HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-04-25, Page 1• • Whole No. 5224 109th Year SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 — 12 PAGES • Single CoPlefi, 12 Cents, . OM A Tear in Advent° Receive Home Nursing Certificates Recognizing faithful attendance and successful completion of a nine -week St. Johns Am-- bulance Association course, a nuinber of Seaforth Rangers, Guides and Brownies received preliminary Home Nursirtg Certificates at a mother and daughter banquet Monday night. Here Ranger leader Mrs. D. I. Stewart and Rangers Mary Atm Kunz and Arlene Williams check •over a certificate. The instruction was carried out at Sekforth Community Hospital. (Exposi- tor photo by Phillips.) Mothers Watch as Rangers Receive Certificates A highlight of the mother and daughter banquet Monday night of the Seaforth Rangers, Girl Guides and Brownies was the presentation by Mrs. Donald I. Stewart of the preliminary Home Nursing certificates. They were presented to the 38 successful members of the class who had faithfully attend- ed the nine -week course of in- struction and had passed .the examination set bythe St. Johns Ambulance Association. The instructors for the course held at the Seaforth Community Hospital were Mrs. Donald I. Stewart, Reg. N., Mrs. Edward Southgate, Reg. N., Mrs. Arnold, Stinnissen, Mrs. George Men - wain, Mrs. Robert Beuttenmiller and Mrs. P. A. Bremner. Among the 200 guests attend- ing were Miss Mary McMillan, Goderich, Huron Division Corn- missioners and Mrs. Thomas Lair-, ender, Herisall, Camp Advisor for Huron Division. Mrs. Ronald Broome wag pre- sented with a guider's thank - you pin for her six years of leadership as Tawny Owl and later as, district commissioner. Pictirres of activities at the National Heritage Camp, Mor- risburg; when girl guides from all over the world gathered last. summer, were , shown and des- cribed by four of the six camp - era from Heron County who were chosen to attend — Bar- bara Bryans, Seaforth; Martha Easter Seal Fund Still Short Seaforth Lions Club health and welfare committee,- which sells Easter -Seals to help crip- pled children in Seaforth and district has extended its cam- paign for funds. The committee Is still short of its objective of $2,000.00. Donations should be made in thp pink envelope Mail- ed throughout the area earlier this month, or may be sent to - the committee chairman W. D. Stephenson, Toronto - Dominion Bank, Seaforth, or left at any Seaforth bank. The Ontario 1958 Easter Seal Campaign is drawing to a close with much attention foeussed on the provincial objective and Whether the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and the 231 Easter Seal service clubs reach- ed their goal of $1,400,000. There will also be '16,000 crippled children in—Ontario who will bekeenly interested In the returns, for without the full amount, many could be de- prived of a 'complete program of extensive care, specialized treatment, artificial limb fitting, wheelchairs, braces, slimmer camp holidays or any one of a host of Easter Seal Serviees. Smile of the Week "Doctor, I'm sUffering from tunnesia." "How long have you had it?" "Hai what?" Corrie, Clinton; Karen Kerr, Canadian Forces Base Clinton; and Shelley Lenner, Goderich. The following received the home nursing certificates: Ran- gers, Cynthia Newnham,'Gloria Putman, Mary Anne Kunz, Ter- ry Kunz', Barbara Bryans, Pat- ricia Etue and Arlene Williams; Girl Guides, Darlene Dale, San- dra Laverty, Mary Oke, Vicki Miller, catherine McGonigle, Catherine McLean, Mary Mar- garet Kelly, Mary Jean Fry, • Marlene Turnbull, Brenda Mac- Donald, Janice Schenck, Betty Anne Bremner, Anne Wilbee, Joanne Groothius, Mary Cam- eron, Debbie Learn, Joanne Mel- anson, Catherine- Stewart, Shaw- na Graham, Debbie Elliott, El- izabeth Ball, Rosemary Newn- ham, Althea Stannah, ,Susan Beuerman, Karen Regier, Diane Judy Staffen, Beth Broome, Lauren Moggach, Joanne Hildebrand ,,and Jose- phine Willems. Area Couple Mark Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Baker, well-known residents of Sea - forth, recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They were married in the Vil- lage of Brussels on April '24, 1918, by Rev. J. A. Mann. Mrs. Baker, the former Janet N. Connon, was born in Morris Township and is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Connon of Brussels. Mr. Baker, a life-long resident of Seaforth, 'is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Baker. Follawing their marriage, they moved to their residence on El, izabeth Street in which they are presently residing. Mr. Bak- er, a former employee at Rob- ert Bell Industries Ltd., Sea - forth, for 51 years, retired in 1960 and developed his hobby of gardening into a flourishing business. Mrs. Baker is present- ly, the Worthy Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star and also a member of the Rebekah Lodge. Mr. Baker is a member of the Oddfellows Lodge and the Canadian Order of Foresters. Both are members of Northside United Church. A family dinner in their hon- or was held Saturday evening at the Orange Hall, catered to by Mrs. VelIna Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have a family of one daughter, Janet, Mrs. Albert Kinnear, gt. Catharines; and five sons, T. Alexander, Mitch- ell; Aubrey C., Everett; William C., Dublin; A. Garfield; Harpur- hey; and John 0., Hamilton. They have 18 grandchildren. Many friends and.....relatives called at their home Saturday and numerous messages of con- gratulations were received. In- cluded. among these were con- gratulations from Prime Minis - (Continued on Page 6) MR. AND MRS. ALBERT C. BAKER Figure Skaters Elect .Garfield Balm; BB 2 Sea - forth, was re-elected president of the Seat:eh Figure Skating Club at its annual meeting and his f wife vice-president. Mrs. William O'Shea was el- ected secretary, 1VIrs. Albert Hildebrand; treasurer and Mrs.' Glen Chesney, test chairman. The • Seaforth club, with a membership 4,40 is a mentber of an inter -club group formed by Flubs from Stratford, -St. Marys, Mitchell, Seaforth, Clin- ton, Canadian Perces Base Clin- ton and Goderich, Robert Mc- Crabbe of Stratford is the club professional for the group. It was reported seven more clubs in the district north of Seaforth wish to join the greup." If they do, another club 'professional will be hired to assist in train- ing the skaters. It was reported the successful carniVal held in February earn- ed the club ,.$610. It was agreed that another year the carnival would take the form of a night with more demonstrations of the skatint ability of each child. 'This Will eliminate so much skating time being put on drill work. Lions Visit In St. Thomas Seaforth Lions were in St. Thomas Monday night; guests of the St. Thomas Club. The visit by some _26 mem, bers waS -in rettirit for a4isit by St. Thomas to Seaforth some months ago when the Seaforth' Club 'Ignored charter member Chas. A. Barber. His son, W. C. Barber is a member of the St. Thomas club. Recover. Stolen Tires Tires stolen in Stratford last Nbvember were recovered, last weekend in McKillop, laying ifl a bush on sideroad 5 north of No. 8 Highway. The tires valued at $135.00 were found by Ronald Ryan, of RR 1, Dublin, who reported the find to OPP Constable Ray Prirneau. Injured. • In Crash Colin Ray Bird, 47, of Listow- el, is in Seaforth Community Hospital with multiple injuries as a result of an accident on Huron Road 14, seven miles north of Dublin, Sunday after- noon. He was a passenger in a car driven by his son, James Mich- ael Bird, 16. Neither he nor an - 'other passenger Robert Bird, 7, were injured. The accident was investigated by OPP Constable Ray Primeau of Seaforth. Agree -Mu:nicipalities on.: ODA Zonal Council •• Rejecting proposals to create a MODA zonal council for Hur- on of 14 members and 33 mem- ber representatives at a meet- ing in Goderich Thursday iom- promised on a council of 38 members. It will include rep- resentatives of municipalities in the county. Now that Huron County is to have a zonal council of Mid- western Ontario Developtnent Association, manager Bill Ur- quhart of Stratford and Moda president Orville Wassmann, Grand Bend, asked the meeting in Harbor Light Inn, Goderich, to select the type of represen- tation best able to provide the views of a 'broad cross-section of the county. Huron County councillors who had convened with the Moda group after their regular April sitting held in the morning and delegates from the federation of Agriculture and the conser- vation authorities who had been invited to attend agreed after hot debate that local municipal- ities should be given a voice on " the Huron zone council of Moda. The proposal most.accePtable to 15 voters called for two rep- resentatives from county coun- cil, one from eaeh municipal council (including Grand Bend), one from each conservation authority, one from the federa- tion of agriculture and one from the tourist council — tot- al, 33. Sixteen persons in attendance felt that Warden Cal Krauter, the Industrial and Tourism com- mittee of County Council head- ed by Reeve Herbert B. Such, Goderich, and two representa- tives each . from the federation of agriculture and conservation authorities and the tourist coun- cil would be ideal — total 14. In the discussion which fol- lowed Stephen Township Reeve James Hayter repeatedly stated that he was in favor of the smaller group since it was 'so difficult to get people out • to meetings. He felt that local rep- resentation was good but claim- ed there was not sufficient in- terest or understanding at: the municipal level to prompt dele- gates to attend meetings at which they would receive no remuneration. Hayter said the committee of county council would work hard in the interests of all municipal- ities and would certainly keep all municipal councils informed about progress and decisions. "This committee would func- tion the same as the road com- mittee which considers the whole of Huron County," added Reeve Hayter. • "The Town of Wingham wants a voice on this zonal council," said Jack Alexander, deputy - reeve of Wingham. "Hensall is as much a part of Huroh County as -Goderich is," interjected Reeve Mineie Noakes of Hensall who stated her vil- lage wanted a representative on this zonal couecil. Agricultural Society Elects 'New. Officers The Ladies' Section of the Seaforth Agricultural Society held a meeti,ng last Wednesday evening at the hoirie of Miss Dorothy Parke. Mrs. J. Grummett and Mrs. J. M. Scott were presented with gifts by Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht and Mrs. William Hodgert, in appreciation, of their. untiring Entertains At Seaforth Manor Residents of Seaforth Manor were entertained recently when King Ganham who was appear- ing locally, presented a concert. Assisting in the program were Mrs. Glenn Chesney of the Friendship Circle and Mrs. J. Cardno and Gordon Hulley of the Fireside Fellowship group of First Presbyterian Church. Displays Art At Exhibit Among the artists exhibiting at the annual spring exhibition of the Peterborough group of painters is Neil Broadfoot. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot, be is on the staff of Crestwood Secondary School in Peterborough where he tenhs commereial art. McKillop Reeve Ken Stewart pleaded with delegates at the meeting to give local municipal- ities a voice. He said it was a pilot project in Huron County to set up a zonal council to formulate plans for the econ- omic growth of the area and needed .the views of all munici- palities and from as many peo- ple as possible. Alvin D. Smith, Turnberry, noted that it Was the "demo- cratic system" and should be used in this instance. Reeve El- gin Thompson, Tuckersmith, asked how councillors could go back to their municipalities efforts on behalf of the society. Mrs. Grummett retired as en active member this year arid Mrs. J. M. Scott is past presi- dent. Mrs. S. McCowan and Miss Dorothy Parke gave a full re- port • of the convention held in Toronto and showed a number of slides of displays set up there. The following slate of officers were brought in for 1968: Past president, Mrs. J. M. Scott; president, Mrs. J. McCowan; vice-presfdent, Miss Dorothy 'Parke, secretary -treasurer, Mrs. William Hodgert. Committees, (first named is convendr): Home Economics: canned fruits and vegetables, Mrs. K. Sharp, Mrs. Mae Dor- ranee, Mrs. R. McGonigle, Mrs. Robert Gemmell, Mrs. Ken Campbell, Mrs. George Wheat- ley and Mrs. Alex Boyes. Home Department: Mrs, J. M. Scott, Mrs. R. E. McMillan, Mrs. Sam Scott, Mrs. Jahn Bell, and Wilmer Broadfoot. Arts and Crafts: Mrs. J. Mc- Cowan, Mrs. William Hodgert, Miss Dorothy, Parke and Mr. E. C. Boswell. Floral Exhibit: Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Mrs. Arnold Jamie- son, Mrs. R. W. Campbell and Mrs. Alex 'Smith. ' Elementary School: Vege- tables, Mrs. J. Rose, Mrs. Wm. Strong; Flowers, Mrs. P. Dun- lop, Mrs. Bruce McLean; Cook- ing; Mrs, Frank r Storey, Mrs. Lorne Dale; Crafts and Hobbies, Mrs. J. C. McIntosh, Mrs. J. I. Mantosh. without being able to offer them a voice, on this important plan- ning council. On the suggestion of Bert Such to combine the two pro- posals only six delegates were opposed to a zonal council com- prised of Warden Kreuter, five members of the industrial and tourism committee, one of ag- riculture, the conservation att- thmities, the tourist council and the trades and labor codn- cil — total 38. An executive -secretary to co- ordinate the activities of the Huron zonal council will be pro- vided at no charge for the sum- „. mer and perhaps into fall On loan from a university - prob- ably the University of Waterloo. ' However, next year, the Huron zonal council of Mode will be hiring an executive -secretary of its own to work under Nada manager W. G. 'Urqultartlin the special interests” of Huron. One of the first duties of the newly formed zonal council vvill be to determine objectives and goals for the economic develop- ment of agriculture, tourism, in- dustry, conamerce and essential services in Huron County. ,-.,, "This zonal council will have (Continued on Page 6) Legion Aids SDHS Bernd Fund . When the SDHS Bugle Band parades in newuniforms members of the Seaforth Breech 156 Royal Canadian Legion can take satisfaction that they had a hand in making it possible. The'braneb raised $145.00 at a bingo Friday night and shown handing over the ,proceeds to Jane Sills and Carol Bell of the band are left Peter Jansen and Bert McClure, chairmen of the bingo committee. (Expositor photo by Phillips.) C. of C. In Town Plans for Chamber of Com- merce participation in Sea- forth's 100th Birthday party on July 1st weekend were discus- sed at a well attended meeting. of the C of 'C in the Commercial Hotel Tuesday evening. Tin meeting was in charge of - president, Mrs. Jean Henderson. The meeting recognized the service extended by .R. J. Bous- sey the six years he was sec- retary and presented him with a desk set. The presentation was made by Mayor Frank Kling. ' Officers for the present year were confirmed •and include: past president, D'Orlean SillS; president, Mrs. Jean Henderson; vice-president, Clare Campbell; treasurer, Ed Taylor; secretary, Ken Oldacre. Committees: Co-chairmen: Re- tail committee, Mrs. M. Hoover, J. A. Stewart, J. Wilkinson, R. S. Box, E. Larone; Civic Im- provement, C. Broadfoot,. . W. Smith; Industrial, R. Read, L. Ford; Membership, W. Stephen- son„ E. Larone; and Publicity, A. Y. McLean. In other business the meet- ing agreed that: The annual general meeting Re-elected Grand Chaplain Rev, ,T, Clifford Britton, min- ister ,at Northside United Church,( Seaforth, was again re-elected Grand Chaplain of the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of Canada, in the Province of Ontaria at the 110th Annual Convocation in Toronto Wednesday. W. Elmer Johnston of RR 1, Atwood was elected Grand Sup- erintendent of - Huron District, succeeding William Treble, RR 5, Goderich. Attending from Malloch Chapter, No. 66, Seaforth, were Orville Oke, William J. F. Bell and James Doig. Accepts irthday would be on the fourth Wednes- day in November. The C of C do more to en- courage broad participation by extending invitations to area clergy and teachers. • Four .,of the 'twelve monthly ..meetings be dinner meetings and that ladies nights be in May and November. . The constitution and bylaws he reviewed. Approved a budget based on 50 business and 50 associate members. • ole -Party. In presenting her.report, Mrs. Henderson said there had been thre,e board meetings and one special meeting since February. Continuing, she said: "1968 is. of course. Seaforth:s 100th Birthday._ Vlose committees which are preparing the ground- work for the Chamber's activi- ties, in our centennial year, have been very busy. Your Civ- ic Improvement Committee, un- der chairman Cliff Broadfoot and co-chairman Bill Smith, has (Continued on Page 6) ermy, le Realizes Over $6 0 The annual penny sale spon- sored by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary cleared approximate- ly $600. Draws were made Fri- day evening. In commenting on the suc- cess of the event auxiliary of- ficials expressed appreciation to all who had assited by con- tributions of merchandise and cash or had co-operated in oth- er ways arid referred particular - '1y to Ed Taylor who had made accommodation available. , Cash donations received in- cluded those of: Scott Poultry Farms; Seaforth Beauty Salon; Scaforth Clinic;',T. E. Longstaff; Dave Tremeer; Dr. W. M. Stap- leton; Don Eaton; Wong's Grill; Province of Ontario Saving Bank: Pullman's Barber Shop; Russ' 'Billiards; Huron Fabrica- tors; Seaforth Machine Shop; McConnell .& Stewart; Joe Mc- Connell; Topnotch Feeds Ltd.; Bissett Bros. Ltd.; Ideal Supply; Welders' Service; Paul Maney Fabricators; Boyes' Faim Sup- ply; Taylor's Beauty Shop; Robt. Bell Industries Ltd.; Patterson's, Brucefield; Dalrymple's Bruce - field; Beaver Foods. ' Winners of the various prizes are shown below. The address of a winner is Seaforth unless otherwise indicated. Prizes won ineluded: lotions, (1601) Mrs. Mike, William% E1R4; &cloths, (894) Mr. W. E. Butt; pillowcases, Shinen's, (1482) Mrs. Joe Grummett, RR4; plants,, Staffen's (1704) Mrs. R. -K. Mc- Farlane; car. mirror; Miller Mo- tors (2153) LaBelle MacDonald; tea pot, Goettler's, Dublin, (1161) Mrs. Irwin Johnston. Dish towels, (1811) Mrs. Gor- don Hoggart h, Londesboro; shirt, Shinen's (1865) Mrs, Eth- el McDougall; egg cooker (235) Cora Chesney. RR4; fishing net, Wm. Hart. (4701) DaVid Staffen; fishing rod. (251) Peter Kling; shirt, Bill O'Shea, (1693) G. R. Hulley; scratch pads and pen, Huron ExpoSitor (546) Mrs. Art McMichael, RR1, LOnd,esboro; hair spray, IVfeCluskey's, Win- throp; (2156) K. Scott; cake con- tainer. Seaforth Farmer's Co-op (1815) Mrs. P. L. Brady. Floral centerpiece, Savauge Jewellers (1759) Mrs_ _Florence Kay; oil painting, E. C. Res. well, (806) Marie Kelly; lotions, (1728) Ed riVfaIkus, .Tr.; 10 Ib. sugar; ItIcGonigle's Grocery, (2298) Mrs. J. E. Keating; five games bowling, Nobel Bowling Alley, (2107) Ella Armstrong; picnic boat) Mitten's Brumfield, ; (747) Mrs. Art Nicholson; Ina - or oil, Ziler,s, Bgniondville (1418) Frank Smale; lotions (2012) Mrs, PAL Dalton, Loiti desboro; auto seat coVett,-.801.---• forth Motors, (645) W. D. Stetsb.• enson; chocolates, gtantinien (1707) Doris King. (Continued on Page ,4)