The Huron Expositor, 1968-02-15, Page 3GROUP • • LIFE s• 'ACCIDENT ,tI ArnOld SICKIMS,„ MAX)Ft MEDICAL PENSIONS • ANNUITIES RePreseptIng Sun Lite AsiMianee Company Of Canada TELEPHONE 5274410 17 GODERICH ST. EAST --, SEAFORTH Filrns. Fe /to Father John MCIVor, St. MOM, WO vied, welter at $t..*C.0.1Araban. Oatholie Par,' AtocieUelt. Meet - ng m the school auditorium, Wehiesday .told hoW priests of Scar- 1)DrIS Foreign. MitSions were In Latin America preaching the word od, that people were illiterate an eeded help to ellIMMEN1101.1111111 obtain titles for their land. He said priests and sisters are be4 ing taught foreign languages in St. Marys., Ontario, before going to the mission field. He showed) filing depecting , their life in Santa Domingo, •Atrults are attending school half days and working in factor- ies the remaiader of the 0*. Farm credit Unions and co-ops are being farined te enable people to get started) on 4110 by Clearing hind and blinding new toads. Feamitt and torn are the alibi ‘,to•Pia, Me9h, olaii, pregdeirt, cog- dadted tne bness aid open- ed the tneeting with prayer. He OUR SALE IS OVER! But you may still• save substantially on SLIPPERS for the wl‘ole family - Still a good selectibh available, but you'd bet- ter harry, it won't last. EXTRA SAVINGS Oln remaining supply of SNOWBOOTS READ'S SHOES and LUGGAGE PHONE 527-0090 - SEAFORTH RUBY READY • TO. EAT - ti or whore PARTY HAM t MEATY PORK .s.-PARE-ititt Ib. HOME MAbE HAM SALAD 59c 99' SPECIALS SMALL LINK SAUSAGES FRESH SIDE PORK SLICE'? COOKED HAM FRESH PORK LIVER LEAN BEEF PATTIES PORK SWEET BOAS $KINLESS VVIENERS SCHNEIDER'S /tING BOLOGNA 2 lbs. 99c 2 lbs. 99c Ib. 99c 3 lbs. 99c 2 lbs. 99c 5 lbs. 99c 2 lbs. 99c • 2 lbs, $1 Winner of Streak Knives, Mrs. Tom Carter See the Beavers in action Thurs., Feb. 15 at 8:30. Play-offs to start next week. DUBLIN Mrs. Geraldine Charters and Miss Kaye Gillis, Oakville; Miss Rosemary Eckert, Fort Erie; Mr. anti Mrs. Harold) McFadden and Mrs. Peter Mahem, Wallace - burg; Mrs. Earl Ryari, Alvinston; Miss Barbara Kelly, Windsor; Mr. Bill Eckert, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Coville. KIPPEN EAST WI Kippen East WI will meet on Wednesday, February 21st, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dave Triebner. The roll will be "Name a household poison and Its an- tidote". The motto, "No one gets indigestion from swallowing his own pride" by Mrs. John Sin- clair. Dr. J. C. MacLennan of Seaforth will speak on Rabies. Mrs. William Kyle has a poem and there will be a this and that auction sale. Convener of the lunch committee is Mrs. Joyce Cooper. • Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Torrante and three children of Porter's Hill, visited Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Reid Tor- rance and aunt, Miss Jean Ivi- son. FUNERAL MRS. JEAN HARRISON Mrs. lean HartiSon. died at her residence, 300 iffelfield St., Londdli, on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 1068. She waS fiirtherly Jean (Birdie) Shannon.. She was the daughter of the late John Shannon and, Merger- -et Fulton and,,was horn and 0- ucated,in MoXillop ToW4410. Later She worked at We Clinic in Petertioro where she married the late Robert D. Harrison, moving then. to Montreal, Que. ,bee. At his retirement they mov- ed to London, Ontario. She was a member of the United Church in St, Marys, Ontario. Surviving are one sister; El- izabeth, Mrs. Errol Habkirk, of London, where they both re - Sided and who cared for her during the last few months of her illness. She was predeceas- ed by one sister, Janet, Mrs. Alex MeEwing - and four bro- thers, William, John, Paul and Hugh. The body was at the Lindsay funeral home, St. Marys, Where funeral service was held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, February 8th, conducted by Rev. G. gor- dier, London,- owing to the ab- sence of Rev. Dr. R. D. Crosby of St. Marys. Interment iii Malt - landbank cemetery, Seaforth, at a later date. ••••••••••• DRY.. CLEANING: ANNOUNCE -MINT ..invE RIBBON. CLEANERS MITCHELL AND SEAFORTH HAS PUIXHA.SED MID -TOWN CLEANERS OF EXETER With the addition of these modern ,facilities Blue Ribbon Cleaners will now be a1e to provide even better service for its many ,customers. THIS WEEK AND NEXT! REDUCED PRICES On All Laundry and Dry Cleaning BLUE RIBBON CLEA_NOS . SEAFORTH 527-1510 MITCHELL 348-8458 • EXETER - .235-2484 .) :,rn4)t 044 Oek, sirteigraitirF4bpinte*.tcti,,Z.osw.7, 141747 Roei,zijy read the. whottes an Mraf_ 41.t McIver read thauk-ioo potes an letters 0 .• correspoOdynce. Treastirer's d4nPePvefit,dWMtarhSS g Lgi v 4e e t Obsy'pReorraukrak:se, teay remarks were made by *s. Richard Downey - St. James' CWL Has Meeting SL James' Parish CWL met • in the, school auditorium On Theatlay evening. .Father Laragli opened, the ineeting with prayer. "Praise God from whim Il blegiings fief'?" wag sung. The president, Mrs. Ar- thur Devereaux presided and thanked) all for their help ing December, and Jan ary. Each convener gave her rport. Sister Loretta Marie read from the Bible. A letter from b the Sacred) Heart Messenger s was read by Mrs. Alvin Smale. j 'Committees for February are visiting Mrs Frank Ni h Attt Oft.T.;i3 no. visitedDogas 49-Snntla "f4Attfa! Ur!". 4"*" URP git Ot rtionahas th Messengers enieYed a skat dogs, cup cakes and hot oboe°, lat Were also enjoyed, r. and Mrs. auk ROO, and Mrs. George Wheeler a David, Mrs. John Butters an and Mrs, Glenn Cope- Ijt4n•ct girls were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Roc44 Pamela and Calvin, Cal- vin was celebrating his seventh birthday. Mrs. William Dickey visited on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Clayton l3rock and family ,of Elora. M. and Mrs. Harold Thom- son of Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs:, Russell Mills and Mrs. Lawrence Mills of London, vis- ited.. Sunday afternoon with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills andoMr. Edgar 3/1111s. lyliss Cheryl Skipper of St. Mars visited for the ,weekend with Miss Brenda Parkinson., Mt.a., Made, Johns, was gust a. t Pwatteen-Lauvreelhl!swteuddairg cnIblaiittWid dDo'aYnglaS,' infant Ben ef 14..ppirl Mrs. David Levy, was ap,iped during the Church erV Sunday morning by Rev. . mg. . and Mrs. John Brookshaw, ST. THOMAS' GROUP MEETS ppm Monday afternoon, after sOlgOL IfOrgallWAts a hot g , 'Mrs. Harold Maloney; lunch, Mfrs. Frank Reynolds, Mrs. Joseph -Devereaux and Mrs. Frank Nigh. It was deckled to send a donation towards the education of the 'priesthood. The World Day of Prayer will be held on March 1st with Sis- ter Mary as guest speaker. 4 Father Laragh spoke of his trip to the missions and a read- ing by Mrs. Gerald Van Den Henget, "Natural Law" was fol- lowed by group tifscuseion and a hum.orous reading by Mrs Frank Nigh. The mystery prize was won by Mrs -Frank King. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszeator, Billy and Debbie visited on Fri- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona. Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona visited on Sunday evening with 11/1r. and Ws. George Hart, Jdlin and Bob of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona visited on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. 1Vlarvin 1VlcDonald, and Kim of Mitchell. DOWN AT THE LANES BY LEE HEE Seaforth Legion League Team standings: Cheaters, 100; SlipperyS, 811 Echoes, 73; Untouchables, 64; Hippies, 55; Hoot Owls,_ 47. Ladies' high single and triple, Molly Kunder, 268 and 695. Men's high single, Al Smale, 298 and triple, 696. . * * Men's . Inter -Town League Team standings: Goderich, 155; Win.ghartt, 147; Bill's Lanes 123; Seaforth, .119; CFR, 115; Zurich, 67. High fives for past two weeks: J. Scott, 1382; W. Hotchkiss," .1360; W.- Johnston, 1281-1255;, G. Noble, 1273; W. Dean, 1266; G. Warner, 1264."Season's highs (50% bowled)) average: G, No- ble, 240; five: J. Scott, 1382; single, G. Noble, 373. * • * St. James' League ' Team standings: Cannonballs 79; Kink Pins, 74; Whistlers, 67;1Luelty Strikes, 62; HiOies 59f Alley Cats, 58. Ladies' high single and triple, Jeannine McCue, 249 and 624. Men's high single and triple, Gord Noble, 200 and 708. * * Seaforth Mixed League Teatri standings: Cabbage Heads, 73; Corn Cobs, 70; Let- tuce Leaves, 59; Pea Pods, 53; Carrot Tops, 51; Pumpkin Seeds, 51. Ladies' high single, Barb Os- born, 237; high triple, Laurie ,Sawyer, 593. Men's high single and triple, Bill BroWp, 300 and 807. ' * Egmondville League Tenni standings: Blue Jays, 82; 'Parrots, 80; Rob -o -links, 74; Woodpeckers, 44; Robins, 43; Hummingbirds, 34. Ladies' high single, Hazel Me- ponigle, 249; high triple, Joan Eaton, 685. Men's high single, Howard,.Tames, 301; high triple, Doug-BteVen, 755. • • • Country Club,League Team standings, Mitchell, 206; Seaforth, 193. Ladle high single and triple, 187 and 745. Melt's high single and triple, Gobi Noble, 21,5 and 8'74. The Anglican, Church Women of St. Thomas' Church met at the home of Mrs. Robert Newn- ham on Tuesday, when the presi- dent Mrs. Cleave .Coombs open- ed the meeting by reading Gal. 6:1-10, followed by the February Litany, assisted by IVIrs. George MeGavin. Mrs. Newnham intro- duced the new stRdy book, "Right to the Future", Plans were made 'for those taking part . In ,,the "World Day of rayer". Mrs. Newnham served 'lunch, assisted by Mrs. E. Dins- more and Mrs. Bruce McLean. Verray. 'Stephen en4,;,Tett.. gauu0Fh„ visited Sunday.after. ifeen with M. and Mrs. 'Falter Levy and MarOtret. Euchre, - • The WL 492 heid a 'euchre in the orange flail 04 Friday' evening with twelve tables p1. ing, Winners were: lady high seore, Mrs. Russell Mor- rison; lone hands, Mrs. Law- rence Beckett; men's high score, Mr. J. Wilson, Exeter; lone hands, ldr. Lloyd Cowdrey. Lucky lunch prize was won by Mrs. George Wilson. O INVITATIONS O ANNOUNCEMENTS O ACCESSORIES COME IN. AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER The Huron Expositor Phone 527-0240 Seaforth „IX": iluR9p4 „„. ' • dor Now to,r Your 11- • 444 IZER While Supplies Are 0004 CASH DISCOONTS IN • EFFECT 4% on Fertilizer - 2% on Seed Grain as well as usual discount o ORDER ,NOW! OIL '.and GREASE CASH DISCOUNTS 'IN EiFECT 0 0 ANNUAL MEETING and BANOUET TUESDAY, FEB. 27, 7:00 p.m. EGMOND'VILLE UNITED CHURCH •Guest Speaker: Douglas Jamieson Tickets available from office or Directors SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527-0770 Seaforth STARTS THUI?S. FEB. 15th TO SAT. MAR. 2nd DECORATE PAINT WALLPAPER NOW! ! 44, DECD„RATE. NO, ! READY PASTE WALLPAPERS Reg. 73c to 1.95 Si. PER SINGLE ROLL Many patterns and plains to choose from. Ideal for all rooms and so easy to apply. Just wet and hang. ,FREE Water Tray 10% , On All New 1967-1,968 Kern and ith Wallpaper Purchase iSCOUNT Wallpapers, Murals', Borders and on Martin -Senour Paints SPECIAL *KEM GLO VELVET KEM GLO _ KEM HI GLOSS 2-98 qt. reg. 3.75 8.98 gal. reg. 12.50 'DISCONTINUED COLOURS RUBBERSET PERMA-CAGE 71/2" DYNEL PAINT ROLLER 1.98 each 3.05 value RUBBERSET FLAGGED NYLON PAINT BRUSHES 2" Paint Brush • • • • .98 1.49 value 3" Paint Brush • • • • 1.98 3.00 value 4" Paint Brush • • • • 2.98 4.50 value FREE DRAW FOR SUNWORTHY FULL WALL MURAL 4 PEBBLE BEACH DESIGN $30.50 VALUE FREE TICKET WITH EVERY PURCHASE DO YOUR DECORATING NOW Take Advantage of Theie Cash Prices HILDEBRAND PAINT and PAPER. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING FREE t USTOM TINTING PHONE, 527480 am. , 4