HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-22, Page 8rrOlItg SEAFORTlic01474 F01134 2Z 1461 M. Hart L ETC. P� 5270870 .Seaforth C9ASTERS 1. • GIFT IDEAS • Dial 527-0240 SERVIETTES HULETT TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA All Parents with children that would be eligible for admission for Kindergarten classes in HUllett Township School Area, are request- ed notify Mr. Miller, Principal, by telephone or letter- of how many children would attend and also the age of the children. The above information ,should be reported to Mr. Miller not later- than Friday, March 9, 1968. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Secretary -Treasurer.• RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario. •February Special AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ADJUSTMENT Remove. transmission oil pan, clean, inspect and adjust bands and linkage — Road test operation. Seaforth Motors Dial 527-1750 Seaforth What could possibly ac- _countbea baoi taos einfwypor count for the tremennous change in Canadian potties? Suddenly everybody wants to be Prime Minister. Personally, 1 wouldn't tou,ch it with a 12 -foot Finn, let alone a ten -foot Pole. Wild horses couldn't drag me into the job, even if I were quali- fied. What ridiculous reasons could a man have for wanting it? The pay is adeguate, but no more. The hours are frightful. Holidays are scarce and liable to interruption. There's no one else to talk to but other politicians, a living death in itself, And , yould have to learn French. When you achieve the emi- nence, you are inuriediately the target for every snide editorial writer and malicious cartoonist in the nation. The French- Canadian thing looms like a tlituider- cloud, and dead ahead lies the bog a medicare, jt.tst to mention a couple. And yet there's a real scramble for this headaches -and -ulcers po- sition. With the exception of mav- erick John Diefenbaker, Can- ada's leaders for nearly 50 years have been quiet, color- less, capable men. Mackenzie King released his death -grip on the top spot after inter- minable years in office, but hand-picked his successor, a reluctant Louis St. Laurent. He in turnhand-picked an equally reluctant Lester B. Pearson:- Nobody r e a Ily seemed to want the thing, except some equally color- less people like Paul Martin and David Fulton and Don- ald Fleining. But in the last year — rriaybe-there's a •rumor that the salary 'is going to $80,000 — everybody's on the bandwagon. We saw •the Tories battling for the leader- ship, hatcheting down the old chief, spending about a mil- lion 'dollars, andhaving the rug pulled out from under- neath them by a comparativ- ely unknown underwear king. Baroly oVer the turmoil of that one. we have everyborlv but the village idiot in r..n all- out Ftruggle for the Libeiral 1ear1er0-in. trying desperately in a few weeks to create an ima.or'ab headlines, and be ell 1-11'naq to all men. It w,u11,-1 interesting know tv'e neraorel motiveg of the c^rd4ritc,‘s. Most of them Bethel Bible Church is spon- soring "Prior Claim",' a full- color motion picture produced by Moody Institute of Science , of Los Angeles, in Seaforth Pub- lic School, Saturday evening. The film shows that some of man's most ingenious inven- tions, like the sniperscope, have their prototypes in nature. The program will also fea- ture a ladies' trio and trombon- ist from the London College of Bible and Missions. HARDING — the finest name in carpeting — • A_CRILAN NYLON—WOOL Rug or Wall to Wall Installation — CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE :Live With Luxury An Investment • In ,Your 4ome Ishoni 174 6 Seaforth .FURNITURE are able men, who would be successful in their own fields. Why are they willing to take on the worst job in the ceun- try at a time when it can go only from hectic to chaotic? What is it that appeals? There's the honor, of course, the plaee in the history books even if it's only a squib. Per- haps it's pure ego, the feeling that nobody else is as well qualified to lead Canada into the twentieth century, repub- licanism, free love, and and an automatic dishwasher in every k ;tell -ea , knd then there's the hung- er for power. for being at the centre of things, for manipul- ating men pna pVtS. This is a tempter that ,ebviously lies close to the surface with some. It isn't material gain. It's strange that most of our lead- ers have been Teen of medest, means. King left a fair estate, but then he never spent a nickel, except on these crazy ruins he imported from over - se". Could it be a love of conn - try, a genuine desire to serve one's fellow man, a real wish to make Canada the great country it opad be?- I think it could. not discounting the more cynical reasons. Perhaps, it's love of the game The gambler is hook- ed. The rich men enjoys the, making of money, not its fruits. And the politician lov- es the battle, with its drama and exeitement And it's not exactly a mat - NEWS of• w N, . ELS lel Hospit4 Lolldart. 'Miss Gar- el Allen spent' Friday with Mrs. Sanford Illatnri and Dianne. Miss Ruth Horne .of Loildoir spent Sunday with M. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and fam- ily. Mt. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Dianne visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. WilliamBrown of Elim- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton and ,Larry of Elimville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Sanford Hutton, Dennis ,and Dianne. Mr. and Mr. Freeman Horne visited on Sunday with Air. And Mrs. Gerry Grubb and Michael of Farquhar. Ws. Gordon Prance 110.14 baby Alower at her isenle re, cently for Mrs. Enierson Pen. hale of Elimville. Mr, Phil Hern and‘ Mr. Grant Thompson are spending this week in Indianapolis,sten- sued by the Massey -Ferguson Company. +Miss Kathy Hern of Clinton spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and .fintily and Mr. Brian Hem re- turned to his job in Stratford this week after attending Fan- sha,we College in London, for six weeks. Mrs. William Walters visited in Exeter on Thursday with her uncle, 1Vlaurice.'-i-Quance, who left for Florida on Friday mor- ning. Mr. and Mrs. William Allen visited on Friday with their daughter 'Joan in War 'Menior- , ter of life ,or death. Although it must be pretty terrifying to realize that if you don't grab the brass ring you go back to being an ordinary minister, at 20 -odd thousand a year, or back to slaving ov- er your financial director- ships. Or — horrible thought -- exiled to the Senate. One interesting aspect is that politics have got out of the hands of the lawyers, Who dominated it for decades. Perhaps that's why every- thing moved at a snail's pace. Now it's the. economists who are taking over. Th, n.,xt tee \mars will be an intorestina decade in Can- ada. D» w Eo left or right, or plit ricrbt up the middle. Let's watch-!• • BRUCEFIELD Unit three of Brucefield Un - Red Church met at the church on Wednesday evening. The worship was taken by Mrs. J. Mustard, Mrs. K. Scott and Miss M. McQueen and they discussed the first Dart of the study book "Panorama of the Bible". , Mrs. R. •Leppington took charge of the meeting and the secretary's report was- given 139 Mrs. D. Brodie, and the trea- surer's report by Mrs. M. gra- ham. Mrs. Leppington gave a report of the meeting at North- side United Church. This was followed by the business. Mrs. S. Breadfoot conducted a con- test and lunch was served. by Mrs. V. Hargreaves and assis- tants. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. A. Taylor. . 1966 Ford Cti,$tom 500 four &or, 6..feikt A.T., radio, (White) Splegitidfriitie special, license 1447192 1PPAGL'ilT0F4i, . 1965 Pontiac Stratochief four door V-8, A.T., radio, white wall tires, wheel covers, li-$ 1 795 cense H47190 • 1964 Fairlane two door, 6-cyl., S. Trans., “extremely economicar$995 license H47193 . 1967 Ford One-Tott Stake, "demonstrator", completely equipped V-8, 12 fait stake body, dual rear wheels; etc. license C80804 53195 LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Phone 235-1640 Exeter , ()ASTERS - PERSONALIZED GIRT IDEAS - -SERVIETTES Dial 527-0240 %.*1.41imitU'*'4 • • . * rr'4 r,rre>' YES, EVERY TIME YOU SEE AN 1GA STORE, NO MATTER NOW BIG IT IS, YOU KNOW THAT STORE IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY .A LOCAL; INDEPENDENT BUSINESSMAN. THE OWNERS IN THE STORE, PROUD OF HIS BUSINESS AND SERVICE. INTERESTED IN HIS CUSTOMERS .AS ONLY A NEIGHBOUR IV -APT TO BE. READY AT ANYTIME TO LISTEN PERSONALLY 10 YOUR SPECIAL REQUESTS, • SUGGESTIONS, COMPLANTS IF YOU • SHOULD HAVE THEM. • SAVE 24c'-- T12Veaiti Unsweetened AlPLE VICE 3 SAVE 25c — SOFT RITE (Asst'd Colours) PRICES 1111FEC11VE WEE)., PEEL 21, NI SAT., RP, 24, INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE TM RIGHT TO UMIT•QUANTITIES • TABLE READY sTEA TRIMMED Personally Selected BLADE OR SHOULDER 'RED BRAND RIB Ib.- TOP VALU SLICED -*Oar VfErifil-5 vmcwzmrtts U.S. NO. 1 WHITE OR PINK (SIZE 48's APEFRUIT • SIDE BACON Essex Packers Asst'd. Fearman's Farm COLO CUTS 83c 83c SAUSAGE lb., FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER: FRONTS el a lb. • HINDS Bletf cuucKsa,530 . Li B.New 2ealO LAM...4 e lb• EAF 0 RT lb. Kraft Regular CHEEZ W111211-:. Top Yalu 1st Grade BUTTER 141b, Print U.S. No. I t Golden Dew pazzent MARGARINE 3'14);..6 66c TStripe TeliPAl ciaPack Fnntily Size Tuba 87 • 4