HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-15, Page 54 Beavers Move to Firs The Seaforth Beavers moved' 'closer to winning the league title as they dumped Elora and Cheltenham this week. On Tuesday night, in a late starting game, Seaforth dumped Cheltenham 7-2 at the Seaforth Arena before a home town crowd of over 200. Cheltenham opened the scor- ing on a break -away early in the. first period but Seaforth came back to lead 2-1 as the period ended. During the first period a num- ber of small skirmishes hroke out at one point the teams play- ed four aside. Seaforth net -min- der Gar Baker picked up a two - minute minor for throwing his broken stick away and was also assessed a •ten-rainute miscon- duct for arguing the call. In the ,second Period there were no penalties and Seaforth stretched their lead to 3-1 on the only goal of the period. Seaforth jumped to a 41 lead early in the third only to have Cheltenham close the gap to 4-2 shortly after. Seaforth then scored three unanswered goals to pat the game 'away 7-2. Tom Dick, Bob Beutteniniller and Bill McLaughlin scored two goals -.a.Plece and Jack MeLl• wain counted once for the Beavers. Glen. Judge, and Ken Richard- son scored for the losers. Seaforth played host .to Elora Elect New Officers The new officers elected by • the Weenen's Missionary Fel- lowship of Bethel Bible Church include: President, Mrs. Mute ray Dalton; vice-president, Mrs. Jack Jones; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Damon Stannah; social committee, Mrs. Sandy Pepper, Mrs. Chris Knetsch; work com- mittee chairman, Mrs. Gordon Blanchard; pianist, Mrs. Jack • Thompson, Botta 'Thursday night and came away with a 16-3 victory. Jim Dick was the big gun for the 'peels scoring fiv.e times. Tore Dick, Bill McLaughlin and Bob Beuttemniller added two goals each and singles went to Larry Dale, Paul Rau, Jack Mali/vain, d Dolmage and Frank Hagan. 'Elora scorers were Jack Pow - NEWS OF HENSALL ers, Lynn Drone and Fred Hughes. Thursday night the Beavers play at home to Acton Tanners in the final game crf the season. If the Beavers win they are as- sured of at least a tie for first place in the league standings. Durham could els() finish In a tie for first if they win their remaining games. Legion Auxiliary Plans for Rally Legion Ladies' Auxiliary at their February meeting Tues- day •evening, presided ever by president Mrs. Garnet Allan, do- nated $10.00, to the local asso- ciation of Guides and Brownies, and made plans for a Red Cross canrvass in Mar. Arrangements for the Zone rally to be held here Mak 15th with 12 auxiliar- ies expected to attend were die - cussed and they will sponsor an Easter basket draw. in Aprik with proceeds for the Easter Seal campaign. They are cater- ing to two bonspiels in March, a Kinsmen banquet the end of March, win hold a social eve- ning Feb. 24th and cater to a smorgasbord for the curlers on Fridley, March 9th. Mrs. Wilmer Dalrymple was installed as a member of the executive. Past president Mrs. Harold Campbell was presented with her past president's pin medal and a gift. Mrs. Vic Stan won the mystery prize and Mrs. E. Davis the guessing prize. Bingo was played and lunch served. At the Hensall Curling Club social evening in the local arene Friday evening, the following draws were made and the win- ners were: Kroehler rocker, Robert El- gie, Kippen; mantel radib, F. Kalano, London; ladies Flight luggage, Mrs. Jean Turvey, Hen - sail. Country Cousins of Stratford provided the music for the 1967 Income Tax Returns*i T-1 Shorts $3.00 Send name, gddre'ss, and phone number to the address below OR Send T-4 slips, medical and donation receipts, personalized income tax forms and any other information To: STAFFA ENTERPRIZES, 108 Bramptmt Road, London, Ontario. CLEARING, ALL 1967 WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES Westinghouse SPECIALe t3o heat dryer rdater 159 BOX FURNITURE Phone 5274680 Seaforth dance and Hensall Legion Lad- ies' Auxiliary catered dor a smergeshoa Meinersof the local associa- tion of Cildes and Brownies braved wether elements on Saturday and canvassed the vlI lage selling homemade candy. 340 bags of candy were sold and $60.00 was cleared. The World's Day of Prayer will be held in Carmel Presby- terianChurch, Friday, March lit at 3 p.m. Theme: "Bear One Mothers Burden". Hensel' and Chiselhurst 'United and St. Paul's Anglican Churches will unite in the service. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Harold Currie. Amber Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday, presided ever by Noble Grand Mrs. John Corbett. Plans were made for the 191h birthday party February gist,. when each member is asked to bring a guest.„, At the receet midwinter pia- no examinations held in Lon- don of the Royal Conservatory .of Music of Toronto, Miss Julie Heat and Miss Pam Mickle re- ceived honors in their grade seven piano examinations. They are pupils of aVIrs. Don Carter, Se aferth GEORGE HESS itea.lueu is or Hansen (Lisa -set, were sauoeneci 1.,..1.11 sir tne ,passing of Cie • ri.es, n.,6L.L.Ly esLueou. ,LA,Lu pupular 'bustatessman, jeweller Ito' OVer torty ye he passed away suctaenly buutn. Huron Hospital, Ex ter, On ivionday, .wnere had been -admitted a we previously witti a heart co cation. He was 74. The late Mr. Hess was member of A.F. & A.M. 11 ron Lodge 224, Hensall; tive member of the Clan Club; honorary member the local Fire Brigade; a tive in various organizatio of the United Church which he was a member an always interested in all a tivities of the village. Surviving are his wife, Al ma Pettigrew, one daughte Ruth, Mrs. J, L. MeCloy, Do Mills, and four grandchildre Public f uneral servic will be held from Bonthro Funeral, Home, Thursda February 15th, at 1:30 p. with burial in Henaall Unio Cemetery. The pallbearers vvill b Rodger Venner, Bill Fus Earl Campbell, William C Smith, Staney Mitchell, E. R Davis. '- Unit One U. C. W. met hursday afternoon, with 21 resent. Mrs. Clendon Chris - e. assisted by Mrs. Harvey eys was in charge of the evotional using the theme Love and the Christian Ho- e”. Mrs. Albert Shirray us • the film strin, "One, H/If f One, Percent", presented e study on Japan. Mrs. Er - Luther snoke on the work the Salvation Army, tell - g of its origin and the many d various functions it per- rms across Canada, one of verity countries it serves roughout the world. Lunch as served by Mrs. Bryan yle and her assistants. The women's Missionary ciety of Carmel Presbyter - n Church, met Thursday th- president, Mrs. R. A. r, presiding, who read a em, "The Bridge Builders" lowed by study and devo- n by Mrs. Pearl Love and s.,Robt. Madge. Mrs. Gor- n Schwalne hnd Mrs. J. E. Ewen were appointed del- ates to a Synodical in Chat - m. Worlds Day of Prayer will held March 1st in this urch. Mrs. Malcolm Doug - and Mrs, J. E. McEwen 1 give the study and devo- nal for March 14th meet- , and slides of Japan will shown. The Ladies Aid eting ' followed and was sided over by president, s. Harvey Hyde, with Mrs. 1 Campbell, assistant se- ta Tv. " and to or - ed ars, at • e- ek n - a u - ace ng of 0 - ns of c - n. es m. s, o ti i^ th ic Isf in an fo se th So la wi Or fol tin Mr do mc eg ha , be ch all tio ing be me pre Mr Ear ere HOME AND SCHOOL NOTES The Seaforth Home and School Association has cancell- ed its meeting on Feb. 20th, be- cause of the open house held at the school last week. No meet- ing is planned for March 19 .beeaute of the winter holiday . in . the, schools from March In to 22. The next meeting will be held in April. Every week more people dis- - cover what mighty jobs are accoMplished by low cost Ex— positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. Seaforth Midgets Eliminate0 In WOAA 'Midget PlaYl-ettli Mitchell downed Seaferth to win the three -game series two games to one. Seaforth opened the owing an a goal by Mike Bannon from Tom Devereaux early in the first period,. They juniped to a 2-0 lead when Danny Muir Acme ed unassisted shortly after, Mit- chell narrowed the gap to 24 on a goal by Pickard to end the first period. In the second period the two teams traded goals. Gloor scor- ed for Mitchell and Earl McNeil scored unassisted for Seaforth. Seaforth couldn't hold the 3-2 lead and, in the thiid period Mitchell exploded for four goals in a row. Gloor scored twice and Chessel and Rolph each added one. Paul Patrick scored from Bill Price for Seaforth to make the final scare 6.&' News of Cromarty The tragic death of Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Laing, prominent citizens of Cromarty, who were. killed in an accident near Kit- chener on Friday cast a-shadow.of gloom over the people of the village and surrounding vicini- ty, Mr. ahd Mrs. Laing, were ac- tive in many organizations in church and other areas and were always willing to lend a helping hand. Mr. Laing was an elder in Cromarty Presbyterian Church for many years and al- so held the position as treasur- er of the church. He was also an ardent curler, Mrs. Lain Was a member of the Ladies' Aid and re life member of the Women's Missionary Society and also a valued. member of Staffa Women's Institute. They both took an, active part in all interests of the Hibbert Senior Citizens and will be sadly missed by a host of frends and rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eves of Moosejaw, attended, the funer- al of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing, which took place at • the Heath -Leslie funeral home, Mitchell, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, Chatham, Mrs. Shirley Elliott, Stephen and Donald of Essex, visited on, Sunday with Mrs. Grace Scott and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. , Valeria Wallace returned THE. /OWN POO 00 Wm* At die go•f•rdk D,01/4 ISO II4kla By Margie Whyte and Carel 5hartreed Girls' Basketball: one match to the Goclerich The Wippets are number one team. This Put them in sec- nowl They bold the best record ond place, and so they ob- of any of the other school tain the chance to slime at teams; that of six, wins and one WOSSA on March 20 and 21 Joss. On Thursday, they won at the Ivanhoe Curlielg Club in London. bongratulations their sixth victory against Lis- towel High at Listowel, with a g iris, Sheila Dietz and Our boys' curling team 29-16 score. S _ Debbie Miller were the two top neists of Joe Ball and the basketgetters of the day. threeBrady brothers; Steph-e" en, Bruce and David. BM Our junior team, however, Brown sometimes acts as suffered a 20-4 defeat from the spare. They have also been Listowel team; Denise Kerslake very active, having curled scoring our four points. t h r ee exhibition games a - Girls' Hockey Teem:. con- gainst some of our male Fifteen to twenty girls teachers. The following is a stitute a hockey team which list of the teachers who par - was recently organized by Miss ticipated in at least one of the Weiler. The girls practise every matches:Mr. D o b sp in, Mr. Murtha, Mr. Ball, .Mr. Bur - Monday after school at the Arena and Mr. Burgess acts as gess, Mr. McNab and Mr. referee. However, after the Cosford, The outcome of the wetr Easter exams, (which begin on.- threef ogames were, two February 28, 1 might add!) • ome oeefierther thermteachers and there is hope that they might compete in some inter -school At the tournament on Sat - competitions. urday our boys rodnaged two victories but could not defeat - Cheerfeeding: ' their Exeter cesponents. Since We feel it is about time that they stood in third place, we commend those few girls . thav do net get a ehance at and Miss Silcox who do a re- WORSA. However, they cer- markable jab in arousing school Ft 0R11111,n1Z Nrx rr1Po nq nyfouP rithtinhk?r spirit at the 'basketball 'games, with their variety of cheers. WRESTLING TEAM The game on Thursday was Eight in embers of our of special note, because they Wrestling team participated had a brand new cheer. The fol- in exhibition wrestling mat - lowing is a list of the lively c.hes at Clinton on Thursday. lassies who do a great job in However, only Bill Thomp- encouraging our teams on to son, and Neil Beuerman 'were victory: Gave,n McLean, Kathy able to overcome their oppo- Dale, Yvonne Hoegy, Maureen nents. Then, on Saturday, the Hoegy, Nancy Nott, Mary Ball, same boys travelled to Listo- Judy Hulley and Rosemary Be- Wel 'for the wrestling tourn- dard,, arnent, and three :if our boys Student of the Week: carne out on top. Bill Thomp- son;; who placed second, Neil One of the mentbers of our Beuerman, third, and Bill junior boys' basketball team Wallace, 'Mirth; have theho- and, who likes big dogs, was nor of competing at WOSSA - chosen, es the subject for the this corning Saturday in Lon - Grade Nine Student's Profile, don. CongratuLations, this week. , VALENTINE DANCE David Harvey 9A, a native of The drhina club sponsored Seaforth, participates in many, a Sadie ,Harvvkins' dance last of the sports at SDHS, includ- Fri d a y evening. Amid ap- ing soccer and basketball and propriate decorations those is also a member of the Library, brave girls who had gone Club. . out and hustled up a date, He is a member Of the choir danced to 'the tunes of the and Venture group of his Thirteenth Hour. The pro - church. This past summer, he ceeds from this dance will - went on a three week Scout go toirards maps forthe nroduction of " Honest to Goodness" at Variety Night, Thedraw for a mystery nri7e was made at the dance and the Macy winr,pr. Glen McLaughlin, was named. home Tuesday after being hes- ' trip to Montreal and other maj- pitalized in Seaforth Hospital or points across to the -East , Coast. M fose r veral days, r. and Mrs. T. Gillespie of Davjci; plans to go all the way London, visited on Monday with to Grade 13., and then to uni- Mr. andi Mrs. Scott and versity. His greatest ambition attended the funeral ofMr: is to become a high school tea - and Mrs. Laing. 'cher, preferably in rnath or science; these being his favor- ite subjects. Boys' .Basketballs In a close game against Lis- towel last Thursday, the junior boys lost by only five points with a final score 'of 35-30 in favour of the opposition. The seniors, also, suffered defeat at the hands of Listowel's senior boys, to the tune of 57-31. We know our boys cati do better than these scores indi- cate, and hope they will redeem 'themselves in their next games. Newspaper: The Word has finally come • out The first issue of our school newspaper was sold, hot off the press, last week. Al- though it took some time this year to produce the first paper, the finished, product.proves that our waiting has not been in vain. The hard working staff of • The Word, with editor Mike Stinnissen, has compileda good selection of gossip, opinions and reports that are bound to be of interest to practically anyone. The newspaper, staff has ob. ta filed a locker which is avail- able to any member of the stu- dent body who wishes to submit opinions Dr suggestions. May many more such issues of The Word be published. Library Club: The library club hat now formed under the aid and dir• ection of Mrs. Hansen, tath (sienna Houston as assistanl to the norarian. 'the k: he nuke now drawn up shows that, once the library is in operatiou, the stu- dents wiil have oetter service than the club has ever before °tiered. Trumpet Band: The great SDHS "Saints" dis- played weir unbea tanie endur- ance °the ak;ain wnen they were one balm out 01 sx wno com- pleted me two-rni.ie stretch in Lne strattorti Winter Larnival'S paraue 011baturuay. inc Strat- Ord Carnival is a coal event attended annuaily by the band. UR,LIN G CLUB Tne curling ckub has been Quito active lately and since our own last report, school teams have been chosen and xhibition and inter- school Mathes have been held. The girl's team 'consists of IVIadelyn Smith, Jane Cor- ish, Sharon Talbot and Peg ornish. Last Monday after- onn, in an exhibition game, hese four girls curled a in t our staff menthers; Mrs. Sil- ery, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Hil- ebrand and Miss Weiler, he match resulted in a tie, -1. On Saturday, at the bon- peil in Exeter, the girls de. the Exeter and St. Mn News of Constance. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart left on Friday morning on a motor trip to Florida were they will spend the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator, Linda, Dianne and Nancy spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Preszcator and Christine. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. . George McIlwain. and Mary on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier, Brian, Paul, Kevin and Lori. Mrs. Ella 'Jewitt and boys, Mr. Allan Bosman of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Anne, Judy, Danny and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp, Judy and Ralph visited an Sun- day in Galt with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dyk. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended: to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Sadie Riley whose death occurred in Clin- ton Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and: Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona, spent Mon- day evening With Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Billy and Deb- bie. William Jorritsma of Burl- ington and Sidi Byma of Pres- ton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and family. News of DU Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan were pleasantly surprised Sat- urday evening, when their fam- ily entertained them to a din- ner and dance at "Daltdn Cater- ing" in Stratford, the occasion being their 40th wedding an- niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Len Cronin, De- troit, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hop, e an. Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Karen and Kevin, Weston, with Mrs. Frank Evans. Mrs, Geraldine Charters, Oak- 0 ville, with Mr. and Mrs. George Coville. Lieut, -Col. and Mrs. Edward f Tozer and family, Davison, Mich. A with Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Sitter Stephanid, Wallaceburg with Mr. and Mrs, John Flynn ; and attended the funeral of her ee brother the late John Holland. r • ys' curling teams but lost 'sk Feeat*yaur eyes on new showing of spring fal Dregs fetales* * fabrics, skirt fabrics,• We have them all ika afi4,4 choice, of easy hare materis*, • Bold Paisleys New Abstruebs Plower Prints Smart Stripes Dahity Prhtis Polka Dots: Gingham 'Checks Plain' Shades • GINGHAMS 79c y BATISTES 89c y SHIP AHOY COTTONS $1.98 yd. POLISHED COTTONS $L98 yd. COTTON PASTELS $1.98 yd. SUPER PRESS COTTONS $2.19 yd. PRINTED ARNEL JERSEY $2.50 yd. DACRON BATISTE $2.98 yd. PRINTED SILKS $2.98 yd. $3.98 yd. WOOL FABRICS $5.98 to $9.95 yd. BONDED ARNELS SIMPLICITY PATTERNS' 50c --- 60e -- 75e SEE US FOR ALL SEWING NEEDS AND THREADS STEWART BROS. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: pia! 5274240 DO YOU KNOW THE 4 POINTS EHAND EVERY AD? When You See An Ad in THE HURON EXPOSITOR THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS 1. A REPUTABLE STORE . . a store that lives up t� its advertising bar.. 6ains, has a reputation to uphold. 2. PEPENDABLE QUALITY in the merchandise it sells — Merchandise that is exactly as represented. • 3. HONESTY +on in advertising messages and in dealings with the public. No attempt to falsify or deceive. no, 4. VALUES . . . Every Huron Expositor advertiser has an important message for you. it pays to . read them all 1 MAKE YOUR PURCHASES THE SAFE WAY CONSULT THE ADS EVERY WEEK IN t "Since 1860. Serving the Community First" Phone 527-0240 Se,g6 • • 0.11•••••