The Huron Expositor, 1968-02-29, Page 3• • • • •••• For En)0Yabe, Profitable Reading Mali Thi4 Coupon Toctair THE HURON EXPOSITOR . The ONLY newspaper whose first concern is the Seaforth community. Please enter my' subscription to The Huron • Expositor N start with the earliest possible issue. Payment enclosed$ • Send bill $ Name R.R. or Street Address City and Province "Zone .1111,101• SEED GRAIN and FERTILIZE AVAILABLE EARLY DELIVERY Cash and Volume DISCOUNTS Cash Discount -on Fertilizer 3% • SeecIrtrain 4% CONTACT US ON PRICES 1 OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LiMITED 527-1910 WANT ADS*BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! Seaforth NEWS OF WOO011ikivi urcn ur Program at A sueeessful Valentine Social' was held in the Orange Hall on Friday evening. The prograin consisted of choruses by the Messengers, . dance, MOrleen Rudd, Granton; accordian and guitar, Georgina. Seheuerman and Don Robinson of St. Marys; orchestra utimbers by Gordon Johns and Mac Mills of linelen and Uarry Hern, Norman and Cliff Jaques of Zion; baton and dance by Leslie 111101Phreys, Elinor Monteith, Carol Hogg .an&Carol Switzer of St. Marys; vocal trio, Cathy and Joy Thack- er and David Straiten; a skit, "The Bleekouts", Danny Jaques and Carl Langford) with Miehe Robinson as cue girl; At dialegtte "The Test", 'with. Ma. fted parkinson, Mrs. John Rodd, on Brine and Glefq Copeland; a dialogue "The Condon Party" 03' 10.S. Oscar Brine,•Mrs. Rob. rt ltdbinSeti, Miss Piton 40- 0Y, Miss jean Capeittnd, Ur* Gerald Bri_ntnell, 41:000,Natterk fon, Reg. MioUtIrtlY And N'orxis Webb.' The LOL 490held a euchre In the Orange 11411 on V10417 Oveni4g. Nine '..tables „were in- , play. The prke wingers were: tneWs high Sgere, G jOhns;.Iong hands; D. Ohappel; ladie-S" -high Score, Mrs. Anna Denham; lone hands, Mr. L. Hern ply- ing as a lady. The lue.ky drew. was won by Mrs. Evan Rodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian piingle, -Wayne and Terry of London Visited on Sunday afternoon -with Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean. Kr. and Mrs. Ellis Strahan, David and Robert Were guests at the wedding of their son, Donald to Marlene Baker in St. Marys on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith re, turned home On Sunday • after spending a very enjoyable week IIIIIIRIPIS L AIME NO WOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot ' Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth • J • CANADIAN CR SS c,1 Annual ive for F 11 MARCH ist to 31st, 19 Canvassers will call at the homes SEAFORT " • • c s fine .adentine SociaI in Nassau • where temperatures ranged in the 8.0"s. Mrs, Ellis $,tralion attended bridal shoWers for Miss Mar- lene Baker of St Marys :at the home of Mrs, Carl Stralma, eighth line and Mrs. 1.4•04 Drinkivatter of St. Marys. • N7 The UCW met in the eliureb Tuesday evening with Mesdames gen , Parkinson and William. Dieltey in .charge. Mrs. Ted Ins- ley favoured with a solo. Mrs. La Verne Rocid gave the stiltfrent the study book on 170411/ no -following are the,. officers ter 1968: President MS. g1.114 Straiten; first vice;president, WS- `Ken Parittus.on; seeenflt viee,presiderit,'Mrs. K0 414' ford; secretary, Mrs.. Ted tie, ley; assistant secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey; treasurer and -membership, l)diss Jean Cop,e- land; assistant lifi.aritst, Mrs: -La Verne Rodd; cotornunitY °friend- ship and visiting, Mrs. E. RobI- son Mrs. A. Till111LS, .MTS. K. Langford, Mrs. N: Hazelwood, Mrs. C. Mills; finance, WO. Jack Smith; flower committee for sick, Mrs. Harry Webber, Mrs. Oscar Brine; flower com- mittee for church, Mrs. Wil- liam Spence; literature and Cornmunications and periodicals,' Mrs. Robert Robinson; manse, Mrs. fro McCurdy; nominating committee, Mrs. G. Brintnell, Mrs. L. Cowdrey, Mrs. J. Thom- son; press and publicity, Mrs. John Rodd; si1 functions,. Mrs. Don Brine; progremme • an spetial programmes, the qz- ecutive; supply and sociel assis- tance, Mrs. nuncio' MeNaugh- ton, Mrs. George .Wilson; Mes- sengers, Mrs. Lloyd Jaques, Mrs. Wm. Dickey; CGIT, Mrs. Jas. Miller and Mrs. La Verne Rodd; auditors, Mrs. Harry Web - her, Mrs. Lloyd Jaques; pur- chasing, Mrs. Jas. Miller, Mrs. Jack Smith and the treasurer; eMPlorers, Mrs. Ken Parkinson, Was Susan Tomlinson,. .1 LOVE HIM, BUT DEAR DORIS — When I walked out on my husband he went home •te his mother. • I took an apartment for myself and one daughter. He has My. • other girl, the baby (tvrti years old). I have been going out to parties and trying to forget the hurt .but I have not forgotten my hubby at all. I love him, but I don" know if I'm holding a ghost in ory. My girLs are so much a part me and it is making me so upset. My husband -has been un- faithful, Doris, and I won't lie to you; I was unfaithful once. It was out of hate over the mis- ery of his affairs and, his iter- fering family. We see each oth- er sometimes. We have feelings for each other, but we still ar- gue.. I have not seen my baby daughter for two months and Pin, broken-hearted over it. Confused DEAR CONFUSED — He accuses you; you accuse him. And every meeting is a battle, in your war with each other. I sense strengths here. You are both shouldering some re- sponsibility and you, both care about your children. You are still drawn to each other. Some youthful couples weath- er the blasts; some don't and wish years later that they had, t • d harder; had resisted the i.u1se to cheat and to quarrel.' • Give yourselves a chance by bringing in a professional counsellor; someone who can help you to think straight. For the time being, keep the in- laws out of it. DEAR DORIS — Could you give me information on social service work or some other type of work dealing with human relations? ' Does one have to have a university education to go into all phases of this- field? I am getting married next sum- mer. I am 24, rapidly becoming enchanted with my present jo , because it offers no chal: le e. With my personality and talents I could be better utiliz- ed in dealing with people and their problems. Dumb Waiter DEAR DUMB — A Post- graduate degree course...is still considered standard for a pro- fessional social worker; but there are other levels opening up. Many community colleges offer three or four-year courses, and, there are two-year certifi- cate courses in welfare„ If you have an interest in people's minds and feelings, get some training. You are needed, but good intentions are not enough for an effective job. Ask your provincial department of education about what is of- fered' within your reach. DEAR DORIS — My old „man -and I retired ten years ago. TRICT askin tribu for natio our gift recognizes the Red Cross .con- icins to the cause of humanity and the many outstanding services of the .Red Cross,. 4 • a 1967 FORD, 2 -door H.T., fully equipped. 2-1967 PONITACS, 2 -door and 4 -door Hard Tops, fully equipped. 2-1967 CHEVS., 2 -door and 4 -door Hard Tops, fully equipped. 1965 GMC 14 -ton Pickup 1964 CHEV. %don Pickup 1964 CHEV. 2 -ton 1964 CHEVY. van 2-1966 PONTIAC convertibles, fully equip- ped. 1066 ACADIAN, fully equipped. A number of 1965, 1966 and 1967 Chevs, Pimtiacs and Fords, V -8,s and 6 cylinders, fully equipped. TRUCKS 1964,CHEV. one -ton, with duals, cab and chassis, V-8, power brakeS 2-1064 CHEV. one -ton stakes, 1 6 -cylinder, 1 &cylinder 1962 CREV. cabin chassis "60" series awassELS .MOTORS 4 BRUSSELS PHONE 173-11The Home of Setter Used Care ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING For .Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CA.RDNO -Insurance Agency Phone 527.0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors momn•••••1•100"arrooarloolarmoimairr•at...* We stay home most of the time because we both have heart trouble. We have poor appetites, yet I know we must eat properly. What ca.n we do to 'make meal- time a pleasure instead of a chore. Retired Couple DEAR COUPLE — Do you know how lucky you are to still have each other? Here are some hints about mealtimes and appetite. (1) Try a two -meal -a -day schedule, with late breakfast and early dinner. (2) Drink water on rising and during the day. Eight to ten glasses daily. (3) A walk around the block Can stimulate appetite — but get the doctor's o.k. first. (4) Introduce contrasts in food: something crisp, if only a lettuce leaf or an olive, to go with creamed salmon; ,some- thing spicy for, contrast with an omelet. ' (5) Try a new recipe. Get said Old Man to work with you in putting it together. (6) Eat by candlelight, for a lark. And get the record player going. Confidential to He's a Pill: If your own family doctor real- ly refused to "talk about such 'things" I'm more than surpris- ed. Are you sure he didn't mean "Come back when the office isn't loaded with patients?" Many physicians devote pre- cious time to explaining what an operation is about, bless them! Putting a patient's Mind at ease should be part of the treatment. P1.0- • THE HURON Ritoi Predict Higher Prices fOr Su Increased consumption . and decreased • pullet chick Place, mets during the.past year will mean higher :egg Prices, in the summer oral fall of Imp. How- ever, Professor 3. R. Cavers of the Department, of • Poultry Science, Ontario Agriculture College, said the poultry indus- try wireontinue in the trends set during 1967, at leist for the first six months of 1908. Last year was an unusual year in that the strong egg market of 1966 caused a higher thau. usual sale of pullet chicks .The net resultwas an increasing supply of eggs as the year pro- gressed, with more eggs coming, to market in the final -MX months,than in the first half of 1867, PrbleSsor CaVers tintidd. He noted that in the Cana- dian brae* indUstry, 'the. 'stor- age 000 Of lireiters arid hea- vy chicken "soared to two hnd three Urges the tionnal by mld 1967. p -Ontario there is 5"I'(‘ dUetiOn 0.00.4 IQ Per cent in broiler 14-ectling.StOC1.'4104.144#t durint tile `first 'fottr., mOnto of 19%8; This'reduction compares with a shnilar decline in VIllt-04 States •ProsPecti'Ve131311" °It° supply. Quotas set by :the On, Clesiiified Ads pay dividends. rti 1.4 igt,APORTHitONT turf° roiler Meant ifirhl$ be Decourber rebruarYVArter ran,40 at eboUtAil) ir coot 0 the numher Marketed in that quarter lust year. "In the spring quarter, the aim is lit marketing equal to last year,. hut this Will be difficult one to ugniclotion of• breeding stock" ProfeSSOr Cavers pointed put. Indications point to a crease in Canadian turkey pro- duction in 1968. Storage stocks at year-end were highest op rot cord in Canada in Spite of the fact that turkey consumptton in creased about one -01411i pound over the •record 10,4 pounds. U.S. turkey in storage has been at ektrentely high levels for ma- ny mouths, and weekly imports, both' live and eviscetatediwIU continue. U$130itti4 414T MUTUAL INSURANC$ COMPANY HMO ,OPFKOI PRIETOR0 ' 010100101; Martin Feeney PuNfo. • President Clayton 0$49,490 R.R. - Vict,etemlout OctOuvO Hill 'wawa. Chaffq AtAtChell- TPA Toohey. 14004 Raymond MeCgrai" •• A.A, ' Hkrkt_uit Hobert *ard4lia! croPOrtf • Agiolfs; Hugh HouniAgor Aphilik - Exeter lu,vtou , xteheIt- • .trpailuir:1; 3:44f1);::"..elpirSatl:endx:rffl:nrellipad3•:,,ourn: rX-4'1:71 ,ltwtcrrn, ; amookotemorosomeser‘eimmiettememo .-J`• 'FUEL 'ETC. Phone 527-0870 Seaforth HAIi ING — the finest name in carpeting — ACRiLAN—NYLON—WOOL Rug or Wall to Wall Installation CALL US FOR..A FREE ESTIMATE' — Live With Luxury An Investment In Your Horne Phone 527-040 Seaforth Model qv+) (as illustrated) Reg. Price '$549.00 Now Only $ 4 speed Automatic Changer * Diamond/Sapphire Cartridge * FM Automatic Frequency Control * FM Multiplex Built-in • * FM/AM Tuning Meter * Tape Recorder Input/Outputs * Solid `State Chassis - 25 Transistors * Dimensions: 27" h., 62" w., 18" d. 00 H FI and COL1 URED TV . 25" Automatic Color Television. Madel 6206 Table Model with Rase Reg. Price $995.00 ow Only $19400 • Plus Base $20.00 25" Automatic Console Color Television Model 6226 ' Reg. Price $1,145.00 kvow 4ozo*.tA1). each of these sets feature: v. Automatic Pre -Set Fine Tuning * Automatic Vertical Hold * Automatic Horizontal Hold * One Full Year Warranty on Parts and Ser- vice. WE WILL BE HAPPY TO GIVE YOU A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION. STEREO MODEL 3070 Reg. Price $449.00 Now Only_ $399.00 '* FM/AM Radio Tuner * 4 Speed Automatic Record chan- ger * Record Storage * Dimensions, 261/2" h., 54" w., 18" d. EASY :MONTHLY PAYMENT. PLAN AVAILABLE IF CROWN, HARDWA DESIRED —Seaforth