HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-04-04, Page 11 . Whole No. 5221 109th Year r i mr.„,77,-77,777, SEAFORTII; 'ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 7 12 PAGES Single Copies, „cm* $54,0 it Tear 141,A4Finge ;•• The flapper era of the twenties was relived Friday night when Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion sponsored a Roaring Twenties dance. Members and friends- came garbed in dress typical of the period. Shown during an intermission The Roaring Twenties At The Legion are (left) Don ,Morton, Mrs. Jack Eisler, Mrs. Les Habkirk, Keith McLean and Mrs. William Eisler. (Expositor photo by Phillips.) Seaforth Hospital Reports Occupancy at New High An increase in 'average oc- cupancy to 87.6% was indicated in reports covering February presented to the March meeting of the board of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. The increase was most appar- ent in medical and surgical. Oc- cupancy was at 124% of capa- city up from 104.8%, the prev- ious Year. This was possible as a result of beds becoming avail; able in the chronic section *here occupancy dropped from 67.4% to 39%. Corresponding increases were reported in maternity at 55%, up from 26.8% and newborn at 40.5% *from 17.6%. During the month there were 2,366 pat- ient days, the average patient per day being 42.2. The 'report of the finance cqmmittee was presented by W. D. Stephenson. Auditors expec- ted to be completed within ra few days arid reports would be available in mid-April he said. Reporting for the property committee chairman James M. Scott said work had begun on •the Contract covering comple- tion of the heating and ventila- ting system but delay was be- ing experienced by the con- tractor ' obtaining delivery, on Receives • Oil Painting •Ghistopher Dale this week received an oil painting com- pleted by his grandson Alfie Dale of Owen Sound who is completely paralYzed as the re- sult of a swimming accident twO years ago. Ile is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale s:if Owen Sound. Mr. Dale' said the youth, as part ef the therepy program he un- dergoes, paints- by • holding a brush in his mouth. certain equipment. Mr. Scott said plans were un- derway to replace some trees and shrubs which had been lost during the winter and also to re -seed certain areas of the lawn when weather permitted. He said the work would be sup- ervised by Walter Scott a mem- ber of the committee. Mrs. J. McConnell of the pub- lic relations committee said the services of Mrs. J. Wurm who had retired from the staff after a quarter century of ser- vice had been recognized by the committee. The board agreed as a pre- ventative measure to enter into a maintenance contract with a -pest control firm when adminis- trator Gordon McKenzie point- ed, out the 0.H.S.C. considered such action desirable. Reporting on an inspection by a member of the 0.H.S.C. fire prevention service he said a testing device to check out grounded floors such as those in the operating suites .had been recommended. The automatic smoke detection system instal- led throughout the hospital will be checked at regular intervals he said and information con- cerning a maintenance contract was being obtained. It was agreed the property. committee would consider the recommen- dations when the formal report is received. In the meantime the board approved draft fire regulations which had under- gone comrnittee study on sever- al occasions and which had been cleared by the fire inspec- tor. Mr. McKenzie said discussions had been held With the 0.H.S.C. pharmacy consultant andit had been agreed the pharmacy would be open during stated periods five day a n week with a registered nurse in charge. Board member Walter Short - reed, RR 3, Walton, read a let- ter he received•from his daughe Present Awards at Minor Hockey Night • Largest crowd in several years was on hand Saturday night for the wind-up of the current minor hockey season In Seaforth. Sponsored by Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, min- or hockey night saw champion- ships decided in Mtn* elapses and awards presented to play- ers in each of the teams in recognition of best mid improv- ed perforMance. Award winners were: Ban- tams: best goalie award, tarry Broome; most improved player awards, Tim 110ff and Ronnie Dalton. PeeWees: best goalie award, Kevin Henderson; most improv- ed player aWard, Gary Phillips, 'David McChire, Larry Dupee and Garry Feeney. Squirts: best goalie award, Itoss Govier; most improved player awards, Tomtny Hewitt, Jerome Ambit. Mites: most improved player awards, Joey Czerwinsky, Larry Dalton. Winning teams and names of players will be released by the Legion sports committee this Weekend and Will appear in next week's issue, ter, now residing in Austr'alia. She said nurses' salaries in 'Aus- tralia are comparable to those in Canada but noted that hos- pital rates for patients are low- er. She said the state -operated ambulance servicethere is ex- cellent. Members attending the meet- ing were M. McKellar, Victor Lee, Walter Scott, W. D. Steph- enson, John Eisler, Mrs. D. Mor- ton, Mrs. R. ,J. Boussey, Mrs. J. McConnell, D. I. Stewart, Rev. D. 0. Fry, J. M. Scott, Walter Shortreed and the chairman, A. Y. McLean. Lombardo To Return In June Seaforth Stores •Open This Friday Night Reflecting a decision taken by, Seaforth merchants at a meeting ten days ago Seaforth stares will remain open next Friday night and each succeed- ing Friday night until further notice. As in recent years the stores will close at 9 p,m. • FolloWing the example of last year when stores remained open on Wednesday afternoons dur- ing weeks in which a holiday occurred it is expected stores will remain open all day next Wednesday. Guy Lombardq and his Royal Canadians will make a return visit to -Seaforth next June. Arrangements are being com- pleted by the Seaforth Recrea- tional Council to bring the fam- ous band here on Tuesday; June 4th. On his first visit to Seaforth last S'eptember Guy Lombardo . packed the arena and it was the success of that event coupled with many requests for a re- turn engagement that prompted the decision .to settle on the June date. • Announce Sale of IHC Dealership Announcement was made this week of the sale of ;he John Bach IHC farm equipment busi- ness • to Vincent Farm Equip- ment Ltd. of Ayr and Galt. , Founded by the late , John Bach, more than 30 year ago the business under his direc- tion had grown into one of the largest of its kind in the dis- trict and provided service over a wide area. Mr. Bach died sud- denly last October. Thebusiness will be under the managership of ,Morlen Vin- cent who has been manager of the Galt branch ot the firm for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and their family Erects - Notice Board plan on moving to Seaforth in the near future. , With the addition of the Sea - forth outlet the Vincent firm which, ranks among Ontario's largest farm equipment dealer- ships will pmploy about 30 peo- ple. Of this number seven will be in the Seaforth branch. The Vincent organization had its beginning in the Ayr district in 1925 when it was founded by Leslie C. Vincent, father of the present owners. Planning for the April gen- eral meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was well advanced at a recent executive meeting in the town hall. The monthly Meeting will be a dinner meet- ing at the Commercial Hotel on Aprllg3rd. Mrs. Jean Henderson C of C president pointed out the meet- ing would be a feature of Cham- ber of Commerce week which ' this year is scheduled for the Week of April 214 The meeting clikussed a num- ber of proposals concerning ac- tivities that could be undertak- en. Erection of the public notice board at the post Offite com- pleted one project that had been considered ,for aome time. Mrs. Henderson pointed out the sign which had been erected but a short time dread!, Was in daily use. tOors eceives aye If ma e t race. Robert Stewart Smith, 20, of RR 4, • Brussels, was sentenced to five years in Kingston Peni- tentiary for the Jan. 3 armed robbery of the Bank of 'Mont- real branch at Brucefield. The sentence was imposed by Magistrate G. G. Marshman of London, presiding at Huron County magistrate's court in Goderich on Monday. The court was told Smith, Wearing a face mask and coveralls and brand- ishing a sawed-off shotgun, en- tered the ,bank, "herded two staff members and two customers in- to e small closet and escaped with $9,144. Crown attorney W. G. Coch- rane of Goderich, said Smith then drove to Kitchener where he sold his car to a dealer, pur- chased another car and fled to the United States. Police recovered $2,600 in cash from Smith when he was arrested in Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 5. The amount paid for the car has also been recover- ed, leaving a shortage of about. $4,000. William James Yuill, 23, of Kitchener, charged with pos- session of money stolen in the ,same robbery, was yesterday remanded to April"30 on $5,000 cash bail. Defence lawyer James Don- nelly of Goderich, seeking le- niency, asked Magistrate Marsh, man consider the fact that Smith had no previous record. He said Smith had co-operat- ed with police, had a reasonable degree of intelligence, a fair ed - (Continued on Page 7) ,Discuss Plans For Roller Skating Possibility that a roller skat- ing program will be underway In Seaforth Memorial Arena in the near future is seen follow- ing discussions this week be- tween a professional roller skat- er and members of the arena committee. While cletails have not been completed it is expected the arrangement will provide for skates being made available for rent and for the presence of a club professional to provide in- struction during the season. Plan For Holy Week The Seaforth Ministerial As- sociation is planning a series of eeuminical Holy Week ser- vices in Seaforth Churches commencing Tuesday evening in Northside United Church. , The serieS will conclude Sat- urday evening With Service in • St James' Roman Catholic Church at 11 p.m. Details of the services are contained 'in tin announcement of page 6 of this issue. Voice Concern Cost of Assessing Huron County Councillor Clif- ford Dunbar of Grey Township termed the coming county as- sessing system as a "tragic in- crease" representing one and one-third mills — or V100,000 'to the taxpayers. Reeve Dunbar wad speaking- at the Tuesday afternoon session of council in Goderich last week. Chairman Roy Pattison of the equalization • committee report- ed that his committee will ad- vertise for a commissiolitr-q10- Hied to oversee the county aS- sessing operation. He added that a -full report will be available at the June session of county council. Though speculation has it that the new assessing system will cost in excess of $100,000 annually, chairman Partisan, reeve of East Wawanosh believes it is a "good idea which will bring us up to standard with the Ontario assessment commis- sion". He suggested that if council wants economy it will have to pay for it. Pattison added that it has been the experience of some, municipalities that the cost of assessing has been off- set by the collection of taxes which through neglect or ignor- ance, had never before been bil- led. •• Bayfield reeve Frank McFad- den saia that the 1966 assess- ment bill was $38,000 and in 1967 it had' been estimated that the, new system would cost ap- proximately $80,000, per year. "If anyone has a headache I Welcome New Members Seaforth Optimists welcomed four new members to theik ranks at a meeting last Thurs- day night. They were Robert Doig, William Bennett, Dave Rettinger and Fred Wagter. In other business the club heard committee reports• from the various committee chair- men concerning the activities of the club since -its beginning. r, Moved After 88 Years have some aspirins in my jack! et," McFadden quipped. Finance, Executive In the absence of Zurich reeve Leroy Thiel, chairman of thefinance and exectitiv,e com- mittee Howick reeve Harold - Robinson brought in the com- mittee report which showed that total grants and member - 'ships this year amount to $6,- 000. Warden, salary and expenses will cost $3,000; county council, $12,000; warden's banquet, $900; picnic, $400; bus tour, $500; ad- vertising and printing, $4,000; committees and conventions (excluding ,health, Huronview library and roads), $10,000. Salaries for clerk -treasurer, deputy clerk -treasurer and sec- retaries' will total $37,900; as- sessing department salaries, $11,840; travel and conventions for both departments, $4,000; The Staffa post office • will find a new home after 88 years in the same building. • Mrs. Jessie O'Brien will re- tire when she becomes eligible for pension. She inherited her position as post mistress from her husband, Walter, who had retired because ..of ill health. She and Mr. O'Brien came to Staffa from Stratford in 1920 and bought the general store which has continued in, their name since then. "We bought the store from T. M. Hamilton, who moved away to Toronto. It had been built by him," she said. Mrs, O'Brien will continue to run the store. The post office's new location will be at Saddler's :general store about 200 •feet'away. ' "We have 85 'boxes on the rural" route and 24 in the vil- lage. I just do everything that is done in a large post office only on a' smaller scale." - "It's a grand rush at Christ- mas time but we get along," she said. MISS- JANE McCONNELL waS crowned "Queen of the Formal" at the SDHS Friday evening. She was one of five contestants vieing for the honor. telephone, $2,500; office sup- plies, $5,000; postage, $.1,400; . equipment, .$2,500; fees (audit and legal), $5,000. Fox Rosati,* Fox bounties carne under ser- ious discussion • Tuesday af-4 ternoon when, it was learP0.4,- that the agriculture and reffM, estation committee proposed'40 reduce the fees to limiters from,. $4 per animal' killed tO $2- It was pointed out that the prov- incial government had with; drawn from a previous agree- ment with the counties to pay •$2 bounty for each fox slain. Several councillors questioned whether or not $2 was sufficient incentive to hunters who stalk and kill foxes. Others wonder- ed if the bounty should be en- tirely withdrawn as is happen- ing in other counties. 'We must have the bounty hunters," insisted Goderich Reeve Herbert Such when it was learned that a rabid fox had entered a stable in Morris Township, that two cattle had died and more were sick with rabies and that the fox had gone into the silo after the farmer who protected himself with a fork, In connection with this matter A. D. Smith, Reeve of Turnber- ry expressed shock that the cat- tle ,could not be given a hu. mane end but had to suffer and die from the rabies. "Some- thing should be done," he stat, (Continued on Page 7) Wild Geese Sighted In Area Signs of spring were in evi- dence Sunday according to W. M. Hart who reported seeing nine wild swans on a pond near the Oliver MacKay farm in Tuckersmith. • Mr. Hart said there also were several flocks of wild geese in the area. McKillop Council cts On Drain Petition McKillop Council meeting Monday, named Ephriam Haase as warble fly inspector. He will receive $1,50 per hour and mile- age. • Council aCcepted petitions for repair and improvement of two municipal drains. Gordon Mur- ray of part lot 23, con, 10, ask- ed that the Bolton drain be re- paired and Council agreed to notify the inspector to carry out the work. Lary Wheatley and, others at lots 26 and 27, con. 8, asked that- the south and west branches of the Winthrop drain be repaired and this was refer- red to engineers for a report. Renumeration of $8 for each „ member of council, the clerk, and assessor was agreed on, on occasions when it was necessary to attend meetings outside the township. In addition car mile- age for one car will be allowa Council approved'road expen- ° diture vouchers totalling $5,- 861.56 and instructed road sup- erintendent Wilson Little to ob- tain -.tenders on 30,000 yards pit rue gravel for use on the con- ceSsion road west of Leadbiu7 corner. Tax arrears totalling nearly $8,000 were referred to Huron County treasurer to permit. the inclusion of properties involved in the County taX sale. st. Columban Teams St. Golumban Juniors came through Saturday to win the Knights of Columbus trophy at the annual tournament at Seaforth Arena after defeating teams from Mt. Carmel and Seaforth. The St. Columban Senior team, also Von the trophy in its class. Shown here are (left, front) Kevin Shea, Gerald Sweep Tournament Jordan, fierman Klaver, Barry Lane and,Toe Mame% (cen- tre), Allan -Murray, Keith Murray, Danny Nolan and Mari Murray; (rear) Jack Lane (coach), Dotiglitil Murray and OtalV O'Reilly. (Expositor photo by Phillips.) "