HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-04-11, Page 11••••': rt,A. ff, USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE " 1, Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. IlelP Wanted • 5. ,Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale Used Cars For Sale 1• 1. Artiele,s For' Sale 12. Wanted To Buy , • 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15, Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23.- Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. hi Memoriam . Personals W. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are Inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word.' Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 minimum 65e. Classifica- e tions 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. All other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. For cash payment or if paid • within 10 days following last - insertion, IS CENTS deducted frem above rates. 1. Coming Events UNIT . one, Northside United Church, are holding a Bake Sale Saturday, April 27th, in former • Taylor Shoes Store, 1-22-1 BAKE Sale - Sponsored by 'Unit 1, Cavan United Clturclk Winthrop, Friday, April 19th, Box Furniture Store. 1-22.1 2. Lost, Strayed ' • SCOTCH Cpllie dog, strayed from lot 4, con. 7 Tuckersmith. Anyone knowing whereabouts phone Albert Vos, 5274465- 2-22-1 NOTICE Will the party who borrowed the wheelbarrow from the Town last year please phone 527-0160 and we will pick it up as it is needed now. - 2-22-1 • "41 • 3. Found MALE, Collie dog, April 2nd, white With black and brown markings, leather strap with ring around neck. Please claim before Saturday, April 13. Phone 527-I287. '3-22-1 4. Help Wanted AVON COSMETICS Needs two ambitious ladies to represent the top quality products. Write or call collect evenings: MRS. M. MILLS()N 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 411 Phone 451-0541. 4-22-1 GOOD news for older mail. Real opportunity for a 'profit- able Rawleigh business in part Huron County. Write Rawleigh, •Dept. D-363903, 4005 Richel- ieu St., St. Henry Montreal. 42241 • CUSTODIAN Applications will be received for the above position. Please forward particulars, age exper- ience and salary to the under- • signed. D. W. KUNDER Secretary -Treasurer Seaforth District High Scheel Board. 4-22-1 7. Situations Wanted • EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work, all kinds, phone 527-0133, Seaforth. 7-21-tf EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work, all kinds. Peter IVIalcolm, phone 527-1664. 7-18-tf - • , 8. Farm Stock For Sale - NINETEEN pigs, eight weeks old, ten pigs 12 weeks old. Le- an •Maloney, RR5, Seaforth, 345-2778. , 8-22x1 4'.6 Help Wanted ONEY 8, Farm Stock For Sale TWELVE pigs, eight weeks old. Apply Jack Patrick, plioqp 527- 0047. • 8-224 TEN -chunks, • nine 'weeks old, Jim Cronin, Dublin, phone 345- 2088. 8-22-1 YEAR old poled Hereford bull, unit sired. John Wain, Rill. Bayfield, phone 524-7065. • • ri• 8-224 ;MEE Holstein cows, fie-sh, two to three weeks. 'Harold Dodds, RR4, Walton. 8-22x1 WHITE faced calves. C. DeCorte RR2, Seaforth, phone 527-1628. 8-22x1 WIIITE faced calf, also 47 pigs. Ted VanDyk, RR3, Seaforth phone 527-1435. 8-22-1 TWENTY pigs, eight to nine weeks old. Oliver Wright, phone 5274727.• 8-22-1, SHORTHORN x Herefoid stock- ers, 5 heifers, 3 steers 550 to 050 Ibs. Lot 34, Con. 9, Logan, Mervin Hodgert, 3.22x1 SEVENTEEN chunks, L.4' c' Ste- wart, phone 527-0897. 8422-1 HOLSTEIN bull ealves. B, Grob - bink, ER3, Walton. 8-22x1 SIX goixl Durham steers, weigh- ing between 650 and 800 lbs. Six Durham, heifers, weighing between 600 and 800 lbs. James C. Kerr, phone 527-0786. 8-220i1 FORTY-FIVE pigs, eight weeks old, K. Boven, RR1, Seaforth, phone 527-1/88. 8-22-1 FORTY-SIX pigs, William Pop-` pe, RR1, -Dublin, phone 345- • 2437. 8-22-1 9. Poultry For Sale • KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 BirSx 160 9 -17 -ti 10. Used Cars For Sale 1958 GMC 1 ton truck, four speed fleetsidei $250. Take trade what have you? Phone 262-5=2. 10-21x2 1963 International Scout truck, 4 wheel drive, PTO; 1958 Ply- mouth 1/6 with overdrive, good condition. Joe Gibson, phone 482-3229. 10-22-1 1961. Oldsmobile sedan with ra- dio and heater, priced reason- ably. Apply Win. Richardson, Queens Hotel, Seaforth. 10-22x1 1958 Dodge V8 automatic, 313. In good condition. Good body, windshield washers, seat belts, block heater, new ..plates. Apply to Hugh Thompson, John St., (Shoe Repair) Telephone 527- 1344. 10-22x1 1962 Galaxie 500, new car condi- tion. 1957 Ford, good Condition, new paint job, new tires, new battery. Ross Love, phone 482- 7252, *Clinton. 10-22-1 1960 Ford Falcon, very good condition, very reasonable, phone 489-W-6, Brussels. 10-22-2 11. Articles For Sale DIAMOND ring sale, 20% - 30% discounts on entire Stock of diamonds, Savauge Jewel- lers, (opposite Post Office) Evening appointments by ar- rangement, phone 527-0270. 11-17.41 FOR SALE - A quantity of Herta barley, suitable for seed. Larry Wheatley, phone 52/1- 0105. 11-21-2 CRUSHED gravel, delivered or at the pit. John Thompson, phone 527-0238. 11-214. AVOID THE RUSH! We now have the facilities and equipment to change and service your: TRACTOR TIRES. Come in and see us now be- fore the spring rush. We also stock most popular sizes. CANADIAN TIRE SEAFORTH 11-22-1 WINDMILL; DERECK, 50' to- wer on the ground, suitable for television aerial. Ross Love, phone 482-7252, Clinton. 11-22-1 GARDEN Rata -tiller, excellent condition, phone 527-0935. 11-22-1 4. Help Wanted PART TIME HELP WANTED CORRESPONDENT to represent DUN & BRADSTREET OF CANADA in this area on part time basis Applicant should have knowledge of general business in this area. Apply by letter stating qualifications and fur- nish local references. Send your letter to: Mr. B. J. Conway, Drawer 423, Terminal A, TORONTO 1, Ont. • •••• 4-22-1 11. Articles For Sale SAVAUGES' going put of business sale now on. Drop in and see the many bargains on display. Discounts up to 50%. Savauge -Jewellers (o P P o si t e Post' office). 11-16-5 BUILDING materials for sale: building torn down; 24 ft. 2 x 8" 2 x 4's; white bricks cleaned; inspect in Village of &eft. ,For information phone 4394566, London. II -208 TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT • JEWELLERS LTD. 11-17-tf PIANOS and organs, new and reconditioned, largest Va- riety to choose from, We (ser- vice what we sell, for ows cus- tomers to the highest degree of accuracy. See see= Sher- lack- Manning dealer for his area and get a trUlY 'fine in- strunient. Many makes and models at Garnet Farriees showrooms at Whitechurch. Phone 357-2068. 11.16 - WANTED - A good home for a Boston Terrier, preferably no children, Phone 527-1131. 11-20-tf, RSILK or packaged garden seeds, chemicals and fertilizers.' Purina Feed and Farm Supply ealer, Clinton Farm Centre, T. W. Durst, Isaac St., Clinton. 11-22-3 • CRYSTAL We have open stock of the following crystal patterns: i• Cross and Olive — $1.00 each Pinwheel $L00 each Flair $1.50 each Exquisite $2.00 each Cornflower at Regular Priees 10% Diseount on Complete Sets Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-214f REFRIGERATOR, large size, $10. K. Hoven, BRI, Seaforth; phone 527-1738. 11-22-1 IXYR SALE - Waterloo No. 40 garden tractor with plough, eul tivator and disc harrow, in like new condition. Boyes Farm Sup- ply, phone 527-1257. 11-21-2 MASSEY' 44 dieltsi tractor, good condition. 947. bissel disc and 8 -ft, cultivator, 13 run Inter- national drill, 3 furrow drill plow, Cockshutt. Joe VardSoreri, phone 527-0098. 11-220 CHOICE second cut baled hay, also wrecking 1944 Fargo truck with hoist and pump, some real good tires, 750 x 20. George L. Blake, phone 466-W-6 'Brussels. 11-22-1 COCKSITUTT Oliver, 3 pt. hitch, 2 row, corn planter, 3 years old,. good condition', John Wain, RR1, Bayfield, phone 524-7065. 11-22-1 ELECTRIC fencers, 110 volts, 30 day free trial, spare fencers and parts for emergency, one year guarantee. Alvin Beuer- man, phone 345-2306. 11-224f A good home for young Beagle hound, phone 527-0100, ask for Mr. MeBeth. 11-22x1 DACHSHUND puppies, nine weeks, reds, also black with tan, registered, Glenreid Kennels, Kippen, phone 262-5052. 11-22-1 WE will take orders for white rock capons, first bunch ready May 21)th, second, June 20th Alvin Beuerman, phone 345- 2306. 11-22-tf TOPNOTCH pig starting days now underway. Help us raise hog prices. Call us for more information. Topnotch Feeds Ltd., Seaforth4, phone 527-1910 11-22-1 Oliver two row sctiffler, suit able for Oliver 60, 60-77, 66- 77 tractors, puller and all equip- ment in new eondition, markers for a Massey -Harris drill, 50 -ft, derick on the ground, suitable for TV aerial. Ross Love, 38 Ontario St., Clinton, phone 462-7252. 11-22-1 SPECIAL - Truckload lots of Ontario mixed grain and corn at competitive prices. Topnotch Feeds Ltd., phone Seaforth, 527- 1910. 11-22-1 ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, $L40 for 75 lbs. Joe VanDenberli, RR2, Monkton, Lot 32, Con. 12, Logan: 11-22x1 BALED hay and straw. Alvin Elligsen, R184, -Walton; phone 348-2886. 11-22x2 CLIMAX 'Timothy seed, Mixed with trefoil. Alvin Elligsen, RIK Walton, phone 3452386. 11-22x2 SEVERAL summer dresses in, excellent condition, size 12. Phone Mary Oke, 527-0934. 11-22-1 SCISSOR hoist, suitable for 10' to 14' rack, in good working order, complete with power - take -off, $90. Ken Campbell, phone Seaforth, 527-0137. 11-22-1 120 basket hydroponle unit. Produces up tp S'S ton of green feed per day testing 97%% T.D.N. This is more feed in a year than 50 acres of land. Cut down your feed bill. Owner has sold the farm and will sell this unit at a fraction of cost. Geor- ge W. Stone, phone 527-0136. • 1121x2 12. Wanted To Buy ANY old svoed-working tools used around the farm. Write 616 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont., giving partibulars. 12-15-8 TOO HURON EXPOMM now's, oto, mot fl, 1�-11 12. Wanted ,To Buy WANTED eidewalle bike, ei- ther boy's ox,' girls, in good con- dition.. Phone 027-1814. 12221 14. Property For Sale BUYING? SELLING?? REAL ESTATE CONTACT William M. Hart SALESMAN .,_SEAFORTtli GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. PROPERTY FOR SALE 200 acre farm with new barn. Very good house and drive shed, in NcEilloP. 200 aere tarp, fair I:111104M some bush, near Lucknow. Rouse end small barn in X131* burn. One lot big enough for house and garden, in Winthrop. Apply to: ALLAN CAMPBELL Phone 5274445 • Or HAROLD JACKSON Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH 14-20-3 PROPERTY FOR SALE Building lot, 715 feet frontage on the west side of the K. of C. Hall at St. Columban, apply to: AUGUSTE DUCHARME SecretaryTreasurer, CRC. SS. No. 2, HibbertLogan and McKillop, RR2, Dublio. 14-22-1 THREE - four bedroom house in Egmondville, low taxes, ex- tra lot, gas fernace: Phone 5217- 0458. • 14-2221 15. Property For Rent 100 acres of land, all plowed and 20 x 60 Harvestore which will hold about 14 thousand bushels of high moisture corn. Drying corn is expensive. Live- stock does better on high mois- ture corn. George W. Stone phone 527-0136. 15-21x2 100 acres grass farm, lot 9, con 5, Tuckersmith. J. D. Malone, RR5, Seaforth. Phone Dublin, 345-2388. 15-21x2 PASTURE available for a num- ber of head of cattle, good grass .and lots of water. Joe Holmes, R114, Brussels, phone 374-J-6. •15-22x2 PASTURE for season, 50 to 60 head. Call 527-0587 between 8 and 9 in the morning. 15-218 18. Property Wanted , WANTED to rent or buy - three or four bedroom house in Seaforth, Marlen Vincent, Vincent Farm Equip ent (for - 1 merly John Bach Fa m Equip- ment) phone 527-01 . 18-21-2 19. Notices FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems and farm line needs. PHONE 482-9561 17 Rattenbury Street, CLINTON "Proudly •"We Service Canadian" what we sell" RUSS ARCHER, Manager 19-17-tf We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone •Seaforth, 52/7-1946, MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin call coll- ect 19-1'74f • NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to ,United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS 'HUNT, ' Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 18, Dublin Call Collect 19-17-1/ 'DEAD STOCK Highest cash prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We Pay %c PER LB. weighing over 500 lbs. Small animals picked up free of eherge. For the most prompt and courteous service in this district Please call collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service -7 days a week LICENSE' NO. 390-C-65 19-17-tf SEPTIC TANKS - CLEANED Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Brussel s, phone 442-W-8 or HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. , 19-17-tf 19. Notices IMBOTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer AlVin Riley, 153 loight- hoise $t., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-17,41 sErric TANKS CLEANED Noun eonlowent. We guaran- tee all Work. Write or Call Ear- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- 1406. 19-17-tf VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen SeleS, Varna, Phone 262-5300, 19-17.41 'WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed • ANSTE'rT JEWELLERS LTD. PhOne 527-1720 - Seaforth 19-1741 leWellery Repairs •• We do all types of jewellery repairs. Ring Sizhig • Itetip Claws Itehtilld Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Aristett Jewellers Ltd. 19-17-tf TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for INCOME TAX - T4's Complete record prepara- tion and maintenance. Phone 482-9260. - 19-17-tf CUSTOM post tole digging and fencing. Louis Maloney, phone 527-1351. 19-22-tf 20. Auction Sales EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of cattle, feed, three tractors, harvester, forage equipment, full line of power machinery, miscellaneous items and some household effects for Egbert Jacobs, lot 10, eon. 14, Ellis -Township on No. 19 highway, first farm east of Brunner on: FRIDAY, APRIL 19th, 4 at 1230 sharp CATTLE - I registered Hol- stein bull; 3 Grade Holstein bulls ready for service; 7 bred Holstein heifers; 7 yearling Hol- stein heifers; 6 white face heif- er calves; 1 Angus x Holstein steer calf. FEED - Approx. 500 bales of hase iapprox. 150 bales of straw; '3 bushels of mixed grass seed. MACHINERY - Cockshutt No. 560 diesel tractor, ftilly e- quipped with L.P.T.O. and hy- draulic, in Al condition.; Case VA. tractor and loader; heat houser and hydraulic cylinder -to fit 560 tractor; Case model C tractor; Ford 612 P.T.O. driven forage harvester, com- plete with 2 row, corn head pickup and cut bar equipped for hydraulic cylinder; new, with new machine warranty in ef- fect until August; Case 5 -bar go.. Auction $00.0 • Ai* rg.le. .140. X season; �, Czeof • White selfroloadlng forage pm; With steel root. on .5 -tett' ceby wagOn; cA...ey .5 to wagon with forage reek and false end 'gatp; NelwIdes. 7 ..ft. power ntOwer; Case J.2 foroge .14.0wer nd Pipes; hiternstitanal No. 46, r,- T.O. driven baler; - Allis-Chal- mers No, 60 P.T.O. driven com- bine with pick-up and pother; M. Moline one row cern picker equipped for hydraulic cylin- der, in good condition; Case Rft. poll typo mother.; Messey- Fergason 12 ft. wheel: disc eq• niPPed fet hYittvilie nearly new; Join) Deere 17 run power lift seed siriltsgaed cea" dition; John Deere 10. ft eulti. vator; 3 .seetioni dreg cultivator;' 5 sections of harrows; Steel land CultiPackerisMesSeYslier.: ris. 4.hirrow trail t3'eweq uipped ,for hY,dratilie wlinder on rubber; Ironage 'weed alrraY" er with piston. pump, equipped with- iitrozine nozzels; Briggs' and Stratton motor, 27 ft•sheents 50 ft, of hose and hand glie;• 2 wheel trailer .with stock racks; Case 14 inch ham- mermill; lop ft. hammermill belt; rubber tired, wagon and feed rack; Schultz 125 bushel P.T4). tandem wheel manure spreader in A-1 shape; 4 ft. grain racks to fit spreader. . MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - 2 grain augers and motors; Fan- sning. mill and rnotor; electric brooder; 2 cutters; milker pipe- line for 20 caws; 2 Surge milk- er units; 8 can drop in milk cooler; sonse scrap iron; steel posts; 30 ft. endless belt; some 2 inch heavy steel piping; hy- dro electric fencer; a wagon- load of small items. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 2 piece brown chesterfield suite; numerous pieces of chid's furni- ture; metal bed and springs; Glider couch; antique graraa- phone; vanity dresser; chrome table and chairs; odd chairs; Coleman space heater; some bedding; -wooden table; odd dishes; salt and pepper collee- tien; antique stove pipe heater; Dormeyer mixer and, stand with juice attachment; some small electrical eppllances, and other household items. NOTE - this is an outstand ing line of farm equipment and this sale must start at 12:30 sharp. Don't miss this outstand- ing auction sale. There will be a lunch booth on the grounds. Proprietor and, auctioneer not responsible for any accident, on day of sale. No reserve as farm has been rented. , TERMS - Cash on day of sale, 5% sales tax on taxable articles. EGBERT JACOBS Proprietor FRANKLIN BUUCK Auctioneer Dial Stratford, 2/71-304e or• Sebringville, 393-5501 20-21-1 frit-Nrto " = ii; �1 :1111, 51111 , • 1(01 11 11819, -'4.••••.••• MM oie you A 6RE115 SIN % oFsEcOcirlY, °MN& YoL1R. okkIN 2‘6....IMED,14,11.4ERE'Lt. Insiitsssl SoME00DY vslimsain* SomE, 1141146 HAOLED SOME PLACE 20. Auction' Sales' AUCTION SALE... Of farm 141ernon*'-.4raln. and. hodSeheld'effeeta," 'frerOlOt 20, nO.O., 2,..4100,4•10.44,-.51403r, TuckerSMith TOW n.s..4 iP, miles east -of -Clinton (N44, highway) and 1 polo south, on; - SATURDAY, A.Ml. 20th, at 1;30 p.m. IMPLEMENTS .00cksb.ut 4 bar side deliverf rake; AL 11. binder, 6-11 ,cut; 3 danint steel roller; 3 section iiiiamendi her - rows; Now Idea manure spread; er (on rubber); International 3 -section..spring .tooth,Cultvater; Diteraational '11 run, .:ftriiliSer drill; rubber tire wagons; flat rack; Letz grain grinder; 6 -in. belt; root pulper; 3 range, shelters; colony house; p gal - Yanked chicken se1# feeder fanning mill (with ineter);,,,2 pig crates; 2,000 lb. scale; feed, troughs; iron kettle; sap pan and buckets; .30 inch circular saw; barn jack; hay forh 0,44 cable; Page wire stretcher; elec.. tro pail; forks shovels; logging.. chains and numerous other an, ticles. GRAIN ETC. - Approximat- ely 800 bushels of mixed grain; quantity • of grass and pasture seeds; 40 bales of second cut alfalfa hay. . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - (Including some antiques) but- ternut jam cupboArd; gun stock chairs; platformrocket; weight clock; walnut wardrobe; ox yoke; 2 rocking chairs; 3 oc- cassional chairs; lawn chairs;. camp chairs; New Home sevi- ing machine; Si spooled, bed, springs and mattress; dresser; wash stand; extension table; Beach. cook stove; Quebec heat- er; box stove; several small tables; electric floor heater; tri - light; electric iron; toaster; 2 burner hot plate; Eureka floor polisher; • 2 mantel radios; kit- chen cabinet; 2 ferneries; dish- es and cooking utensils. TERMS - CASH ERNIE ,CRICH Proprietor • • EDWARD W RIILIOTT Auctioneer . 20-22-2 COMPLETE CLEARING AUCTION SALE for • HARRY BOLGER Coneession 17, Grey Town- ship, 2 miles east of Walton. THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, at 1:00 p.m. , 18 Hereford steers, 2 years old; 15 Hereford steers, year- lings; feed, grain and hay; 5 feet corn silage; good line of modern farm machinery etc. No reserve as farm is sold. JACKSON & JACKSON Auctioneers Listowel 20-22-1 20. Auction aides cogani0 AUCTI9111 $A1.i For Calder masa*, lot con. 12, ilibberf I`Ownshiip, Orgi • mile south of Cromarty and 14 mile east on; wF4)14gP4Y., APAP-# rt, • at 110,,. on. sItan:1- tavustocic Shorthorn cows, &Wit 24 MOIlthsil'ebrod,;,,, I:Shorthorn heifer, bred lit-,laaet months and rebred; 3 Siterthorn IlarY,I 1 Holstein tows ;frOSa. COWS, due at sale tine;1Shorti horn due inJune; 2 short -keep steers; 1 Holstein heifer* r -Os; old; shorutom Yrae'.014t-s• Shorthorn yearling 4teers;12; Shorthorn yearling ,holferav44 cgs,'a to ,5 'manna: old;ik 10 pi& averaging 125 lbss ss is • 'btu) - 340 hnshels ofoats:. 609 nsiXed grain; 500 bales hay; 10 feet apt ensilage; vq, bales of straw. ' Dmior EQUIPMENT ' • Surge 2 unit milking machine and piping for 12 cows; Viking creien separator; Cbampion grinder, 7", and 3 horse motor. MACHINERY - 1959 model Ford Selectrosspeed tractor with 3100 hours; 3 furrow Ford plow; 12 inch bottom; Dearborn 8 ft. cultivator with shield and coul- ter to scuffle corn; snowblower; New Holland baler in good con- dition; 26 foot skeleton bale elevator; New Idea power mow- er; Cockshutt 4 bar rake; AIN Chalmers power 'take -off rake in new condition; dump rake; 2 hay tedders; 1 wagon with flat rack; 1 wagon with gravity • grain box; 8-11. International • binder; International manure spreader; Cockshutt manure spreader; turnip sower; 11 -rue seed drill; 6 section harpons; land roller; land packer; wa&- ing plow; 6 barrel water tank; quantity cedar posts and steel posts; 200 ft. snow fence; sap equipment; 3 chicken shelters; - Colony house with coal burner stove; 324t. extension ladder 2 pig crates; pig troughs; 24gt. grain auger; set of scales; fan- ning mill; hog scales; tools and, miscellaneous items. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Antique Colonial cupboard; An- tique side board in very gosd condition; table and chairs; 6 dining room chairs; annex in good condition; 2 small chairs; bedstead; meat grinder; Christ. mas cake tifis; dutch 'Oven; cok- ing 'utensils; and miscellaneous items. • TERMS - CASH CALDER MCKAIG Proprietor LARRY GARDINER Auctioneer 20-22-1 Additipnal Classified SEE PAGE 12 - • fAktgE 111E Fasliksta CatePess( ckt.S SSCORE--- -NE1001/41 -/s% oF HER! • - - seilresbeiesse • HELLO HAVE You sEEN CYNTHIA'S FREW) WITH 11 -IE PURPLE PLAS1IC MINI SKITS'S FANGS ettiSISANTHEMSM STOCKINZ Pcin 1-sEE14 13631B? .„W10\1 MOODIE A &Roo \II DREssEQ7 1•42,6ht1 o 114E DAYS O GT F THESE JUNGLg$ A ft ARE'NUMBERED! killi, i I I 0 kt E.! fil 111116/. OUR LIFE OF• FREED2SA AMONG THE A -GO -Go WI TH. IT CROWD IS FINISHED! iti Do SOME SCOUTING! •••••••••••••••••••••••......•••••••••m• •- YES, WE'RE HEADIThNG TOWARDS DISASTER -AND NO SAFE , REFUGE IN jJ te;