HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-29, Page 2• "O. . Since 1860. Serving the C'enz,V1470/ Fire roimied, sF,..A.:FgRTh* ONTAlin. eVery Tituriday morning 14-MeLEAN WS., Publishers Ltd. ANDRW Y. MCLEAN, Editor Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoeiatien Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Audit Bureau of Circulation and Class 'A' Community Newspapers Subscription Rates: Canada (in. advance) $5.00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $7.00 a Year SINGLE COPIES — 12 CENTS EACH Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa SEAFORTH,, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 29, 1968 A Look at Hospital Costs -Faced with steadily increasing costs 'Which Premier Roberts has. warned will al.mo'st certainly be reflected in higher hospital insurance premiums, hospital across Ontario quite properly are drawing attention to the reasons contributing to increases. While improved administrative prac- tises have aided in holding costs in certain areas,_ changes and new devel- opments continue to force up costs in other areas. While hospital care is costly, few people realize what a dollar brings in terms of service. For example the cost of hospital care works out to a little more than two dollars an hour per patient. This sum, besides providing the patient with a bed and meals, pays for the salaries of nutses, orderlies, x-ray staff, pharma- cists, physiotherapists, technologists, dietitians, medical librarians, engineers, laundry workers, kitchen staff, house- keepers, electricians, and many other specialized personnel rarely seen on the ward. • In • fact, nearly two thirds of each dollar is returned to the community in the ,form of hospital staff Pay -cheques. Hospital salaries, once admittedly de- pressed, have been improving steadily in the past few years and as this trend continues, so will the rise in overall costs. The other 39 cents on each dol- lar pays for food, accommodations, vit- al medicines, medical supplies and drugs and maintenance. Two other ma- jor factors contibuting to the rising cost of hospital care of course, are an increased demand for more hospital beds and constantly improving meth- ods of treatment. Despite increasing costs, the public is reminded that hospitals still need the financial support of communities' to build new facilities. and introduce new and improved services since On- tario Hospital Insurance premiums on- ly pay for operating costs. The Red Cross Serves ali the P,eople A, hundred years ago Canadian rural life was allencompassing, uncomplica- t.d. When'someone bee.ame ill, neigh- bours banded together bringing food; • sorneone'Sbern burned to the ground there was a community barnraising. Unknowingly, each individual was • dependent on the other. More than that, it was the generous spirit that prompted kindness for,, any neighbour or stranger in distress. Today it is different Sometimes we don't even know wir our neighbours are, so frequently do We move about. Yet underneath there is still a rern- nant of that pioneer spirit. For every Crime of violence reported, there are thousands of acts of honesty, kindness and generosity to -compensate. But they rarely make headlines. These are the stories of Canadians' helping other. Canadians. Threugh a voluntary organization like the Red Cross people like you are giving their blood and their time to save lives and serve the different needs of people. In this area, the Red Cross has many services and programmes aimed at serving People at all levels of the population on both the local and national level as well as international humanitarian obligations. March is Red Cross Month in Cana- da, a time to pay tribute to this organ- ization which still provides this gener- ous spirit of service. • When you welcome the canvasser that will call on you in the near future and support the work of the Red Cross through your donations you prove that individual ,generosity and the desire to help others is still a great part of our way of life. In the Years Agone From The Huron Expositor March 5, 1943 Miss Helen, McKercher of Seaforth has entered the ser- vice of the Wrens and. *ill re - "port to the Galt training khool. Past Masters' night was ob- served • in, Britannia Lodge which •brought out a laige at- tendance of :members. The fol - Jawing past masters conferred • the second degree upon a can- didate: Robert Scarlett, who was master in 1897; Wm. • Ament in 1898; K. M. McLean in 1913; C. A. Barber in 1920; ,J. A. Petrie in 1923; M. McKel- lar in 1926; E. C. Chamberlain In 1927; J. E. Keating in 1931; L Reid in 1937; W. A. Wright in 1940; Dr. R. P. D. Burford and G.'D. Ferguson the immediate past master. During the evening the Grand Lodge Long Service Jewel, commemorating fifty years in masonry* was presented to Wm. Ament The presentation was' • made by O. A. Barber. The little twoyear-old dough - ter of Mrs. Joseph Eckert, met with a painful and serious ,ac- cident. While playing in her home she fell into a pail of boiling water. Mrs. Isaac Jarrott of Kippen spent a few days,last week at Stratford with Dr. jarrott, who has had the misfortune of breaking a bone in a fall on 'an From The Huron Expositor ' From The Huron Expositor March 8, 1918 March 10, 1893 A meeting of the trustees of . Mr. S. McCool, 9th concession the schools of McKillop was of liullett, marketed 640 bush - held in No. 4 School to consider els of wheat during the past holding a children's •fair. Of- few days which tested 63 lbs. ricers appointed Were: •presi- to the bushel..• dent, W. J. Beattie; directors, A"successful aucion sale was John Lane, George Bennewies,- —geld • on the farm 'of John Tay - John Shannon, John Scott, Rob- lor, Lot 5, con. 10, Tuckersmith. ert Gibson; sec.-treas., Foster Robert , icholson of Stanley, T. Fowler. • • has a lamb i'brt days old which weighs' just forty pounds; one pound for every day of its ex- istence. Messrs, W. Alex Winters a •.fire alarm town. We deeply regret to learn of the death of another of Huron's worthy pioneers in the Person of Mrs. Alexander Itroadfoot, who was 74 years og age. She was the former Marian McMil- lan and was a native of Scot- land. George Turnbull of McItillop shipped a lot of splendid horses from here for the old country. Mrs. J. C. Smith of Goderich St. had a very unpleasant inis. hap when she stepped into an open trap door leading to the cellar and fell to the bottom. A gentleman whd drove ever the north road took the trouble to count the pitch -holes hetvveen the village of Winthrop and the limits of the town of Seaforth. S. J. Bell of Leadbury, bought a quantity of timber from the Canada Co. and David Boyd and Francis Dempsey bought some from J. J. Irvine. They intend having it for next winter's fuel. • Miss Maude Porter of Hen - salt had the misfortune to slip on the cement steps and frac- ture one of the bones in her kne. William Stanley Hays was killed while flying at Camp Taliaferro, Fort Worth, Texas, with the second A. M. Aerial Gunnery Squadron, R.F.C. He was .17 years old. • Mrs. A. S. McLean has dis- posed' of her house on James St. to S. J. Spencer to whom it Oas been leased for ,some time. IVIiss Minnie Meridden left last week to resume her former 'position as snilliner in Toronto. Mr. James Kerr of McKillop has purchased the house on Centre Street at present occu- .pied by C. L. Williams. Somerville ,and are working on system for the icy street. The members of the Blake He said there were 375 and Wilson Carlisle had the mis- Women's Institute held a quilt- some of them three feet deep. fortune in October to fall from ing bee at the home of Mrs. II. Mr. Andrew Calder has sold a scaffold, while working atr.....Zapfe of Blake and finished his photograph 'business to Mr. Rennie's Onion elevator, frac- three quilts. Mrs. Zapfe then S. Trott, son of Samuel Trott of • turing his right foot. After re. read an address to Mrs. Wm. Seaforth. ceivittg treatment at Scott Mem- Douglas andr-Mrs. Iley present- Simon Campbell, who resides oriel Hospital and Toronto Gm ed her with a lovely fruit spoon, near Farquhar sold a pair of eral, (Hospital he has Yeeeived Prior to her leaving for Bruce- horses for the snug sum of ,c-irery encouraging reports and field. •$325. lie tan go home very mien; Mr. and MTS. B. R. Higgins Henry Honey, son of James iruckersinith con. Thvo and of BrocefieId have moved to Hotiney of Winthrop, met with three VaistiArOtiMrlitiet At the their new hosne in Clinton. Ile a painful aecident He was eliop- r Mkt Ult.. W. II, will however, continue his in ping in Mr. Johnson's bush * surante and debenture business. when he let the axe fall upon TO THE INTOR • District Feld Secretary Says "Thanks" for (OMB Feb. 22, 1968 to provide the services So vital Sfr: to the ,blind people in your The blind people in your area. The seryfre program of area and the CNIB wish to ex- CNIB is ever expanding and press their appreciation for improving, your participation in the 196/ CNIB is celebrating its 50th Annual Appeal. for funds. Anniversary this year and (lur- -to the contributors who gave ing this time has achieved a so generously • Program second to none. Thi —to the volunteers who gave remarkable growth can be dir- so freely of their time and ef- ectly attributed to' the support fort In making the campaign and intereg of everyone in possible ' your community and in every —to all the news media who other community throughout did such an excellent Job in this great nation of ours. publicizing the work of CNIB You can all be assured that Jaek Clements, the monies raised will be used District Field Secretary. COASTERS • GIFT IDEAS • SERVIETTES Dial 527-0240 From the Imperial Oil Collection - The fur trade formed the advancing frontier of European civilization as it swept across the northern half of the continent to the Pacific. Ultimately, the fur trade also represented. a retreating frontier for the civilization of the In- dians, who had more furs than they could use; they eagerly exchanged them for European goods such as guns and metal tools. •• The fur trade led to cultural and racial interchange as well as conitnedi- ty exchange. French traders and cour- eurs de bois married Indian women along -the St. Lawrence River, around the Great Lakes and across the north- -west, wherever they were trading. Eng- lish and Scottish traders were not per- manently posted to Canada and did not -live away from their posts to the same extent " as the French traders. Even so, many of them intermarried. with the Indians of the Hudson Bay area, the prairies and the far west. But many of them left their children be- hind to be raised as Indians. Trading alliances formed and broke among In- dian tribes, and between Indians- and whites. Wars were fought over the luc- rative fur trade as the rivalry grew be- tween English and French, between white and Indian, between the Hud- son's Bay Co. and the North-west Co.. The organization of the fur trade re - fleets this bitter political and corporate competition. It also reflects the harsh living conditions' and the high' cost of . transporting heavy trade goods and supplies up the rivers of the eastern Canadian drainage basins. These prob- lems were conquered with an organiza- tion based on tough central- authority and fortified outposts. The trading posts aimed to dominate their territor- ies completely. They discouraged the encroachment of settlers on the wild- erness, except in areas where the trad- ing posts wanted agricultural support for themselves. • These autocratic outposts strength- ened their rule over the wilderness when the two rival fur -trading com- panies merged, -but eventually, slowly and grudgingly- they yielded their grip as the fur supply dwindled and the frontiers of heavy settlement moved • westward. Industrialization followed, quickened by gold rushes, the advent of 'steam powered transportation, and the formation of strong central govern- nient provided by the Act of Union and . Confederation. Sugar and Spice — By Bill Smiley — AN OLD FRIEND WRITES So • you think you have trou- bles, with your _Iwo or three Rotten Kids? We all have them. 'Troubles and Rotten Kids, that in They're inseparable. I could, tell you gories that would make your heart ache, your hair' curl. But so could yOt1;' doubtless. According to some inane schools of thought, the trouble is that we haven't enough kid*. We spoil our one or two rotten arid then are astounded at the result*. All we? have -to „do is have a• whole raft' of 1d0; an& pre'? lemS would vanish. They'd help- witit the dishes, snake their beds, and all turn out to be Great Kid: This is Tot. I assure you. And to prove, I'm going to quote some excerpts from a letter re- ceived recently from an old and dear friend. She's more dear than old, but I think her ,• remarks will explode that pop- pycock about large families. his foot, cutting and mangling four of his toes so severely that three of them had to be ampu- tated."' She has six boys and a girl and knows whereof. The letter arrived at the "end of January, When she got around th sending out the an- nual 'Christmas cards. it was written in starts and fits, over three weeks, whenever she h41 the strength. "It •ii all defeating because there's too much of it. So you're the way out — which is where,I wmild like to be. • "I seefir to be in, a jatied (greertISh?) state whet& nothl ingr6aUSh$'*1y' Mote: I belietre-it �iiit real skePtie' cfnie; 1644 f�4 an) old; 'nether of a lai9go, faittily? • not WC 1Olt cartt: (abdur' alt. thV big and little crises); WS itiabbit kiridU nuatbness that 1 think lutist settle in as a preservative. Or who stay at home — especially "Nine p.m. CBC programme reporting comments of English people about Canada. What a " bloody superior Infneh. I would like to smash them. Exeuv writing. Am writing as t quiet- • ly recover from a general an- aesthetic. Nothing serious. Also my 'hand is less than agile due to arthritia It seems to me a poor system where surviving the rigors of exist- ence is penalized; by the ills of age. "Bob decided to take his summer working money (tul. tion.fees)- arid go off on a self- discovery jotrney to Europe. Night before sailing he phoned (collect, of ceurse) to say good- bye and told me his girl was going too,- 1 stilt dent know what her mother thinks or In the great storm on Sun- day, Mr. John Eckert and his son Fred while returning from It. Downey's, suddenly, entered a snow drift and his horse be- gan to plunge- and at last suc- ceeded in getting away. The two men returned, to Mr. Downey's. feels. Of course I don't know what I think or feel either. ' So then Bill had mononucle- osiS, This was enough to change his plans about college and he finally decided to go to Europe, too. They are only on a great larking holiday. Was' it better when war got rid of this.resV lessness? "Tom didn't get his first year at college: Don is in Grade 11 after a spell at summer school. Jenny is an outpatient having urintry • tratt Zray as f011ottotip to surgerin` em- ber. know P.Wis in Istaetnow, working on a Kibbute for shel- ter, food and exPerienee but no money. fle's working' in a banana grove. "I can tell he is suffering . from traveller's ego and thinks himself vastly superior to all who stay at home J espeeially Tom. Whose reaction was, Itippidy-poop. I've seen a ba- nana.' I guess that says it for me too as I take note of his father's aging look. "My main feeling is irritation with such nonsense, that leaves father still with them on his back. For of course they plan to 'keep on being college boys too!, For another 'four or five years. "See you someday. rit the tat, vaguely • familiar-lobiting one limping along way back there." Cheer up, dear heart You wouldn't limp if you had a broken leg. And it you are 'WV back there', the. band , might be playing "The Saints Come Marching Th." • 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday Carnation MILK • 6 lge. tins $1 - Facelle "Royale" ,0 FACIAL TISSUES -6 200 pkgs. $1 Gold Seal Fancy RED' SOCKEYE SALMON 73/4 -oz. tin 590 Maxwell House Instant COFFEE • • • • 6 -oz. Apothecary Jar $1 ;15 Redpath Granulated Sugar, 5 lbs. free with the purchase of Four Westinghouse Light Bulbs at Regular Price Rohinhood White, Choc., Honey Spice CAKE MIXES 6 9 -oz. pkgs. $1 Alymer TOMATO CATSUP • • • • 5- 11 -oz. btls. $i Maple Leaf TENDERFLAKE LARD 5 1-1b. pkgs. $1 Aylmer Vegetable or Aylmer - TOMATO SOUP • • .. 8 10 -oz. tins $1 Minnettes' Best Choice TOMATOES 5 19 -oz: tins $1 4 19 -oz., tins $1 Lee Choice Crushed PINEAPPLE Lipton Soup MX CHICKEN NOODLE St. Williams' Assorted JAMS 4 pkgs. $1 5 9 -oz. jars $1 Smart's Choice BARTLETT PEARS • • 3 194oz. tins $1 MISTiNG CORN 7 1-113: pkgs. $1 Svvift's Tempt , DOG FOOD Van Camp's BEANS with PoIdi • • Van Camp's 13EANS with PORK • . Mix or Mitch Aylmer fancy — 48-W•• TOMATO JUICE Aloha — 48 -oz. PINEAPPLE JUICE King's Choice — 484Sz. APPLE JUICE Heinz Cooked Spaghetti or HIM* COOked Macaroni in Cheese Sauce 6 14 -oz tins PRODUCE • 10 15-9z. tins St • • 5 14-'ot. lifts Si • • 4 194). tins St 3 1. California NEW CROP CABBAGE Fancy McINTOSH APPLES Juicy California. LEMONS, size 140's $1 per lb. 90 3,1bs. 390 5 for 290 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS •SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith' Photte 527-0990 Pete Delivery