HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-15, Page 811 HN ,RCr9K(.1R4`04FPRInt. 9tirtt clg 1:4914447 .1.0114 4 -Pay treltapcs rYltle Of 11. g:43471711att Itt crate • T,Eesin ' ,r-Corittiner, ,r oOntinent ,g0.Man's .21-tiftre 23-ToWard the , sheltered aide 25 -Rodent 26 - Pellet /7 -Communist ;a -French plural article 29 - Weaken 30. Paid notlee 31-Hurrlea .33.A state (abbr.) 19 -Vigor 116.P(cerilloPdg"ot time 7Y-Chtirt ; body. -Exist .Hesvenly O.Rartster -Mare*, -Cut , signal t 44 -Ethiopian title 44gaitie' -ConJunotft1411 trootray 92 -Fruit *eke 94 -Guide% 484 e I 11111 -Th f-ao P. Re *Male 5B! ul at intio; imorinx: not T-EurePe4n chArtrioltse &The 'heavens 9 -That, is tobiNc/ - 16.Pert4iping to , the kidneys 14 -Metal te-Felnale ruff , $8.Hebrew . month 11.Expert,s 21 -Gratuity 2B -Macaw /4 -Conducted 15 -Things, in iaw 26 -Dance step 28 -Once around track 29.Nahoor sheep 31.Pronoun I5‘• li448 MUM 6-40Wei 1E10E1 IIF1E10.11711 IMAM maimew num ME 000 0E0 MEM ER= EMU EIMER MMM OEM MEM MEI MENEM 00 MUO @EN OEM ME= BUD EOM WM COM OEM UM OMM WOMMO @BEM 0MNE MOO OEM MUM MEE 32 -Before 33 -Ship channel -634-Imitate 35 -Animal's foot 37 -Pulverized 3B-Lean.to 39 -Rips 40 -Chief artery SOLUTION 41-6malt rug 43 -Spanish for "yes" 44 -Ceremony 46 -Carpenter's tool 47 -Bitter vetch 48 -Man's name 49- Male sheep 51 -Cooled lava 53Conluncflon II 44:44 iii,.,.„11 6 7 :::•.::! III . : W.4.1111111119= Ir I"".•:::•;17 mu .i."il 9 e::::: ;ex. id 10 11114 II ., 1 ungeel2 la N mM 13 " N16 20 /1111g,:il id 11 . .. .!.m:::. 49 111111,:!Inia1111111161111111V.::°MW1 ,....,,....:imins2;:iasiir::::m iiiiiIIIIIIIIIgiiiiii 1111Wililliliniti Ill'iQ111111111111 ' IIIIIIIIIIIU ..... .....„ .. :.?...t. .. 11 ...... inr.„,„,..... WillriffitillIIIIIIE ll1111111y. •::::::;iiiiiivi:wiripir:::::aiii ,, 4,,,...., AUCTION 'SALE At the Clinton Legion Hall, .Clinton, Ontario, Monday Evening, •February 19th — p.m. sharp—Repossessions—Bankrupt stocks and Many, Many Personal Consignments Consisting of Appliances — Furniture — Television — Clothing FURNITURE-- A 2-piete Davenport Suite that folds out to a full % size bed, with nylon. cover and swivel rocker, a 2-p1ece French. Provincial 'Chesterfield Set, eovered in a top -grade ny,lon cover; 3 other as- sorted Chesterfield Sets with foam cushions; 2 9 -piece Copper - tone or Chrome Kitchen -Dinette Sets, consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table; 2 7 -piece Sets, consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table, with an inlaid top. 1 5 -piece Deluxe Coppertone Dinette Suite; 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites, completewith bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a matching box spring and mattress with each set; 2 sets of lamps, consisting of a ir•"ght and .2 Table' Lamps to each set; 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee. Tables, in an Arborite finish other Step- and Coffee Tables; 2 39" Continental Beds, complete with headboard and legs; 1 54" Continental Bed, com- plete; 4 full size 54'' Sving Filled Mattresses; 2 Hostess Chairs; Platform Rocker; 9 x 12 Rug; Hi -Chair; Telephone Table; Kitchen • Step Stool; Chrome Rocker, APPLIANCES and TV A large Refrigerator With a. full cross -top freezer; 2 Electric Ranges, one being .a deluxe model; A long Skirt Washer with , pump; Automatic Washer and Dryer — matching pair; Combina- tion radio and Record Player; and last' of all, 4 different Tele- • vision Sets,. 21" 'models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working Condition. All the Appliances in this Sale are ' Guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up at your home. FALL ANP WINTER CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAIVILLY A large selection of Fall and Winter Clothing has just been re- ceived for Auction from one of the largest thothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTH1NG—Socks, Under- wear, Ties, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts; Pyjamas, T -Shirts, Work Socks, Work Shirts; FOR THE LADIES and TEENS — Skirts, Blouses, 'Nylons, Cardigans, Pullovers, Slims,Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas; BOYS - GIRLS - BABIES — Jeans, Sweaters, • Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleep- ers, House..Coats, Crawler Sets, T -Shirts, Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Girl's 3 -Piece 'Sets, Sleep and Play Sets, 3 -Piece Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too num- erous to mention, Don't miss this outstanding sale! Auctioneer Leo E. Bird; Clerk, Lloyd Tanner. Operated by Forest City Distributors. Terms cash, Cheques accepted on furniture, 5% Sales Tax in effect February Special " AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ADJUSTRIENT Remove transmission oil pan, clean,' inspect and adjust bands and linkage -- Road test operation. Seaforth Motors Dial 527-1750 Seaforth McKiIJop- 4.11 -Club Elects., The first meeting of the Mc- Killop 4R club was held) Wed- nesday evening with fifteen members present, including two new members. Officers elected are: presi- dent, Trudy Van Drunen; vice- president, Dianne 11,epderson; secretary, Sharon Shea; treas- urer, Evelyn, Storey; press re- porter, Yvonne Pryce. The roll call for the next meeting is "the type of record file I have chosen". Meetings are to be held in the homes so each member has a chance to act as the hostess. The, next meeting will be held on. February 14, with Yvonne Pryce as the hostess. The girls went over the requirements for 441 members to help the nv inetibers. For this alb each Member to to make a re- cipe file. Some of the topics will be etiquette, party menus, novel table centres, decorations, party stiggestion.s, games and flower arrangements. Mrs. Lit- tle discuSsed ho lie to arrange flowers; in what type of a vase they should be placed; how to prepare. and restore the fresh- ness of a flower; how to mea- sure flour or sugar, etc.; abre- viations and last but not least, how to wash dishes properly. ,p4 — Tax Questions and Answers This income tax column hag' been prepared by the Kitchener District Office, Department of National Revenue, Taxation. The questions used ar,e common ones and the answers usually straightforward. However, un- usual circumstances somethnes alter the answer. If your ques- tion isn't answered here, or in the Income Tax Guide, phone 742-8361, in Kitchener or write National Revenue, Taxation, 166 Frederick St., Kitchener for free advice. by N. D. Lowe, District Director Kitchener Taxation Office Q. I have received most of the information slips for my Income Tax Return but I am still wait- ing for one of them. Should I file my return without this slip? A. No. Please wait until you have all your T4 slips and med- ical receipts before filing your return. A missing information slip may cause delays in pro- cessing as such returns will be sent to our district offices for additional information. If you have not received your T4 slips by early in March, you should ask your employer .for them. Q. I operate a farm in the sum- mer, but to supplement my in- come I am gainfully employed in the winter, Must I pay Can- ada Pension Plan contributions on my farm income in addition to,. my contributions on employ- ed earnings? 'blue Champion 'Stove and - Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 emeemegorgsgmermemedEr, 4 Diamortd Ring Sale 15% — 25% discount on entire stock of .. diamonds SAVAUGE JEWELLERS (Opposite Post Office Evening Appointment • By Arrangement 5274270 tottatmagszazimmisrmilimmaszawasz=rra T AIN- TO T RONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times For information, phone the local PeSsenger Silos offita CANADIAN NATIONAL' • ^Hi Debby Selmes is ene of the many young victims of mus- cular dystrophy in Canada who are patiently awaiting word of a cure. Medical science is slowly gaining ground in its world-wide assault on this genetic disease — one of the last of the killing diseases of childhood. Of the eleven nations that have set up research organizations to combat Mb, the Muscular Dystrophy, Association of Canada is second only to the American group in the size and scope of its research pro- gram. Muscular Carnpaign J. J. C. Evans, national Presi- dent of The Muscular Dystro- phy Association of Canada, an- nounced that le the first nine months of fiscal '67 the associa- tion's income had reached 8556,- 632. This figure represents 95% of the record twelve-month tot - Tips A. Yes, self-employed eartiiri • are subject tb Canada Pensi Plan contributions but your quired Contribution will be duced by the amount you a your employer have , alrea contributed. To' determine t amount of contributions payab complete the area "Cana Pension Plan •Contribution o Self -Employed Earnings" page 1 -of 'the T1 General for Q. In November, 1966, I had minor operation. The costs this were paid in December, b as they were my only medic expenses for the year and .the were less than 3% of my i come, I could not claim them o last year's return. HoWever, i the spring of 1067 I had mor medical expenses: Can I clai .the expenses I paid in 1966 o my 196'7 tax return.? A. You can claim medical ex penses paid in any 12-mont period ending in 1067 'if the have not already .been allowe on your 1966 return. In you case, you could claim all medi cal expenses paid from Deeem .ber 1, 1966, to November -20 1967 on your 1967 return Thi 12 -month period can vary from year to year, and the period used in one year may overlap the period used the year before Q. What is required by way o a •medical receipt? • A. An acceptable receipt for meddcal expenses should con tain at least the following in- formation: The name and oc- cupation of the person to whom the payment was made; the reason for the payment; the date of billing; the date of pay- ment and the name of the per son .on whosebehalf the medi- cal expenses were incurred. Q. My mother, who is 70, is living with us. She receives the Old Age Pension and Supple- ment for a total income of $1,- 260.00. May I claim her as a de- pendant? A. No. The Old Age Pension and Supplement give her an in- come of over $950 and you may not claim her as X dependant. Q. Who is eligible to average his income for tax purposes in 19671 . A. Three requirements must be met: 1. The chief source. of income for the period of averaging must have been from farming and/or fishing and no averag- ing could have been made in the previous five years. 2. 'A tax return must have been - filed on time for each of the five years used in the averag- ing period. Exceptions to this are returns for non-taxable years in the averaging period, which must be filed by April 30, 1968. 3. Form T2011 "Election to Av- erage.Income" must be filed on or before April 30, 1968. • USBORNE & HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Dystrophy Near Top Northelde Unit/ One The. ladies co$ Unit One et 11Tort1side Church, AO at the horde_ of. Affra,. 47, atitleig. 1.,Corden PaPle opened the meeting with, a peep en- titled "1 had AO' MA% Wm. 'Dalrymple reed the 'Mi- nutes of tbe,last meeting. and •,•-eed ea.ilad the roll; also read twO lettere .f.rem our tcoror char/. Mrs. D. 'Weed preOded for deVetional. period, scripture lessen was read by Mrs.' Dal- ryniple and prayer given by Ruth mum Teadixig entitl- ed "Thank you Mother Na- ture", by Mrs. Woods. Study' book—chapter "Chr- istian Warrior" was given :by Mrs. Roe_ meeting 21 osed with the benediction. Mrs. C. _Walden gave the courtesy re- marks. ss,) al of $586,867 achieved in 1966. Most of the association's in- come comes from its November national ftind-raising campaign. In Seaforth it was ,condueted by members uf the Seaforth Fire Department. The presidere said he was confident that the income for the twelve-month period would go over that of the previous year by a substantial margin. He at- tributed the expected increase mainly to an 0% jump in the number of fire departments par- gs ticipating in -the campaign. (The °n fire fighters of Canada raise re- about 50% of MDAC's income re- nd each year.) • The Muscular Dystrophy As- sociationsponsors a nation-wide he research program into the rra- le ture and causes of six types of da MD and sixteen related muscular and neuromuscular diseases. Its aim is to develop cures or m. treatments for these disorders a or to find some meanS of pre - of venting thein. ut Because MD is genetic, it pre - al sents a formidable challenge to Medical science, but the recent n_ synthesis of viable genetic ma- • terial at Stanford University's n School of Medicine leadts work - e ers in. the field to believe that m the probability of major ad- • vances in MD research in the , near future is greatly enhanced. The victims in Canada num- ber between 10,000 and 12,000. About 5,000, most of: them d children, suffer from one of the six types of MD. The re- mainder, mostly adults, are victims of related diseases, primarily muscular in nature. • Of the victims of MD, over 50 per cent are. afflicted by thene lethal Duchentype that re- stricts life expectancy to eigh- teen or nineteen years. During the decade 1950-1960 f the United States, Canada, The United Kingdom and France set up national organizations to _ deal with the problem of mus- cular dystrophy. Since that time similar organizations, have HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin President Clayton Calquhoun RS. A Viee-President Science Hill Wm, H. Chaff° - MR. 4, Mitchell Tim Toohey • R.R. 3, Lucite Robert Gardiner Raymond McCurdyKirilitE.R.on kt. Agents: CeMartl Hugh Benninger Dublin Harty Colette - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Socritarlf-Trusurert • Hugh Patterson • Raster Salon Colleen Due to the tremendous response the • PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL will continue till the End of February $10 Lanolin .Permanent Wave f,or the low, low price of $4.95 Shampoo SeV$1.50 Hair cuts 75c 6 week' rinses $3.50 For Appointments Phone 91, Dublin Hair Styles by Grace McPherson 'Maytag Kelvinptor Admiral Ilectrohome Sales with' Service .Maytag Washers and :Dryers, 3 years parts, labour service Bob's TV 'and Appliances 120 Ontario St., Stratford Phone 27141433 127 Queen St, St. Marys Phone 2844200 Bob Weeks, Prop., -sews Tv Since- 13" EinOil"4161.11**11.00110.0.0miAlftts. been set up in South Australia, Italy,, Japan, Belgium, Yugti- slop, West Germany and The Netherlamia. CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL , Walden & Broadfoot, Phone 527-1224 Soeferth Z BARN CLEANERS FEEDING SYSTEMS S1110 UNLOADERS PEDLAR STABLING and EQUIP. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS — FREE ESTIMATES SALES SERVICE FARM AUTOMATION GERRY GASHO MILVERTON BRUNNER, ONT. 5954578 FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? USE EXPOSITOR CL ASSIFIED • PHONE 527-0240, Seaforth TOM GRAFTON HURON' FARM ACCOUNTING Blyth — Phone Collect, 523-9429 Specializing in Farm Taxation and Rusinets Accounting 1967 FORD, 2 -door H.T., fully equipped. 2-1967 PONTIACS, 2 -door and 4 -door Hard Tops, fully equipped. ". 2-1067 CHEVS., 2 -door and 4 -door Hard Tops, fully equipped. 1965 GMC %-ton Pickup 1064 CHEV. %-ton Pickup 1964 CHEV. 2 -top 1064 CHEVY. van A 2-1966 PONTIAC convertibles, fully equip- ped. 1966 ACADIAN, fully equipped, A number of 1965, 1966 and 1967 Chevs, Pontiies and Fords, N -8s and 6 cylinders, fully equipped. TRUCKS 1964 CHEV. one -ton, with duals, cab and chassis, V-8, power brakes 2-1964-CHEV. one -ton stakes, 1 6 -cylinder, 1 8 -cylinder 1962 CHEV. cabin chassis "60" series USSELS OTO BRUSSELS PHONE 173 --"The Home of Better Used Cars" 11 ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING a Comforting Thought. untivete ene Return ayahle This -Under. The.canadaPpision Plan Sarting this month, your Canada Pension Plan pays Survivors' Benefits • ...at no extra cost to'you. These include a death benefit paid in a lump. sum, widows' pensions, disabled widow- ers' pepsions and benefits for depend- ent children. Benefits become payable to a contributor's survivors in February if he has contributed to the plan for 1966, 1967.and forthe required period in 1968. It's a comforting thought to know that your family can rely on the Canada Pen- sion Plan, even if you aren't hereto look after them, especially if you have young children. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SURVIVORS' BENEFITS,VISIT OR WRITE YOUR NEAREST,CANADA ,PENSION PLAN OFFICE. YOUR DISTRICT AND LOCAL OFFICES; LONDON—Room 401, 365 Richmond Sue& 'Goderich-35 East Street St, Thomas -403 Talbot Street Sarnia -115 Davis, Street Tillsonburg--4 Ridout Street East Woodstock -35 Metcalfe Street , PHONE 438-2953 lSS€4ED BY THE HON. ALLAN J.MACEAcfIEN, MINISTER THE DEPARTMENT DP NATIONAL HEALTH AND, WEI-FARS i. • •