HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-04-11, Page 10II,41110Ii HURON ACROSS. Off ene e '.'74)0(r‘tetiort 0I•LeL so 42•31fe.Seel•Illi anhinaI 4440 , COODUactIon 1;44.4nd linenesure )6,13rIntd 8*Vbrn pa se Point 110.A. continent (abbr.) • nickname 22-Preneht the 23 -Note of scale 24 -Excavate. ' -Conductor stick ZS -Marsh 29 -Shut noisily 2I -Chinese mile 32 -Prickle 04 -Symbol for, tantalum '35 -Recede 07 -Conjunction 38, -Fry ' quickly ege degree (ablIr.) 42 -Festive 45-Itellgious • devotee ti tli'erna le 'horses • 49-1tullan memorial post Ait-r,yprinold . fish AI -slender finial 02-0bese Frit - Pi.cpi islt ion ps-son nickname PI- Printer's • znetis tire 160 -Beef anima? 162 -Field IG5-Rational . Laugh Mg.. DOWN 1 -Sell to 1.911:,11111er POMO& 2-gen's nickname 4 -Central 'American Indian 3- Exists U. -Condensed moisture 7 -Rat S - Sou th- n*estern Indians 9 -Pronoun 10-1Vise old • counselor 11 -Tears 13 -Rule language 21- Ma:..culine 25-Tou n in Canal Zone 27-11iver in Italy 2S-Orysta11itie submtance 30 -Small rtig 33 -Pig SEAFORTH, ONT., APRO1, 1960 ERI0000 OWE Mang= MEM@ MM 19D00 UM GU HOM OMM 00 DOM @MOM OEM DED0 OE 02000 DO OM OE MOMS UW MUMO 001:1 M01900 MOO MB EWO MOB UM 200O DO nEl 00110g0 WOOEIWEE MMWO OUERIDD SOLUTION 36-F1esh of eoW 38 -.Cu ts 39-Examine5 an account 40 -Domain A3 -Potential 41 -Make amends 47- Ventilate 48 -Rescued 31 -Paradise 53 -Measure duration of 57 -Thick, black substance el -Babylonian deity (3 -Symbol (or nickel 91- Preposition b:•74 A 1:1 8 9 10 : ctiV412 .13 :+••:* • • . .....0 pg. 16 ill •* Is 19,t144 ...., ••,w, '.''' ,••••4 II s' 24 • :::::$ 29 • 'IP' p 4 2 3 111 ?A.sii t el el I VA Ci 0 i'l VI 1 VA 34 gt35 61.4 u ioiv.37 :al ES k.al 39 4 0 ..% Xr.• :234143 ••••••• in! • • • 'XV P••••0 •....... SO ,2 IF .110.. .54 53 • •—.115.5 i• - •• ill;V% .-•-• 59 60161 re .• 63 III • '62'4 S Ill, •Quantity Buying and Low Overhead Makes our Prices Very Attractive to Anyone 'Need- ing Building Materials • Fir wood — 1/4" to 3/4" thick in all grades Aspentte, Pre -finished Luaun and Masonite Spruce Lumber 2" x 4", 2" x 6", 2" x 8", 2" x 10" and 1" x 6" T & G and V Match Fibergla'ss insulation, Domtar Asphalt Shingles 210 lb. per square Steel Roofing, Gyproc and Gyproc Lath, Perlite, Finish Lime Fresh Cement at.81.30 per bag always on hand Double coated White Ceiling Tile 12" x 12" x 1/2" at 9c each. No Orders too large or too Small Always in the market for- good Hardwood Logs. FRED J. HUDIE, •SAW MILL — Slab Wood for Sale — Phone 4824655 — Where your Building Dollar buys more. TIRES GALORE! All Sizes — All Types -- All Styles Look At These Price Examples WIDE OVALS 'F70 — List 52.50 SELL 29.30 -070 — List 58.60 SELL 32.30 . white or redwall — 4 -ply Nylon PREMIUM 500 }1RESTONE while stock remains 50% off FINA FLYERS 775 x 14 — 4 -ply Nylon whitewall tubeless List 39.70 SELL 23.00 SELL 21.95 DUNLOP SPEED and GOLD CUP 8.25 x 14 — N.A. Blackwall $17.00 TL TRUCK TIRES — 670 x 15 — 6 -ply List 52.00 SELL 27.95 FREE INSTALLATION Retail — Wholesale Dealer — Inquiries invited We represent 10 Major Tire Companies Phone Neil 527-0927 ' U.T.S. 8.55 x 14 — 4 -ply Nylon List 48.55 • HAUGH BROS. • 1 Mile East of Brut' efield DEAR DORIS advice from Doris Clark DEAR poRis — After living a lie for over 20 years, it's get- ting me down. I was never in love with my husband. The man I was in love with had a "bad reputation, so my mother said if I got mar- ried I'd soon forget him. I didn't, but what bothers me the most now is I feel I've corn- . mitte•d a terrible sin. My 18 -year-old d-aughter ask- ed me the other day how I knew I was in love with her father. I doo,1 feel I can tell - her the trirth to relieve my conscience. I'm afraid it would hurt thein all too much. I have not kept in touch with my for- mer boy frien& • Very Troubled DEAR VERY TROUBLED ' — My heart aches for a gal who has lived such a lie' so gallantly for 20 years. You aren't the first woman who has married witherst love. Your daughter asks her ques- tion on her own behalf, " not yours; and there is no call to, confess to her. Send me your address and I'll mail you a co- py of my leaflet, "What Is , Love?" to help her avoid the same fate. -For your own mental health, I'd strongly urge that you con- fide in someone; your minister or social worker or trusted Louise Kenny Showered Prior to an early April wed- ding, Louise Kenny was honor- ed at a shewer at the home of Mrs. Harvey Moore when Mary Price was hostess. An address was read by Moira Robinson and Miss Kenny received many lovely and useful gifts from friends, relatives and neighbors. . Mrs. Louis Kramers also en- tertained at her home in Dub- lin in honer of the bride to be when an • appropriate address was read by Mary Price and wedding and shower gifts were presented by the Kramers' •chil- dren. Miss Kenny expressed her appreciation. Relatives of the groom from Exeter, Sebringville and Lon- don attended the shower: Classified Ads pay dividends. 20% OFF RINGS , MEN'S AND LADIES' Birthstone Onyx Hemetite Signet Anstett Jewellers Ltd. NOTICE -- For Co-op Insurance . Call, W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage for: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability ' • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services . - • Wind Insurance TE 1 BEAN & SEED CONTRACTS AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES W. G. Thompson & Son LIMITED HENSALL — 262-2527 Specializing in Registered and Certified Seed Grain friend. Lift your load) 'before it filially gets you down, DEAR DORIS — I have a friend who is awfully good at reading palms, and even though she just does it for fun, lots of things she, predicts come true. Do you think that a person can see conditions of health in the palm, or foretell length of life, marriage and so, on), this way? Doubtful But Wondering DEAR D. BUT W. -- Better not stake your life on the hand- writing on your palm, As of now, palm reading has the stat- us of a party game; with no scientific jurisdiction. Yet the reader who hits the jackpot, even sometimes, must be given credit for shrewd hu- man appraisal and a good ima- gination. And I'm not ventur- ing to guess what the parapsy chologists May find out about the relation of palmistry to clairvoyance or other aspects of extra -sensory perception, at some future date. DEAR DORIS 1 arn 17. I have gone out with boys before but had no fun at all. So I started baby-sitting for this wo- man. She has an adorable little girl and a husband that is more lovable. I am often there alone with him. I have begun to love him very much and I think he loves me too. Although nothing has gone on, I'm afraid that it will. Can't Help My Feelings DEAR CAN'T HELP — Get down out of that treacherous Cloud Nine .before the storm breaks and you fall to 'earth. You aren't the first teen who secretly doted on an older man. Naturally boys your age are not nearly so smooth and glam- orous; they haven't had time. But you can cepe with them; and there's a good chance your present dreamboat sees you as still wet behind the oars. Stop baby-sitting itt that home. You can help your,..feel- ings by changing your contacts. To June Bridesmaid — Your main job is to make yourself useful. At the reception you are in the line-up to shake hands with the guests. Then you act as a sort of assistant hostess, circulating among guest, seeing that they meet the strangers standing near them, that they are served with refreshments. If you are maid of honor, you wait on the bride hand and - foot — if she needs it — dress her, remove the glove and hold her briquet at the crucial mo- ment during ceremony, help her change later. And any oth- er little thing she needs. • CONSTANCE Mr. Bill Thompson is still in intensive care but is. steadily improving. Bill would like to thank everyone for all the cards he has received. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggut, spent Sunday with Mr. and les. Frank Coleman of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs: Bob Reynolds of South Field Mich., spent Sun- day with the John' Thompson family in London. HENSALL Mrs, Bill Knights, • Stewart and Jane, Blenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Terry North and Tammy Lee of Port Stanley, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, Teresa North re- turned home after spending the past two weeks with the Snells. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Under- wood of Gorrie visited over the week -end with Mrs. John Hen- derson and family. Mrs. Frank Harburn is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jabs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positorWant Ads. Dial 527-0240. For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CAEDNO Instfrance Ag ney , Phone 5274490 Seaforth Office Directly Oppothe Sitaforth Motors mt. Church Groups .Meet BETHEL,„ BIBLE CHURCH The March meeting of Bethel Bible Church Women's 11ths1on- ary Fellowship was held in the farm of a pot luck supper. There were 22 ladies present. Games and contests were Play- ed under the leadership of Mrs. C. Blanchard' and Mrs. J. Janes. Requests of favourite hymns were enjoyed and a poem "The Touch of the Master's Hand" was read by Mrs. S. Boshart. Mrs. C. Knetsch and Mrs. G. Blanchard favoured with two duets after which Mrs. G. Mc- Gonigle led in prayer, Mrs. 0. Greer gave a short devotional message on the responsibilties as parents in leading children - into a close relationship with Jesus Christ.. "I Need Thee Ev- ery Hour" was sung after which Mrs. J. Thompson closed the meeting in prayer, BURNS U.C.W. Burn's UCW met at the home d Mrs. Jim Howatt, Friday af- ternoon. Mrs. George Smith op- ened the meeting and Mrs. Har- vey Taylor led in prayer. A poem "Easter Wish' was read by Miss Gladys Leiper. Mrs. Smith gave a • questionaire on books of the Bible taken from the Old Testament. Mrs. Bell conducted the bus- iness session when Life Mem- bership pin and certificate were presented to -Mrs. Jim Howatt. The treasurer's report was giv- en by Miss Jean Leiper and a thank -you note from Mrs. Bur- well was read. Articles for the bale are to be brought to the next meeting at the home of Mrs, Jim Seott Sr. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: * Town Dwellings " All Classes of Farm Properly " Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS; James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; -V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, 'Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, .Seaforth. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Township of McKillop March 21st, 1968. The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, Township of McKillop. Dear Sirs: In accordance with your instructions, we have completed an audiof your Township for the year ended December 31st, 1967, and we new present the Financial. Statements as re- quired by the Department of Municipal Affairs. Operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $2,700.56 as detailed on Statement D. After adding the surplus for the year, the accumulated surplus amounted to $18,667.95 at the year-end. During the year the subscribers of the McKillop Nunicl- pal Telephone System approved the sale of the system*: the Bell Telephone Company for $80,000.00. This amount was received by the Municipal Council on December 15th, and the municipality holds it in trust for the subscribers. It has been invested in a deposit receipt of the Toronto -Dominion Bank at 5 7/8% until maturity on June 18th, 1968. Auditor's Report We hereby report that in our opinion: 1) The finaricial transactions which have come. under - our notice have been within the powers of the Municipality. 2) The audit has been conducted in 'accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at 31st December, 1967, and the resultof its operations for the year ended on that date. In conclusion, we wish to express our appreciation for the co-operation which we received from the officials of your Township with whom we were in contact during the course of our audit. Yours faithfully, MONTEITH, MONTE/TH & CO. Chartered Accountants. License Number 3275. Date of Filing, March 23rd, 1968. Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1967 ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) .. $138,496.31 Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation ........ $13,365.00. , Collegiate and High 254,104.80 267,40.80 Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) Tile and Municipal Drains 21,425.92 $427,392.03 LIABILITIES Drainage (other than General) $21,4:05.92 Total Due to Other Municipalities (for De- bentures Assumed—Schedule 2) Investment in Capital Assets Statement of Source and Applicatioirof Capital Funds A-1 For the Year Ended December 31, 1967 SOURCE Province of Ontario—Tile Drains Issued to the public $7,300.00 1,516.38 $8,816.38 $8,816.38 APPLICATION Application of funds during the year Fixed Assets and Work in Progress Public Works $1,425.92 267,469.80 138,496.31 $427,392.03 $8,816.38 Revenue Fund Balance Sheet B. ° December 31, 1967 ' LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $2,177.62 $4,906.14 Due to Province of Ontario $60.00 ASSETS Cash in Bank - $4,906.14 Investments , Dominion of, Canada Bonds - Accounts Receivable Sundry , $1.18 Dud from Province of Ontario 11,400.25 Due from Other Municipalities 38.34 Due from Other Funds (specify) ' Municipal Drains $7,000.00 $8,816.38 $8,816.38 $7,000.00 23,375.13 $23,375.13 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) $24)913-95 $24,913.98 Total Assets 01,635.02 Due to Other Funds (specify) . Municipal Drains '' $461.63 • $267.82 Reserves (Schedule 8) $50,000.00 Surplus (Form C) $18,667.95 Tetat_Liabilitiesand Surplus Revenue Fund Surplus or Deficit Account December 31, 1967 Balance at beginning of year Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget Surplus or Deficit for the year (Form D) Totals of Debit and Credit colums*. Balance of Surplus or Deficit at year end (Form B) "i , $15,967.39 2,700.56 $18,067.95 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the Year Ended December 31, 1967 REVENUE 1 Actual Budget Total Revenue from Taxation (Sched- ule 3) $185,410.27 $186,024.82 Long -Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) 1,295.05 1,295.05 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Canada Ontario— Direct Relief $1,054.52 Highway Improvement 59,847.15 Unconditional Per Ca- pita Grants 7,060.50 Warble Fly 344.30 Other Municipalities Roads $848.38 Nursing Homes 428.22 Ontario— HEPC in -lieu of Taxes $50.05 Licensesi-- -Perla (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues— Myles $113.15 Service Charges 340.74 Miscellaneous (specify) Recovered from Muni- cipal Drain funds to- wards Deb. charges .. Grader sold Township Share of ARDA Subsidy', School Audit Fees Re- covered Deferred Reventte tak- en into Income Gross total Revenue 451.55 1,200.00 1,076.87 200.00 163.03' 'rota Revenue Section 68,306.47 72,098.30 1,271.60 860.00 • 50.05 574.00 2,561.02 33.50 580.00 1,780.00 453.89 1,200.00 3,091.45 1,920.87 ormametametabwos*Mme $263,013.80 $265792.54 $263,018.80 $265,702.54 $203,013.80 $265,792.54 $15,967.39 $18,667.95 $71,635.02 EXPENDITURE Actual Budget General Government Executive and Legisla- tive $1,625.00 Administrative 6,480.10 Other 2,024.14 Protection to Persons and Property $1,092.86 Street Lighting 30.78 Flood Control 1,140.22 Warble Fly 3,028.66 Animal Damage 124.60 Fire 'Public Works—Roads, Highways and Streets, etc. Sanitation and Waste Removal Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Relief Assistance $1,331.58 Institutional Care 826.88 Welfare AdministrIttion 35.00 2,19348 Education, including debt charges (Schedule 9) Recreation and Community Services Debt Charges Long-term debt charges , (Schedule 11) $33,202.85 Less own share of school debt charges 26,055.16 $10,129.24 $10,379.00 ' 5,417.12 5,445.12 99,589.10 105,000.00 78.67 Short-term interest and other charges 7,147.69 1,515.30 79,830.19 3,420.01 1,665.00 79,830.19 3,700.00 8,862.99 8,663.69 Taxes written, on 20.82 Joint or Special Expenditures COunty Rates $50,971.64 10,971.64 50,971.64 Gross Total Expendithre 460,313.24 $265,654.64 060,313.24 $265,654.64 Surphlt1 for the Year 2,700.56 137.90 Total Expenditure Section $263,013.80 $265,792.54 4 A „,