phone 527-0680. • „11-24-2 USED Adfiniral refrigerator, coppertone finish. Box Furni- ture, Seaforth, phone 527-0680. USED chesterfield and • used drop back couch in good condit- ion at Box Furniture, Seaforth, phone 527-0680. 11-24-2 20% OFF RINGS MEN'S AND LADIES' Birthstone Onyx Hemetite Signet Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 11-254,1 TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11.25-ff • PIANOS • and organs, new and reconditioned, largest va- riety to choose from. We ser- vice what we sell for our cus- tomers to the highest- degree of accuracy. See your Sher- lock- Manning dealer for this area andget a tidy fine in- steuenent. Many makes and modelS at •Garnet Farrier's showrObOas at Whitec1h1u-25,rchti Phone 357-2068. ELECTRIC fencers, 110 volts, 30 day free trial;e spare fencers and parts for eMergency, one year guarantee. Alvie Beuer- man, phone 345-2306. 11-254 WE will take orders for White rock capons, first bunch ready May 20th,- eecond, June 20th, Alvin Beuermen, phone 345^ 11-254f 2306. - HEAVY duty eleetric stove, suitable for cottage, iphone 527- 1529. • , CRYSTAL We heed' open stock of tlie following crystal patterns: Cross and Olive —e$1.00 each Pinwheel • $1,00 each Flair $150 each Exquisite $2.00 each Cornflower at Regular Prices 10% Discount on Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-25-ff WATCH for Irvin's Dominion Hardware Specials, May 1st to May llth, Irvin's Hardware, 1145-2 WATCH for Irvin's Dominion Hardware specials. May 1st to May llth, Irvin's Hardware. • 11-25-2 13 run Massey -Harris fertilizer drill in good conditioncheap for- quick sale. Preston' Dallas, phone 527-0827. 11-25-1 Approximately 15 tons of oats. Bill Beuerrnan, Dublin, RR1, phone 315-2037.• • 11-25-1 BOY'S bicycle, 26 inch; also vi- nyl enclosed ear top carrier With zipper Opening. W. A. Irodgert, Seaforth, phone 527-0860 in a.m. er-0048 in „wm,„ •114*.10, • itte fril4R914 4rosiTok siAromn- 11. Articles For Sale wps irgerriationa tractor, good tor, new tires, also J -D corn and beau planter, Allan Curer, Hensel', phone 262-5071, 11-25x1 NO. 208 New Ilolland Pro ba- ler, only baled 3,000 bales of straw- R. A. Walters, gita, Kip - pen, Phone 5274895, 11,25,2 BOY'S suit, dark pants and 'red jacket, size (bc, in good condi,t, ion. Phone 527,0356. 11-254 PAIR of men's roller skates, size 8 or 9, good condition, phone 527-0507. 11.25x1 12. Wanted To Buy A small bey's bicycle. Apply to Art Anderson, 527-1308. 12-25x1 13. Wanted WiT,I; tate in • cattle for -erase- Plenty water, shade, Joe liel3Tie4. RR4, Brussels, phone 3/744,00. 13-254 • 14. Property For Sale FOR sale M Egmondville; 4 bedroom house, 3 piece bath, gas furnace, extra lot. $5,500.00 for all or sell lot separate. Phone 527-0458, 14-25x1 BUYING?? SELLING?? REAL ESTATE CONTACT WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN SEAFORTH GEO., R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD 14-25-1 PROPERTY FOR SALE Four bedroom, two storey, brick, new gas furnace, all mo- dern kitchen,. bath. — A good Three bedroom frame, com- pletely remodelled. New bath; ikiytelho, etilocated, gas heat. Central - Two family home, C.Tood' 1. come property. East side close to church and school. — Full price $4200.00. Two bedroom frame cottage. Egmondville. Modern kitchen, bath and new furnace. Immedi- ate posession. CONTACT: HAROLD JACKSON Realtor. .• Phone 527-0640 Or JOHN A. CARDNO Salesman, phone 527-0490 SEAFORTH 14-25x2 15. Property For Rent TWO bedroomemodern, duplex, gas heated. Available June 1st, phone 527-1529. 15-25-11 TWO room, ground floor, heat- ed apartment. Phone 527-1973 or Jack Thompson's Family Shoes and Repair. 15-254 TWO bedroom apartment, lee North Main Street, gas heated. Available June 1st Clarence Mongomery. Phone 527-0043. SELF-CONTAINED furnished a- partment, Goderich Street East, gas furnace, full bath. Box 1739, Huron Expositor. 15-25x2 FOUR acres good 'pasture, water supplied, good fences, apply Da- vid Livingston, phone '527-1.159 at noon. 15125-1 19. Notices CUSTOM welding in stables or barns. Phone -527-0497 between 5 and 6 p.m. 19-232 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-25-tf Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs. Ring Sizing Retini ClaWe Rebuikl Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costuine jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 19-25-ff ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. •19-25441 CUSTOM garden tilling, land, seeping and lawn seeding. Har- vey Beuerman, phone 527-0553. 19-24-2 FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems and farm' line needs. PHONE 482-9561 17 Rattenhury Street, CLINTON "Proudly "We Service Canadian" what we sell" RUSS ARCHER, Manager " 19-2541 CUSTOM Post hole digging and fencing. Louis Maloney, imtpoormoot 19; Notices • NOTICE We are shipping cattle every MaRtlaY to United Co -Operatives cif Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 5274946, MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phohe 345-2549 Dublin call coll- ect. 19-25-tf NOTICE . USE OF DUMP Township of Tuckersmith Tuckersmith residents are to use the dump operatedi by the Town of Seaforth. The DuMP Is located on -the South Boundary of the towjust off the County Road. The dump is open Wednesday and Saturday from 1 o'cloc.k till 5 o'cloek pm. from May to Oc- tober and Wednesday afternoon only from November till April. Ne wire fencing, concrete, ear bodies, stoves, refrigerators. • J. I. 1V1eINTOSH Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith 19-24-2 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Brussels, phone 442-W-6 or HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. • 19-25-tf DEAD STOCK Highest cash prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay %c PFIR LB. weighing over 500 lbs. Small animals picked up free of charge. For the most prompt and courteous service in this district Please call collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 — •Brussels, Ont 24 hour service -7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-065 • 19-254 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 304ern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- 1400.• 19-2541 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales. Varna, Phone 262-5350, Hensel'. • 19-254f • Logan Farm :Equipment John Deere Sales and Service Wish to announce a complete line of parts and new machin- ery now available. Give us a call at 347-2691 or drop in and see us at RR5, Mit- chell, Highway 23, 1% miles north of Bornholm. 19-254 11'1 19. Notices ovgNING SOON DAY NURSERY Begining June 1st Regular mireerY facilities and qualified supervision, Children of all ages. . HOURS: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Enquiries invited, For more information phone 527- 0426; Seaforth. 19-25-1 20. Auction Sales EXECUTORS' AUCTION SALE Of two properties, automobile and household effects, from the west half of Lot 19, Con. 3, Hun lett Township, 14 mike east of Clinton and 14- miles north on: SATURDAY, MAY 4111 at 180 ,pan. PROPERTY — The arm con- sists of 50 acres rnoi&or less on which is situated a seven room 1% storey frame house , with a full basement, oil fur- nace, pressure system, 3 piece bath and hardwood floors on the downstairs. PROPERTY_ — The stucco 8 room cottage situated at 56 On- tario Street, Clinten with a full basement, a basement garage and 3 self contained apartments. AUTOMOBILE — A 1966 Ply- mouth sedan in A-1 'condition, with low mileage (less than 15,000 miles). HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — CherrY glass top cupboard; cfier- ry secretary desk: walnut sec- retary desk; walnut bed, springs and mattress; Jenny Lind bed; 2 walnut matching beds, springs and mattresses; 3 piece modern bedroom suite (maple);- roll -a- way bed and mattress; walnut chest of drawers; birds eye map- le high boy chest; marble top Walnut dreaSer and wash stand; cherry and maple wash stand, , dresser mirror; 3 piece section- al chesterfield suite; upholster- ed platform rocker; upholstered arm chair; Boston rocking chair; child's rocking chair; 4 dinette chairs; ether chairs; oecassion- al chairs; walnut French provin- cial coffee table (with inlay); 2 tier pedestal table (with inlay);• maple magazine rack; 21 inch Philco • television; combination radio and record player; pole light; tri light; floor, and table lamps; hall tree; 3 section glass book case; spinning wheel; man- tel radio; grandmether's clock; Kenmore electric range; Gener- al Electric refrigerator; scatter mats; lamps; Tiffany' shade; dishes, including fancy and an- tique; cooking utensils; newer riding lawn mower; 20 inch po- wer rotary mower; garden tools. TERMS on Properties .-e• 1055 cash on date of sale and balance in 30 days with properties sold subject to reserve bids. TERMS on Car — Cash, sold subject to reserve bid. 20. Auction Sales ° TAWS 04.1-1014seht0 eftee4 WILIZAlfE RTINUOV WI44AM Executors of Mrs. IdaFOrestr. Estate EDWARD •W.-FT:070W Auctioneer 20-24.2 Ratko! Feeder AUCTION SALE, Hensel' Sales Arena on Sat, May 4th Commencing at 1:00, p.m. 600 Head conOst- ing-of calvesAeif- ers and steers. For consignments contact the management Victor Hargreaves at 482-7511 Jack Morrisey at 234-6200 Auctioneer HECTOR McNEIEL 20-24-2 Commercial Cattle Sale • The . GREY BRUCE LIVE- STOCK CO-OPERAITVE are holding their Annual Spring Sale of: 1,500 Commercial Cattle All GREY - BRUCE raised on Thurs., May 9th 1968 10 A.M. E.D.S.T. at their: WIARTON SALES YARDS • No feed -or water provided by the board,. • • G. L. R1BEY & D. MOORE Auctioneer REXFORD CRUICKSHANK President 20-254 33. Business Directory Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCm) R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton Auctioneer and - Appraiser Licensed and capable brselling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone „482-3384 A. M .HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 - B robertori, EAPORTIX VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. l'unikol., D.V.M.,Iv, oryaps, D.V1L, V.S. P. D. CRU)s, AV414-V,R, PotftepToN..D.V414 viryor, , Phone 5274760, :Stufatt BOY N,-:'13ENTLEY". Publie:Accourita# 4 Britton(' lecoad,x34, Goderich PhOrit? 524,9521 1.1*.idet!' „ , „ G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL, Bola 470derJelli St. W.,, Soda* - LtIDUIANCE ,SERVICM. Adjustable , hospital b*Ile for root FLOWERS FOR EVERY -OCCASION , Phone 527-1390 - . Seafortli RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant currrox, cuTrAtuo Wive; Rattenbury St, phone 482-9677. Res; Rattenbury St., phone 482-7313 - JOHN E. LONGSTAli .14 OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. „Sat. Er to 12 noon .For Appointment Phone 5274210 — or 462-7010 Mon, Wed. — Clinton Office BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions , Phones: Day 527-0680 --- Night 527-0885- • -W.I. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICE:MED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calla — 527-0510 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. MeCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Setforth, Ont. Phone 527-085.0 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to extend my thanks to all those who sent cards, let- ters, flowers and visited' me while I was a patient in Clin- ton Hospital. Thanks to Box ambulance, Drs. Newland and, Walden, Rev. J. C. Britton and ' the nurses"' on the 2nd floor. — Ethel Sparks, 24-25x1 Additional Classified SEE PAGE 12 KARATE, e4liki;,41P0 Nfe SKATING AND HOCKEY ARE OVER FOR ANOTHER SEASO.N . ARE you GOING TO SKIP \NIT14 • ME,CHUZZ •N\\\,. TRY AND MAKE TI1E SCENE WHERE DID YoV ME5T HIM? ke's IN A tlocK VEIR BUS BRoKE DOWN AND THEY'RE 1.1nIN6 b 11 Al' A AS STATION SeIRE, I HAVE VENETIAN BLINDS, AN AIR-CoNbentONER AND A CARPET IN m‘t OFFICE.,A14Y? 114E3 COME TO 11-I BACK DOOR OF 114E DONUT SHOPE FOR STALE DoNOTS. HE KEEPS INNITIN6 ME INTo 9US... ‘\‘-s• 4/II(( IVO 601 YOUR MOTHER' D I4M15 A Frin I DeN'T ONCC ( 'THINK SHE 1‘11011" Re RIGHT! , ., tort) MR. ,I, . WILDGooSE? _........,..„, , You tP HI Hou WON'T- ,I'' i HAVE l'..,, mul'il _ , , ii -, trifilr-, , iw-41. _ . ' --,. tali 1 viril .,,•:--; -7. l'ee --4•..'1;- 1' ill ., ---\ ...z.r4* \ -----Y — net .F.,,, ',11 . ,