HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-02, Page 8SI 141411--nki #, EXPOS/War SEAFORYHr 0011.4 MAY 20 1944 ;legion Ladies Prepare For Visit to London the Eeaforth Legion Ladies Attacillitry -met MondaY evening U the Legion Hall with the PFeskbott, Rachael Walters pre- 64114- Tbt DOI call was answer- e1.ter 17 members. The 830 draw was wen' by Ariel Wood and the mystery draw by Laura ,Barry. Another prize was won by Mary Chapple. The Sperts Committee report was given by Annie Bellows and the sick and visiting by Margar- et Itellaitsi. It was decided to remember former Zone Corn - mender, Mrs,. Mary McCann of Gorrie who has been ill, with a card. Members were reminded that "Hydro Showtime" will be pre- sented at the Legion Hall this Thursday evening and that tic- kets would be available at the door. A bus trip to. Westminister Hospital, London, sponsored by Legion members iS scheduled for Sunday., June 2nd when a program and treats will be pre- sented to the veterans. SEED BEANS GRASS SEED FERTILIZER SEED CORN At Competitive ' Prices Bulk and Packaged GARDEN SEEDS FERTILIZER AND ALL GARDEN SUPPLIES IN STOCK CORN CONTRACTS Available on Approved Credit, INQUIRE IMMEDIATELY Limited number of contracts available ALL FENCING SUPPLIES IN STOCK Ammonium Nitrate and spreaders to apply are available ATRAZINE IN STOCK OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED .527-1910 Seaforth BULK FERTILIZER 7 FAST LOADING — MIXED TO YOUR OWN SPECIFI- CATIONS , • Liquid Nitrogen 41% — APPLICATORS and NURSE TANKS Cr' Co 46 ORDER YOUR 'SEED BEANS NOW BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE 4' DL and B3 FOR SEED TREATMENT FOR CORN AND BEANS ATRAZINE SUTAN YOUR BEST WEED CONTROL FOR 'WEEDS IN CORN. EPTAM and ANIIBEN " FOR YOUR BEAN FIELDS 46 Handled by Pallets and Lift: Truck for Fast and Efficient Loading. CEMENT .16 Don't, Delay in Ordering Your Bean Seed.' Be Assured of Seed. 11111chell Fertilizer SUPPly Ltd. Pittorto 8484$01,or34849901, Mitchell • 1=7'7 RIRMARB'S REA Y 31,0 Wroltall gm* house rivitnix* gives w Y to the garden variety, uellallY called field. rhubarb. More deeply col- ored than its counterpart, it is lower in price due to its greater availability and abun- dance. Sold by the pound, it takes about t% pounds to yield 4 cups which is sufficient for a pie. Fresh rhubarb should look fresh, be firm with -fairly thick stalks and be well colored. The greener the stalks the more tart they will be. Avoid buying rhu- barb which is wilted and pithy at the stem ends. MAKES MANY DESSERTS Many homemakers keep some rhubarb sauce on hand in the refrigerator. 'Used "as is", or as a sauce over a plain pudding or cake, it provides a colorful, tart dessert. Add to these such favorites as cobblers, crisPS, shorcakes, upside-down cakes and the choice of 'rhubarb for desserts seems endless. Pies Must not be forgotten. Indeed in some areas rhubarb has 'beet called the "pie plant". Whether it's a deep dish, lattice or two - crust pie, the first rhirbarb pie of the season is always some- thing "special", The home economists, include a favorite tested recipe for "But- terscotch Rhubarb Pie", This pie is a one -crust variety with butter -flour mixture sprinkled as a topping over the rhubarb. Rhubarb may be cooked in a double boiler or baked and ei- ther of the methods given will yield a sauce in which the rhu- barb holds its shape. EXCELLENT FOR FREEZING Rhubarb is a "natural" for freezing because it requires no blanching. After washing and trimming, cut it into one -inch lengths and package in freezer bags in quantities to match your favorite recipes. Label and -tie to exclud-e the air. Most pies call for 4 cups of rhubarb to make a really full 9 -inch .pie. When using the frozen rhu- barb it is not necessary to com- pletely thaw the fruit. Just thaw sufficiently to separate the -piec- es and then proceed as for fresh Lucky is thelamily whose freez- er boasts bags of rhubarb for next winter's desserts! STEWED or BAKED RHUBARB 1 to 1% cups sugar; % cup water; 6 cups .rhubarb (1 -inch pieces). STEVAD RHUBARB Combine sugar and water in top of double -boiler. Heat un- til sugar is dissolved. Add rhu- barb, cover and cook over boil- ing water, until just tender, 15 to 20 minutes,. BAKED RHUBARB Place rhubarb in greased cas- serole. Sprinkle with sugar and water. Cover and bake at 325'F until just tender, 30 to 40 min- utes. Makes about 4% cups stewed or baked rhubarb. BUTTERSCOTCH .RHUARB PIE 4 cups rhubarb (cut in 1 -in. pieces); boiling water; 1,6 cup brown sugar;. 2tbls. quick -cook- ing tapioca; 1 unbaked pie shell (9 -inch); % cup sifted all-pur- pose flour; % cup brown sugar; 1/4 tsp. cinnamon; 14 cup butter. Cover rhubarb With boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes, the drain. .Mix the 1/2 cup brown sugar and tapioca. Stir into rhubarb, mixing well and 'arrange in pie shell. 'Mix flour, rarnaininig % cup brown sugar and cinnamon. Cut in butter until mixture resent- bles 'coarse breadicrumbs. Sprit; kle topping over rhubarb. Bake in a 450°F oven for 10 minutes. Turn oven control to 350°F ai ccoihtte •baklux 4.441.thtt- hob is ten AbOut 40 min- utes more. RHUBARB CRISP. . 4 cups rhubarb. (1.4rig1t pie- ces); 1/3 cup.sifted ail-perpose flour; 2/3 Op rolled Oats; % cup brown sugar; 1/3 cop but- ter. Arrange rhubarb in greased baking dish. Mix . flour, oats and sugar. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse bread crumbs. Sprinkle .mixture over rhubarb and bake at 3750 until rhubarb is tender and topping lightly 'browned, about 30 min- utes. Five to six servings. GREENHOUSE CUCUMBERS As an ingredient in a tossed salad,„ the, cucumbers has few equals. Look for. the Canadian - grown greenhouse varieties now at the food counters.-- They should be. firm, • fresh -10010m, , well -shaped and of ...good', Color, whether --a 7neditnn, or dark green, GreentOttae Members are uniforinly Sized, mad graded Canada No. .1, Some 'Varieties have a whitish eOler at the tip, They are often Waxed; eomercialJ ly to improve appearance. Cucumbers ea1 . be -Sliced or diced and tossed lnto a mixed salad, with tomatoes, radishes and green onions. They. are at- tractive as garnishes. They may besliced or ,cut in thin strips or wedges. Try slices of cucum- ber, lightly salted, between bread slices as an addition to a plain Peanut butter) sandwich. You will be surprised how fla- vors and textures pleasantly complement each. other. Home .economists, have in- cluded a recipe for a cool, crisp . "Apple, Cucumber and Sot* Cream Salad": It makes enough for 6 servings and uses just one cucumber. APPLE, CUCUMBER AND SOUR CREAM SALAD 1 cup' thinly sliced apple; 1. medium , cucumber (about 6 inches long) 1 tsp. lemon juice; % tsp. salt; 1/8 tsp. pepper; 2 tbls..finely chopped onion; 1 cup commercial sour cream. Peel and slice ucumber thin- ly. Add apple. Sprinkle with le- mon juice, salt and pepper. Add onion and sour cream. Chill. Six servings. OTHER RECIPES CHOCOLATE CHIFFON CAKE % cup cocoa; 1 cup boiling water; 1% cups sifted pastry flour; 114 cups sugar; 1 tbls. baking powder; 1 tsp. salt; 7 egg whites; % teaspoon cream of tartaT; 3/2 cup -sugar; % cup salad oil; 7 .egg yolks; 1 tsp. vanilla. Combine cocoa and boiling water, then chill. Fold yolk mixture into mer- ingue. Pour into ungreased 10 - inch tube pan. Bake at 3250 until cake springs back when pressed lightly, 70 to 75 min- utes. Immediately invert cake pan and leave until cold. Ice with Cocoa Butter Icing. COCOA BUTTER ICING Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in remaining % cup sugar until stiff peaks form. Make a well in the dry hi- gredients. Add dil, egg yolks; baking powder and salt. Sift flour, the 114 cups sugar, cocoa mixture and vanilla. Beat until smooth. 1/3 cup butter; dash salt; % tsp. vanilla.; % cup cocoa; 3 cups icing milk; % cup milk or cream. Beat butter, salt and vanilla until creamy. Add cocoa and 1 cup icing sugar. Beat until smooth and fluffy. Gradually beat in remaining sugar alter- nately with milk. Makes enough to ice sides and top of 10 -inch tube cake. WANT ADS BRING QUICE RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime I 1967 FORD CUSTOM, 4 -door, V -8g auto- matic, radio, new tires, new paint. Lk. H48-156 , 2495 1966 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, 10 -Pas-$ Lic. 982-94X. senger, V-8, auto., P.S. and IP.B., Radio2595 , 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500, 4 -door, V-8,$ Auto., Radio, Lic. H47-187. 1795 1965 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF, 4 -door,$ le eh O V-8, automatic, radio, must be seen to L OV be appreciated. Lit. H47-190 1965 'CORVAIR MONZA, hardtop, 4- $ speed, radio, low mileage, Lic. H47-189- 1295 1963 FORD GALAXIE 500, V-8, Auto.,a .P1195 P.S. and P.B., Radio, LIc. H47-188. LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Phone 235-1640' Meta' eg^r1T-r^,r, ACROSS 14,Inder, ground part* of plant 6 - Royal 11 -Multitude 12.A state 14 -Spanish article 15 -Clayey earth 17 -Apportion 18-6wiss river 10 - Latvians 22 -Expire 23- Heavenly body 25 - Leaks through 27- Hypothet. ical -force 28. Warm 30 -Nuclei 32.Sacred image 84 -Portico 35 -Broadened 38 -Satiates 41 -Paid notico 42. Nerve networks -44-Thisue 45 -Tear 47- Babylonian hero # 49 -Catch 50 -Burrowing animal • 52 - Encomium 54 -Symbol for tellurium 55 -Stationary Part of machine 57. Moro beloved 69 -Show principals 60-Chernicai compound DOWN 1 -Tell I- King at Basilan 3-k-ubricate 4.Instrun'sent 8 -Dirks 6-Llets r.Toutotto deity stone a -matured 10 -Medicinal Preparation 11-Fowest 13 -Want. 16 -Walk 19 -Swift 21 -Blemishes 24 -One borne 20. Errnino 29-Recipitint of gift 31-Madt Of eats 33-MiesNes 85, -lets 36 -Imbeciles 37 -Face of watch 39 -Click beetle 40 -Sword , PIERCE PrJORP MEMELE MMERIVN ES Einem EMU ram MOM MEM MEM EEEEM ME MEMO MEMEOEU EMU MOE EU0EOMM nume 00 MIMEO MBE EEO MEMO MEM EEEM MORO WE COEEMOMEEMEW MEM OEQ00 3014TION 43 -Positive pole 61 -Greek letter 46 -Real estate 63 -Consume map 56 -Conjunction 48 -Matures 58-Notof scan _ '11.1.111 .-. a :..... mA iiiIEN11111111111M11111111 iiillii1M1111111111111M111111111 allilliriE!!!!1_,.1.12.1aiistam 1111111111EP 11111111111111 INE.,..:.:.:e.:,,, 1111111111111mMal111111111111111:X.:$:4 11111111111111111itnillilliiii illin11111111111MMillilill 11111111111M1111111111%11111 1111111111B:611111111111itailll ii11111111111i111101111111111111111111 iiiiiiii1111111i111M61111111111111M Mark 23rd Birthday The O.E.S. held' their 23rd birthday party at the Orange Hall, Saturday night. • A pot -luck supper was serv- ed by ladies of the L.O.B.A. • James Doig, Worthy Patron, was master of ceremonies and Mrs. Janet Baker, Worthy Mat- ron, extended a welcome. Mrs. Winnifred McPhail pre- sented Mrs. Sharon Deihl with a gift prior to her departure for Stratford. Mr:' Doig, W.P., told of the Work of Mrs. Flora Dalrymple with the Seaforth Chapter for many years as Chaplain and Mrs. Janet Baker pretented the guest of honor, Mrs. Dalrymple with a life membership. Dave MacLean introduced the reuest speaker Rev. D. Steven of • Egmondville. Mr. Steven, an O.E.S. Esterai winner gave an interesting talk on Morality. Mx. Doig thanked the speaker. Mrs. Francis Storey and - daughters Venda and Evelyn favoured with musical number i and Miss Oldfield step danced. A few games of euchre were played,winners being Mrs. Lily Wright, Miss Janie Southgate, Mrs. Cora Barrows. LEAN BUtT PORK CHOPS, LEAN PEAMEAL Cottage Rolls Ib. FORE SLICED BREAKFAST BACON EsTows BREAD Ib. 59 LOAVES 89 SLICED PORK LIVER SLICED BOLOGNA PEAIIVIEAL BACK BACON 2 lbs. 69c 2 lbs. 49c lb. 79c Dollar Specials PURE PORK SAUSAGES 2 lbs. MOO LEAN BEEF PATTIES 2 lbs. $1.00 MEATY PIG TAILS 4 lbs. $1.00 FRESH SIDE PORK 2 lbs. $1.00 WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 GIGANTIC PZEllil M ER 1966 Olds. Fordor, V-8 Auto., Radio 1967 Custom Fordor Ford, 6 Standard with Radio 1966 Cbmet Fordor V-8 Auto., Radio, one Owner 1466 Comet 'Todor H.T., V-8, Standard, Radio 1966 Ford Fordor, 6 Standard, Radio 1966 Volks., Todor, Radio 1300 Model 1965 Fairlane Todor H.T.,, V-8, Standard with Radio 1965 Plymouth Todor V-8, Auto., Police Car 1965 Ford .Fordor V-8 Automatic, Radio 1965 Ford Galaxie 500XL Convertible, V-8 Auto., Console Radio, Real Summer Car 1964 Ford Galaxie -500XL Todor H.T., V-8, Auto., Radio, P. Brakes, P. Steering, Vynal Roof 1964 Ford Todor, 6 Standard., Radio .1963 Mercury Fordor, Auto., Power - Steering, P. Brakes, P. Back Window .1963 Ford Galaxie 500 Fordor. Real sharp, must be seen to be appreciated 1963 Ford Fordor V-8 Standard 1962 Ford Tordor V-8 Standard 1958 3/4 -Ton Pickup 6, four on floor, with box 1959 1/2 -Ton 6 Stan- dard '1959 --3/4-Ton Pickup CLEARANCE SALE 'OF MOTOR BIKES 5 NEW 3 USED PRICED TO CLEAR GEORGE CUTLER Clinton Representative Phone 482-9782 — Clinton CLEAVE COOMBS Seaforth Representative Phone 527-9016 Seaforth Mercury — Meteor — Montego — Cougar — Falcon — Cortina Mercury Trucks 263 Huron Road GODMICH, ONTARIO Phone 524-6271