HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-04-25, Page 2I P.-. Qsf-, ".411 11 1 1411} SOWS 1860, Serving the Community First published at sriiarolint, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by MeLEAN BROS., PUblialiere Ltd. ANDREW Y. McLEari, Editor Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Audit Bureau of Circulation and Class "A' Commtutity Newspapers Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $5.00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $7.00 a Year SONGpE COPIES — 12 CENTS EACH Authorized as Second Class Malt Post Office PeParinleat, Ottawa SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, APRIL 25, 1968 Tax -Payments In Seaforth For the Brat time Seaforth tax pay- s will pay their taxes in three install - The change, which we would hope is first step towards paying taxes in he same manner in which.we pay for tier services, such as hydro, or tele - hone or gas — on a monthly or bi- onthly basis — unfortunately has re- ulted in a substantial degree of com- aint. This, is unfortunate because much, if ot all of the criticism arises from ack of information or a misunderstan- mg of what is proposed. Looking at the tax bills they have eceived and which are marked "pre- evy", taxpayers jump to the conclu- ion that the amount on the bill rep- esents -one-third of their taxes and hat the total they will be called on to ay by •the end of the year will be up ubstantially from last year. What is not realized is that the pre- evy—bill represents so many mills 6 in the caie of residential and 42 for ommercial — and is not based on a • rcentage of the total bill. As a mat- • r of fact since. the tax rate for the ear has not been decided it obviously s not possible to determine a total 111 11 bill. But it can, however, be estimated quite accurrately. But by relating the mills applied this year to the rate last year it is evident that the pre -levy will represent some- what more than one-third of the 1968 tax bill, assuming that taxes remain the same. As the 1968 rate is likely to be down somewhat the percentage of the total bill represented by the pre -levy - will increase in proportion. These columns on severai occasions have emphasized the advantages of a more frequent payment of taxes. In acting to make possible this year's pre -levy council recognized but one ad- vantage — the making available of funnds as they were required to carry on the town affairs and avoid some of the borrowing that in the pasthas been necessary. If a pre -levy makes sense — and it does payments every two months make everi,more sense. The final bill for the year would be an adjusting bill to reflect the actual rate. The town would be assured of a regular cash flow and the taxpayer who is paid weekly or monthly and not two or three times a year would be enabled to adjust his outgo- to his income. LL' 1 ........._._/"' g- •1 v, td/rP:st-0-1:, • t' ' ••••••', A pri,- • „„kv•-, • \s' • -.4 - r , )\* ' ••••"' oNytt ‹,,tit A t\AP .„th\\.S, .„Ok \ , , .0'1;7; • C• s Iii/We \rt I I . •A44 IVY A' N, From the Imperial Oil Collectiow The first furrow — , the western omesteader breaking ground.. He ched the virgin prairie, beyond the nd of the, railway line by a canvas- vered wagon or s "prairie -schooner" hich he slept hi if the weather was ad or the ground. swampy. At other mes, he slept in a tent. His first hore on reaching his location, was to reak .enough ground to plant a crop.' s established his ownership. He set p a pole at the edge of Ms plot, tied cloth to it, directed his -plow to it, nd drove a parallel furrow beside the mat one, back to the starting point, ot until his plowing and seeding was nished did he begin to build a per - tient shelter. The prairie pioneer in some ways , "How king have you been Waiting to cross?"' , parents conskler me hOPOSSibl6 and that's 'VW '14ftit'ttr kedil • , had an easier life than the first settlers in Eastern Canada. He did not have to carve his farm out of virgin forest, or carry his grain to the mill -on his back over rugged, winding trails. He could haul it to the nearest elevator by.wagon across open land. But his home was often. many miles' from his nearest neighbours. The loneliness was bad in summer and almost unendurable- in winter; some of the early settlers gave - up and pulled out. But by 1911, immi- gration to Canada had swelled to near- ly one third of a million per,year, and most of them were settling on the prair- ies. (This historical feature is one of a - series which ,readers ,may wish to clip and gave.) " -a tHE HOME TWA "Say coach, I understand'you're Iookii for your basketball team, and 1 lust hacton or a centre In the Years Agone THE HURON EXPOSITOR April 30, 1943 Serious car accident occurred just over the bridge on No. 8 Highway, opposite the Lions Pool when two cars crashed head-on. The car going east was occupied by Jack Praiser, while the westbound car was driven by E. C. Davis, Editor Of the Elmira Signet. Boil' cars were complete wrecks. The men Were both taken to the hospital where they were treated. Boys were' skating in the Pal- ace,,,Rink April 21st when there was still a good sheet of ice. The car of Dr, F. J.' Bechely, local dentist, was stolen and when recovered four tires were missing. The ear was found by Oliver Wright Constable 'Hel- mer Snell is investigating. Miss Florence Smith, popular teacher' of school, section no. 2 Tuckersmith, was presented with a pre -nuptial shower at the home ofo Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor, Tuckerstnith, when 50 guests were present. The gifts were presented by Misses Jean Caldwell, Hazel Smith and Gla- dys Chapman. As a result ,of competitions, three pupils of St. James' Separ- ate School'have qualified to en- ter the county competitions at Clinton. Mary Margaret Cleary -was the winner in Grade A; Mary Lou Sills in Grade B and C, Gordon Rowland. Those from the Seaforth Public School, are Grade A, Bruce Dimee, Grade B Frances Jack and Marian Cham- berlain. Miss Merle Keating jhome from the School ..of-PharMacy, Toronto, and will spend a few days here prior to astepting a position in London. • The funeral of the late Ken- neth Jackson, .B.S:A., took place from the home of his brother, Stanleyi, with Rev. W. A. Gar- diner officiating, The pallbear- ers were Robert McKercher, Robert Munn, Edwin Chesney, ;^ Harry Chesney, John Elgie and Ivan Forsythe. The flower bear- ers were Robert Tyndall, James McIntosh, Charles Eyre, Wallace Powell, Cecil Pullman, Hugh Mc- Millan, John McNaughton and Andrew Bell. It is,said Red Cross is always rea4/. for the emergency. This is demonstrated by the fact that the local branch has received 972 four pound tins for this years jam and honey project. ' The inter -school quiz for Tuckersznith schools in connec- tion with the Huron Victory Loan was held in Egmondville school with Edwin P. Chesney as guest speaker. The pupils en- tering the quiz are Grade A, Avis Forbes; Grade B, Bernice Holley; Grade C, Alice Watson. A * * • * * THE HURON EXPOSITOR April 28, 1918 A car load of waste material collected by Cromarty, Staffa, Roy's, St. Columban, Maple Leaf Logan and Dublin patriotic so- cieties brought a cheque from Toronto for $93.31. Miss Viola Ward, milliner for Mr. E. Rennie, Hensel', was in London the first part of last week looking up the summer styles in Millinery. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sproat of Toronto were visiting friends here' this week. They came to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Sproat, - Mr. 'John Scarlett of McKillop met with a serious accident when his horse became frighten- ed at the Seaforth Creamery truck and jumped into the ditch upset the buggy and throwing him out fracttiting seVeral ribs. There has been bitter fight. Ing in the Western Front in Flanders during the past week. Since the Germans gained Mont Kemmel they have been making ceaseless efforts to take all the hill -positions along the Messines Ridge so as to gain a dominat- ing position and thus force the Allies to pull back their lines. The people of Bayfield were shocked Thursday to learn of the sudden death of Victor Evans, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans. He enlisted in the aviation corps and was learning the air plane when he was hit on the head by a propellor. • * * * THE HURON EXPOSITOR May 5th, 1893 Mr. Angus McDermid of Hul- lett is getting material on the ground for the enlargement Of his house. A mare owned by' Tyndall Bros. of the 3rd Con. of Hullett, met with a nasty accident. The hired man was leading it out of the stable, carrying a manure fork wader one arm. The handle caught something and the mare ran up against the prongs, two of, which' entered its side. Two petitions have been in circulation in Melrillop, one for and the other against the gran- ting of a license to the hotel at Leadbury.. It is said that consid- erable feeling has been • aroused - and that many of those who signed the petition asking for the license are now anxious to have their names taken off. At the annual meeting of the Seaforth Curling and Skating Association it was decided to purchase the lots in the rear of the rink for $300 on to which start a bowling green. The following parties have had telephones placed this week Mrs. F. Case, T. F. Coleman, B. B. Gunn, Queen's Hotel, Hugh Grieve,, J, C. Laidlaw, Dominion Bank, and Expositor Office. Mr. James Dick has taken pos- sesion of Carroll's old hotel, which he purchased and intends to keep a first class house. Mr. G. C. Petty, who has mow .ed from Hensall to Sarnia, was presente4 With a -beautiful gold seal, witfi the Oddfellow's em- blem engraved on one side and his nanie and number 'of the lodge on the other. ' Chief Dunlop received a mes- sage- from St. Marys asking if a man named Oaks was wanted here. Dunlop wired back "yes, arrest him at once". They arrest- ed him and started for the lock up. However, the prisoner man- aged .to, get away and ' tuned on them with a revolver in his hand. He made his get away and hasn't been seen since. This was the man who burgularized Messrs. C. W. Papst and Jackson Bros. some time ago. K. Murray and W. Baker of Bayfield came down by "boat from Goderich on Saturday. • Sugar and Spice By Bill Smiley -- GoOD umc PIERRE Everything that could possi- bly have been written' about the Liberal leadership conven- tion has already beep written. But it's spring, almost, and we have a new prime minister, al- most. They're both pretty green, but Summer usually follows. No, I didn't bet against Tru - deal. But I can't see ,a guy cal- led .Winters ever winning an election in this country. We get enough of that nonsense about eight months of the year. As an English teacher, I al- ways look at names for symbol- ic suggestions. Winters has al- ready been dealt with. Hellyer sounds Slightly Like, "Hell with yer, I'll do as I please." Paul Martin. I think a mar- tin is a small bird. And he sure got if from the eagles and fal- cons. But he was a game bird, despite the fact, and deserves a salute for dignity and courage. (I met Martin years ago en- cumbered by a couple of plas- tered Liberals from the sticks, arid he had the same dignity then. These are the people who let him down, after he'd made gruelling trips to Hayfork Cen- tre to speak for some local jerk. Turneu-didn't live up to his name. Tough. No turning. Watch out for him in future. He wants it all or nothing. MacEachen was a disappoint- ment. He's a man of intelli- gence and integrity. But he ran his campaign as though he were running -for-Reeve of Juniper Junction, and even made a bol - lox of withdrawing from the , race. A pity. Joe Gitelle is Joe Greene. rye seen him in, action before. A dangerous orator of the old school: emotional, •convincing, but a pretty fair Minister of Agriculture when you penetrate the verbiage. Sharp was sharp, and. always has been. He- made the right move at the right time, and he's famous for this. Despite a couple of abytimal lapses dur- ing the economic crisis. Klerans Made a great fight,. but whe really feels sorry for millionaire who's ioing to wind Up in the Cabinet, and didn't, have a ghost of a chande in tile first place. Stout chap, though. You can't make much ,of Tru- deau's name, symbolically. How- ever, I think he's just 'possibly a better choice than that ehap caled Laframboise from North- erb Ontario. I have a vague idea Laframboise means "The Straw- berry." And where would we be then, internationally? Eaten, with sugar and cream that's where. All I hope is that Canadians won't go sour on Trudeau when the Gallic shrug, -the quirked eyebrow and the chimpanzee's grin disappears after a couple of months of dealing with all the garbage, a prime minister must • put out. To the constant disgust of my wife and daughter, I knock- ed J. F. Kennedy constantly af- ter his election. I kept saying, ,"Sure he's cute. Sure he has a beautiful grin. Sure he's witty. Sire, everybody loves him, ex- cept 49 percent of the U.S. vot- ers. 'But he's a ruthless politican. When is he going .to do some- thing besides charm people?" I feel the same way about our new prime minister. He's clever, charming,' rich. He's a bachelor, which probably accounts for the rich and -charming. I wish him well. I hope he breathes iiito Canadian politics that fresh new breeze everyone is predicting. But wouldn't count on it. Most of the boys in the press gallery. touting him as the salvation of Canada were saying the same about Dief ten years ago. And they'll start 'Cut. ting strips off him when he fails to' produce immediate miracles. Good luck, Pierre Elliott Tru- deau. I think you might just do It. And finally, goodbye Lester PearSon. I think you were a dandy despite your faults, find I think history ivill record you as sueh. 'Remember!' It takea but a moment to .plate an ExPOsitor Want Ad and be money, in pocket. To advertise, jUst .Dial Seaforth 627-0240, TO THE EDITOR Say Tb.anks For Local Assistance 66 Britannia Street, Stratford, Ontario. Sir: We would value your print- ing this letter to express the deep appreciation of the Cen- tral Western Ontario Branch Board, The Rehabilitation Foun- dation for the Disabled March of Dimes) to the citizens in your paper's area for their generous support in the January drive for funds to support our, 1968 work. Our dedicated workers car- ried out thorough and enthus- iastic campaigns. To them and to our Chairmen we are indeed' grateful, • Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill was Gen- eral Chairman of the Seaforth campaign carried out 'by the Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge. Total raised was $734.87. New cam- paign in McKillop Townahip was Co -Chaired by 11Irs. Edgar El- ligsen, RR 4, Walton, and Mrs. Mervyn Dietz, RR 1, Dublin. Col- lection was $31L40. Mrs. Ciliff Miller, Staffa, again was. Chair- man in Hibbert Township; raid- ing $223.95. In Fullerton Town- ship Mrs. Bert Knott, RR 2, St Pauls, and Mrs. David Davis, RR 1, Fullarton, Co -Chaired the drive and the fund raised was $288.46. Mrs. M. J. Connelly, RR 5, Mitchell, Chaired Logan Township's campaign and a tot- al of $365:95 was realized by the March of Dimes callers in that township. The Foundation's work which seeks to ensure better econontic and personal independence for the adult disabled Is indeed Well supported by the donors and workers in the area covered by the Seaforth "Huron Expositor". Thanking you for your„space, Your sincerelY,- Miss Dorothy Clark, Secretary, District 6, Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled. THE HOME TEAM I 4,4 "It's a dust rag, used to develop strong wrist shots!" AIM TallymasteNG E by 7U 1i L End , .household fig- uring problems with the new exciting Tallymaster from Victor.' The built-in carrying handle lets you take it anywhere -hand operation lets you use it anywhere. 'Repeat key for mul- tiplying, adds and prints permanent record. Other models also subtract. Weighs just 10 lbs. Available from 79.so 0 SCM Smith -Corona TYPEWRITERS qr, 44(4 Pt) Space age styling, plus precision. These lightweight models have all the most wanted features. Delightful to work with — an exciting travelling companion. AVAILABLE FROM ' Nitre $69.95 Dial 5274)240 Seaforth 4 • 7. 4