HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-03-21, Page 11BI •••• TinIf HURON. EXPO;SIT AM THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO 'YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Evets 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted) 5. Business Opportunities • 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted? 14. Preperty For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent • 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified, adls are Inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- s Ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 minimum 65c. Classifica- tions 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. All other classifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. For cash payment or if paid within 10 days following last Insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. Coming Events * HAM 'and Stravvberry supper, Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, June 19th. 1-19x1 RUMMAGE Sale — April 27th, 2 pm., •St Thomas Parish Hall. 1-19.1 SEAFORTH Fall Fair: Septem- * ber 19 and 20. For copy of • prize list in Ladies Home De-* paztment and Arts and Crafts, phone Mrs. J. M. Scott, 527- 1702. 1-19-1 A series of prenatill classes will begin Wednesday., April 3, 1968 at 2:00 p.m. at the Health 4' Unit Office, Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital, Seafetth. These will be held at weekly inter- vals for nine weeks. Those in- terested are invited to attend on the above date, or phone the Public Health Nurse, Sea - forth 527-1243, between 9:00- 4. 9:30. or 4:30-5:00 1-19-2 THE Swiss Club, Thamesval- ley, invites everybody to the second Swiss Canadian Get- together, March 29th at 8 , p.m. in Brodhagen Commun- ity Hall. Admission, member; $1.75, non member $2.00. 1-18-2 4. Help Wanted ' Help - Wanted Accounts payable clerk, male or female. Must be a 'good typist. Apply Box 1719 The Huron Expositor 4-18-2 HELP WANTED Female . Machine Operators Fringe benefits — 2 weeks an- nual holidays, payed statuatory holidays, group insurance, pen- sion plan, time and a half for over time. HIGHLAND SHOES SEAFORTH, 4-19-2 Required Immediately By Large C'orpor'ation Female Clerical vlielp Requirements: typing essen- tial; also helpful bookkeeping, filing, general office experience. Excellent working -conditions, benefits, hours etc. Location of position — ,Goderich. . • Apply in writing only and in - *elude your telephone number to: , BOX 187, SIGNAL STAR, 37 West St., Goderich, Ontario.' 4-19-1 SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Applications are invited for the positions of life guards, swimming instructors and Vooth assistants for the coining season *at Seaforth Lions Park. Appli- cants must be 16 years of age or over. Apply in writing indicating Ege, experience, qualifleatione, aWards and the particular po- sition for which this applidation, is being made, before March 439th, 1968 to: LIONS OLIB3 PARK, • Box 52o, swarm 4414. 5. Bus. Opportunities Business Opportunity Tired of being chained to a desk or machine? Interes- ting work awaits you if you reply -4,i this ad. Part or full time work, couples can work together. Reply to Keith Ing- ham, 113 William St., Strat- ford by mail or phone. , 5-18-1 Grow 'Cucumbers' and make extra money If you have % an acre of land or more, you can grow cucum- bers for Bick's — All Hybrid seeds. Highest prices paid. Free • Pick-up at Gate. Bick's Grading Station 10 Albert Kramers, phone 345-2643, Dublin 5-10-1 7. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED carp enter wants work, all kinds. Peter Malcolm, phone 527-1664. 7-18-tf 15% year old boy wants farm work for more experience,, live in, has workpermit, April — September. Phone -471-2734. • 7-19-4 S. Form Stock Fqr.Sale WHITE faced calves, C. De:Corte phone 527-1628. 8-19-1 ONEGuernseycow, due to freshen soon. Norman Schade, phone 527-0405. 8-19x1 THIRTY York Landrace 40-6a lbs. Bob Robinson, phone 345-2317. 8-19-1 SIXTEEN pigs, eight weeks old. Lou McIver, phone 345-2489. 8-19x1 REGISTERED Hereford— bred heifers, George Love, Wal- ton. 8-19-1 9. Poultry For Sale KTMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS. LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-17-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale 1967 Epic, 18,000 miles, nine monthswarranty left, good shape, phone 527-0835. 10-j7-3 ONE owner, 1963, half ton truck in good condition, Roger lloornhaert, R82,..10ppen. 10-19-1 1950 International one ton truck. 1959 Chrysler car in good condition. Used 14 and 15 inch tires. Gordon Dale, R14, Clin- ton, phone 482-9206. 10-19-2 1957 Ford, mechanically good, body a little rough, $75, Ken Preszcator, Clinton RR1, phone Seaforth 527-1797. 10-19x1 11. Articles For Sale BAILED hay, Ralph Fiseher, RR4, Walton, phone Dublin, 345-2869. 11-18-2 1,000 bales clean oat stiNAT, Herman Van Bakel, RR2, Dublin, phone 55-R-12. 11-18x2 DIAMOND ring sale, 15% - 2d% discount on entire stlick of diamonds, Savauge jewel- lers, (opposite Post Office).. Evening appointments by ar- rangement, phone 527-0270. 11-17-tf TRUCKLOAD lots of Ont- ario grain and cern at compet- itive prices. Topnotch Feeds Ltd. phone 52- 7-1910 Seaforth. 11-10-2 QUANTITY of baled hay, good quality, Dan O'Connor, phone Dublin 345-2792. 11-18x3 PIONEER and Can a dian 'chain saws, reduced spring prices on some models. Com- plete parts and service. Ra: bert Glen, Pioneer Saws, phone 482-9292, Clinton. 1147-4 LARGE Detroiter Mobile Home, 52 x 10. Two ' bed- rooms, 3, piece bathroom, kitchen and living room. Com- pletely furnished; rock maple furniture, drapes, rugs, Tamps, etc., stove, frig,. washing machine. Excellent condition. 16 x 12 porch also available. Presently set up on large, landscaped, private lot. Phone 524-8061 11-18-2 QUANTITY of shelled corn and "a Foreey welder, War- ner feed cooker, Arnold Tay- lor. Phone 482-9155. 11-18-2 SAVAUGES March sale now on. Drop in and see the many bargains on display. Dis- Counts up to 50%. Savauge Jewellers (opposite post off- ice) 11-16-5 FIV,E piece living room suite ba good condition. Roger Hoorn- haert, RR2, KipPen; 11-19-1 NINETEEN inch b1cyle, like new with hand brakes. Phone evenings, 527-1018. 11-14x2 GOOD oil. stove and fifteen lengths of pipe. IVIalte a good stove for cottage. Apply to Box 206, Seaforth 1149*2 4-000 bales of good hay.. COMO timothy seed, power cleaned. Phone Don Rose; 348-9148. 11-66-1 it Artitles For Sale SMALL cvuebee 0 range that burns coal and) wood with war- ming closet.. In good condition. Cheap. Davina Anderson, James Street. 11-19*1 TREFOIL seed, 85c per lb. Prank Eickmeier, Lot 30, Con. 6, Logan Township, phone 345- 2168. 11-19-3 QuANTrry of -timothy seed, cleaned at the Alexander Seed Cleaning Fleet. Also some baled hay, timothy and alfalfa mix- ture. Phone 527-0325. 11-19*2 400-1O 500 bales of good hay. A quantity of cut straw, also a' quantity of mixed grain. Wil- fred O'Rourke, phone 345-2975. 11-19x2 USED FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS 2010 John Deere with loader 560 Cockshutt row crop ( Diesel ) 400 Case ( Gas ) 10 ft. Intenational cultivator on rubber 8 It. John Deere on rubber Special this ,week only Case 400, gas, good tractor also other tractors, plows, corn planters, cultivators. JIM CHALMERS R.R.2 KIPPEN Phone Seaforth 527-0205 ' 11-17-tf SEED GRAIN Russell Oats - 'Reg. Canada. No. 1 Kelsey Oats - limited quant- ity,' Reg. Keystone Barley - Reg. -or Canada No. 1 Herta Barley - Can. No. 1 from Cert. Seed Custom mixtures available. Art Bolton 527-0455 or Russ- ell Holton 527-1428. 11.1•17-tf TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-17-tf PIANOS and organs, new and reconditioned, largest va- riety to choose from. We ser- vice what we sell for our cus- tomers to the high6st degree of accuracy: See your Sher- lock- Manning dealer for this area and get a truly fine in- strument. Many, makes and models at Garnet-' Farrier's showrooms at Whitechurch. Phone 357-2068. 11-16-tf Seed Out Contracts 95c uncleaned, at harVest time, $1.05 uncleaned, winter delivery. Orbit, Stormont, Kelsey, Garry, Rodney Rus- sell. Also many other Seed Contracts available now. ALEX M. STEWART & SON LTD. AILSA CRAIG • 11-18-4 First Time Ever Zig Zag portable machine $149.95. Free steriophonic re- cord player. Zig Zag portable machine $129.95. Free A.M. radio - or P - 1F Floor Polisher • Zig Zag portable machine save $50 Now $99.95. Singer Company of Canada 40 West Street, Goderich Phone 524-8431 • 11-19-2 MARE, eight years old. Well broken. E -x cellent for kids. Phone Brussells, 3814-13. 11-19x1 RED clover,,timethy and alfal- fa seed. Gordon Dale, RR4, Clin- ton, phone 482-9206. 11-19-2 NINETY hanging tube feeders, six eight -foot hanging waterers, six sit foot hanging waterers, 31 ram shelters, all in like - new condition. Bruno Braecker, phone 345-2806. 11-19-3 NATIONAL cash register, fix- tures, stands and hangers, half price. Eve Mar Store, phone 527-1690. 11-19-1 12. Wanted To Buy ANY old wood -working tools used around the farm. Write 616 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont., giving particulars. • 12-15.78 A China cabinet in good con- dition with glass door and glass in the sides. Write, giv- ing price . and particulars to Box 1715, Huron Expositor. 12-17x3 13. Wanted CUSTOM chain twenty head of for grass. Phone sawing. Also eattle -wanted 623-9526. 13-19x1 14. Property. For Sale CENTRALLY located, four bed- room home, hardwood floors, Close to schools, churches and uptown business section. Mo- dern conveniences, gat heated. Apply to Box 1721, Huron Ex- positor. , 14494 CORaiER building lot in kar- purhey, good water supply. Phone 52711769. 144941 1% storey, three beroom h�i in Egtnondville, situated, on large lot on main road, new bathroom. Contact Gordon Pap- ple, 11B5 14-19X2 - 14. Property For Sale BUYING?? SELLING?? REAL ESTATE CONTACT William M. Hart SALESMAN SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON, REAL ESTATE LTD THREE bedromn house in Eg- mondville, new furnace, extra' lot, low taxes, phone 5274)468. 14-194. 77% acres, clay loam, let 34, Con. N. 13, McKillop Twp., Hu- ron County. Comfortable six room house, three piece bath, drilled well, hydro, pressure system, bank barn, 40 x 56 drive shed, hen house, some Imple- ments. Possession this spring. George ',ox, R RI., Walton phone 527-1767. 14-194 1.5. Property For Rent GRASS available for a number of yearling cattle. Wilfred O'- Rourke, phone 345-2975. 15-19x2 GRASS available for 25 steers, from 690 to 800 'lbs. Torrence Dundas, Walton, phone Brus- sels, 4704-5. 15-19-tf FIRST- floor two room apart- ment, heated pnd all services supplied. Private entranc e. Phone 527-1073 or Jack Thomp- san's Family Shoes and Re- pairs. 15-19-tf. SELL REAL ESTATE 'Join Ontario's largest Real- tor specializing in rural, town and vacation• properties. No ex- perience necessary, we will train you. Excellent conimission arrangement. For further infor- mation call or write MR. ROBT. MeBINN; H. KEITH LTD Realtor 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12 Phone 487-3333. ' . 5-19-2 16. Fof-Sale-or Rent "TEACHERS Pet" wool suit, light blue tweed effect, size 7, in excellent condition. Mrs. Itobt. Bell, phone 262-5271. 16-19-1 19. Notices CONCRETE silos, farmers place your orders now, for erection of a silo in time for this year's crop. Wes Hugill and son, Zurich, phone 236- 4928. 19-13-3 Farm Inconle Tax done in your own home a one year basis. Apply Box 1717 The Huron Expositor 19-17-4 on . • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2, Brussels, phone 442-W-6 or, HAROLD MALONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17-tf TOM GRAFTON .Huron Farm Accounting Blyth, phone collect 523-9429 Specializing in Farm Tax- ation and Business Accoun- ting.. ' 19-14x3 TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for INCOME TAX — T4's Complete record- prepara- tion and maintenance. Phone 482-9260. 19-1741 19. Notices rI;FOTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- hense St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-17-11 SEPTIC TAN -KS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guaran- tee all work. Write or call Har- vey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527- 1406. 19-1741 VACUUM—cleaner-sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sala.- Varna, Phone 262-5350, Hensall. 19-1741 WATCH REPAIRS— FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-17-tf Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs. - Ring Sizing - Retie Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 19-17-tf 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Shorthorn 'cattle; imple- ments; feed and furniture at lot 16, con. 8, Hibbert Twp., at Staffa, 5 miles south of Dub- lin on ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 • at l:00p.m. CATTLE 5 Shorthorn cows, due time of sale; 3 first calf heifers with calves by side; 3 cows with calves by side; 1 cow due April; 2 cows_ rebred; 1 open heifer; 2 farrow cows; 9 heifers 700 — 800 lbs.; 6 steers 790 — 900 lbs; 2 heifers 6 months old., FEED .900 bales hay; 800 bales straw; 250 bushels barley; 500 bushels mixed grain; 2oo bushels oats. IMPLEMENTS — Ferguson no. 35 diesel tractor with 2,400 hrs. With manure loader ;4 Ferguson 3 furrow plow; Xongskilde 8% ft. cultivator; J. D. 3 pt. hitch drag cultivator; Ferguson culti- vator with scuffler attachments; I.H.C. 11 disc fertilizer drill; Dearborn 6 ft. double disc; Case 10 ft. packer; 5 section of har- rows; I.H.C. no. 45 p.t.o. baler; Geo. White 20 ft. bale elevator and motor; Dearborn 6 It. pow- er mower; rubber tired wagon and rack; Oliver ifranure spread- er on rubber; Letz grinder; Pa - pec hammermill; 2 wheel trail- er with racks; snow blower; bin grain dryer; set of tractor chains; Surge milker with 2 units; ,electro pail; aluminum wheel barrow; Stewart cattle clippers; hydraulic jack; bog scale and crate; drive belts; steel water tank; 90 gal. drum; sap pails; quantity of lumber; posts; forks; shovels; tools etc. FURNITURE — Antique bed- room suite; spool .bed; partial HtiS 0.4%10.1 Too CI -0S E foR11-i Is 20. Auction Sales toilet sets; occasional chair; wash stand; rocking chairs; odd tables and chairs; extension table and six chairs. No reserve TERMS — CASH GORDON IlOGGARTH Proprietor W. E. NAIRN & SON Auction Service St Marys phone 284-3796 20-19-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Or 2 tractors, self propelled. combine, truck, feed and a full line of power farm machinery, at lot 15, Con. .3, Logan Town- ship, 114 Miles north of Mit- chell. on SATURDAY 1VIARCH 30 Commencing at 1 O'clock FEED —30 tons mixed grain; 1,000 bales hay. IMPLEMENTS — 770 David Brown tractor with loader, pow- er steering and grill guard, has run less than 300 hours; W6 IHC tractor; 600 Case self-pro- pelled combine er,ith pick up and reel cutbar, in A-1 shape; 1963 Chevrolet 1 ton truck with dual wheels, tarp and loading chute, in A-1 shape; Mc -Deering no. 46 baler; Mc - Deering 7 ft. trail mower; Mc - Deering 3 bar side rake; Cock - shut 4 bar side rake; 32 ft. bale and grain elevator with 1 HP motor; Cunningham hay con- ditioner; bale bundler; MC - Deering 140 bushel PTO man- ure spreader with steel forage sides;" Mc -Deering 10 ft. wheel cultivator; Oliver 8 ft. double disc; Mc -Deering one-way disc with new plates; Mc -Deering 16 run power lift seed drill; 2 sets harrows; 3 -drum land roller; Mc -Deering 3 furrow mounted plow; • Mc -Deering 3 furrow trail plow; wagon with New Holland gravity grain box; Geo. White wagon, new with hay rack; O.K. blower with pipes; 22 ft. grain auger with % HP motor; heavy duty snow blower. MISCELLANEOUS — Hog feeder; Wisconsin motor; steel water trough; saw -dust burner; stoker for furnace; 22 ft. spray- er ,broom; beat houser for Mc - Deering 275 tractor; pile of scrap iron; lumber; 50 ft. end- less belt and many other artic- les too numerous to mention, No reserve as farm is sold 5 pet cent sales tax in effect. TERMS -- CASH ALEX J. ROHDE Proprietor • R. G. GETHKE Auctioneer • Dial 347-2465 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of dairy cows, dairy equip- ment and machinery at Lot 376, Huron Road No. 8, in the town limits of Goderich. Located behind Baird Motors., TUESDAY 'MARCH 26, at 12:30 P:M. CATTLE. 40 head of Jersey cows, 15 cows milking, `.\ " saymouft SliDMoRE NEVER: 44A0 A DAT MoTHEiz Bok.s&HT HIM 'NAT CAR NoW HE'S SWINGIN& eklecri )416W! 20. Auctiknt Sales. some due at sale time and ba due in April and May - DAIRY EQUIPMENT De Laval 44 can bulk tank C1344- er, S. P. 11 Surge vacuuM pump and pipeline for 45 oows, 3 surge units, 1 Woods upright milker; stainless steel washsinks, paiLs and strainers. MACHINERY — Massey Fer- guson 65 gas tractor, Massey Harris 23 standard tractor, Massey Ferguson 15 run drill (new) with liquid fertilizer attachment, Massey Ferguson 4 row corn and bean planter, Massey FerguSon No. 10 ba- ler, Allis Chalmers No. 60 pull type combine, New Idea 7 It. mower, 10 It. Cockshut cultivator, Allis Chalmers e delivery rake, 3 ton and 4 ton Cabey rubber tired Wa- gons with hay racks, 2 rove Maurer bean -puller, 3. P.T hitch 4row scuffler, 3 P.T: hitch weed sprayer, 20 foot boom, P.T.O. Cyclone loess seeder, George White 20 ft. Skeleton elevator and motor, Snowco 16 ft. grain augar, 18 in. barn fan, Canox 180 comPact electric welder Acet- ylene welder, 32 ft. extension ladder, - quantity of lumbe.r, Osier cettle clippers, light driving hornets and pony cart in good condition. NO reserve at owner is giv- ing up farming. TERMS — CASH CLIFFORD HUGILL Proprietor BRUCE RATHWELL Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM Clerk 20-18-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of livestock, dairy equip- ment, machinery, hay and household effectsat Lot 19, Con. 2 Tuckers/111th, 2 miles west of Egmondville, 21/4 miles' east of Brucefield and 2 ;miles north on FRIDAY, MARCH 22 at 12:00 sharp TRUCKS 64 Dodge 1 ton, dual wheels, flat rack with grain box, 54 Dodge 1 ton, dual wheels, flat rack' with grain box, both in excel- lent shape. LIVESTOCK — 1.6 Hols- tein cows and Heifers, some fresh, balance due' at sale time, 4 Holstein iteifers, 2 bred 2 open; 5 beef cows, pasture bred; 2 market -cattle, 900 lbs.; 6 Holsein steers, year and half old; 12 stocker cat- tle; 5 fall calves; 1 Hereford bulr, 2 years old. DAIRY EQUIPMENT — SP 11 Surge vacuum pump and pipe for 19 cows, 2 Sur- ge units, if milk cans, Ren- frew cream separator. IMPLEMENTS — Nuffield "'Upiversal Four" tractor, John Deere 2010 tractor with hydraulic loader, chains, 2 row seuffler and bean puller; McCormick No. 80 pull type 20. Auction Sales combine; International 10 gtm drill, 400 luternational 4 rim corn and bait Planter; 3 Pr hitch John Dere 3 f tarn, 14 in. bottom plow; Internat- ional 95 . .bushel Jnantira spreader; . 3 PT WW2 XRA'r skilde 11 ft. cultivator; 6 ft. John Deere double disc; John Deere side rake; John Deere 3 ton wagon, with grain box; Hergott cultivator; .6 furrow aderuoducni,., plow; Caae-',2,8, ft. bale elevator; 2 drum land " roller; Allis Chalmers bean Puller, weed sprayer, trailer tank, 27 ft. boom; 5 seetten Diamond harrow, 3 harrow bars; 7 ft:' International mew- •• ere•Herd PTO grass seeder, trailer; John Deere 10 inch ' Hammermill and 70 ft. end- less belt; Oat roller; Massey Grinder with speed jack; .2,- 000 lb. and 1,200 lb. weigh scales; 100 steel fence pests; 200 ft. of snow fence; two 14 ft. steel gates; two 16 ft. gates, one steel;" One cedar; fanning mill and screens; ,32 ft. extension ladder; steel wa- ter trough; 2 steel 6 ft. roll- away hens nests; egg washer and baskets; hydro electric fencer; racks for % ton truck; quantity of lumber, cattle de - homers, bolt clippers, Emery PTO tire pump, tools, bolts, forks, shovels and many other articles too numerous to mention. FEED 400 bales -first cut hay, 500 bales of straw. SEED 7 bushels timothy teed, 2- bags Seaway beans. FURNITURE — Dominion uriright _piano, round dining table, drop leaf table, studio couch, buffet, rocking chairs and kitchem chairs, radio, 2 Aladdin lanterns. Lunbil Counter No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS CASA CFIESTER NEIL Proprietor BRUCE RAT.HWELL ° Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM Clerk AUCTION SALE Of Go Carts and Snow Mo- biles in Seaforth Auction Cen- tre located at the C.N.R. tracks on; SATURDAY, MARCH 23 at 1:30 p.m. A -number. of G.o' Carts and a large assortment of parts, new and used tires, frames, clutches, motors and tools, from, the former Clinton Go Cart Track. Snow Mobiles all makes and models, in excellent con- dition; some televisions and furniture.. Consignments wel- come. - ' BRUCE RATHWELL Auctioneer Phone 482,3384 20-19-1 SEE PAGE 12 I'D Ski ?HEY Doter KNOW RN DQIVE, PERIOD! r SHE WONT BE So NAPPY WHEN VE SEES .4 -IIs GRAc,Es! FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systeml and farm line needs. PHONE 482-9561 17 Rattenbury Street, CLINTON "Proudly "We Servite Canadian" what we sell" RUSS ARCHER, Manager 19-17-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by- Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, PhOne 114 R 16, Dublin Call Collect 19-17-tf DEAD STOCK Highest cash prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and 'horses. We pay %c PER LB. weighing over 500 lbs.. Small animals picked up free of charge. Fog the most prompt and courteous service -in this district 'Please call collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 — Brussels, Ont. 24 hour servide-7 days a week LIONISE NO. 3908 19-17.4f THE FIRST SIGN OF SPRING IS 11-1E FALL . OF WINTER CLOTHES-! 1-1w9' ANY MOMENT NOW WE WILL GET CLEAP INDICATION THAT WINTER HAS ENDED, YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT '014 SUMMEll ONCE THE FIRST ICE-FeSHING HUT , BREAKS THE ICE.