HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-05, Page 88. COM TO D. M. CIORDON'S FOP YOU Ghristmas .. , Groceries Very Special Bargains in all fine lines of Pure Groceries. Qnr prices will please you, because you will save money. We are not given to " blowing," but we know that we give our customers as good value (we will not say better) as the fallow who " blows " the hardest. Always at the top notch for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and all lines of Good Poultry. D. M. 6ORION 0 "The Little Eaton" The Scotch, Irish and English, along with True Canadians, are welcomed to our S ecem tial er r 1l=1i A Bang -Up Money Saver ! ! A Bran New Stock with Reduced Prices to help through the Christmas Times ! ! COME RICHT ALONG WITH YOUR TRADE AND CASH Bring Your List and Friends ! ! Get in Early ! Some Rare Snaps ! New Store ! New Goods! New Faces ! We are pleased to show you : FOR LADIES 33 Ladies' Cloth Coats, 46 to 52 in. long, 32 to 42 bust, in plain black, blue, brown and wine shades ; December spe- cial, reg. $10 to $14, for $8.88 46 Ladies' & Misses' Cloth Coats in light and dark tweeds, golf plaids, self trimmed, vel- vet piped, velvet and braid trimmed, a1 good long coats, sizes from 10 years up to 40- ' inch bust; regular $8.50 to $12. December special.. $6.98 Art -.47 I10 Natural Sable 2 akin Scarfs,'6 tails, good. full 'furred; reg. $9 00 to $10 00. December special . $5.49 6 Natural Sable Muffs, empire shape, dark full furred; reg. $11.00 to. $13 50. December special $10.00 9 Natural Sable Soarfe, CO in. long, trimmed with orna- ments and tails, good quality, dark full furred; regular $14.00 to $16.50. December special ........ $12.98 18 Ladies' Wool Golf Jackets, in plain and fancy reds, bine, black and white, trimmed brass buttons; reg. $1.25 to $1.50. December sale 98c 12 dozen Ladies' and Children's Worsted Hose, size 7 to 10; reg. 35o to 50o. December special... 25e 10 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, beautifaIly-lined and quilted, sizes 34 to 40. length 27 to 36 inches; reg. $32.50 to $40 00; December special $24.50 11 1 z ylltit' Sl EchAL IyftICZS ON Fur Setts, 13'ur:ined Coats, Persian Lamb, Near Seal, and Coon Coats. Also Pur Collars for Ladies' Cloth Coats. NOTE, We can cry clean and make like new, light tweed Coats which are *Merl aril dirt'y. Per coat $1.79 FOR MEN 10 do en Men's Heavy Leather Ws, calf faced, continuous bnmb, wag sewn, knitted wool lined; reg. anywhere, ' 75c; December special 10c Dean's All -Wool Black Sweat- ers (heavy), suitable for hard work; reg. $1.00 and $1.50; December special,980 5 dozen sample Winter and Fall Caps, in corduroy, tweeds, blues and blacks, fur inner band, newest styles; reg. 50o re to $1.255. December special 490 22 Tweed Overcoats, in plain blacks, greys, browns and black and white stripe and checks, 50 inches long, 34 to 42 bust, latest style; reg, $8 50 to $12.50. Dee. sale $7.98 4 dczen Dark Brown Kid Gloves, wool nap lining„ dome fast- ener, good stook. and dur- able; reg. $1.00 and $1.25. December Salo 79c 9 extra Brown Calf Coats, No1 Astrachan or Persian Lamb Collar, soft oily Skins; reg. $35,00. December Sale, . 29.510 4 Plain Jet Black Galloway Calf Coats, soft pliable, farmers satin, quilted. leather shields and wide cuffs; reg. $27 50. Deoomber Sale $19.751 0 Dark Grey Irish Freize Pea Jackets, double breasted, high storm collar, heavy tweed lining; Reg. $5.00. December sale $3.08 12 dozen Fieeoed•lined Shirts and Drawers, extra good fleeces and well finished; reg. $1.25 to $1.50. Deeember Sale, each t.. 49c 21 Boys' School Suits in dark tweeds, all wool; also blue eerges; reg. $5.00 to $G 00. December Sale.......... $4449 i3 dozen Alt -Wont and Worsted Swent0rly, Olga end fancy la tine, ague, 1'eci ,,ritill girl withattt stripes; reg, 630 and 00o. DeOerobef $410,*„tt:t:tit i9n 7 Men's Leather and ()Wordy Reversible Coate, 11.)3.1K. goods beet in Canada; reg. $7.60. Daoember Sale.. $5.98 Extra special prices on Men's 11'nrlined Coats, Ptir Collars, Caps, Par Coats in Coons, Wallaby, Galloway Calf, Russian Calf, Horse Hide, Dog. All furs guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. TIM WINE 7 [AM TIMES, DRCI':MBER 5, 19Q7 MINOR LOCALS. --IS B. Gunn, M. P. for South Nitron is ill with stomach trouble at Ottawa. --Extra Obaistmaa advertising has crowded the columna of the Times this week. --Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board next "Tuesday eveniog, —Brantford business men are talking of running their business on the strictly cash basis. --Hullett ratepayers will likely vote to repeal the Local Option by-law passed three years ago, —Wingbam merchants are ready for the Christmas trade. Do your sjhoppiug early and get first choice, GEORGE C. HANNA. 1 1 —Station agent Henry has moved his family from Brussels and will occupy Mr, Thos. Bell's residence. —It is expected that trains will be running on the new line of the 0. P, R. into Listowel early in January. —Mr, Hugh Murray, Hamilton, Grand Secretary of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Canada, died suddeuly on Friday. —Mr. Geo. Powell, of Blyth shipped a large quantity of turkeys and geese last week from Wingham to British Columbia. —Don't forget the concert and box social to be held at No 3, Culross, (sometimes known es Simpson's school) on Deo. 17th, —The price of live hoge has taken a drop to 84 05 per owt. With the high price of feed hog raising will not pay at this low pride. —Annual Scottish concert on Friday evening, December 13th. Plan of hall at McKibbon's drug store on Friday Cafternoon of this week. —Dr. Irwin, Treasurer of Wingbam Hospital reports the following donations this week:—R. F. White, $15; Clare Vanstone, Hamilton, $5. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLET A simple and effective remedy for SORB THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico• ripe. Your druggist or from us, 10o in stamps. LSSmLixo, Mmes Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ox •s;siSamiP ti9' 'xoq and s;poo ua;'s;oigO5 otromsaa9 So paealloa Smooth can s;uaugls Zgoaq; aoq;o pun 'ssauosagog 'rptoo 'seenoa —The first concert of the season by the Wingham Citizens' Band on Friday evening was not as largely attended as usual, owing to other attractions on that evening. The program was a good one, —The recent falls of snow have cover- ed up the maddy roads and since Mon- day we have lead very goad sleighing This good winter . weather will help business. —Mr. Henry Patterson, living near Whitechurch, had his leg broken in a runaway accident one day last week. He was returning home from Lucknow when the horses ran away, the wagon turning over. —Hanna & Co have sold their general store business at St. Helens to Mr. H. R. Woods of this town. Mr. Woods is now in possession and Mr. Robb. Allen• who has been managing the business will return to Wingham. —Mr. David Jenkins, son of Mr. Thos. Jenkins, of the Blnevale Road, has been seriously ill with typoid fever in the hospital at Calgary. We are pleased to report that he is now on the mend and hopes to return home in a few weeks, - -Have you a distant friend, a son, daughter, or sweetheart to whom you wish to send a reminder of your attach- ment and fidelity during the approach- ing holiday season? The TIMES fills the bill to a dot as it keeps the distant one in touch with the doings about old as- sociations every week—to any address in Canada till Jan, 1st, 1009, for $1, —Why do so many farmers reg. he Weekly Sun? Because it so pers'. eptly advocates their pause; it ;ithfully supplies the practical fa •• er with valuable information o . all agricul- tural topics, and i t most reliable barometer of matk&foonditions to be found in Canada, What The Weekly Son has done for others it will do for yon. Include The Sun in your reading for next year. La Grippe (Analog' Again, Europe is now in IN grasp, and In a short time Awerioa will be over roti with this awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive measures. Build up a surplus of vigor by Ferrozone, and in hale. Cetarrhozore three Timeseach day. Nothing destroys the grippe germ like alaterrhozone. It cures the cold, brealrs tap the fever, relieves headache and des- tro• s every vestige of catarrh and gore throat. For Bronuhitie, Grippe and winter ills Oatarrhozone is best. Sold by all dealers 25c. and $1,00. The valne of the 1907 crop in the Unit- ed States is estimated at $7,412 000,000, or $G57,000,000 above that of 1906. 4!e Great banger In Headaches. It's often dangerousto consider head• ache a triflieg ailment. It the head aches, the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may be impending. To tone up the stontaoh, to sive it heal- thy aotiou, nothing in modern medtoioeb is so sacoesstul as Dr. Hamilton's Pills The onncentrated vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton's pille have p quieting healthful effect ou the stomach and re- move all disorders, Your headaches will be oared and they won't return. if you nye Dr. Hamilton's Pills Sold everywhere. Farmers and Stockmen, Attentionl If you are feeding stook it will pay YOU to feed beet meal, recommended by all agricultural colleges in Canada and the United States. Get a saok and give it a lair trial. Sold by T, A, Mills, Wingbam. PERSONAL Mr. Hugh Roes of Clinton was calling np Ins Wingham friends yesterday, Miss Hall yY iatGb, of Palati id visiting With Wingham relatteres; Mr: and Mrs, W. J. Neil are holiday ing with friends in Toronto, London, St. Thomas and Milverton. Mr. Thos. Belt returned to Soutbhmp• ton on Friday last. Mrs. 13e11, who is now about fully recovered will leave for her new home in a short time. Mr, and Mrs. Carpenter, of New Yotk, who were recently wedded, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. 3'. Wy1ea, Mrs. Carpenter is a sister to Mrs. Wyles. Mrs. W, A. Currie and niece, Mange Adam* are visiting in Kinc t i e ab the home of the former's brothel', Mr. George Tervit. Mr. Currie spent Suit. day in Kincardine. GIANT TRIPLETS "Ourreney,” r"Bobs" and "Stag" Chowiug Tobaccoes, in big piggy. Quality always the same. BORN. BonixsoN.—In winfrharn. on November 28th to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. itobmson; a daughter. WOCKa. In Culross, on November 15th to M r. and Mrs. Frank Woeke; a son. CoonaANR.—In Grey,ori November' 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cchrane, a daughter. MxLLF.n —In Grey, on November 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, a daughter. DIED Bfsiss.—In Grey, on Nov. 17th, Margaret Byers, daughter ofDaniel and Mrs. Byers, in her 50th year, 4MAn2UIs.—At Belmont, Man., on Nov. 18th, Buelah May, only child of dile and Annie Marquis, aged 4 years and 5 months. hoomusoN,—At Jsinestown, N. Y., on•Nov. 14th. h obert 0. Rogerson. formerly of Morris, in his 00th year. MoMrnnoN.—In Wingham, on December 2nd, Elizabeth H. N. Carter, relict of the late Philip Moiiibbon, aged CO years. Joti0Smote In Howick, on November 25th, Mrs. Alex. Johnston, aged 77 years. IFIEDDRODRODDIDDriniDOPMERMEN OPORMIDDRIEDMIDDIDEZIDERVI . 04 gig �WI CGr,C if. NOTICE. Having appointed Messrs, !; R. R. Mooney and J. Bugg & Son sole agents for Huron Stoves and Ranges in Wing - ham., we wish to notify the public that other dealers 01''claiming to sell Huron goods C'r Lait :111; Ill I5 To Tun WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., WINrri;Aai, O.NT. Gentletrien,—Being in need of a Stove and having purchased one of your man• rtfaoture, we can say, after having given it a fair trial, that we have, found it entirely satisfactory. We have found it syvioeable and effi,oient for every purpose for whiole a stove is required, and we may be allowed to say that it is an ornament to any kitchen. We are, gentlemen, Very truly yours, G, & W. J. Howie, Westfield. do so without authority from us, and we are not in any way responsible for what, they sell or say. Our goods sold. by R. R. Mooney and J. Bugg & Son are fully guaranteed by us to be of the best manufacture, and to; give satisfaction, or money re- funded, It will pay you to call and see a full line of Horne Production before purchasing. HEATERS, from $7.20 to $30,50 CAST RANGES, - 24.00 to 34.60 STEEL RANGES, $27.50 to $37.00 WOOD COOKING STOVES, $16.00 np —ummaisummom ` The Westarn Foundry Co., Ltde - Windham, 4 h-: 1 Vas raz Eµi3 51315, .r...�iumi y hs IN ALL VARIETIES Piain and Uphoistered RANEE 7CM 1'00 to $9e00 Full range of Hand,Sleds from 25c up R. E. SA 1,. NDE S. ca lOvy C4 r C C1 C� i r C,. ',;`",s1ec'✓.7W;tt$i+'at at 4C': _t,Ir��ty\t� Ct✓, � Cp�'rir.•^Cr�,� tie r, hr,itr :,[ • r t, lr,-., t-Cl:]9[ t.�..lC ,, 1, ivS�U�i`•i 'Sq.SS SS' SE✓SSS ell& �Si✓5 When wanting a Stove, call at Young's Big Hardware and see what he can show you at ve5 low prices. a Oak Heaters, coal or wood, frdrn Cast Ranges, 't Steel Ranges, Base Burners, - Wood Cook Stoves, 8,00 to $18.00, 20.00. to 45.00 25.00 to 45.00 15.00 to 45.00 7.00 to 29.00 Call and see for yourself that we have the right goods at right prices. Dohert y's Stoves and Ranges are Unexeeiied 1 CASE CARVERS PIE. KNIVES IN CASE BERRY SPOONS IN CASE i. BUTTER KNIVES ` tiKLK VIN CE Clwisnas ffs. CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS "Young's for odiArrormiiimrioirldirredroarroso YOUNG'S BIG HARDWARE LEARN DRESS MAKING BY MAIL I wilt teach Sanders' Improved • corse by Mail or personal instrnotio • in four clays, at Belgrave, oommenci • Monday, Deo. 9th. The whole fa. ' y can learn from one course, Al w=hing to learn do not fail to see me > , Belgrave Hotel, Saturday, Deo. 7th, from 1 to 5 o'clock only, when I will enroll pupils for class. Commencing to teaoh in Binevale Mon- day, Deo. 16th; see me at Binevale Hotel from 1 to 5 only Saturday, Deo. 14. Commencing to teach in Wingham Mon- day, Doe, 23; See me at Exchange Hotel oa Saturday, Deo. 21, frim 1 to 5 only, when I will enroll pupils for olass. MISS ICErTII, Instrnotor. ANNUAL MEETING. The anneal meeting of : • e White- - churoh Cheese and Butte' aeufactur- ing Co. will be held i • oresters' Hall, Whitechurch, on We. . eaday, Deo. 18th, 1907, at 2 o'cloo •. m. for the election of Directors and :. y other business that may be brought before the meeting. FRANK HENRY, MAC Ross, President. Seoretary. • CATTLE WANTED. The undersigned has to exohange for for Cattle (Cows preferred — One second-hand Cream Separato , in good working repair, Cap. ;150 p hour; one Colt rising one year old; ne horse ris- ing 4 years old, fit to w or drive, and well b k n doubl leo about 20 tone of threshed timot for sale ; about as bright as hay, w a well saved, got no rain. Apply to JOSEPH WHEATLEY, Harlock P. 0., Lot 2, Con. 13, Hunan, 6 miles from Blyth. • TAKE NOTICE. ,i,,t.. �;,, That J. 5, Jerome, Dentist, qi . = is making beautiful sets of bass/ teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber. All work guaranteed. ,. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. DEBENTURES FOR SALE t. The Town of Wingham offers for sale $1850.78 of Local Improvement Debut - tures and $1800.00, of Waterworks Debentures, being interest of five per cent, per annuli. These debentures cover a period of fifteen years,, payable in equal annual instalments during the said period. Offers for these debentures will be received up to and inoluding the fourteenth day of Deoember,1907, Any information required may be re- ceived at the Cllerk'a oiiioe. x. B. FERGUSON, C7lerlt. . zisitrittiii CDLLEVEu ,1 et ,toronte, has started thous- l< = arida of young manandWonaeri en the coy way to irieepenti- IT give d e e<. Let usk epee an ctroe n yostthe right start. Write tee I Cbtalegne alfa plan to evert& the ftext six mantHb rvitlt tiff. Zate7r atby time. Adeltebe W.ff,g19 a:W,l'ritWaal, Tanga ate '�sr iz artd e to arrarei , .....,.A.,........i.dmikommirratabirt h-: 1 Vas raz Eµi3 51315, .r...�iumi y hs IN ALL VARIETIES Piain and Uphoistered RANEE 7CM 1'00 to $9e00 Full range of Hand,Sleds from 25c up R. E. SA 1,. NDE S. ca lOvy C4 r C C1 C� i r C,. ',;`",s1ec'✓.7W;tt$i+'at at 4C': _t,Ir��ty\t� Ct✓, � Cp�'rir.•^Cr�,� tie r, hr,itr :,[ • r t, lr,-., t-Cl:]9[ t.�..lC ,, 1, ivS�U�i`•i 'Sq.SS SS' SE✓SSS ell& �Si✓5 When wanting a Stove, call at Young's Big Hardware and see what he can show you at ve5 low prices. a Oak Heaters, coal or wood, frdrn Cast Ranges, 't Steel Ranges, Base Burners, - Wood Cook Stoves, 8,00 to $18.00, 20.00. to 45.00 25.00 to 45.00 15.00 to 45.00 7.00 to 29.00 Call and see for yourself that we have the right goods at right prices. Dohert y's Stoves and Ranges are Unexeeiied 1 CASE CARVERS PIE. KNIVES IN CASE BERRY SPOONS IN CASE i. BUTTER KNIVES ` tiKLK VIN CE Clwisnas ffs. CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS "Young's for odiArrormiiimrioirldirredroarroso YOUNG'S BIG HARDWARE