HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-12-05, Page 5TIY WINGIXAM TIMES, JMOEUBER 5, 1907 filiMPOMMINIMIMIMMIROPIIIMMISIMMOMPOIMMor 20 per ceui discount OR Readyto-Wear Suits Save your money by buying your suit at the Blue F.rout Store, during the month of December. Men, Youths and Buys Can all share in the profits of this discount sale, which means consideraolo to intending purchasers. You can save as much as $5.00 on a Man's Suit, $3.00 on a Youth's Suit and $1.50 on a Boy's Suit. Just a word to those who do not know onr clothing. We handle nothing but reliable goods, made up to wear, to look well and to give entire satisfaction. Don't ForAet 20 per Dent. discount on Men's Youths' and Boys' Suits. McCEE CAMPBELL CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. Big stock of Hardware to be Sa ificed For sh Only Have sold my business ! But stock must be reduced ! And for the next few weeks the people of Wingham and surrounding country will have one of the chances of a lifetime to obtain BARGAINS in STOVES, TIN AND GRANITE WARE, LAMP GOODS, CUTLERY, and a host of other lines too numerous to mention. CIC STOCK OF SKATES, ETC., ETC. And don't' forget that everything in the store is to be sacrificed ! Now isthe time to buy for .Christmas ! So hurry up, ?before the best is gone ! BISHOP CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGH AM. i*•..•••***•.*•••••••••*.•• **************************c TO GliRISTM S . BUYERS /.1 Having such a large stock of C istmas Goods, everything will be sold at prices that ell them. See our stock and prices before purcha g elsewhere. ;iii ADQV - TERS POR Watches, Cloaks, Gold and Plated Jewelry. Silverware, Silvtir and Ebony Novelties, Fanoy Sets and Boxes, Burnt Wood and Leather Goods, Fancy Chinaware and Novelties, Gold, Silver and Pearl Umbrellas. Smote - (dee in gold and enter. Fancy Stationery, Gift Books, Noiele, 8ibies,,layee l kid Prayer Books, Children's Fancy Goods. Chrisbmae Cards and Calendars, Picture Books, boils /decal Instruments, Camerae, Comic. and = Souvenir Post Cards, Fine watch,Jewelery Repairing a Specialty. • Re KNOX Opposite Queen's Hotel. 7•••••••4.••••••••*••••••• 4.6•.••••••••••••••••••••• t +'rNGflA3tt Mayor Aehdofvn of Winnipeg was 're-elected by aeoleteetion. • •� Mr, McIntyre, M. P., prtsp(eda forenoo between members of both MVOS to ooaaider ues i n ratting to ab to s tk the ref4xo m of the Senate. Eon. Charles S. Hyman las returned to London. The W. 0. T. t?, deputation that wait, ed on Sir Wilfrid Laurier asked for a prohibitive law or loon option' in dealing with the sae if cigarettes, o 0 Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to call it,, its one of the most weakening diseases known. Scott's Einut r%n, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypdphosphites in easily di- gested form, is the greatest strength -builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's Elrnul,.rion after Influenza. Invaluable for Coughs and Colds. ALL DRUGGISTS; 500. AND $1.00. ++++♦+++++++++++++++++++++ •.+++♦+++•+4++.+++,++•,++i ROYAL .GROCERY.* 100 Gases Ganned Goods + • 1907 pack, to be sold at wholesale price for the next three weeks. Every can guaranteed.. Corn, Peas, Wax Beans and Pumpkin, per dozen .,. $1.00 + + Tomatoes, per dozen $1.40 +• + + + ONIONS by the peok, bushel or bag; fine, sound stock. CHRISTMAS .PRIMES in abundance. Don't forget the China Sale. AtGRIFFIN'S..: 1; #++•••N•+++•#♦4•+••4++•.• .oa•sa•..... VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVer Do You Wait to Save Money Then come here for your } AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.A Children's Shool Shoes: 1 Sturdy, solid, sensible. Boys and Girls are our particular hobby, and we buy to please them and their parents. REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. ' RM JOHNSTO;.:' } Shoe Dealer Wingham, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAA AAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ol% HANNA & CO.'S 15 THE PLACE TO GET Your New Fur Goat They are going out of them, and will sell any Coat at COST PRICE, NEAR SEAL, plain, and trimmed in Mink and Sable. ASTRACHAN, plain and Sable trimmed. BE SURE AND CALL. dianna First Door North of Queen's Hotel. orossiammosserfasasiord WEbTFIE>i,ti. Miss Maggie Rabertson, of Goderioh was visiting for, a few days at Mr. W. H. Campbell's, (*eo. Jefferson, of the Goderi:h Model Sohool, has been engaged as teacher of school No. 18, East Wawa- nosh. - Mr. Nelson Noakes has returned home from Cannington. Rev. W. A. Smith, 01 Dungannon assisted in the special services in West- field ohuroh last week. • Op 'To Stop A. Crying Baby. It may be cramps. perhaps colic, pain or gas on. the stomach, -.bot in any some a few drops of Nerviline soothes the pain abd allows the child to sleep peanefnlly. Nerviline onto minor ills such as colds, headache, internal and ex- ternal pains as well as any doctor, -Rale tel use because a small dose ie requited. Mothers, you will find Nerviline an in- valuable aid in preventing and oaring aiokness. Keep a bottle right at hand, slime day you will need it badly. Sold everywhere at 25o, manttIs. Mics Ker, who is now teaching at the Miller school, 5th lino will go to No. 11 in Howick township for next year. She takes with her the good wishes of the oomntnnity, On Wednesday, 13th inot., Rev. A. O. Wishart, B. A., of tiruatela, tied the matrimonial knot, at the 'home o'k the bride, 5th line, between J'obtiti tannings, of Ciblborino township, and Mrs. Alex, Catneroti, of Morrie. Only the immedi. ate relatives were in attendance. GREY. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Carr, 3rd line, bat hope she may, soon take a turn for the better. About the time Alexander McDonald 4th con, died kis brother Donald of Vancouver, B. 0. also paid Nature's debt, He had been ailing for a long time. Deceased was a former resident of this township. It is our painful duty to chronicle the' death of Beulah Slay, aged four years and ten months, only child of A W. and Mrs, Marquis. Belmont, Man. This sad event occurred on monthly afternoon. November iSth, after a short Illness of aelebro-meniagitis Established 1899 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria oresolene is a boon to Asthltrntics i)oes it not scent more effective, to breathe in n remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs (ilia to take the remedy into the stomach t' 1t cures because the tar rendered strongly anti. septic is carried over the diseased surface unh every breath, grvirg prolonged and constant treat. trent. It is invaluable to mothers with small children. Those ofn consumptive tendency fled imriediate relief front coughs or ht. sa'the 'ti v conditions n 10 J 4 fl trued throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal fors ookiet, 1.xtsrtiten, blurs to., Limited, Agents, lltont- reil, Canada. 1oT srrrrrrIfinfirrrrrrrwrrrrrrr *•**•**.*.*•*****tw****** rrrr.rrrrrrr eff ISARDS [Departmenlal!Departmental Siore Prices Read every line, and see what a saving you eau make on NEW •L GOODS. Just what you are needing at the present time. w • • • • r 5 pieces Plaid Dress Goode, feet • colors, while they last„ 5c • 5c 25c • 5 pieces Fanny Tweed Dress r Goods, were 40o, they go at.2 1e • 150 • + A lot of Wide Ribbons, 20o value, • • all colors, while they last. , -15e • 590 • • 6 pieoee Fancy Dark Tweed Deas + Goads, just ia, 750 valuefor.59e • • • • P • ••• • • • • $1.00 French Flannel Waist Lengths, worth $1.50 for 51.00 1 2c. Two hundred peokageo mixed needles, to clear , .. .2e 100 20 pieces extra wide Flannelette, worth more money,our price.10e 50c Ladies' Readr•to-Wear Waiste, regular $1.00 and $I 25, only 50c $3.99 Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Coats, to clear out . , ... ..... 53.99 20 per cent. Laos Cartaias meet go. 20 per cent off out close out prices. 50c A special line al Plaid Taffeta i ilka, our out price 50e as • 25e • • • worth 37o, our cut price 251e 15c One niece Moire Skirting, lar 20c value rFgn• .15e 5 pieces wide Plaid Dress Goods, 25c 3 pieces New Pattorn Carpet to• •; clear at .......... .... ....`"5c $6.50 Men's Heavy Tweed Setts jag in, see them , . , .$0.50 Boots n►.drh ' a A shipmetlt just received -factories' clean-up lines. • to seforll cheapquick, a • • td + We bought them cheap' Men's, Women's and Boys' Shoes now on our counters • selling. •Come in and save from 15 to 25 per Gent. • 4 • a + • .s..''+ 4 • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • ••• • • • • • • • • e • • • • • v • 4 A 5. 104 r r + i r r t. 50 5 pieces Cotton Shirting, while they last only 5c 50c Men's Heavy Fleece Uuderwear, special at 50c $2.00 Boys 2 piece Suite, good value at $2 50, onr special price...52.00 25c 25 dozen Ladies' fine finish Vests and Drawers, good value at 35c, sale 25e 25c 10 dozen Heavy Wool Hose, rib- bed, good value at 35o, special price 25c $3.75 Ladies' Top Skirts, Black Vien- na Olcth, $5.00 value, our out prioe .. $3.75 $7.95 95 Men's Heavy Tweed Overcoats, well made, $10.00 value, aur cut price $7.95 20e 10 piesee Spun Glass Skirting or Lining, 253 value for.. 20c All other lines reduced 8c New Pattorn Wrapperette, flat colors, our price Se 50c Boys Heavy Navy, Blue Sweaters, 65c valve for 50c 35c Boys' Fleece Underwear, our clearing price •,,,35c $1.19 Men's Heavy Strong Tweed Pants, worth $1,50, to clear oat quick,.,. $1.19 10c 6 pieces heavy Reversible Flan- nelette, 12L;o quality. quick selling price 10c 25e 5 dozen White Knit Corset Cov- ers, sizes 32, 34, 36, regular 35c quality, only , • • , 25e $2.00 Ladies' J6 0kets, not this season style, good warm lined estate, must go at $2.00 $1 25 Ladies' Wrappers made of heavy wrapperette, lined in waist. SI .5o quality for $1,25 10c 5 pieces Fine Bleeobed Cotton 121‘c value for.... , , . 10c 25c Ladies' Tourist Cape to clear, re. galar price 50o for is 5 pieces Heavy Flannelette, fast colors, our cut price 74 $1.65 Men's Heavy Brown Corduroy Pants, $2.00 valve, our special price ... $1.05 8c' Mill Eude Factory Cotton. 10o and 12?"o value to clear out at only ... Sc $1.30 2 dozen Heavy Black Satin Underskirts, $1 25 valve, onr special price , $1.00 50c • • 4. • • 0 • • • + 4 O •e • 4, • • 4. 4 • • A 4. 4 4, • t+ . i 4. 3 pieces plain colored Venetian ••'. erDress Goods, ail wool, out GROCERY CARCAIN. �lbv Granulated Sugar and 5 2' lbs No, 1 Japan or Green Cesenn Tea, for '$2.25 ec 4 4 4 4 4 4 ® i. •.•.0+.•..4*.•4.......••..•A.A1.AAa4A.AAA,dA.BAAAA,AAAAAAALAA Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BLU 6VALIs Mrs. Masters has returned from Vic- toria hospital, London, much improved in health. Turnberry Township Council meets in the Clerk's office here on Monday, De- cember 10th. Several new members have been added to Court Douglas, C. 0. F. Mr. John Torrance, Organizer spent several days here in the interests of the Order. The annual meeting of the Bluevale Cheese and Batter Co. will he held in the Foresters hall on Thursday afternoon, Deo. 12th. From the annual report we find that 73,719 pounds of butter were made during the past season. The low- est price received for butter was 19e per ib. and the highert 27?;0. Daring the season 513187.11 was paid to patrons. Site is white As A Ghost. le it a matter of pride to be pale as a lily, -certainly not. What every woman wants 15 strength, color, vigor. Buoy- ancy and health are the tight of every woman, and these she need not lack if she only uses Ferrozone. It gives nppe- tlte, Creates etrengch, enriches blood, gives vigor to the nerves, color to the cheeks and brightness to the ryes. I'er- rezone Wet once convertible into health, beauty and strength. There is power in Ferrozone,-tp it, and know what you have missed, ,nuc. est all dealers. Joseph Anderson was killed and Joseph C. Cornett badly injarod in different ca• trent works bear Owen Sound, both men being caught and whirled around the (hafting. 1 S AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA w'v+.++NauvvwVVVVVVVVVVVIAarVs. Lehigh c c VaIleyr Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers IT HAS -NO EQUAL. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VNA40,e o+1+ AINovvvvVSANVVVYVySa 0.•.•i4*•*•••***40#••••••***. •*•8+*******4•..•*•.*•••44 COAL COAL COAL. + We are sole agents for the oelobrated SCRANTON CO.tL. I, • • whioh has no cttpt:I1. Also the hest grade, a of Smithing, S7ann�.�l and • 4. Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand. + • fa lstockof + LUMBER,SHINGLES. t + (Dreamt or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Eta. • +Highest Price paid for all kiindi4 of Lugs. "` + 4. J. A. McLean. Residettoe Phone No. 55. Ontoe,1 d, 64. Mill, No, 44. lt` 4**4*#Mv4*##Icoc.#4 +1• 1##### 1*.**.11 1 : *