HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-15, Page 6.001011)0SITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., FEB. 15, 1960 • WEST -END GARAGE Pontiac - Buick Dealer • 1966 Ford Galaxie 500, with 390 motor, 4- - door sedan, V-8, automatic, radio, whitewalls - one owner. 1965 Pontiac 8, A.T., coach - a real good buy 1965 Pontiac Parisienne, -2-door hardtop, V-8, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, maroon with black vinyl top. 1965 Pontiac Parisienne, 2 -door hardtop, V- 8, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, green. 1965 Valiant Barracuda V-8, automatic, bucket seats. 1965 Rambler Classic, 6 -cylinder standard, radio, new tires. 1964 Pontiac 6 -cylinder, A.T„ 4 -door sedan 1963 Pontiac 4 -door sedan, 6 -cylinder auto- matic, radio, whitewall tires. 1963 Ford sedan, V-8, automatic, whitewall tires. 1962 Chev. Bel -Air 6 -cylinder automatic, radio, whitewalls, power steering. 1961 Pontiac sedan. TRUCKS 1965 GMC1-Ton with dual wheels. 1963 Ford V2 -Ton Pick -Up. WEST- END GARAGE --Pontiac Buick Dealer MITCHELL PHONE 348-8932. Open Every Evening till 10 to Serve You and all Night if we have to COASTERS GIFT IDEAS SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 Area East Wawanosh Council met in regular Ses- sion on Feb. 6, 1968 in the Bel - grave Community Centre with, the Reeve, Ray Pattison presid- ing and all the members pre- sent. Minutes of the inaugural meeting held Jan. 8, 1966, were read. The correspondence was read. Motions included: -That council accept the fin- ancial statement from the chair- man of the Centennial Finance committee, C. W. Hanna, it be- ing: receipts, $6,840.75; expen- ses, $6 586.02,, with a balance of $254.73 being turned over to the Township from the Centennial committee; -That Council accept a peti- tion re repairs to the Plaetzer Muncipal DraM; -That Council donate a grant of $15 to the Huron County His- torical Society and a grant of $15 to the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Assoc.; -That we call for tenders for warble fly inspector, spray op- erator and helper, by the hour, applications to be in by 12:00 noon, March 5, 1968. State sal- ary expected. Any application not necessarily accepted, --,-That C. W. Hanna, road supt., , contact Burns Ross office in Goderich to call for tenders on the McLean Bridge; -That the salary of C. W. Han- na, road supt., be increased $25.00 per month retro -active to the first of January, 1968, sub- ject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways; -That the salary of the treas- urer be increased $10 per month retro -active to the first of January, 1968; -That Council adopt -the Audi- tor's Report and pay the Audi- tor's fee of $600. The following accounts were approved and ordered paid and the following, cheques were is- sued: Road Cheques C. W. Hanna, salary, $236.86; telephone, 2.05; Alan McBur- , News of Winchelsea Mrs. William Walters and Mrs. Tom Campbell and Mrs. Phil Hern attended a quilting on Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. John Coward's., Mr. and Mrs. William Bier - ling of Dashwood, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stephens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wib Coward and Susan visited on Sunday with Mrs. John,Coward. Mrs. William Walters and Mrs. George Frayne of Sun- shine line visited on Thursday with Mrs. Roy Cottle of Exeter. Mrs. Elson Flynn, Mrs. Phil Hern., and Mrs. John Coward at- tended the Rebekah dessert euchre on Wednesday afternoon in Exeter. - Mrs. Alvin Cottle of Thames Road visited on Monday With MT. and Mrs. Tom Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge visited on Sunday with Mrs. Bruce Cooper of Elimville. . • OFFICE • SUPPLIE • Letter it - Yourself STENCILS Roman and Gothic Faces, - Froin 1" to 6" Letters 'BRISTOL Ili • • • Lightweight, all colors Heavy, 6 -ply white, 4 -ply colors 20c 10d STAPLERS. We now carry an assortment of Desk and Hand Staplers , at economical prices. See our assortment of famous quality SWINGLINE Machines, our Imported Line; and our Mark - well Staplers. FROM 69c Staples are stocked for all machines which we carry. 'FOLDERS: . Letter size, each 6c - 10 for 40c Legal size, each 7c - 10 for 59c PENS • • Bic's Pens Papermate Pens - 100 for $4.15 - 100 for $4.95 TYPING PAPER (in pads of 100 sheets) 19c and 25c from $1.29 65c ALSO CARBON PAPER, coPy PpA.PER, PENCILS, COL- ORED PENCILS, MARKERS, ERASERS, CLIPBOARDS "Silt' et 1860, Serving tI4' Community First" ney, wages, 294.22; . Arnold - Brno% Wages, 178.15; truck 6.00; Murray Vincent. wages, 47.40; Larry Mayberry, Wage?, 50.36; John Carmichael, wages, 35.16; Harry Wiliams, fuel, etc., 421.17; West Wawanosh Fire Insurance, shed, 13.75; Gee. Rad- ford Con., snow removal, 1,626,, 37; Ontario Hydro, shed lights, 28.27; Thomas Garniss, chain saw repairs, 16.80; Snell Feed - and Supplies, salt, 4.10; Bel - grave Co -Operative, salt, 12.08; Dominion Road Mach. Co., gra- der repairs, 1,478.93; Purdon Motors, oil and parts, 95.85; Campbell's Garage, heater mot- or, 10.23; Receiver General of Canada, 55.50; Unemployment Insurance Stamps, 17.12; Total road cheques, $4,630.31. General Cheques Wihana Thompson, salary, $119.40; Alex ArcBurney, salary, 84.3'7; Receiver General of Can- ada, 8.21; welfare, 109.30; A. M. Harper, C.A., audit fee, 600,00; Donald. Cook, fox bounty, 4,00; Blyth Municipal Telephone SO - tem, rate and tolls, 4202; Tottn, ship of Morris, BelgraVe gtreet Lights, 36.10; The Muntenia World, supplies,. 19:58; Huron County Historical Society, grant, 1500; Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Assoc., grant 15.00; IraWall, refund, dog tax, 2.00; total General account cheques, $1,055.78. Usborne Council Council met in regular ses- sion in the Ellmville Hall. Pre- sent were Reeve Roy A. West- cott, Ken Duncan, Lloyd Fer- guson, Lloyd Smith and Walter McBride. The minutes were ad- opted. Council was advised that sat- isfactory arrangements have been worked out with the Town of St. Marys regarding backup fire protection;, that the Coun- ty School Consultative commit- tee had approved the .Public School Board's application to build an additiOn; that E. W. Rowcliffe has requested repairs to the Stewart &ain on lot 29, con. 6, to be filed --with other complaints -on the draM. • Gravelling tenders opened and considered were as follows: Sandy Contracting Co., Gode- rich, per cu. yd., delivered); 88c, stockpiled), 58c; Ray Ireland, Londoh, per cu. yd., delivered, 98c, stockpiled), 7; R. H; Jen- nison Ltd., Grand Bend, per cu. yd, delivered+, 92c, stockpiled, 58c. The tender of Sandy, Con- tracting Co. Ltd., Goderich, RR 5, Ontario, to crush and deliver .andi spread on the roads Of the Corporation as speeified iti the tender 15,000 cu. yds. of grav- el at 88c Per yd. and stockpile a further 2,000 cu. yds. at the Cann pit at 58e per yd. was ac- cepted) subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Other motions carried includ- ed: that the Retition of the ratepayers on the Horton, Glenn, 1V1cDoitgall Award draM to have the award) drain chang-•-• ed over to a municipal draM be. accepted); -That Fred Harburn, Dublin, RR 3, be re-engaged to spray cattle for. warble fly control at last year's price Of 10c per head per spray and supply the nec- essary powder. • -That a grant of $15 be made toward the work of the Huron County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association. -1---That the road aecounts amounting to a total voucher of $6,529.85 be paid as presented by the road superintendent. -That the current accounts in- cluding payment to. the Town of Exeter on high school de- bentures of $5524.23 and amounting to a total voucher of - $7,66/7.61 be paid as presented by the treasurer. Council approved notification of interested ratepayers in res- pect to Cooke, Kints and Willis drain reports filed by Engineer J. A. Howes and made arrange- ) ments for a special meeting to read the reports. The treasurer reported re- ceipts of $10,137.00 since Jan- uary 8th. Accounts paid amoun- ted . to $256.15 'Ind hall rents collected amounted to $8.00. Meet advertise for tenders, for the _construction, of the Hayden Bridge and Jacklin culvert: -That the clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for brushing and hauling approxi- mately 20,000 cubic yards of gravel. -That we advertise for tenders for Warble Fly supplies. -That the Salvation'Army be given a grant of $50.00. -That the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Associa- tion be given .a grant of $15.00.' -That the Huron County His- torical S.ociety be given a. grant of $10.00. -That membership fees be paici to the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, $10.00; the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, $10.00.- -That the clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law to incrose the penalty on arrears of taxes to 3% and) interest on arrears of taxes to 2/3rdss,lof 1% Per montli. -That the clerk be instructed to prepare a bylaw to have the ToWnship of Grey, a restricted hunting area. Accounts paid included: Vil- lage of Brussel, share of Div- ision Court, 1967, 16.00; The Municipal World Ltd., subset, ptions, supplies, 61.13; Maitland Teleservices Ltd., office rental and tolls, 19.11; J. C. Conley, yale lock, office, 4,99; E. M, Cardiff, Division Registrar, 1967 2.25; George Wesenberg, post- age and stationery tax arrears notices, 2.00; drawford,- Shep- herd and Mill, account, 50.00; Elwood McTaggatt, mainten- ance and sealed beam, fire dept.' 21.95; BP Canada Ltd., furnace oil, office, 26.82; welfare, 61.- 04; Brussels, nursing home ac- counts, Nov. and Dec., 25.65; Listowel, nursing home -account, 22.30; Rent for welfare, 10.00; welfare, 256.77; Jim Dobson, garbage collection Ethel, 20.00; Ralph Keffer and Nelson Hanna, fox bounty, each 16.00; 'd. M. Stevenson, fox. bounty, 8.00; Clifford Hoegy, fox bounty, 12.- 00; Road 'and bridges, 5,230.42. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobsare accomplished by low Cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. Ho Producers Elect The following 18 cominittee men have been elected by ac- clamation from Huron County to the Hog Producers' committee for district 10 for three years, 1968, 1969, 1970: Ken Baker, RR 2, Dashwood; George R. Campbell, RR 1, Seaforth; Alex' Corrigan, RR 1, Bluevale; Alvin Cudmore, RR 1, Hensall; Mal- colm Davidson, RR 1, Bruce - field; Melvin Greb, RR 2, Dash- wood; Elmer Harding, RR 1, Gorrie; Harvey McClure, RR 1, Walton; James .McGregor, Kip - pen; Robert E. McMillan, RIR 2, Seaforth; Allan Miller, RR 1, Lucknow; George,Moncrief, RR 3, Goderich; Eric Moore, RR 4, Goderich; R. J. Semple, RR 2, BaYfield, Lloyd Stewart, RR 1, Clinton; Alfred H. Warner, RR 1, Bayfield; Lionel Wilder, RR 1, Zurich; James Williatison, RR 3, Walton. Perth To Study History Urs. George Wilson, St. Marys RR 6, Ontario, has been asked to organize the initial survey - which will list all buildings in- cluding dwellings, barns, sheds, outdoor cellars and ' smoke- houses, churthes, sehools, halls, etc., built in 1855 or before and still standing in Perth County. Professor W. S. Goulding, Dept. of Architecture, Universi- ty of Toronto, is in charge of the province wide survey which is designed to preserve the his- tory of early buildings. Mrs. Wilson has arranged to have interested persons in the townships, towns and the City of Stratford. assist her with this historical project which is, to be completed by April 1, 1968. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! Hibbert Council Hibbert Township Council ac- cepted the gravel tender of Yundt Bros. Construction, Strat- ford, subject to the apProval of the Dept. of Highways, for ap- proximately 16,000 cu. y.dis. of gravel at $1.30 cu. yd., for roads and $1.10 cu. yd. for stockpile. F-aimers' lanes will be gravel- led at $1.55 cu. yd. The report of the road supt. Of road expenditdre for 1967 in the amount of $90,292.74 and the application for subsidy, was ordered signed and to be sent to the Dept. of Highways for , balance of payment. • Grants of $25.00 to the St. John's Ambulance Services and $65.00 to the Salvation Army were -approved. The clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders on the Dublin Streets Drainage Works and the Brock Drainage Works. Supplementary by-laws for added costs on the Coyne and Vivien Drains 'were given first and second readings. Road accounts for $3,160.2'7 an general accounts for $2,- 136.53 were ordered paid. GREY COUNCIL At the regular meeting of Grey Township Council, Feb. 5th, the following resolutions were passed as follows: -Tbat.B. M. floss and Associa- to Limited be authorized to Canattes most dynamic MUTUAL FUND AMERICAN GROWTH FUND*CANADIAN Maisel Fund Investing hi the dynamic "Growth through Research" Industries of theNnitog States. 20% INCOME TAX CREDIT ON DIVIDENDS get -the facts NOW! management limited Financial Planning FRED "TED" SAVAUGE AREA REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE 'RESIDENCE 180 Duke Street West 77 John Street Kitchener - 578-0200 Seaforth - 527-1522 For Enjoyable, Profitable iteddipg Mail This Coupoii, Today I THE HURON EXPOSITOR The ONLY newspaper whose first concern is the ' Seaforth community. Please enter •my substription to The Huron Expositor to start with the earliest possible issue. Payment enclosed$ Send bill $ Name R.R. or Street Address City and Province Zone a .61la111,•11.1.014,1.1.6.• -IIMIren......M.....,L1141.••••••.• • MARKET.: SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Salada Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS • pkg. of 60 750 Duncan Hines Deluxe Assorted CAKE MIXES 2 19 -oz. pkgs. 830 Swift's Prern LUNCHEON MEAT • • 2 12 -oz. tins 890 Colgate AJAX CLEANSER 3 for 590 Ballet BATHROOM TISSUE • • • • pkg. 230 MIRACLE WHIP Kraft 16 -oz. jar 340 2 48 -oz. tins 690 Clark's Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE PRODUCE California • ORANGES, size 113 Nei• Pack, Cello U.S. No. 1 CARROTS CELERY BLE ARTS CHICKENS, 4-5 lbs doz. 6* 1 -lb. bag 19* bunch 29* lb. 530 FOR .ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 527-0990 •1111•1 SUPERIOR Free Delivery READY FOR S RING? CHECK Youp Get Farm . Equipment Ready! The Best Time for Farm Machinery OVERHAUL is right NOW! BRING IN YOUR TRACTOR OR MACHINERY Before the Big Spring Rush Starts Don't wait until it's time to get on the land to get ,your repair work done -it will cost you more money! So, don't 'delay! Order your Parts NOW for Spring Requirements BOYES'' FARM ,SUPPLY Massey -Ferguson SALES & SERVICE Phone 527-1257 SEAFORTH ROWCLIFFE MOTORS J. I. CASE Farm Implements ,Phone 527-1670 SE AFORTH -1111eGAVINS' Farm Equipment Sales & Service New Holland - New idea Geo. White Nuffleld,Tractors WALTON, ONV. PHONE SEAPORtH 527-0245 BRUSSELS 365 W 6 GEORGE'S REPAIR SHOP Welding General Repairs Rural Hydro Installathms Phone 57 R 8- Dublin