The Huron Expositor, 1968-04-11, Page 12ii-mroot IRON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT,,, AP, CL 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of self propelled ceinbine, 2 tractors, farm maeinery and feed at lot 16, con. 7, Logan Township, 3% miles north of Mitchell on• 23 ligw. on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, at 1:30 p.m. t, MACIHNERY 95EB John Deere S.P. Combine with spike tooth, Raspbar cylinder and air conditioned cab, 3 yrs. old and has done less than 1400 acres; Masse -Ferguson No. 10 baler; John Deere 2010 tractor in A-1 oondition,; I.H.C. model 140 tractor with 2 row scuffler, run only 86 hrs.; John Deere 14'71i ft. disc in new condition; Mel- ee 404t. 6-M. grain auger with power shaft; Innes 'bean, wind - rower; 1, Me'roe 5 section har- row weeder; John Deere 4 row bean puller; John Deere 4 row rear mounted scuffier; Myers sprayer, 200 gallon tank, 20 gal. piston pump; Ford 7 -ft. 3 point hitchmower; John Deere 12 -ft. lime spreader; Kewaneer 9 -ft disc; M.H. 3 furrow plow. — 300 tons Herta Bir- ley; 6,000 bales good clean bright wheat straw; 4,500 bales barely straw. TERMS — may be arranged on combine by contacting pro- prietor not later than 1 p.m., Saturday, April 13. Terms on rest of Chats..— cash. MC G. HILL Proprietor R. G. GETHICE Auctioneer 20-22-1 ESTATE AUCTION SALE 01 farm machinery, baled hay,, straw, 30 -ft of ensilage; cob corn and mixed grain on: TUESDAY, APRIL 16 at 1 p.m. 2 miles south of Clinton on No. • 4 Highway. MACHINERY — Internation- al 504 tractor, 850 hrs., fully hydraulic, heat houser and pul- ley; 3 furrow Interrfational mounted plow; 2001 Internat- ional manure loader; 7 -ft. 6 -in. Kongskilde with 4 -ft extension (like new); Massey -Harris 8 -ft. tractor disc (like new); Inter- national one-way disc on rub- ber; 3 drum steel roller; 15 run International fertilizer drill; Masseyllarris 7 -ft. tractor mow- er (like new) International side rake; Massey -Harris tractor manure spreader; Geo. White rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. flat rack; Pioneer chain saw; 16 -ft. cattle feeder; chicken feeders; 1 H.P. electric motor; Internat- ional pimp for milking mach- ine; 4 inch tile; cedar end posts; lumber; 50 steel posts; Ironage orchard sprayer; 27 bags fertil- izer 5-20-10; scuffler; electric fencer; Beatty water bowls; bolts; snoNidence; forks; ' shov- els; chains; scrap iron; car for scrap. FEED — 500 bales mixed hay; 500.bales straw,cob corn; mixed grain; approximately 100 tons of ensilage. TERMS — CASH Proprietor Estate of the late. HARRY puirmsrEEL HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer FRANK FAULKNER Clerk 20-22-1 21. Tenders Wanted Tenders Wanted Township of Hullett TitUCK T R ' For a new one -ha ton truck with present 1959 Chevrolet one ton used truck as trade-in. Township tender forms which list the required specifications are to be used and are available front the undersigned. Tenders must meet Depart- ment of Highways approval and lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tenders to receiVed by the Road Super- miendent befere 6 p.m. Friday, May 8, 1968 ' GEORGE HOGGART, Road Superintendent RR1, Londesboro, Ontario. 21-22-2 21. Tenders Wanted Tenders Wanted Township of Hullett For the loading and hauling of approximately 20,000 cubic yards of pit run gravel for road construction in the Town- ship of Hulled at the rate of 800 to 1,000 ',cubic yards per day. Work to be completed by july 15, 1068. • Tenders to be received con- taining a certified cheque for $500.00 by the Road Superin- tendent by 6 p.m., Friday, May 8, 1968. Lowest or any tender not riecestarily aceeptet GEORGE HOGG:ABM, Road Siiperintendent RIti, Landeabero, Ontario. 21-22-2 TENDER WANTO For Huron Centennial School. A 3% H.P., four cycle, 20" blade, heavy duty model, lawn mower. Envelope clearly mar- ked, 'Tender' to: J. E. CALDWELL, Secretary -Treasurer Huron County School Area 1, Brucefield, Ontario, by April 30th. 21-22-2 Tenders Wanted MORRIS TOWNSHIP Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m. April 22, 1968, for construction of: The McCall Drain Improvement consisting of: — 3,100 lineal feet of covered drain and catch basins. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. A certified) cheque for 10% of the bid price is to accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk Belgrave, Ontario. , 21-22-2 22. Legal Notices The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION • LICENSING DISTRICT ,NO. 2 Take notice that, Knights of Columbus (Seaferlh Chapter) of the Township Of Hibbert,, in the County of Perth, will mike application at a Special Meet- ing of the Liqor Licence Board, of Ontario to be held at the Canadian Legion Hall, 48 Ont- ario Street North; in the City of Kitchener, in the County of Waterloo, on Tuesday, the sev- enth day of May, 1968, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock D.S.T. in the forenoon for the issuance of a CLUB LICENCE (Restricted) For the sale and eonsumption of beer and wine with meals and beer without meals in • an est- ablishment classified as a club. For the following premises: Knights of Columbus, Club premises, at RR2, Dublin, On- tario -- In the Township ,of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, and being composed of part of Lot.24, Concession 1, as follows: Commencing at the Northerly. Limit, 100 feet from the North West angle; Thence Easterly a- long the Northerly limit, 194 feet; Thence Southerly paral- lel to the ,Westerly limit 249.5 feet; Thence Westerly 199 feet to a point, which point is dis- tant 100 feet from the Wester- ly limit; Thence Northerly to the Plate of Beginning. . Any person who is resident in the licensing district may ob- ject to the application, and the grounds of objection in. writing shall be filed with; . MR. R. B. TROTT„ Q.C., the -deputy registrar of the licensing. district, whose ad- dress is. ing Street West, Suite 402, Kitchener, Ontario, at least ten days ,before ,the meeting at which the applica- tion is to be heard. DATED at Goderich, this 4th , day of April, 1968. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Applicant RR2, Dublin, Ontario, Address 19-22-2 23. Business Directory Ontario Bookkeeping and Income Tax Services Specializing in; Farm Ac- counting, Income Tax, Basic Herds, Five Year Averages, Bookkeeping. ' ALBERT VANDEVENNE 978 Valetta Street London, Ontario Phone collect 471-1724 23-14x4 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton 23. Business Directory CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR *Tight or Day Calls — 527-0510 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIFT Seaforth Office: Tuea., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 noon For Appqintment Phone 5274240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. ,— Clinton Office A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. J27-1643 Seaforth Ontario ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Brittania Road East, Gbderich Phone5e...!-9521 23-14-tf RONALD G. MCCANN . Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; Rattenbury St., phone - 482-9677. Res; Rattenbury St., phone 482-7313 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., VS. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Canis, V.S. W. IL Patterson, D.V.M., VS. P. S. Dwyer, M.V.B., M.R.C.V.S. Phone -527-1760 - Seaforth G.. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth A. M .HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderieh 5247562 ' 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks ta all my friends, neigh- bors and relatives who so kindly remembered me with their vis- its, cards and treats during my stay at Seaforth Community Hospital and again at Toronto Qeneral Hospital. Special thanks to Mr. Whitney, Egmondville United) Church, staff at Sea - forth Community Hospital and, most of all- to Dr. Key and staff at Toronto General Hos- pital who made it possible for my return home. — Robert Up - shall. 24-22xI Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Brumfield- Phone 482-3384 MCCONNELL & STEWART Barriatere, Solicitor, Etc. P. D. 1‘ **MEM, QC- - D. L STAVOIAPIT Seaforth, Ont. Phone 5100680 I wish to thank all iny friends, relatives for prayer cards, visits and flowers. Special thanks to 'Mrs. Jessie Johnson, London, Mat and Alecia Coyne and Mrs. Mike Doyle, while I was a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don and since 'coming home. — Mrs, Thomas Burns, RR2, „ • 24-224. I wish to thank all who remem- bered me while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospit— al. Special thanks to the nurs- es and staff, also Dr. Moyo, •Dr. Stapleton and Father Iaragh. — Tony DeCoo, 24-22-1 I wish to thank my friends and relatives that were so" thought- ful of me while I was a patient in " Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Mtoyo, Dr. Mal- kus and the nursing staff. — Bruce Johnston. 24-22x1 THANKS to DT. Moro, Dr. Scratch and all the good nurses for their wonderful care given to me, to a speedy recovery, to .Rev. Laragh, Rev. Durand and Rev. Stevens for their spiritual bouquet. To all my friends who have sent cards and also visited , me while a patient in Seaforrh Community Hospital: To the K. of C. special Mass intention Offered and to Local 424 for sending cards and flowers from Stratford General Hospital. To all my friends a very warm thank -you, it wag very much appreciated. — John VanGef- fen. . 24-22x1 I would like to thank all those who sent cards and flowers and visited me while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Dr: Brady, Dr. Mal- kus, Mirsing staff and special nurses, Rev. Patzer and Rev. Reinhart. --,-- Mrs. Betty Schade. , 24-22x1 • Glen Carter, 111t1, Londesboro, on SaturdaY, April 20, from 2- 4 and 8-10 p,m. No gifts please. 26-22-2 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs.Clio,' Carter, of Hullett Township, will receive guests on the occasion of their g°1dwedding anniversary, at the home of Iffr. and Mrs. 27. '-Births ISCHE — In Stratford General Hospital, on Monday April I, to Wk. and Mrs. Russel Ische, (nee Audrey Amnis), Stratford, a daughter. DALE — In -Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, ,March 30, to Mr. azid Mrs. Clarence Dale, a, sem • RYAN.— In Stratford General Hospital, ori Tuesday; April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. IL W. Ry- an, Rai, Dublin, a son. McGUIRE ••• In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday ApriF2, to -Mr. and Mrs. Ron McGuire, London, (nee Di- ane Lioeomo), a daughter. BROCKLEFIURST — In Strat- ford -General Hospital, on Ap- ril 4th, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Ken Brocklehurst, (nee Julie Hoov- er), a son. 'ALEXANDER — In Seaforth ,Comunity Hospital, on April Oth, to Mr. and, Mrs. Garry Alexander, RRL, Seaforth; a son. BOYCE — In Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital, on April 7th. to Mr. and MTS. William Boyr:e, Mitchell, a san. POPPE — 1 Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on April 8, to Mr. and- -Mrs. William Poppe, RR1, Dublin. a &ligh- ter. Too Late tELP WANTED — Clerk and, waitress. Must be neat and good worker, experience pref- erred. Apply J. C. Crich. t1 -22x1 WANTED TO BUY — Boy's bi- cycle, 20" by 26". Must be in good condition,. Phone Mervin Dietz, 345-2236. 12-22-1 COMING EVENT — Ball meet- ing. All boys and girls interest- ed in playing softball, please be at the Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce, Sunday, April 21 at 2 p.m. 1-22-2 FOR SALE — Singer automat- ic Zig Zag sewing machine table model. Makes buttonholes, sews on buttons, darns and does all fancy stitches. No attaachments needed. $46.00 cash or $5.00 per month. Write Box 1728, Hu-* ron Expositor. 11-22x2 GROUND 11 o -o r apartment, North Main . Street, available now, furnished. C. Dalton, 527- 0702. 15-224 LOCAL BRIEFS Mr.:, and Mrs' ,Gery Betties and daughter Pamela, SPerit the week -end with relatives in Kit- • chene,r. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moylan of Kitchener, spent Sunday with friends in Seaforth. • MTS. Bill IVIcIVIillan and Mrs. Mike Williams spent last Weds nesday with relatives in Lon- don. Mr. Bernard Witham and Miss Sue Wilhelm of Windsor spent Sunday with Isirs. Mary A. Hotham and Miss Leone Hotham of 38 Wilson, Street. Mrs. James Dennis and daugh- ter Catherine of Cape Breton, N.S. were guests of MT. and Mrs. Frank Maloney and fa•mily. Mr. and MTS. Dave Netzke have moved from 63 Jarvis St. Seaforth to Mr. and 4Vfrs. Seg- eren's cottage on No. 8 high - Way. Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart attended the dinner and recep- tion Friday evening last for Mr. and Mrs. John Murray Of Moore- field who celebrated their Gol- den wedding anniversary. Miss Donna Smale of Park- wood_Hospital, Loriden, visited over the week -end -with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Smale, Wilson Street. MTS. A. M. Clarke of Kitchen- er is here owing to the illness of her sister, Miss Abie Steep. Mi. Kenneth Keating of Hart-, ford Conn., spent the week,. end with his mother, Mrs. J. E. Keating. Miss Joan Bennett of Wal- ton spent the week -end with her grandmother,, Mrs 3v. C. Bennett. Miss Gail Traviss of Walton, was guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Harold Sellars, Goderich St. W. Mr. and Mrs. lVfurcloea Ste- wart of Chicago, 111., were call- ing on friends in town ,and visi- ting his father, Duncan Ste- wart in Huronveiw, Clinton. HOME AND SCHOOL The Horne and School Assoc- iation of Seaforth Public School will meet Tuesday, April lath at 8:15 .p.m. in the school audi- torium. The meeting will take the form of a "Coffee Party" and the the future of the Home and Sclatiol in the ,school will be discussed informally in small groups and then brought be- fore the members to discuss. Please plan to attend and in- dicate your suggestions as to avhether this association should continue or , not. 'Members also are asked to bring articles- for a penny sale. Too Late LOST — Brown and white part Walker and, Beagle hound. Phone 52'7-0884. t1-22-1 FOR SALE — Nine good grade. Holstein cows, due . soon, Ivan Benneweis, RR1 Bornholm, phone 345-2147, I" mile west of 13rodhagen. ' 8-22x2 NEWS of The. April Meeting of the LCW was held last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. I3oy4 Mrs. Irvin Miller and Mrs. Dan Beuerrnan led the top*, "All Lovet Excelling". A lively Xis- cussiOn followed amongst the group. Hymn No. vs, "Praise To The Lord, The Almighty, The King of Creation," was sung after which Mrs. Driscoll led in prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer., Twenty-two members answer- ed the roll call. Thank -you notes were read from the CNIB; Mrs. Henry - Bennewies; and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. An invita- tion was received to go to Strat- ford to the Western District Assembly on April 24. Dona- tions were received from Mrs, August Hillebrecht, the family • of Mrs. Lydia Querengesser, Mrs. Chris W: Leoithardt and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Forty dollars has been sent to mis- sions. Sick and .shut-ins were rem- embered by cards and gifts. Birthdays were reported by Mrs. George Mogk, Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe The hymn "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" was sung In their honor. The meeting was closed withe the doxology and lunch, A pot of Chrysanthemums was placed in St. Peter's Luth- eran Church on Palm Sunday in loving memory of George Mogk by his wife and family. TWQ pots of Easter Lilies were placed there in loving memoity of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rock by the family. Two bouquets of carnations were placed en the altar by the parents of the con- firmants. A Good Friday service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Visitors with Mrs. Caroline Elligsen last Thursday' and Fri- day celebrating her birthday, were Mr: and Mrs. George Wes- enberg, Brussels, Mrs. Irene Hinz, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhard, Seaforth and Mrs. Rachael Ahrens, Brodhag- en. Mr: and Mrs .Lavern Wolfe attended the confirmation of Dennis Hing at Seebach's Hill Lutheran Church on Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz, Sebringville. Mrs. Rachael Ahrens and Mrs. Caroline Elligsen accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Herbert, RR 4, Mitchell, to the funeral of Mrs. Louis Diegel in Waterloo on Saturday. Messrs. Henry Diegel, Dalton Diegel, and Henry Diegel, Jr. attended - the same funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Gary ,Sholdice, Paul, Mark and Judy and Mr. and Mrs. Russell ,Sholdice and Beverley, Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark in Mitchell on Sunday. Mrs. Caroline Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elligsen and family, R11 4, Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligsen, RR 1, Bornholm, attended the confir- mation of Janice Elligsen and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. (ism Effigsen in Kitchener on SpndaY. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner at- tended the confirmation. at St. Peter's Lutheran Church here, Sunday of their grandson,. Ken, neth Kistner and were guests of- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kistner. Other guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brod- hagen, Slabtown, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bredhagen, RR 4, Mitch- ell, Mr. and IVIre Lloyd Brod- hagen, RR 2, Monkton, Mrs. Philip Rock, RR 1, Bornholm and Mr. and Mrs. Don Jackson And family, Listowel, Mr. and.,IVIrs. Willard Benne- wies, Kevin, Keith and Perry attended the confirmation of Shirley Eickmeyer at Grace Lutheran Church, Mitchell and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eickmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Al Fowler, Lon- don, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred Ahrens, Ken Ahrens, Stoney Creek, vis- ited at the same home during the weekend. Mrs. Ray Beuerman, Michelle, Michael, Scott, Randy, Kitchen- er, visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Karl and Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Marks, Exeter, were guests of Mrs. Russell Marks of Walton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bossence, Stratford, visited with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ben- newies on Saturday. Gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vock and family on Sunday fol- lowing Joyce's confirmation were Mr. and Mrs. John Hend- erson and family, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cor- nish, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert French and -Shirley, Brod- hagen, Mrs. Leone Kemp, Strat- ford and Mrs. Lena Bennewies. Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Dietz and family for Darvdin's confirmation were Pastor H. N. Lossing, Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, Dublin, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dietz and fam- ily; Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. -Vic- tor Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Jackson and family, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Carnerie and famiIY, Araulree, Mr. Greg Rau, Seaforth and John Ellig- sen, Walton. "Going to Church" and par- ticipating in the activities of church organizations is not suf- ficient in our day if one is to be a true Christian. You must know where to place the top priority of your time, talent, your treasure and your life in a world that is screaming for your energies and abilities. Our marching orders are: "Put the Kingdom of God first!" Be ded- icated! Get yourselves into God's Hands! Work in His kingdom! Serve the Lord. Study and pre- pare yourselves that you may develop your God-given talents so your life may be fitted to fulfill it's. God-given tasks. Christian responsibility extends to all the legitimate areas of lyour life, home, school, church, recreation, business, civic du- ties, Waal ehligations — where - ever you may find yourselves. God has created you; He has endowed you With your gifts; • He has redeemed pm; Ile has appointed you stewards and managers of the material things 4' you enjoy! Only by putting the Kingdom first — God's love, and justice and peace and for- giveness — do the other com- ponents of life slip into their proper slots, On dark day S as well as bright days in yew life. be faithful to Him who has en- trusted you with so much. 'ff,you are puzzled as to whether mak- ing a living is more important than making a life, gear in on life and you will have a living that brings with it life's deep- . est satisfactions." This is a brief synopsis of the sermon deliver- ed to the congregation and con- firmants at the confirmation service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen on Palm Sunday before a large congre- gationthat filed the church. The pastor, Rev. H. N. Lossing, based his remarks on the text , • St Mathew 6, 31-33. The junior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Pearl Mueller, sang most effectively the an- them "Hosanna". Kim Leon- hardt was the acalyte for the day, reading the lesson for con- firmation and the epistle for • Palm Sunday, as well as atten- ding to the altar candles. Mi. Mervin Dietz presented the con- firmants with their certificates and welcomed them into fel- lowship -at St. Peter's. Those , confirmed were: Ron- ald William Buddenhagen, Dar- win MerVin•Dietz, Kenneth Nel- son Frederick Kistner, Sherri Darlene Mogk, Michael- Law- rence Priestap, , Ralph Lloyd - Pushelberg, Sharon 1Vlarie Rock, Ronald James Leslie Rock, Joyce Elaine Vock, Pearl Ann Wolfe, Wendy Darlene Wolfe, Barbara Elaine Wurdell, Mrs. Barbara Jarmuth and Mrs. Diane Rapien. Received into the church by the .,sacrement of Baptism: Pearl Ann Wolfe. The girls' essay on "What confirmation means to me", deemed best by the judges, was that Of Joyce Vock and read by ber. The boys' essay selected the best was that of Kenneth Kistner and was read by him also. Tribute was paid to Doctor Martin Luther King at the open- • ing of the service with the sing- ing of "A Mighty Fortress is Our God." 6 Euchre Winners _ Winners in IOOF euchre Wed- nesday evening were: ladies first, Mrs. Secord McBrien; lone hands, Reta Orr; consolation, Mrs. Peter Dunlop; men's first, Secord McBrien; lone hands, George Campbell; consolation, John Tremeer. 25. in Memoriam MUELLER — In loving memory of a dear grandmother, Mrs. Rosena Mueller, who passed a- way four years ago, April 9th. — Lovingly remembered by all the g r and ch ild re n 25-22x1 26. Personals Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Baker will be at home td their friends on Saturday, April 20th on the oc- casion of theit fiftieth wedding anniversary from 2 to 4 in the afternoon and from '7 to 9 in the evening. 26-22-2 GOING OUT :OF BLAMES: S.SALE BULOV A WATCH Reg. 79.95 SELL OUT PRICE $49•88 DIAMONDS SELL OUT PRICES , 6 ACCUTRONS SELL OUT PRICES . Too Low To ADVERTISE Transistor Transistor CLOCK RADIO Reg. 79.95 SELL OUT PRICE LADIES' DIAMOND SET WATCHES SELLOUT PRICES FROM $23.88 20 to 30% off 150 omAir 2.50 CUPS and SAUCERS SELL OUT PRICE, $59-88 3 Models from 46.88 While They Last 14 SETS OR STAINLESS STEEL AT SELL OUT PRICES 16 -piece MONACO CRYSTAL Reg. 15.68 SELL OUT PRICE $ 7.84 Balance of 'Cornflower at Sell Out Prices BATTERY WALL CLOCKS (2 only.) VVESTCLOX Reg. 14.95 SELL OUT PRICE sem SAVAUGE JEWELLERS OPPOSITE POST OFFICE " OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. • 11