HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-03-21, Page 5a • • A a • • a a • • , W STINGBOUSE DRYERS • • • • • Here is a special idea that will ave mother hours of work and take the drudgery out of wash day. BOX FURNITURE FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? .USE EXPOSITOR CL ASSIFIED THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 .tor 441 Swine ':' Iuh Program This year's 4 -II Swine Club program will get imder way on Wednesday, March 20th at 8:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ontar- io Department of Agriculture and Food, Clinton. Young peo- ple between the ages of 12 (as of January lst, 1968) and 20 , who are interested in joining, are asked to get in touch with their township hog producer director. i i A new deVelOPineRt in 411 regular Swine Club Record Swine Club work will.be tested Book. Gilts should be born be. on a pilot Duo ttlis .year in tween March 1 and April 30, Huron County When Members 1968. 12-20 year of age xnay take part in all aspects of the Pro- ject and will have a choice of a breeding hog or a market hog project. In the Breeding Hog Project, each member will have two purebred gilts and will Use the advice from Doris Clark DEAR DORIS — When. was a baby I was adopted into a Jewish family, the rule being that only Jews could adopt Jews. My4prob1em is this, I don't believe- I am a Jew. I don't look like a Jew .or act like onej also dislike the Jews trona the way my mom -makes thein out as the best people. But my association in the world can be only with Jewish boys and girls. I can't be friends with non-Jewish boys because I might fall in love and want to marry him. Mom also says if I don't marry a Jew I lose my fatally. Wheai guys do plicate me that aren't Jewish my- Mom some- how can tell and asks their name. Then she says, when I'm sitting beside her, that I'm not home and) please not to phone again. No Compromise DEAR NO — If you were Indian, or African, or any oth- er race, your parents would want you to marry within your own culttfre. Dien the differ- ence between English Canadi- ans who are Protestant and those who are Roman Cathol- ic can make for difficulty — and heartbreak. Your mother is trying to save you from this. You aren't the first adopted, child who questioned your placement. But even blood -re- lated teen-agers find parents prejudiced and dogmatic about their friends. Later you will be choosing your own friends„ ,For now, try getting to know same more Jewish boys. DEAR DORIS — I attended the funeral of an uncle this afternoon and when I came home boy I got hit by a bomb. The hospital had -notified me at noon that my daughter was to be there by a certain time. When I got home they had phoned my baby sitter and up- set her by telling her to tell me I should have been home to take my. daughter. At this time she was asked if my dead uncle or my 'daughter was most important. I am sure I didn't ask my uncle to pass on. Is there no sympathy left in the people of this town? Ped Up DEAR FED UP — Will my apology do? Sometimes a re- ceptionist is loaded with the job of getting. patients . where the doctor- is, when the doctor gets there. Everything goes haywire for the, day 'if she gets several cancelled appointments or peo- ple who simply don't turn up. Maybe it was just one of those days, for her. Uncles don't, die every day — and she had to blow off steam to somebody. Could you have phoned and can- celled? I Can tell you- for sure there is plenty of sympathy left in every Canadian town. . DEAR DORIS — I am 16. I am in grade 10 and I- passed the first term with second class honors. Each time I askmy mother if she will let me go to .the show (even on a Saturday after- noon) or to a party with a boy, she gives me the same excuse: that I am too young and I should keep my mind wholly on my 'school work! I suppose that you receive many letters on this topic, and many people tend to exaggerate slightly, but TAYLOR SH9ES is moving to a New Location„ (Opposite Post Office) WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING COMING SOON ! ! this is the hottest truth. Please be •fair with your com- ments, since I'm letting my mother read them. Old Maid DEAR O.M. — Hasn't, she heard that bit about "all work and no play"? Our Puritan ancestors raan- aged to deliver all too thor- oughly the message that work was virtue and nothing else was any use at all. Result? All too many grim, unrelaxed plod- ders, with guilt complexes ev- ery' tim.e they let down and have a little fun. And — worse yet — young people miss out ort tee,n-age op- portunities for healthy good times with the opposite sex. You need social growth as well as good grades. 4•0••••mosall In the Market Hog Project, each member will have a group .of not less than five market hogs. These members will use the Market Hog Record Book. Market 1 -Togs should be born af- ter January 1, 1908. As well, all hogs must -he weaned, and on feed not later than May 1, A number of members will be using pigs from their 1963, 1964, 1965 or 1967 4-11 sow, while new members will pur- chase pigs from these litters or from purebred breeders. 4-11 Calf, Tractor, Engineer- ing, Grain Corn, Sweet Corn, ' Forage and Conservation Clubs will be organized during Easter holidays, March 18-21. BRUCEFIELD Ladies of Tuckersmitb unit met at the home of Mrs. Nor- ris,Sillery on Monday afternoon with 19 ladies present. The 'devotional part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. Stoll opening the. meeting with a reading, "The Secret." Mrs. Ross Chapman had charge of the study book on Japan, after which Mrs. W. Haugh gave the motto on St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. Norris Sil- lery taking charge of the busi- ness part of the meeting. Eigh- teen members answered the roll call with a St. Patrick's joke. The meeting was- closed with prayer. A lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by four of the unit ladies. 7 1 t A#11000 Clitt* Q*. r 0,41XPOSTOR, OtAralkirNt Vititt 1 , . P l,, .4 • . " 4 • -it . .0 Or • • •- A R TYLIN 25 Goderith St. Seaforth • o • .rAPRIL' 4th OPENING SPECIAL A new kind of Permanent Wave ! ! Finesse Salon Wave With Fractionated Protein and Perma-Bond Neutralizer. Reg 12.50 INTRODUCTORY OFFER $10.00 FREE TO EVERY CUSTOMER — 1 TIN OF SPRAYNET For Appointment PHONE 527 1101 You always get more at IGA because .. M A LOCAL INDEPENDENT BUSINESSMAN WHO LIVES IN (THE COMMUNITY, MR. IGA ;GIVES IT THAT LITTLE GOMETHING EXTRA. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR 11; *DROP IN AND MEET YOUR MR. IDA TODAY 1 : 3,,:=04/AWSMAry=aragaMM. NOMV. SAVE'56c SAVE 8c Allen's Unsweetened Granulated Morton's Frozen G:s:444.4:::0•4Gi.,.:"., SAVE 18c - ••• APPLE JUICE 47oInzs 'FINE WHITE — Beef — Chicken — Turkey SUGAR 5 -LB. BAG DINNERS IIuc Dinner • 1 •t• • .s SAVE 26c - Top Vela White Or Whole Wheat 11 -oz. SLICED it 24 " dac BREAD Loaves SAVE 20c --Tulip (Parchment Wrap) 4 1 -Ib. pkgs. 33 MARGARINE SAVE 17c — Libby's' DFIFP RROWNED BEANS PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., MARCH 20, TO SAT., MARCH 23, INCLUSIVE. WE arstavE THE RIGHT 10 WAIT QUANTITIES. 19 -oz. Tins Robin Wed (Asst'd.) Pudding Mixes . • • 6 514-", Pkgs. Facelle Royale (Asst'd.) .BathroOm 'Tissue .. 6 Rolls Facelle Royale (Asst'd,) Facial Tissue Boxes L of 333 Colgate Reg. or Winterfresh ToothpaSte Family Size Tube 99' 8959' SAVE 41c Top yaiu CHOICE TOMATOES 4 2 -oz. 1-AMEMMATMMONMAgaime:4- Hunt's Tomato . CATSUP Shirley Gay Blueberry Pie .... - Top Valu 18 -oz. 3.3f Ott. 24 -oz. A Pio. 17 Assorted .Candies .2 69' Luncheon Meat Klik or Kam 12 -oz.• Tins No. 1 Quality, Golden Yellow CHIQUITA BANANAS U.S. No. 1 Texas FLORIDA ORANGES doz.65 Ont. Grown Fancy Grade C/AC MAC APPLES U.S. No. 1 (Size BO's) Bag2-lbCello CARROTS .... • • • ea. tiALKINSON75 SE AFORTIFI .4.. ("WWII 0000 SAVE 20c • Top Valu POWDERED MILK 3 -LB. -\ -MR c 1. LOIN 39' 00 0000000000000000 CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON ,;•"••• FREE cow BOND SUMPS 'so' •41. - With 04 coupon Vett. yoli *soh yOur aahy Bonito Cheque NI 1.0.40 • Ni Nnehou roM4frod. ON, oxplrto Sieture)4, Morel. 23, IONI. • e mit CLIP THIS. VALAPIP Ct.,"a-eN lytrry rt _ • , 12,,,,,,,,i0001102.9220,....112.11.1.i2.1 1_1 ki 11 (FILLET END/ C" -J TABLE 'READY TRIMMED; CENTRE 'CUT CHOPS. ,PORK Cnura. FOR ROASTING FRESH HAMS 6.594 TOP YALU SLICED SIDE BACON 490 , G, - , , Rus. DAYS , END MARCH '23rd . .0 0 There's a GOLD RUSH on There's nothing to buy -":- right now, so hurry down Just fill in the GOLD 'RUSH and stake your claim. Over $800.00 in real Gold Nuggets SWEEPSTAKES entry form are waiting to be won. and deposit it in our store. 0 0 5AVE 28c — Reg. 1.19 CREST TOOTHPASTE , 830 SAVE 32c — Reg. 1.09 — 14 -oz. LAVORIS - , ' • 77* REXALL BRAND A.S.A. — 5 gr. 500's HEADACHE TABLETS :890 SAVE 31c — Reg. 1.19 — 12 -oz. SCOPE880 . , SAVE 36c — Reg. 1.35 — 10'S ' CONTAC - C . , 990 _ SAVE 29c — WIZARD NEOPRENE RUBBER GLOVES 690 Cotton, suede lined, S., M., L., Reg 98c REXALL BRAND 'SLEEP TABLETS Wake up refreshed. Non -habit forming • 20's 50's Reg 1.35, save 26c Reg. 2.29, save 40c 1.09 ° 1.89 , ,KEATIN, G'S . . PHARMACY M.E. HOOVER, Phm.B., Phone 527-1990, Soaforth, Ontario .tor 441 Swine ':' Iuh Program This year's 4 -II Swine Club program will get imder way on Wednesday, March 20th at 8:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ontar- io Department of Agriculture and Food, Clinton. Young peo- ple between the ages of 12 (as of January lst, 1968) and 20 , who are interested in joining, are asked to get in touch with their township hog producer director. i i A new deVelOPineRt in 411 regular Swine Club Record Swine Club work will.be tested Book. Gilts should be born be. on a pilot Duo ttlis .year in tween March 1 and April 30, Huron County When Members 1968. 12-20 year of age xnay take part in all aspects of the Pro- ject and will have a choice of a breeding hog or a market hog project. In the Breeding Hog Project, each member will have two purebred gilts and will Use the advice from Doris Clark DEAR DORIS — When. was a baby I was adopted into a Jewish family, the rule being that only Jews could adopt Jews. My4prob1em is this, I don't believe- I am a Jew. I don't look like a Jew .or act like onej also dislike the Jews trona the way my mom -makes thein out as the best people. But my association in the world can be only with Jewish boys and girls. I can't be friends with non-Jewish boys because I might fall in love and want to marry him. Mom also says if I don't marry a Jew I lose my fatally. Wheai guys do plicate me that aren't Jewish my- Mom some- how can tell and asks their name. Then she says, when I'm sitting beside her, that I'm not home and) please not to phone again. No Compromise DEAR NO — If you were Indian, or African, or any oth- er race, your parents would want you to marry within your own culttfre. Dien the differ- ence between English Canadi- ans who are Protestant and those who are Roman Cathol- ic can make for difficulty — and heartbreak. Your mother is trying to save you from this. You aren't the first adopted, child who questioned your placement. But even blood -re- lated teen-agers find parents prejudiced and dogmatic about their friends. Later you will be choosing your own friends„ ,For now, try getting to know same more Jewish boys. DEAR DORIS — I attended the funeral of an uncle this afternoon and when I came home boy I got hit by a bomb. The hospital had -notified me at noon that my daughter was to be there by a certain time. When I got home they had phoned my baby sitter and up- set her by telling her to tell me I should have been home to take my. daughter. At this time she was asked if my dead uncle or my 'daughter was most important. I am sure I didn't ask my uncle to pass on. Is there no sympathy left in the people of this town? Ped Up DEAR FED UP — Will my apology do? Sometimes a re- ceptionist is loaded with the job of getting. patients . where the doctor- is, when the doctor gets there. Everything goes haywire for the, day 'if she gets several cancelled appointments or peo- ple who simply don't turn up. Maybe it was just one of those days, for her. Uncles don't, die every day — and she had to blow off steam to somebody. Could you have phoned and can- celled? I Can tell you- for sure there is plenty of sympathy left in every Canadian town. . DEAR DORIS — I am 16. I am in grade 10 and I- passed the first term with second class honors. Each time I askmy mother if she will let me go to .the show (even on a Saturday after- noon) or to a party with a boy, she gives me the same excuse: that I am too young and I should keep my mind wholly on my 'school work! I suppose that you receive many letters on this topic, and many people tend to exaggerate slightly, but TAYLOR SH9ES is moving to a New Location„ (Opposite Post Office) WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING COMING SOON ! ! this is the hottest truth. Please be •fair with your com- ments, since I'm letting my mother read them. Old Maid DEAR O.M. — Hasn't, she heard that bit about "all work and no play"? Our Puritan ancestors raan- aged to deliver all too thor- oughly the message that work was virtue and nothing else was any use at all. Result? All too many grim, unrelaxed plod- ders, with guilt complexes ev- ery' tim.e they let down and have a little fun. And — worse yet — young people miss out ort tee,n-age op- portunities for healthy good times with the opposite sex. You need social growth as well as good grades. 4•0••••mosall In the Market Hog Project, each member will have a group .of not less than five market hogs. These members will use the Market Hog Record Book. Market 1 -Togs should be born af- ter January 1, 1908. As well, all hogs must -he weaned, and on feed not later than May 1, A number of members will be using pigs from their 1963, 1964, 1965 or 1967 4-11 sow, while new members will pur- chase pigs from these litters or from purebred breeders. 4-11 Calf, Tractor, Engineer- ing, Grain Corn, Sweet Corn, ' Forage and Conservation Clubs will be organized during Easter holidays, March 18-21. BRUCEFIELD Ladies of Tuckersmitb unit met at the home of Mrs. Nor- ris,Sillery on Monday afternoon with 19 ladies present. The 'devotional part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. Stoll opening the. meeting with a reading, "The Secret." Mrs. Ross Chapman had charge of the study book on Japan, after which Mrs. W. Haugh gave the motto on St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. Norris Sil- lery taking charge of the busi- ness part of the meeting. Eigh- teen members answered the roll call with a St. Patrick's joke. The meeting was- closed with prayer. A lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by four of the unit ladies. 7 1 t A#11000 Clitt* Q*. r 0,41XPOSTOR, OtAralkirNt Vititt 1 , . P l,, .4 • . " 4 • -it . .0 Or • • •- A R TYLIN 25 Goderith St. Seaforth • o • .rAPRIL' 4th OPENING SPECIAL A new kind of Permanent Wave ! ! Finesse Salon Wave With Fractionated Protein and Perma-Bond Neutralizer. Reg 12.50 INTRODUCTORY OFFER $10.00 FREE TO EVERY CUSTOMER — 1 TIN OF SPRAYNET For Appointment PHONE 527 1101 You always get more at IGA because .. M A LOCAL INDEPENDENT BUSINESSMAN WHO LIVES IN (THE COMMUNITY, MR. IGA ;GIVES IT THAT LITTLE GOMETHING EXTRA. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR 11; *DROP IN AND MEET YOUR MR. IDA TODAY 1 : 3,,:=04/AWSMAry=aragaMM. NOMV. SAVE'56c SAVE 8c Allen's Unsweetened Granulated Morton's Frozen G:s:444.4:::0•4Gi.,.:"., SAVE 18c - ••• APPLE JUICE 47oInzs 'FINE WHITE — Beef — Chicken — Turkey SUGAR 5 -LB. BAG DINNERS IIuc Dinner • 1 •t• • .s SAVE 26c - Top Vela White Or Whole Wheat 11 -oz. SLICED it 24 " dac BREAD Loaves SAVE 20c --Tulip (Parchment Wrap) 4 1 -Ib. pkgs. 33 MARGARINE SAVE 17c — Libby's' DFIFP RROWNED BEANS PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., MARCH 20, TO SAT., MARCH 23, INCLUSIVE. WE arstavE THE RIGHT 10 WAIT QUANTITIES. 19 -oz. Tins Robin Wed (Asst'd.) Pudding Mixes . • • 6 514-", Pkgs. Facelle Royale (Asst'd.) .BathroOm 'Tissue .. 6 Rolls Facelle Royale (Asst'd,) Facial Tissue Boxes L of 333 Colgate Reg. or Winterfresh ToothpaSte Family Size Tube 99' 8959' SAVE 41c Top yaiu CHOICE TOMATOES 4 2 -oz. 1-AMEMMATMMONMAgaime:4- Hunt's Tomato . CATSUP Shirley Gay Blueberry Pie .... - Top Valu 18 -oz. 3.3f Ott. 24 -oz. A Pio. 17 Assorted .Candies .2 69' Luncheon Meat Klik or Kam 12 -oz.• Tins No. 1 Quality, Golden Yellow CHIQUITA BANANAS U.S. No. 1 Texas FLORIDA ORANGES doz.65 Ont. Grown Fancy Grade C/AC MAC APPLES U.S. No. 1 (Size BO's) Bag2-lbCello CARROTS .... • • • ea. tiALKINSON75 SE AFORTIFI .4.. ("WWII 0000 SAVE 20c • Top Valu POWDERED MILK 3 -LB. -\ -MR c 1. LOIN 39' 00 0000000000000000 CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON ,;•"••• FREE cow BOND SUMPS 'so' •41. - With 04 coupon Vett. yoli *soh yOur aahy Bonito Cheque NI 1.0.40 • Ni Nnehou roM4frod. ON, oxplrto Sieture)4, Morel. 23, IONI. • e mit CLIP THIS. VALAPIP Ct.,"a-eN lytrry rt _ • , 12,,,,,,,,i0001102.9220,....112.11.1.i2.1 1_1 ki 11 (FILLET END/ C" -J TABLE 'READY TRIMMED; CENTRE 'CUT CHOPS. ,PORK Cnura. FOR ROASTING FRESH HAMS 6.594 TOP YALU SLICED SIDE BACON 490