The Huron Expositor, 1968-02-22, Page 4..;
+#4*11. WW1 OXPOSITOR, $11AFOR* Otir«, Fel. 22• Ma
. I '
Hurn r o" - Hotel,.Dublin
To Mr. and Mrs. Brown
of the
Huron Hotel
Dublin, Ontario
Crocker Refrigeration.
Contractors For
Refrigeration, Bar Equipment and Glass
Dashwood Phone 237-3333
Mr. Brown
and the
Huron Hotel
Dublin, Ontario
on the completion of
improved facilities with which
to serve the area
Goderich Frosted
The'lluron Hotel at Dublin,
which has undergone major
terations and improvements oe.
eupies a site lot I, cm 1, Mc•
IC:Mop which at one time was
owned by Robert Donkin, the
first settler of what later was
to become Dublin.
The extensive improvements
which the proprietors Mr. and
Mrs. Mancer Brown have car-
ried out include a large addi-
tion which includes two bev-
erage rooms each with a seat-
ing capacity of about sixty. A
complete new dining area and a
modern kitchen completes an
arrangement that will make
POssible outstanding service for
the corasnunity. The hotel is
Licensed under the Liquor' Li-
cence Act.
In addition to the new facili-
ties the existing building also
has been renovated and, pro-
vides guest accommodation.
Mi. and) Mrs. Brown who sev-
eral years ago came to Dub-
lin 'from Goderich have built
an enviable reputation for the
meals they provide. The facili-
ties are in continuous use for
banquets and dinners as well
as by the travelling public.
The original Huron Holel was
erected by Tom Crawford who
operatedj it for a number of
According to "A Hibbert Re-
view" owners since, TAM Craw-
ford have been Jeremiah Fla-
herty and Francis O'Brien,
Hendley, Cook, Joe Webber,
John Hacknell and Louis Wolfe.
For a time Pat Lunney and his
sisters used the» building for a
private' home. Then, later it was
used as a •hotel by Colonel
CraWford who was no relation
of Tom Crawford. Paul Mulli-
gan was the next owner and he
was followed by Donald R.
Murray and Warren K. Brown.
They were &Hewed by Earl J.
. We were happy
to have 'hada part
in the completionof
the new facilities at the
Huron Hotel
Dublin, Ontario
and extend congratulations
to the Browns
Earl Dick
Cement Contractor
RR I, Cromarty
Also Available
In No Return
to the
Hum' Hotel
Dublin, Ontario
on the completion of ne'W and enlarged
We appreciate4 being able to take
part in the work
Joseph Burns
First Settler Owned Hotel Site •
The 111*W picture shows the exterior of the Huron Hotel it Dublin, on No. 8 Highway
with the new addition on the left. One of the attractive public rooms in the hotel is shown In
the lower picture. The site was first -owned by Robert Dunkin first settler at Dublin.
Suggest Dublin as Site for
James Joyce Festival
Possibility that Dublin may
become 'another Festival town
has been raised as a result of
a series of articles by a Tom-
. to newspaper columnist.
It all began when'llobert Ful-
ford writing in the Toronto
Star lamented the fact that if,
only there was a Dublin in On-
tario there could be a–joyce
Festival in honor of James
Joyce noted Irish, writer whose
Work centred on Dublin„Tre-
He was quickly remindedby
readers there was indeed a Dub-
lin in Ontario.
A,mong those who confirmed
the existence .of the comrnuni-,
ty was Inspecting Trustee Jos-
eph G. Cronin who . said Dublin
was "deeply honored and very
interested" in the Joyce Festi-
val and offered all possible en-
This is the Fulford column in
the Toronto Star:
"In a solumn about the James
RIM industry last week I sug-
gested- that we could hold an
annual Joyce Festival if only
we had a Dublin, Ont. What an
error! What an insult! -An army
of readers — well, eight of
them, anyway — have been
getting in touch, by phone and
letter, to inform me (some in
rather annoyed tones) that
there is, in fact, just sueh a
place. Two of - them, writing
from 'Windsor and Paisley,
have even sent me road maps
with Dublin marked, just to
prove it.
I should have guessed it, of
enurse. Ontario just crawls with
European place names. The
western part of the province
alone has not only a London, a
Stratford and an Exeter but al-
so a Zurich and a Brussels end
even a Florence (the place im-
nfortalized in the• writings of
Kildare Dobbs as Venice, Ont.).
Dublin, it turns out, is right
in there with the rest of them
—on Highway No. 8, between
Mitchell and Seaforth, not far
west of Stratford, not far east
of Zurich.'
On receiving this news I was
seized immediately by an un-
controllable urge to be in touch
with. Dublin, Ont. I wanted to
know what was happening there,
if anything.
I asked the telephone opera-
tor to put me through to the
local newspaper office. But
there was no newspaper in Dub.
lin, Then I suggested the lib-
rary. No Library either. I asked
for the police station. Again, no.
This was getting difficult, Was
there, in fact, really a Dublin.?
Or was this some kind of elab-
orate puton?
"Well," said the operator at
my end, helpfully, "how about
tifd general store?" Yes, the op-
erator at the end said, there was
a general store,
George Goettier answered the
phone at Goettler's Market He
turned out to be a reader of
mine—how pleasant to have a
reader in Dublin!—and immed-
iately agreed to fill me in on
Dublin. First, he set me.straight
on his place. After I calledit
a "general store," he said no,
it wasn't that:
"I like to feel it's not a gen,
era' store—it's like a small-
scale supermarket."
George Goettler informed me
that Dublin has 300 people,
that it's a police village in Hib-
bert Township, that he's, been
there 16 years, and that he likes
it very much. It's busy, but not
"too busy. There's a poultry
processing plant, an abattoir, a
construction company that does
work for the department of
highways. There's a nev:, hotel,
Brown's, as well as a bank, a
hardware store, and a meat
It sounds ideal for a Joyce
Festival. Nothing big, nothing
pretentious, just a quiet, steady
little festival. The audience is'
there, ready-made—people gd-
ing to the area to attend the
Stratford Festival could just
drive down the road and take
in one of the Joyce attractions.
The festival would begin, of
eourse, on June 16, or Blooms -
.'day, the day described in Ulys-
ses. It could contain all kinds
of Joyceana: dramatizations, like
Ulysses in Nighttown and Night
Boat from Dublin (Harry kol-
lock's stage version of the
Joyce letters, performed twice
in Toronto last week), would be
-major items. There would be,
Joyce readings, performances of
musical settings of Joyce poems,
and screenings of the two Joyce
films, Ulysses and Finnegans
Later, when this was exhaust-
ed, the festival could -commis-
sion new dramatizations. (Fitt--
negant Wake by itself could
yield half a dozen good plays,
not. to mention an opera or
two.) Then, slOwly, just as the
Stratfoid festival has spread.
out from Shakespeare, the
Joyce Festival could move out
through other parts of Irish
culture., There could be a Sean
O'Casey year, and a W. B. Yeats
year. The possibilities are evil, -
less. And no one would evir
again wonder whether there
was a Dublin, Ont. . •
, What it needs, of course, is
a Tem Patterson figure to start
it. Harry Pollock, the president
of the Joyce Society, is himself
a kind Of permanent Ongoing
*Joyce Festival; he's the obvious
person. After enjoying the per-
formance of Night Boat froze
Dublin at Hart House Friday
night, I sugg'etted it to hitn. He
seemed at least mildly interest-
ed. I hope he does something
about it. Imagine being able to
"r11 meet you on Bloon(s-
day, at Brown's, In ilkuhiW
The more I think about it, the
more 1 like it."
In a subsequent reference Mr.
Fulford says plans already are
being made for the Festival.
"The Joyce 'Festival is cinl
(Continued on Page 5)
To Mr. and Mrs. Brown
and the
Huron. Hotel
Dublin, Ontario
on the completion of 'their improved facilities
Lewis Bakery Ltd.
Makers of Snow -Flake Bread ,
Bunt 'arid Rolls — Fine Cakes and Pastries
PHONE 4345252 200 ALBERT ST.
With the completion of the ' new
facilities at Huron Hotel, Dublin,
we are now prepared to serve the
community even better.
Treat the family!
Dine out with to in our
new modern dining
roem . . . It's a break
for mom and a treat
for the kids. Yott'll en-
joy the delicious, hear-
ty servings and plea-
sant service.
Dublin, Ontario
Licensed under the L.C.B.O.
Phone 100