HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-05-02, Page 3NOTICE For Co. Insurance W. AR WRIGHT Phone 5274464 — John Sf. SEAFORTII Cotipletsi Coverage for: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability ' • Employer's LiabilltY • Accident and Sickness • Fire; 'Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance I; Savings • guron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance Of Staffa arne •Women's Mrs. Ed Chappel was hostess for the annual meeting of the Staffa 'Women's Institute held in the township hall, Wednes- day. There were 18 members present and the roll call was answered by the paying of fees for the coining year. Members handed in their pen - WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS:Dial 527-0240 -7T-.IlymaSter ACDING MACHINES ............ 'VP) End household fig- uring problems with the new exciting Tallyraaster from Victor. The built-in carrying handle lets you take it anywhere -hand operation lets. you use it anywhere. Repeat key for mul- tiplying, adds and prints •• permanent record. Other models also subtract. Weighs just 10 lbs. Available from 7950 00 SCM Smith -Corona TYPEWRITERS • .^, ' ,• fr'• , J.L4- ,Fr „Ix fitre re C1:34:1;.) gro g'•cit) 17, e '414 Space - Space age styling, plus precision. These lightweight models have all the most wanted features. Delightful to work with --- an exciting travelling ,companion. AVAILABLE FROM, $69'95 Dial 527-0240 -- Seaforth Officer.. at Institute meeting nibs for friendship., and their articles for the Northern On- tario bale. Mrs. Ross McPhail volunteered to present the In- stitute trephy at the music fes- tival Friday evening. Miss Vera Ilarabley presided for the program and used, as her motto, Lea for the best, it is often near, you, Mrs. Russell Worden read a clipping, "the song of the lazy farmer" and Mrs. Robert McCaughey favour- ed everyone with a piano instru- mental. Mrs. Ross Smale and Mrs. Frank Flamilton had as their special feature, three girls from the Hibbert Slioe Packers 4-H Club, Misses Rae Butson, Judy Jeffery and Sandra Gray, who put on their demon- stration on storing out of sea- son clothing yvhich they will give at achievement day in Mit- chell on Saturday. Several ladies who had taken the recent hat course displayed their spring bonnets. , The standing committee re- ports were all presented. Mrs. Charles Douglas, on behalf of the nominaIing committee pre- sented the slate of officers for 1968-69, which are: Past president, Mrs. Carter Kerslake; president, Mrs. Ed. Channel; vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; secretary -treasurer Mrs. Ross McPhail; assistant secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Douglas; district director, Mrs. Carter Kerslake; alternate dis- trict director, Mrs. Russell Wor- den; directors, Mrs. John Mil- ler, Miss Vera Hambley, Mrs. Cameron Vivian; pianist, Mrs. Robert McCaughey; assistant pianist, Mrs. Ross Smale; audi- tors Mrs. Wib Glanville, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; press reporter,. Mrs. John Templeman; sunshine committee, Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Mrs. George-- Vivian; curator, Mrs. Cecil Bowman; Tweeds - mull.. committee, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Lyle Worden; Mrs. Tom Scott, Mrs. Les But- son, Mrs. Alvin Barbour. Branch standing committee conveners: Agriculture and Can - ALL TYPES - INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 427-1610 : Seaforth BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR . HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot .• Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth adieu industries, Mrs, j.ohn TeMpleman, Mrs. -Charles Doug- las; Citizenship -end Eatte.ation, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Miss Vera ganibley; .Histerigal ..Research and Current -Events,..,Mra.- fieor- ge Vivian, Mrs. Russell Woplen; Home Economies 4141. Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Mrs, Cam- eron Vivian; Resolutions, iMrs. Sam Norris; Public Relations, Mrs. Wib Glanville, Mrs. Garnet Taylor is visiting with relatives in the Western provinces. Present Awards to Staffa 4-H Girls from both Staffa No: 1 and No. 2 4-11 Homemaking clubs participated at. the ach- ievement day for Clothes Clos- ets up to date, held in the Crys- tal Palace, Mitchell on Saturday when Staffa No. 1 girls presen- ted a denionstratMn on storing out of season clothes with Rae Butson, Judy Jeffery and San- dra Gray participating. Staffa No. 2 girls- set up an exhibit on good equipment and arrange- ment in the 'clothes closet with Francis Scott giving the com- ments. Leaders of Staffa No. 1 club are Mrs. George Vivian and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery and leaders of Staffa No. 2 club are Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs. Charles Douglas. Receiving their provincial honors Saturday, were Heather Daynard and Joanne Temple- man, Staffa No. 1 and Bonnie Miller and Marg. Warden, Staffa No. 2. Judy Jeffery from Staffa No: 1, received, her county hon- ors. First Church Group The Easter thank -Offering meeting of First Church \VMS was held in the church hall with -visitors from different churches attending The meet- ing was opened with Call to Worship by the President, Mrs. Francis Coleman, a poem "The - Legend of Violets" and hytnn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross". The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Robt. MdMil- la,n. Prayer was offered by Miss Jennie Hogg and a duet by Mrs. D. 0. Fry and Mrs. MacGregor "Near to the Heart of God?' fol- lowed. The_offering was receiv- ed by Mrs. Chas. McKay and Mrs. Jas T. Scott. Mrs. Jack Thompson read a poem "Something Good About You" and introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. McCarron of Brus- sels who took for her topic "Christ Our Hope" and stressed that Christ should be lived in our 'daily life as well as on Sunday and not let Christ take second place:, Miss Jean Scott thanked the speaker and those who took part. "The Day of Ressurrec- tion" was sung. See for Yourself, That When We Have a Sale WE 'HAVE A.. oSALE! For The Benefit of the General Public our V.I.P. Sales Tags Will Remain on All Our Merchandise For One More Week ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 4th COME IN — BROWSE AROUND GIANT REDUCTFONS ON ALL APPLIANCES, BEDROOM SUITES, LIVINGROOM SUITES, TELEVISIONS AND ALL SMALLER ITEMS NG ERIC SALES & SERVICE SEAFORTH PHONE 527-0290 r. fienSalt.. iri.'W.0.1 Londoner. JOHNST9N-,-KY1-; Hensall United- -Church -was the setting for a. quiet but pretty wedding Friday, April 26th, 1968, when Rev. Ilarold F. Cur- rie united in marriage Lynda Suzanne Kyle, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs, Byron Kyle, Hensall, and Douglas Gerald Johnston, of London, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Johnston, Belgrave. For her wedding the.. bride chose a three-piece aqua green walking suit with accessories in black, a corsage of yellow roses and white stephanotis complet- ing her ensemble. Maid of honor, Miss Linda Wil- son, London, wore a grey and white check two-piece suit with black accessories, With corsage of white daisies. Mr. William Hoggarth, Clin- ton, attended the groom. Fol- lowing the ceremony, •a buffet luncheon was held at the bride's home. Followhig their honeymoon to Northern Ontario, the young couple will reside at 81 Cen- tral Ave., London. Prior to her marriage, the bride was honored at several pre -nuptial presentations. Mrs. Yvonne Beady, London, held a surprise shower; a surprise shower was held at the bride's parents' home in Hensall, ar- ranged by Mrs. Ken McLean an Mrs. W. J. Cameron. Mrs. Dave Kyle and Mrs. Boy Brock, aunts of the bride, entertained at a Miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Brock and Miss Linda Wilson of London, was hostess for a shower. News of Winchelsea The Elimville UCW met on Wednesday evening at the church with Mrs. Sanford Hut- ton and Mrs. Elson Flynn in charge. Mrs. Reit. Miners show- ed pictures on Japan. Mrs. Mur- ray Coward sang a solo. Mrs. Howard Johns read the scrip- ture and a ten cent tea was served by unit one. Mr. Roy Clarke of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Dan- ny. Mrs. Annie Veal of Exeter is staying for a while with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family. Mr. Gorodn Prance is a pat- , ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Parsons and family of near Exeter, visited , on Sunday with Mrs,' John Cow- ard. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hutton and Debbie of Listowel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Dianne. Mrs. Gerry Grubb and Mich- ael of Farquhar, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern at- tended the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs service on Sunday morning at Main St. Church, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. William Bier - ling of Dashwood, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stephens, David and Doris. News of . DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert, Timmy, Sandra and David of Clarkson, Miss Rosemary Eck- ert, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McFadden, Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ryan, Gary and Stephen of Alvinston, with Mr. and Mrs. George Voville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary and children with Mrs. Frank Evans. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney. Among those who attended the I3utters-Flood wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Don Coyne, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and family, London; Ron and Rita and family, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs, Allen Butters and daugh- ter, Hamilton; Mr. Gordon But- ters, Toronto, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters also. INVEST Ina, Guaranteed Trust Certificate DONALD G. EATON Office in Masonic Block Milli St., SEAFORTII Phone 527.1610 THIPt HURON iOXPOsITOR, SEA,FORTIF4 Otirti OAY, POP ^ ,..t40f1 FAR IS rf TO PRII46DAI.E? 4•-eirr, - SAFFAITV ON THE ROAD 4.11 Z, -:) ,• ..:;:.- UNI OYAL • BUT TN' WAY *1it44:4 HAS, 40NR UP I.ATELY,,-; RaCK014 'ROM) spiaory Five BY NM. **7 'Doi* Ti:rowiTHu46 YOU ""'to , CAN DgPEND OH HOW 13405 VIANISDERFUl• 8ERVICII,OF ce4hcAtefig IHEY4IVENtO - 0.44;VALte rpRADOI.I.AR, . 41JARrg un§r. di* • A COMPLETE STEREO SOUND CENTRE Seaforth Motors now are fully equipped to supply - the ultimate in Sound Entertainment, , Choose from a iiide range of 8 -Track Stereo Tapes and: I Tape Players. Perfect for Home, Car or Boat INTRODUCTORY OFFER May 3.to 10 Only 8 -Track TAPE !LAYER only $59.95 installation extra CSPECIAZ SALE 1967 PONTIAC, A.T. Lic. 252472 1966 FORD, A.T., Radio, `f8", 1159943 • 1966 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN A.T., P.B., PS., Radio Lk. H58933 1966 CHEV. A.T. Lic. J11620 a . 1964 CHEV. — 1162149 1965 FORD SEDAN, A.T. — 1159927 s 1965 , OLDSMOBILE A.T., P.B, P.S. and Radio Lic. H58-314'' 1963 CHEV. COACH A.T. — Lic. E92-699 F. 1963 CHE'VY II — 1139339 1961 CHEV. SEDAN — E98041 UNIROYAL LAREDO The Rain* Tire LIST 693 x14 white 34.80 695 x 14 black .30.95 825 x 14 white 44.60 825 x 14 black 36.95 SALE PRICE 16.75 15.00 28.00 26.00 855 x 14 white 48,55 30.00 855 x 14 black 43.15 27.00 -815-x-1-5 white-, • • ., • • • • - • 4460- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -22-.1Xf 815 x 15black 39,65 845 x 15 white 48.55 845 x 15 black 43.15 19.75 30.00 , 27.00 414267 Nome. 527-1150 • SEAPORTH Lot Open Evenings to 9 pan. L.