HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-22, Page 124 4 The 'WON EXPOSITOR!. SEAPORT/14 OPIT•4 FEL 224 1961 CLASSIFJED ADS 22. twat Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS 41, In the ostate of GUSTAVA. BISBACIC Late of the town of Seaf7 orth, in the County of Huron. AU persons clairxiing ag- ainst the above Estate are re- quired to forward full part- iculars of 'their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of March, 1.968, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELY & MURPHY 18 The Square GODERICH. ONTARIO. (Solicitors for the Estate) 22-14-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the "Estate of ELMER FOWLER , An persons having claims 'against the Estate of Elmer Fowler. late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron. Retired Farmer, de- ceasedd, who died on the 1st day of Deeember, 1967. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on ,or befnre the 1st slay of March, 1968, after which date the assets 'will be distributed having re- gard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaferth, this 2nd ,day ef February, 1968. McCON'InET,T, & STEWART . Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22-13-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the Estate of MARY *AMERICA DORRANCE • All persons - having claims against the Estate of Mary America Dorrance, late of r the Township; of McKillop, in lthe County of Huron, House - t wife, deceased, who died on mil the 1st day of December, 11 1967, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 15th day of. March, 1968, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this ▪ 19th day of February, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-15-3 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELLEN BANNON, 23 Business Directory Auctioneer FARM and FUltkilir_U_RE SALES CONDUCTED R.G.GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 noon For Appointment Phone 527-1240 , or 482.7010 Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. • P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. . Phone 527-0850 ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Brittania Road East, ' Goderich Phone 524-9521 23-14-tf A1i peisas having claims against the :Estate of Ellen Bannon, late of the Town of Seaforth,, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceesed, who died on the 16th day of January, 1968, are hereby notified .to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March, 1968 after which date the assets will be • distributed having regard on- ly to claims then received. • DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of February, 1968. McCONNELL & STEWART • Seaforth, Ontario . Solicitors for the • Achniiiisteator • 22-15-3 RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; Rattenburv St., phone 482-9677. Res; Rattenburv St., phone 482-7313. SP A FORTH VETF,R TN AMY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Brvans, D,V.M., V.S. ' P. D. Cullis, D.V,M.. V.S. W. H. Patterson, D V.M., V.S. P. S. Dwyer. M.V.B., M.R.C.V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth , A. M .HARPER Chartered Accauntant 55-57 SouthStreet Telephone Goderich 524-7562 •G. A. WHITNPV PT TNPR A T, HOME: • Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable bospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY „ OCCASION Phone '527-1390 - Seaforth Ontario Bookkeeping and Inc'ome Tax Services Specializing in; Farm Ac- counting./ Income Tax, Basic Herds, Five Year Averages, Bookkeeping. . • ALBERTVANDEVENNE 978 Valetta Street, London, Ontario - Phone collect 471-1724 • 23-14x4 Auetioneer and A -nnra -7R Pr Licensed and minable in selling all types of auction sales. 'Reasonable Rates. ' Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482-3384 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service ' Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 • A. W. SILLERY Barrister. Solicitor, Etc. . Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario 23, Business Directory W. J. CLEARY Seaforth. Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls - 527-0310 24. Cards of Thanks We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbors for flo- ral tributes, messages of sym- pathy, heart cancer and mis- sion cards and fee all acts of kindness recieved following the loss of our deer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing. Special thanks to Rev. J. Boy- ne and to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie of the Heath -Leslie Funeral Home - Hazel and Howard, Bob and Ruth, Gordon and Eva 24-15-1 I wish to thank Dr. Moyo and nurses of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, also my friends, relatives and neigh- bors for their kind cards, let- ters and treats and a special thanks to my teacher. Mrs. Kelly, and my classmates for their cards, letters and treats, while I was a patient in the hospital. - Gloria Smith. 24-15x1 would like to thank my friends and relatives for cards, gifts and visits, also Legion 156, Ladies Leg. Aux., St. Thomas chitrch. Ladies Oranee Lodge, Hospital Aux. and ,Brownies for gifts. -Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Moyn and nursing staff of Seaforth Community Hospital. a 1 s o Bernice and Ken Chambers for my stay with them since returning home. It was very ,much appreciated. - Liz Brown. •' 24-15"x1 I wo-ula-like to thank every- one who sentcIrrls and gifts and' visited me' while I was a patient in Clintdn Hospital, it was all very deenly appre- ciated. - Elva Bolger. 24-15x1 I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and rela- tives for the cards. letters, visits, treats and gifts 1 re- ceived while f ,tras a patient in Seaforth Community Hos- pital, and since returning hnme. Special thanks to Drs. Malkus and Brady, Rev. Brit- ton, the staff and nurses at the hosoital. It was all grate- fully appreciated. - Eslwerd Prvee. 24-15x1 We would like to express our sincere thanks and apprecia- tion Lor the many acts of kindness and . sympathy shown us during our great loss. To our respective neigh- bors, friends and relatives who were so kind and thoughtful. For the many floral tributes, donations to the heart fund, PioneerMause oleum, missions and Eg- mondville United Church memorial fund. Special thanks to Rev. Stephen and choir, Egmondville U. C. W., Edelweiss, -Rebekah Lodge, I. O.O.F. and Box Funeral Home. Your thoughtfulness and help will never be for - ‚gotten'. - Sincerely. ,the Mo -ore family. 24-15x1 The family of the late Geor- ge Hess wish to express their sincere thanks and deer) ap- preciation to their relatives, friends and neighbnrs for their many ,acts of kindness, - floral tributes, donations,' cards. messages of, sympathy extended to them during his illness and recent sad be- reavement. Sneeial thanks pr. God- dard. nersine staff of Sewn T-Turnn Hosrnital. Rev, Currie, Renthron Funer al Horne, "Rallbearerc and & A.M. Huron Lodge 224, Read theAdvertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! WANT AMS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Pial 527-0240 RUBY' FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST Ib. 9c 5113RE SLICED,.BREAKFAST 24-15-1 • n 'Memoriam WILLEMS - Ip loving memory of Mrs. JOhn Wil- lems who passed away Feb. 25, 1964. But God has called our mother Away from a world of strife, To shine among the angels In Aa fairer, brighter life. Safe in the arms,. of Jesus, Safe from all grief and sin Forever and forever, Where all is pure within. Our hearts are full of sorrow, And tears have diTnmed our eyes, But we shall meet her once again, In the home beyond the skies. -- Ever remembered by John Willems and family. 25-15x1 NEWS Q1 ¥ENSM Hentall • .Womorei tivititike Sponsors Valentine Party Hensall Women's Institute' held a Valentine party in the Legion Hall, Hensall Wed - nes day. President, Mrs. Cla- rence Reid presided for a short business period when the secretary read cemmuni- cations reveeling that the branch sporisor a birthday party at Huron,view in May, and one at -Bide Water Rest Home in September. A letter was read from Miss Sharon Carroll, Home Economist for Huron an- nouncig Farmers Week at Guelph University Febru- ary 19th to 23rd, whdn the theme is "Farmers of • To- morrow„ a special slay for women will be held 23rd in Harcourt Meznorial United Church. Guelph, with the to- nic "Family and Community Relations". Outstanding speakers will be present in- cluding Dr. Margaret Nix of New York. The enneram is -plonsored by Macnnald In- stitute and Home Economics Praneh, Ontario Dent. of Ag- riculture r,r1 Pond. A bus may be chartered for the trin. Mrs Robert Simnson, this tee nen 's renrecentative on the Retarded (Thildrers As- seeiation ren"rteri on no re- pent n"uura�ing meeting. mho interect N Ivp=n-,hershir) fr.PC for W. I. brnr•osliac j,V/5 00. Mrs. Carl Payne reported on the sale of brochures, his- tory of Hensall, of which there are a number of books • available. These books are publisizing Hensall on more than one continent. Winners for euchre were; Mrs.. Frank Harburn, Mrs. Windover and Mrs. R. McAl- lister. Crokinole; Mrs. Clar- ence Reid and Mrs. Greta Lammie. A Valentine lunch was served. Program con- veners were Mrs. Beverly Beaton and Mrs. R. M. Peck Hostesses; Mrs. Elizabeth Ri- ley .and Mrs. Frank Harburn.' KINETTES PLAN ,TRIP Mrs. Ron Warding was hostess 'for the meeting of Hensall Kinette Club Wed- nesday when plans were fi- nalized' for a trip to the Ice Canades. Hensel]. Kinettes will be joining the Mental Retarda- tion Association which was formed in Exeter recently. The raffle brought by Mrs. James Hyde was won by pre- sident, Mrs. Robt. Caldwell "who presided over the meet- ing, • HONOR NEWLY WEDS A reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moir (nee Beverly Wall) was held Friday evening in Hensall A- rena Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Moir were • presented with a purse .of money. An address was read by George Tayor, and presentation made by Bill Workman, ENJOY SLEIGH RIDE Guide Captain Mrs. Jean Turner, took advantage of cold weather and arranged with George Beer and John Sangster to take the Hensall Guide Company on a 1 hours tour sleigh 'ride around the village. Afterwards the Guides enjoyed doughnuts and chocolate during which they discussed te following Meeting at wich Division Commissioner lVfiss McMillen will attend, Appreciation was exten- ded Mrs. T. Lavender and Mrs. E. Rowe for }leiter they discu§Sed the foll o win a. who provided the unusual transportatiton. CHISELHURST U.C.W. Thg 'Chiselhurst U. C. W. meeting took'' the form of a quilting ,and pot luck dinner. Mrs. Thos Brintnell bpened with prayer and the theme was "Prayer" taken by Mrs. Wm. Gibson assisted by Mrs. R. Tayler and Mrs. George Boa contributed a poe em. Mrs. Ben Stoneman and Mrs. Percy Harris presented a chapter from the study book on Japan. Mrs. Gladys Coleman and Mrs. Esther Moffatt left Sat- urday for Florida where they will inacation for tbree weeks. Mrs. Jarvis Horton is vaca- NeWs of VARNA The Varna 4-H Club met on Wednesday evening at the home of the leader Mrs. Bill Dawson. Officers eleeted for "The Club Girl Entertains" are as follows: president, Marilyn Keys; secre- tary -treasurer, Darlene Hayter; phone girls, 'Barbara Keys and Debora Stephenson. Entertaining at home and hostess reference files were dis- cussed and the assistant leader Mrs. Allan Hayter demonstrat- ed the use of measurements. The meeting closed with the 4-H creed and lunch was served. A baptism Service and sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper were observed at the United Church on Sunday. Rev. Maines officiat- ed at the baptism of Jacqueline Patricia Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Taylor. Mrs. Albert Craig returned home' from St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on MondaY., • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor flew to Florida on Monday for a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor returned home Saturday aft r spending two weeks in F rida. News of STAFFA' Ten tables were in play at the Valentine euthre party held in Staffa Hall on Friday evening, sponsored by Stafta Women's I nsti t u t e. Prizes were awarded to; Mrs. Gary - Finlayson, Miss Vera Ham- bley, Mrs. Lloyd Cameron,, Mrs. Alvin Barbour, Roy Mc Donald and Lloyd Cameron. Circle 2 was in charge of the evening. Jimmy Scott entertained ten of his friends on Monday after school. The ,occassion was Jimmy's at birthday. Mrs. Orphie Norris return- ed home from Seaforth Com- munity Hospital on Saturday. BACON11:2 / lbs. 9c PRIME RIB ROAST Guaranteed Tender 9c HOME MADE PURE PORI PLAIN OR GARLIC SAUSAGES lb. 59c LEAN Etirr - PORK CHOPS - lb* 59c FRESH SIDE PORK 2 lbs. 99c LEAN MEV PATTIES .. .. • • 2 lbs. $1 27. Births WHYTE -. In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on February 16th, to Mr.- and Mrs. Nick Whyte Jr. (nee Jean Mc- Clymont), RR2 Seaforth, a son, David Allan. • ROBINSON - In Seaforth Community Hospital, on February 16. to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Robinson, RR4 Walton, a son. Too Late WANTED to buy - A good used Portal) 1..e typewriter Nellie Swinkels, phone 527- 0436. Seaforth. t1-15-1 FOR SALE - 1960 Corvair, 4 door, irn good mechanical condition. Phone 527-1096. 10-15-1 FOR SALE - Baled hay; Ralph Fischer, RR4 Walton. Phone Dublin, 24-11-25 tt-15-1 UCW, Meets The,Stanley Unit TJCW met at Mrs. L. Wilssnfs and was opened by Mts. L.„ Forrest. The scripture was read by Mrs. L. Forrest followed by prayer. Mrs. G. M. McGrege or read an article on the work of Mrs. D. McGregor, (Marion Keith) and the am- ount 01. work done by the W. M.S. Mrs. Stuart gave the study on Japan its population industries 'and Export's. Roll call showed 17 members pre- sent. Mrs. G. McGregor read a letter from their little boy in Korea. Mrs. Stuart will have the Mar. 13th meeting at her home with helpers; Mrs. W. McBeath and Mrs. L. Wilson. 'News of Cromarty Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Linda and Joanne of Dor- chester, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee, Jackie, Judy and Roy -of London spent) the weekend with their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. •Otto Wnlker. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eyre of St. Thomas visited recent- ly with ha -Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Findlay - son end Michael, Staffa. visi- ted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sadie Scott. Mrs, Howard fves retur- ned to her home at Moose JavvSask, after attending the funeral of her parents, Mr. and Mrs'? Thomas Laing. Mr. Henry Eggert of Ross tock is a ,patient in Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Alex Gardiner is a daughter of Mr. Eggert and her father is a frequent visitor at the Gar- diner home. He observed his 86th birthday on Tuesday February 20th. toning in Florida, with Mrs. Grace Harpole and Mrs. An- nie Cole. Flowers in the sanctuary of Hensall • United and Car- mel Presbyterian Churches Sunday morning last were in loving memory of Mr. George Hess, placed by the family. Mrs. Mary Taylor was hon- ored Friday evening, when members of her bowling team met at her home to hon- or her on her 80th birthday and to Present her with gifts. Mr. and Mrs., Harry Klun- gel who operate the Queens- way Nursing Home, have purchased the • property of Mr. Andrew l3ilky, enrner of Queen and Nelson Streets. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mick - le will quietly celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with their family Sunday February 25th. Mrs. E. WHrTEHOUSE Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse of RR2 Kippen, paased away Sunday in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeer. The former Ida Laura Tremeer. She was 49. She was -a charter member of Kipper), East W. I. and held the office of president and other offices, a member of Hensall United Church and U. C. W. Surviving are her husband and one daughter Donna at home, four sisters; Mrs. Stewart (Grace) Pep- per, 'Mrs. John (Vera) Jack- son, Seaforth; Mrs. Fraser (Gladys) Furnmg, Arthire; Mrs. Charles. (Mary) Martin, Parry Sound: five brothers; John and Wilfred, Seaforth; Allan and Wilson, RR2, Kip - pen: Wilbur, Durham. Public funeral services were held from Bonthron Funeril Chapel Tuesday, 20th conducted by Rev. Har- old Currie. Bimini was in Hensall Union Cemetery. MISS ELIZABETH PFAFF Miss •Elizabet Pfaff passed away in Ingersoll Thursday evening February 15th in her 81st year. • Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews. • Service for Miss Pfaff was held Saturday 17th at Hen - sail Mausoleum, Rev. Harold P'. Currie in 'charge. Inter- ment in Hensail Union Ceme- tery. Bonthron Funeral Home in charge of arrange- ments. St. Paul's ACW met last Thursday at the home' of Mrs. Mary Taylor. The meeting opened with prayers from the "Living Mes- sage", and Mrs. Seegmiller read a chapter from the study book„ "Right To A Future" dealing with the Church and the Native Peoples. A quiz was held re- garding the Indians in Canada. The president, Mrs. Annie Reid announced the World's Day of Prayer would be held in the Presbyterian Church. The president presented a gift to Mrs. Taylor from the ACW on the occasion of her 80th birth- day. COMING EVENT -- Please reserve- March 15th fOr St. Patrick's Celebration to be held in St. Patrick's gall, Dnblin s ponaor ed by the 145-2 News of Brucefield Mrs. Cliff Henderson has returned home from St- Jo- seph's Hospital. Mr. and Alm Lindsay Eyre and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thompson are vacationing In Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burdge spent the weekend with Mr. Burdge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge. Mts. Alice Webster is a pa- tient in Clinton Hospital. Mr. Victor Hargreaves is spending some time in Flori- da. First Church Holds Meeting The February' meeting of First Chnreh WMS was held in the Centennial' room and open- ed with a poem, q am Too Busy'. Miss Jean Scott gave the trea- surer's report and Miss Belle Campbell was asked to be the delegate to attend the Synodi- cal held in Chatham in April. Arrangements were made for the Worlds Day of Prayer to be held in First Church on March lat. Mrs. Helen McMillan, the group leader took over the de- vetional part. The scripture les- sdn was read by Mrs. Robert McMillan taken from the first chapter of Phillipians, verses three to eleven. ,The Glad Tidings prayer was rod by Mrs. Helen McMillan. The setond chapter of the study book, "Tire Korean Christian Church in Japan" was given by Helen McMillan with Mrs. Cairns, Mrs. Butt and Mrs. ke- Lechlin reading the, different situations that took plate. GREENHOUSE FO sme One 32' by 16' Greenhouse only. o be,removed from the Premise& Of zentral Huron Secondary School, Clinton by purchaser not later than 6th March, 1968. Full payment to be made on acceptance of bid. Sealed offers clearly marked "G;eenhouse.Bidn to be received by •the undersigned by noon 20th February, 1068. Highest or any b14' not necessarily ac- cepted, Signed: 11. R. Maloney, BusiMs Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute [(yard, Box 550, Clinton, Ontario. FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE?* USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFtED THEY- PAY You DIVIDENDS 4.0ftwomimagoefooliew 1...■ SMITH'S • SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday aud. Saturday Clover Leaf Fancy FLAKED TUNA Nabisco SHREDDED WHEAT, Aylmer Fancy Grade PEAS AylmerCtAFiicATYLE COR]4 Assorted Jello JELLY POWDERS • • • Orange Flavor Crystals START Maple Leaf Cooked CANNEDsh HAMS • - - • 11/2-1b. tins $1.59 •Fre CHICKENS 3 to 4 lbs. I137430 • PRODUCE Florida Indian River GRAPEFRUIT Ontario Hot House CUCUMBERS 7 -oz tin 390 151/2 -oz. pkg. 370 2 14 -oz. tins 390 2 14 -oz. tins 390 . 3 reg. pkgs. 310 • 2 tins for 410 Florida Large Stalk CELERY 8 for 690 each 2to each 2w FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's SUPERIOR Phone 527-0990 Free Delivery .suppLgs Letter - it - Yourself STENCILS Roman and Gothic Faces - From 1" to 6" Letters BRISTOL: • Lightyveight, all colors Heavy, 6 -ply white, 4 -ply colors 20c 10c STAPLERS. We now carry an assortment of Desk and Hand Staplers at economical prices. See -our assortment of famous quality SWINGLINE Machines, our Imported Line, and our Mark - well Staplers. FROM 69c Staples are stocked for all machines which we carry. FO!..DERS: Letter size, each 6e Legal size, each 7c -PENS: Bic's Pens Papermate Pens - 10 for 49e - 100 for $4.15 10 for 59c - 100 for $4:95 19c and' 25c from $1.29 TYPING PAPER (in pads of 100 sheets) 65c ALSO CARBON PAPER, COPY PAPER, PENCILS, COL- ORED PENCILS, MARKERS ERASERS, CLIPBOARDS Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor, Want Ad and be money in pocket To advertise, just Mal Seaforth 521-0240. "Since 1860,Serving the Community First"