HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-05, Page 6$ THE WINGHA51 TJMES, DECEMBER 5, 1907
Kernels from the San cttim h9ill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges,
Every man ltncwe how other met
ortgbt to do things.
8omo soman even like to brad; al -oat
bow trach they owe.
moves all hard, sett or calloused lumps
e►nd blemishes tram horses, blood spavin,
onrbe, stellate, ringbone, sw eney, ettflas,
apraino. eiore And swollen throat, coughs,
etc), AIM *59 by ne'3 nT f'ne bu tin.
Wat'rauted the most wonderful B'nmieh
Ouse ever knowu. Sold by A . L. Meet-
Fish live ie the ocean at a depth cf
13.000 fret.
Only a good neighbor eau appreeinte
a good nrd4hbtr.
Bene the ISO Kind Yon flava
Aiwail Use Sl
of .tL. r
Bat the more known the less he has to
say about his knowledge.
Mr Johnson, teacher at Morpeth,
dropped dead in school.
Iiow D. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab
lets Give Instant Relief.—Tuey're
' OI
ie atter ea lug--
—take baud' to carry
or whenever you feel stomach distress
coming on—sufferers hives proved it the
only remedy known that will give in-
stant relief and pet wauent cure --no long
eedieas treatments with gnestionable
results—best for all aorta of stomach
troubles. 35 cents. Sold by A. L
Hamilton. -96
One essential of success iu thls world
is the ability to make your work please
your boss.
'Mount Forest dentists have decided to
raise their prices owing to the inureseed
cost of living.
'When the Stomach. Heart, or Kidney
nerves gt:t weak, then these or,:aas al-
waya fail. Don't drug the Stomach,
nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
This is simply a makeshift. Get a pres-
cription known to druggists everywhere
as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Re-
storative is prepared exeres•'ly for these
weak tali i' nerves. Strengthen these
nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's
Reetorattve—tablets or liquid—aud see
how goiokly help will come. Free sam-
ple trot sent on request by Dr. Shoop,
Racine Wis. Your health is surely
'worth this simple tett.
Nine hundred Chinese sailed for home
by the steamer Empress of India, from
The hardest thing to learn for most
'men is that they are not absolutely
essential to this world.
Itching Pilese—Dr. Agnew's Ointment
is priest against the torments of Itching
Piles. Thousands of testimonials of
cares effected by its use. No ease too
aggravating or too long standing for it
to soothe, comfort and cure. It cures
in from 3 to 6 nights. 35 cents. Sold
by A L. Hamilton. -95.
The beet p„nof of the existence of a
strong imagination in women is that
they fall in love with men.
John Ball figures that his country has
been successful in 82 per cent. of the
battles in wheel he has engaged.
To check acold quickly, get from your
druggist some little Candy Cold Tablote
called Preventics. Druggists every-
where are now dispensing Preventica,
for they are not only safe, but decidedly
effective and prompt. Preventica con-
tain no quinine, no laxative, nothicg
harsh nor sickening. Taken at the
"sneeze stage" Preventica will prevent
Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc.
Hence the name. Good for feverish
children. 48 Preventica 23 cents. Trial
Boxes 5 eta, Sold by all dealers.
It is estimated that all the inhabitants
of the world could stand comfortably iu
the space of 80 t:quare miles.
Andrew Duff, for several years past
in charge of the Goderich public library,
passed away at his home on the 21st
inst., at the age of sixty.eight years.
He leaves a widow, two daughters and
a son.
30025. ?0020 30027
*2.78 $1.80 $3.50
A TIE PIN always forms a pleasing
!T and suitable gift to a man, and
especially if it be from Ryrie's.
Ne. 30025—Fine 14k rope turban tie pin
with whole pearl centre, $2.75.
No. 30026-14k pin set with selected
pearls, oriental whole pearl in centre,
exceptionaly good value at $ 1.80.
No. 30027 ---Tie Pin, twist rope knot,
solid 14k gold, with two fine whole
pearls—tile season's newest style,
Send for our entalogua
Y'nhc Bnos.,
134.138 Yonge St.
:1.a a result of the etnalipox ecrtreo Sea -
forth Beira of Health hes tlaoided tin
have all tlse scltsel children yancinatod.
A gsiifet sodding tone, plass nn Setae.
day afternoon Nov. 23rd. nt thereeidt'noo
of 1')r. Daring. Mildmay, when Mise
Elizabeth Huffoor Brae united in mar-
riage to liar. Niehalas Hunatein of con-
cession ;l, f'tlrrt,'It, Rev. Mr, Mosig
eilloiated. Only t few immediate rein•
tires were present.
di:'IttWti ail•:i)il'I*iE.
As a spring modicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
eyetem and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring,
The Canadian texas make a good
showing in their O tober statement.
Their total bars to the public increased
81,633 291 over September, desfee oom•
plaints of tight mousy. The current
loans last mouth were 818 541,079 greater
than nOotobr, 19,h The last
mouth were $3,931,251 less than in the
preceeding month, bnt were $14 967,095
greater than u year ago The call loans
for last month were 815,211.864 less than
is September, which .shows that the
banks have been reoaleiag money from
New Ycrk for home needy, despite re-
ports to the contrary.
UE 'rar1'OTom.T_EL
Beare the 14u find You Halt Always Doug,~
In Preston, England, the power gen-
erated by the burning of the oity'swaste
suffices to operate the electric railway s.
The largest caravan of pilgrims for
Mecca starts from Constantinople, and
generally comprises about 40,000 persons.
ITCH, Targe, Prairie Scratches, Her
per's Itch and every form of contagions
Itch on unman or animals cured in 30
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion,
It never fails, Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
A Louisiana woman supports herself
by rasing mint, and a Jersey City woman
makes a living by painting signs.
Dr. Chase's Oint
went is a certain
and guaranteed
cureforeach and
every form of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about it. Yon can use it and
gctyotur money back if notsatisfed. 60c, at all
dealers or Entitnxso:r, BATES & Co., Toronto.
A good cooling powder for perspiring
feet is composed of four parts talcum
powder and one part boraces acid thor-
oughly mixed.
A few drops of any good toilet water
in the last rinsing water gives a faint
suggestion of perfume to the hair that is
very refreshing.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionenese, and Dyepepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Ia the United States 100 inbabitants
cultivate 290 acres cf land, while in
Europe the proportion is 890 acres to the
100 inhabitants.
Misses Mary Wright and Mary Mc-
Leod, of Armow, were hurled down an
embankment at Kincardine in a run-
away accident, and badly injured.
Kidney Search Lights —Have you
backache? Do you feel drowsy? Do
your limbs feel heavy? Have you pains
in the loins? Have you dizziness? Have
you a tired dragging feeling in the
regions of the kidneys? Any or all these
indicate kidney troubles. South Ameri.
can Kidney Cure is a liquid kidney
specific and works wondertnl cares iu
most complicated cases. Sold by A. L.
Hamilton. --94.
We understand that Joseph Beswith-
erick has sold out his farm and brick-
yard on the 13th con. of Howick,
the former to John Wright, of Ford.
wich, aud the Iatter to Mr. Thos. Ben-
nett, of the 12th con. We have not
heard what Mr. Beswitherick intends
doing when;he gives "up possession.
The :marriage of Mies Mabel Baird
Miller,71 yov ,gest daughter of Mrs,
George A. tMtller, to Mr. Charles L.
Andrew of Gerrie, took place at half
past one o'clock Thursday afternoon,
Nov. 28, at the home of the bride's
mother, Concession 10, Howick, which
was decorated with chrysanthemums
and carnations. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev, Mr. Dobson, of
Tired, of Color,
Lacking it Strength.
You feel real seedy.
No seep, ambition or si.irit
You've stowed Amur ecl.r is miser.
Nt titled that your hood is thin, that
you feel the cold, that tidies bother anal
worry you.
'Fou ought to be vicorone and ruddy,
--you eat ei'not li elee•p tntrly well --but
still that hitless feelit'g hangs tight oda.
To overcome this condition all the
vital 1u'dutlouo must• be stimulated
You accomplish this by taking
Ferri zone
How it nd'skee the appetite jump
There follows as a enteral u asequence
an ahuudaut supply of rich, roa b.00d
Vitality enol brrrngth von'il soon tinct
thro,'btng within you, ttrc3tnee Your food
is digested so thoroughly that it's readily
You soon notion that your color is
coming back, and endnraneR too. and
soon rile jn.y Of life, health, vigor,
streneth-'tand with these come Iho old.
time zest for everything that makes life
worth l.tviug,
orrozone is a marvellous body -build•
er blonds former and strength -giver
Ferrczoue, by supple ing the aid the
holy needs to build up, gives the re-
cuperative power that will enable yon to
do 'Sour work essay, and to maintain
Try It for a month.
See if yon don't find it just the thing
yon need to ma..e you etrone. Not a
man, woman or child who needs more
strength, better nerves and surer health
who won't find it in Ferrozene. This
nourishing' tactic makes you feel like
new—brines back the feeling of spirit
end ambition you tiad genre neo. Try
Ferrozoue, sold everywhere in 50o boxes,
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kids
nays, bladder and urinary organs only.
They curd backaches, weak back, rheum -
Wart, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
A young man of Boston who had failed
to pay his laundry bill endeavored to
turn his Chinaman aside from inquiry by
an attack upon the Celestial's manner of
speech. "Why do you say 'lrlidsy,'
John?" he asked. "Say Fliday because
T mean Fliday" replied John stoutly,
"No toy Misty, end mean maybes week
after nex,' Iiktl Mtlliosn man."
An excellent wash for the akin is
made by slicing green cucumbers into
skim intik. This should be made fresh
every few days, as it will not keep.
Mrs Peter Kuttry of Formosa died on
Sunday, Nov. 24th, after an illness of
three weeks. She WWI 45 years of age,
and was a daughter of Mr. I gnatz Kieffer.
Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail-
ed out free, ou requeet. by Dr. Shoop,
Raohine, Wis. These tests are proving
to the people—without a penny's cost—
the great valve of this soien ifio prescrip-
tion known to druggists everywhere as
Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by
all dealers.
Mr. Peter Cantelon, of the Sth con.
Goderich Tp. died ou Nuv. 241 at the age
of 67 years. Deceased was a son of the
late Samuel Cantelon and was a native
of the township. He was of a quiet,
retiring disposition, and was respected
by all.
Mr. Duncan McTavish, formerly a
resident of 'Tnokersmith township, died
in North Easthope, on Tuesday, Nov.
26th, at the age of 40 years from con-
sumption. The remains were brought
to Seaforth and iuterred in Baird's cem-
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated aud refined into a perfect
Dough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Picture postcards are being sent to
pet dogs on the continent. A young
women residing at one of the leading
hotels in Ostehd introduced the fashion.
The postcards aro inscribed with the
dog's name, and addressed caro of the
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
William Sohill of Carrick was happily
wedded on Tuesday morning, Nov. 26th,
at the Formosa R. C. church to Miss
Mary Ann Meyer, daughter of Joseph
Meyer of Ambleside. The nuptial knot
was tied by Rev. J. J. Gehl. Mr. and
Mrs. Sohill will reside in Carrick.
The Queensland Meat Company, an
Australian concern, is reported to
have secured the contract for supply-
ing the United State' army in the
Phillipines with meat for the fiscal
year of 1908. The contract calls for
about 7,000,000 pounds.
1-I ;art and Nerve Pills.
Are a sp'ctdn for all diseases and dts•
ord.rs ari"inr frwt n rulidown co!i1i•
tion of the heart or nerve sestent, smell
as Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous
Prmtration, Nervousness Sleepless.
ne.s, Faint and Dizzy Spells, itrrin Fng.
etc. They are Metastirally ixnearial to
wo:non troubled with irregular men-
Iwi•tee 50 conte per box, or 3 for 31.25.
All dealers, or •
"Sart v. Meets= Co., Ltritreieiii,
Toronto, Ont.
Tnfortntttion was laid against Ilir
Schaller of lktppen for h ivtng Jlgaor on
hie premises opntrary to the provs ioes
of The Local Option Art Tho cas3 eamo
up before Mr Andrews. Polioo Magis-
trate, Clinton. aud was not defend td,
nue of $20 and costa was imposed.
A oaaa of leprose bas been discovered
at the Winnipeg General Hospital. This
is oae of the rarest and most losttdionte
*rave knwn, and is Minot incurable
Not for a number of years has a ease
been discovered in the wort. The pre
sent patient le from Swan River, where
he has been suffering for e'ght years.
A very pretty house wedding to<k
plane at the residence of Mr. Samuel
Henry, Durham . St., Kincardine, on
Tuesday. Nov 20th, when their daugh-
ter, Edith, wee united by rnarriege to
,Dr, Wm. James . Gonld, of Merton
The R -'v, M. Locke performed the
Inoluding the orders already pieced,
the amount of steel rails which will be
required by the railway companies of
Canada during next year will be 880,000
tone, It is believed that the Soo milia
will have about 200 000 tone to supply.
and the balauoa, 180,000 tons, will go to
the Nova Sootia Steel Works.
A highly respected resilent of long
standing in Listowel district passed
away at his home on Iokerman stref 1,
Listowel, Saturday morning, Nov. 23rd,
in the peraon of Mr, Matthew Sharpie.
He was in his eightieth year and has
been gradually failing for a few years
past, Mr. Sharpiu lived for mauy
years on a farm near Molesworth, but
has lived in Listowel 61noe retiring from
active work a few years ago,
Listewel Banner:—Is there any good
reason why the money of the whole
Province of Ontario should be used for
the sake of supplying obeap power for
Toronto and a half a dozen other places
its one small section of the Province?
These places are already large industrial
centres; why should other places that
are straggling to keep in the swim be
compelled to furnish their share of
money to be need in a further handicap
against themselves?
A tickling cough, from any cause, is
quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless
and safe, that Dr. Shoop te'le mothers
everywhere to give it without hesitation
even to very young babes. The whole-
some green leaves and tender stems of a
lung -healing mountainous shrub, furn-
ish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and
Beale the sore and sensitive bronchial
membranes. No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to injure or suppress.
Simply a resinous plant extract, that
helps to heal aching lunge. The Span-
iards call this shrub which the Doctor
twee, "The Sacred Herb." Always de-
mand Dr. Shoop's Cough Care.
The State calls for 1000 names on the
Voter's List in Parts I and II to entitle
a municipality to a Deputy Reeve. In
Grey this year, owing to deaths and re-
movals to the West, only 903 names
can be counted, hence this Municipality
will be minus one representative at the
Council in 190S, as the present .Deputy -
Reeve will have to dtop it.
'I'd rather be dead than suffer again
the tortures of insomnia, palpitation.aud
nervous twitoeing of my muscles in-
duced by simple neglect of a little indi-
gestion." These are the forceful and
warning words of a lady who proclaims
that her cure by South American Ne.vihe
when everything else had failed was a
modern miracle. A few doses gives re-
lief. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -92,
Wm. Snell, son of Mr, Jas. Snell,
Hallett, has returned from the United
States, where for the last 3 months he
hast been attending State fairs in charge
of some of his father's thorobred Leices-
ters, which had been sold to Mr. A. F.
White, of Hornsville, N, Y. While
away he attended the State Fairs of
New York, New Dorsey, Vermont, Vir-
ginia and Pennsylvania. .At each fair
he not only won lit and 2nd prize all
through the class, but won the champion-
ship for the best male and female shown,
and also the prizes for flocks. This is
an exceptionally good record, more
especially when it is remembered that
New York State Fair is one of the beet
on the continent.
It took the order of the board of health
last Sunday in closing the Goderioh
churches to break Organist Onff'e church-
going habit, this being the first Sunday
in halt a century, since he started aa a
choir boy in a parish church in England,
that he has missed being present at Sun-.
day services. Since the age of twelve
years he has had oharge of a church
Mr, Sohn Wilson Little died at hie
home on con 8, McKillop, on V7ednesday,
Nov. 27th. Mr. Little had reachedthe
good age of 85 years, and 2 months.
Deceased was one of the early settlers of
this country. He vVrs a native of York.
shire, Eukland, and +sat: a to Canada,
about 57 years ago, first settling in Har.
pnrhey, and 5 years later he was married
to Hanna Fewster, who still survives
him. Two years ago they celebrated
the 60th anniversary of their marriage.
From Harpurhoy they moved to a farm
on the Huron road, Tuokersmith, re-
maining there about 11 years. • Mr.
Little then purchased and removed to
the farm on oon 8, McKillop. where he
cotltinned to reside until his death. He
was foremen on the Buffalo and Goder-
lob branch of the Grand Trunk Railway
when it was being built through thfe
Pari Of the o0ttutry.
the kitchen.
Much of the left -over food you now
throw out can be turned into deli-
cious dishes by the adtiiti ii of .t
little Boeril.
It gives warmed-over meats the
juiciness of the original cooking.
It gives body and strength to soups
and gravies.
It gives a delicious, piquant flavor
to cold meats and hashes.
Bovril a helpr
Every day you will find B o
and an economy in your kitchen.
Bovril contains the essence, flavor
and nutrient substance of the very
best beef. It gives strength and
nourishment to the invalid, and help-
fulness and economy to the cook.
All good grocers sell BOVRIL
On Saturday, Nov. 23rd, Mise Janet
Taylor passed peacefully away to her
long home. About a month ago she was
sized with an attack of paralysis of the
brain, from tvhdoh she never recovered.
Her illness was borne u ith Christian
fortitude, and death was to her a friend-
ly messenger of peaoe. She resided near
Heusall with her parents until about ten
years ago, when she moved to Stanley.
The splendid 200 aore farm on con, 5
Hallett, owned by Mr. Robs. McMillan,
has been sold to bis brcther, Thomas,
for the sum of $11,000. There is a good
brick house aud large bank barn on the
place, and it is well improved. This
will give the reeve of Hullett 350 acres
of splendid farming land. We have not
heard what Mr. Robt. McMillan intends
The will of the late John D. Cholwill,
proprieter of the Board of Trade hotel,
Toronto, and a former resident of Goder-
ich, disposes of an estate valued at 832,-
835, of which $10,500 represents real
estate. 't he properties are 64 Brunswick
avenue, 82,500, in which a life interest is
left to the mother of the deceased, and
167 Crescent road, Toronto, $8,000.
Life insurance amounts to $10,000. In
the bank there is $4,855 Dash. Household
goods are valued at $1,000; the stook in
trade at $3,575, the hotel fixtures at
$2,000. The estate also Welndea twenty -
!our shares Hoole Bank stock valued at
$3,192. Of the estate $5,000 goes to the
mother of the deceased and the remain.
der to the widow and daughter. 1
Feel As Though It Was Being .
As Though It Would Crack Open?
As Though a Million Sparks Were'
Flying Out of Your eyes?
Horrible Sickness of Your Stomach?
Then You Have Sick Headache!,
will afford relief from headaches no matter
whether sick, nervous, spasmodic. periodical or.
bilious. It cures by retnoying the cause.
Mr. Samuel J. Ilibbard. Belleville. Ont.,
writes: "Last spring I was' very poorly. my
appetite failed me, I felt weak and nervoushad
sick headaches, was tired all the time and not
able to work. I raw Burdock Blood Bitters
recommended for just such a caro as mine and
I got two bottles of it, and found it to be an
excellent blood medicine. You may neo my
name as I think that others should know of the
wonderful merits of Burdock Illodd Bitters."
for gingham and adjoining oonntry 30
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries''
A permanent situation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re=
served. Pay weekly. Free Egatpment.
Write for partionlars.
STONE lc '1'!i'ELLllOTON
Vonthill Nurseries
(over Wombs)
• '
We are now ready for the Fall trade, and
▪ below we mention a few of the Fall and
Winter Goods we have in stock;Ps
Extra heavy stocks Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear just
i arrived. We sell Stanfield's Unehrinkable Underwear— guaranteed AV
We have some extra good values in Ladies' and Men's Fur ,'•,g,
E Coats. In men's we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, 3
all Nova Scotia Wool,
• 50 Ladies' Cloth Jackets to clear at less than half price.
Cali and Dog.
A few Men's Fur Caps to clear at reasonable prices.
Pure Wool Yarn, in single, two or three ply, made in Wrox•
eter especially for our trade. it
10. Our stock of 150 pieces of Flannelettes, •in all colors and'
a eights, from 5c up, were bought before the advance in price, and ,r
Is therefore it is to your advantage to come and see our stock. a
s. .
We purchased a large number of Traveller's Samples of Heavy
s Top Shirts which we can sell you at less than wholesale prices. They de
4.. are just the thing for fall wear. 4
►Come and see our new stock of Men's and Boys Overcoats and1.
y Suits, good values.•
3, 4
• Bring your trade and exchange it
for our bargains.
es• '
4 .
1110110011000•11001111006.011001111110 ••••••••6••••o•••a060•••••'
• .
An Adyertisement in
Brings Good. Results
' , The Wingham Times reaches
the homes of most of • the people of
Wingham and surrounding country. It
• keeps,its subscribers posted on all the
news of the day—local, political and
• I
If you have anything to sell, or
want anything, advertise in The Times.
Rates on application.
We Think Printing -
That's our business. We are
constantly on the lookout for new ideas,
and these are here awaiting your accept-
ance. It's no trouble for us to give you
information—to write or call• -fit will
place you under no obligation., and
perhaps we may suggest some thing ot7
can profit by. Prices rigit.. Quality ;:
ever the talisman. . ' ; #
The gingham Times