HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-08, Page 70
A three -goal performance
by Bob Beuteruniller led de.
fending chatnpion Seaforth
Beavers to an 11-3 win over
jhe Intermediate "B" hockey
All -Stars before 200 fans in
'Elora on Sunday afternoon.
The Beavers took a cam.
manding 2-0 lead earlyInthe
first period and extended it
to 8-1 after the second. The
Beavers outsoared the A11 -
Stars 3-2 in the final frame
for the 11-3 victory.
Frank Hagan, Bill Me --
Laughlin and Jim Dick scor-
ed a pair of goals each for
the winners, champions of
the league the last 3 years,
Jack MeLlwain and Paul Rau
completed the Beaver's scor-
ers .1Defea
tars 1103
Junior Tibbeta, of Cnelten-
ham Harvesters Scored two
of the All -Stars goals. The
other went. .to Max Hillis, of
Elora Rocks.
Proceeds from the genie
will go to the Ontario Hock-
•eY ASsociation's injured play-
ers' fund.
On the A11 -Star squad were
Gordie Becker, Larry Schaf-
er and Gerry Herman, of
Durham; Junior Tibbits, Jack
Judge and George Rand, of
Cheltenham; ,Ron Tippen
Mae Hillis and Zenos Buch.-
ler, of Elora; Mel Miller, Les
Kingston and Jim Tesekey,
of Port Egin; Bill Wheeler,
Jim Farrellv and Harold
Townley, of Actee and Bill
O'Krafka, Ron Hetherington
Thursday, Friday and Saturdw,
Maxwell House
COFFEE 1 -lb. bag 810
STRAWBERRY JAM • • lge. 24 -oz. jar 450
Heinz Tomato
KETCHUP lge. 20 -oz. bottle 390'
Monarch Pouch Pak-. Chocolate, White or Banana
CAKE MIXES • • • 2, • 43 91/4 -oz. pkgs. 530
Modess Sanitary
NAPKINS pkg. of 12 390
Liblzy. Rosedale
TOMATO JUICE •1 2 lge. 48 -oz. tins 590 -
Minnettes' Best Choice Quality
TOMATOES 5 19 -oz. tins $1
Fresh •
CHICKEN LEGS a lb. 590
Indian River Pink
GRAPEFRUIT, size 56 • •
Vine Ripe ,
Sunkist Navel
ORANGES, size 138's
10 for 790
per Ib. 290
a doz. 790
S ith's
Phone 527-0990
Free Delivery
and Brian. Weheri, Hespel-
er. •
The Seaforth Beavers have
only two games remaining to
play in the reguldr schedule.
Tonight they play host to
Elora Rocks and next Tues-
day the. Cheltenham Harves-
ters visit here, "
If the Beavers win 'both of
these games they undoubted -
13r finish the season as league
Play-offs should be under-
way .by the latter part of Feb-
The Seaforth Beavers
dumped Elora '`Rocki 12-1 in
Elora Friday night in OHA •
Intermediate 'B' action. Jack
McLlwain and Bill McLaugh-
lin led the Beavers with. 3
goals apiece.
Ed DoImage and Paul Rau
each scored twice and Ray
Anstett and Larry. Dale ad-
ded singles. •
Jack Power scored for the
Rocks at the 14:40 mark of
the third period to spoil Sea -
forth goalie, Gar Baker's,,bid
for a shutout. Seaforth was
leading 10-0 at the time.
Egmondville League '
Team standings: Blqejays, 80;
Parrots, '75; Bb -o -links„ 70;
Woodpeckers, 41; Robins, 40;
Humminobirds, 30.
Ladies' high single and triple,
•Joan Eaton 282 and 738; men's
high single and triple, Don
Eaton, 259 and 681.
*' *
James'. League
Team standings: Cannonballs,
74; King Pins, 69i- Wiii'sffeis,
65: Lucky Strikes, 60; Alley
• Cats, 55; Hippies, 55.
Ladies' high single, Bonnie
Bedardi, 245; high triple, Martha
Van Geffen, 649. Men's high
single and triple, Bill Manser,
342 and 752.
* * *
Seaforth Legion League
Team standings: Cheaters, 96;
Slipperys, 78; Echoes, 68; Un-,
touchables, 61; Hippies, 53;
Hoot Owls, 43.
Ladies' high single, Betty
Leonhardt, 292; high triple, Ann
Wood, 772: Men's high single,
Max Learn, 300; high triple,
Gord Scott, 713.
* *
Men's Inter -town
Team standings: Goderich,
135; Wingham, 123; Bill's Lanes,
Clinton, 114; Seaforth, ,108;
OFB Clinton, 106; Zurich, 63.
Remember! It takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
-"Want ,Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just Dial
Seaforth 527-0240.
A General Electric small appliance makes an appreciat.
ed Valentine Gift. Hair Dryers - Mixettes - Coffee
Percolators - Irons - Toasters - Carving Knives
idets Even eries
Down Mitcheil 134
The Seatorth •Miclicta4pd-Ooritli hifSQofl4 goal 441140:1
god Mitchell .3,0 to,:e.Ven.then* toY C4 r an t Oa-rnanha1)..
.2 -game series at, nue gaMe a Palmy Almr to even the spere
piece in WOAA 14140t p1a3r -2.
offs here on Tuesday night
paul Patrick led the loCiht
seormg twice and BW Price
added the third. .
Mitchell opened the scor-
ing at 1:25 of th first" period
as Dennis Eawrende scored.
Seaforth evened th score at
4:45 when Paul Patrick scor-
ed assisted by Grant Canto -
ellen. Before the period en-
ded, Mitchell scored again to
take a 2-1 lead going into the
second period. Danny Gloor
was , the marksman.
Late in the second frame
Peel Patrick came through
Referee Robert Dinsmore
handed out text Penalties, five,
tG each side.
In the game Saturday nite
n Mitchell, Danny Oloor
scored 3 unassited goals to
lead Mitchell to a 4-2 victory.
Danny Lawrence scored the
other goal assisted by Gloor.
Seaforth goals were scored
by Bill Price from Danny
Muir and Paul Patrick unas-
The third and deciding
game is to be played in Mit-
chell this Monday evening.
Scliooll flews
. Thia We* At the &dart!) District RIO ached
By Margie Whyte and Carol Shortreed
Union Gas Demonstration:
All girls of the, school exclu-
ding those in grade thirteen
were givena demonstration of
cooking and fashions, Monday
afternoon. The short program,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby
are spending a month in Flor-
Mr. Tim Regan, Toronto, Mrs.
Steven Gaunt, Stratford, Mr. and
Mrs. John Welks, Brampton,
with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald HO
Mrs„ Miehael_ Nagle in_Strat,_
'ford with Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Nagle.
'Mrs. Joseph. Hastings receiv-
ed word of the death of her
brother-in-laW Mr. Philip Mc-
Phalin of Detroit, Mich. He was
married tothe former Agnes
Curtin. •
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pngt,
Ashburn, with Mr. and Mrs: Fer-
gus Stapleton.
The death occurred in Florida
the past week of 'Daniel Wil-
liams, a former resident of this
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sereres and
family, Stratford with Mrs.
Ann Crawford.
Mr. William Stapleton. has re-
turned home from Seaforth"Hos-
Miss Geraldine Ryan, Lon-
don, Miss Mary Margaret Ryan,
Kitchener, with Mrs. Patrick
News of
called Potpourri, was presented
by .Miss Anne Chisholm, home
The girls were given many
values of the use of gas in the
The fashion part of the dem-
onstration included three . de-
signs, modelled by 'Debbie Mil-
ler: Sarah Hussey and Maria
Willems. •
At the conclusion of the dem-
onstration Sharon Strong ex-
pressed her appreciation on be-
half of all the girls.
Girls) Basketball:
Cheryl Dale and Mary Sills
took op honors once again as
both Seaferth girls teams de-
feated.- Win-gham D.H.S -1 t
Tuesday, „January 30.
The junior team were victor-
ious with a score of 10-6, while.,
the senior team once again
came out on top scoring
, 27-13.
On Wednesday, the Wippets
won their aixthvictory of see -
en games, againSt Goderich.-The
final score was 17-14, with Bon-
nie Kerslake, Debbie Miller,
Mary Sills and Lia, De , Jong,
each scoring four points.
The junior team didn't do -its
well when their Goderich Op-
ponents defeated them with a,
score of 2045. Top scorer for
'this game was Denise Kerslake
who netted four points for her
Boys' Basketball:
• 'We regret once again to re-
port that both our boys' teams
were defeated in a basketball
game last Wednesday against
the Goderich teams. The seniors
score was 53-28 with Rick Woods
scoring the most points for our
tearn: The. junior team lost in
a 2045 race against the Gode-
rich junior team.
Mrs. kene Grimoldby spent ,
the weekend in Windsor' and
attended the wedding of her News of
piece Miss Judy. Atwood.
Mr. and MTS. KerrePreszcator
spent Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszeator
Billy and Debbie.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
and Elaine of Hanover visited
on :Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs
Frank Riley and Miss Pearl Mc
Kenzie and also visited with
'Mrs. Sadie Riley in Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. James Robert-
son of Goderich visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Buchanan and familY.
Miss Gertie Veenstra spent
&Imlay evening with Mr. and
Mrs, Bert Haverkamp and fam-
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Preszcator and girls
were Mr. and Mrs, Reg Elliott
and family of Staffa, Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry co„ok and family of
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs.,' Emery
Pfaff and, Julie, Mr. Stan Presz-
cator and: girls, all of Crediton.
Mr.- and Mrs. William Dow -
son, Brenda, Bonnie and John
of Varna and Miss Bonnie Snell
of Londesboro were Sunday vis-
itors with Mrs. Ella. Jewitt and
Mr. ,John-Tiiiiier of Tucker -
smith, . Mr. Earl Lawson of
Clinton, visited on Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson,
John and Elizabeth,
Mr. and Mrs. krt.-Colson, Ken
and Nancy, Mrs. Lilly Jamieson,
all of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs,
Lorne Lawson of Seaforth, vis-
ited one evening recently with
Mr. Blma Jewitt and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chem-
ney and family of Auburn, vis-
ited on Sunday with -Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Medd and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hun-
ter of Colborne Township were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John Thompson and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McMillan
and Billy visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Ftsna Jewitt and fam-
Mr. Carl Memel" of Zurich
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. John Thompson and fam-
Mrs. Annie Leitch has return-
ed home after spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. William
Pinning and Mrs. Lilly Jamie-
son, all of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. William J. F.
Bell accompanied by Mr. and ,
Mrs. 'Campbell Eyre of Sea -
forth, motored to Florida Fri-
• day for a month's vacation.
Mr. W, R. Cooper is a patient
in South Huron Hospital, Exe-
Mr. and Mrs. OrVille Work-
man are holidaying in Florida
for a few weeks.
Deepest sympathy is extend
ed Mrs. T. Van Loon and fam-
ily in the recent passing of a .
husband and father, the late
Tony Van Loon.
Mr. Edgar McBride spent a
few days in Sault Ste. Marie,
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson of
Wroxeter visited Sunday with
the former's sister and brother -
Mrs: -.W. L. Mellis and
Mr. Mellis.
Kippen 4-H club met at the
home of Mrs. Robert Gemmell,
Marilyn Durst was elected
president, Maureen Connelly,
vice-president, Barbara Gem-
mel', secretary and Donna
Whitehouse pianist. The leaders
Mrs. Gerrunell and Mrs. Ken-
neth McKay outlined the pro-
ject "The Club Girl Entertains".
Mrs. Durst demonstrated dif-
ferent flower arrangements and
many hints were picked up by
Seaforth W.I.
Plans Meeting
Seaforth W. I. will meet
Tuesday, February 13, at
2:15, at the home of Mrs.
‚Mary Haugh. The roll' call "a
country I would like to visit
and why", with the program
in charge of intenaptional
conveners, Mrs. L. Dale and
Mrs. R. Gordon; Mrs. G. Mc-
Kenzie as speaker. Lunch
will be in charge of Mrs. F.
Hunt, Mrs. G. Rerslake, Mrs.
R. M. Scott and Mrs. Graham
Members are 'reminded to
report the number of cook
books+ each one has on hand.
?acic 110:Uano •
Well ceatrades here we arc
in the ninth of Febroaq. tT
to riow the winterweather haS
net been too bad. Our I.,egion
hall has been booked steady all
winter and with the hockey,
card parties, etc., it's been a
fairly, busy season. Our Legion
curlers have been to, various
honspiels" and believe there
are more coming up.
There were big things going
on 23 years ago this week. Af-
ter a winter spent in the Nij-
mengen area the First Canadian
Army opened up a big offen-
sive on Feb. 7 and for those of
us who took part it was quite
a do. There was a big bush
across the Maas River and there
the Canadians gathered as there
,was about 1,500 yards of open
ground to cross after we left
the 'bush. The artillery laid
down a heavy barrage for hours
during tile night and early mor-
ning and at 10 a.m. the Cana-
dians left the bush and started
across under a creeping bar-
rage and the first German vil-
lage to be captured was Kraan.-
enberg and down the road lay
Xanten an old but heavily fort-
ified town but by night time
both places were in our hands,
the. Uder Hhine River lay be-
yond and we were on our way,
hut -this column is dedicated to
the boys who stepped out of
the bush that morning Feb. 7,
1945, but never got across the
open ground. "At the going
down of the sun,, and in the
morning, we will remember
Tax Tis
Questions and Answers
This income tax column has
been prepared by the Kitchener
District Office, Department of
National Revenue, ' .TaxaVon'.
The . questions used are com-
mon ones, and the answers us-
ually straightforward. However,
unusual circumstances some-
times alter the. answer, If your
question isn't answered here,
_ „
or 1n -the Income Tax -Guide,
phone .742-8361 in Kitchener,
or write National Revenue, Tax-
ation, 166 Frederick St., Kit-
chener for free advice.
by N. D. Lowe, District Director
Kitchener Taxation Office
Q. Where should , a taxpayer
write to find out whenibe-will
receive his refund or if his re-
turn was preperly completed?
A. Don't .ordiparily write any-
where, to do §o just delays the
processing of a return or re-
fund because it takes staff
from 'these operations to ans.--
wer such letters. The Depart -
merit does give priority to re-
fund returns and any delay ex-
perienced will either be due
to the volume of returns being
received or the need for „addl.
tional information. But ;be" sure
to supply any information re-
quested as promptly as possible.
Q. What are the various circl-
ed and uncircled number on the
return used for. Should) I be
concerned with them? „
A. No, igncire these numbers as
they are used in our computer
processing only. Also avoid
making any entries in the col-
umn to the right of the white'
blocks as this area is to be used
for departmental purnoses, only.
Q. Mw wife's uncle is.unemoloy-
ed and: is livin-- vvith is Can I
claim him as a "denendent?
A. Not un,le.s he i rnentally.,,gr
phvsirai1 infirm If he is, you
can claim the amInnt you act-
tiallv spend on his support up
td -$550.
Q. I Purchased a nroner-
ty part wav throe -l- .'he Year,
Is canital COci res-
triPted to th' n--'- ' the Year
during which I 0- r.• tbo prop-
A. No. Von a-, o" -.to
e'aim canital cc“'t a"owance
each Year so Ion-, a )1 own
the brrilding at tha eeti of the" '
year. The cost nf Iserl is not
sehie^t to this al'o”-anoe.
0, If r rePeive arra,' -'nee from
the Canadian yinvelt nr,ard,
\yhen is th iq mo”ov taxahle?
A. You shoeld. iee'erle it in
yoer ineorne for year in
whi,h yoe TVor;'
0. MY w;fo an' T Ire -e married
in contember, Sho ‘'enz working,
before marria,e bet haa riot
worked siner. Can T ela,im the
full married exemption of
$1.000 for her? What does she
do about filing a return?
• A. Yes. if she received no in-
come after your marriar,e you
may claim the fell married ex-
emption of $1 000. It is only in-
come she received after your
marriage that affectyour ex-
emptions. Tf yottr wqe is tax-
able or had tax Iledurted from
her ,salary, she must file her
own return. He exemptions are
not affected by her marriage.
Corn Crop
ist Prize
A field of tern produced' by
Robert Allan, Brucefield has
yielded 174 bushels' dry earn
per acre to take top place in
a competition sponsored by the
Department of Agriculture and
Food in co-operation with the
Ontario Plant Food Council.
The corn was obtained from
Haugh Bros., Brucefield.
Mr. Allan received a week-
long sponsored trip to New
York in recognition of his win.
1110:-Elhavillo 10044 -Uhl jZutb gory*
a llegerl aiielire en 1/fi4ielklalfMr Ann Tim Alnav
at the hall with a good 'crowd 449 finlitr Of IncktOn,
4tteedinken Saturtl4w -evening With Mr*
and fag, Onorge-grayno nnii -Mr& _Phil Reim titni,111`4
of SO:shim Lahoyisitetl,en 1,tro,-Ilarry ror4 of ivo
day with Mr. and 1144. vislOot Sun4.3. with Mr. and
Walters awl, D4447. MM. Fr/0304 .1fOrne 4,0 fm
Ms. Phil Hem and 1111rs. Joint
ICOWard *opt moaday with Au, Afit. and Ws. Onrch
and Mrs, Bev. Parsons and f,ate., Wintltrep Vi$ited Oundl,r.
ijj of near ESeter. mil* fr,Cniin
„Mrs. Freeman Borne Went
Monday in London witlt Misa CIassifted'4.4e FOY 411440444
TiBULK TEA, raisins and crackers in the old.
tle grocery store have been superseded by
sanitary packaged goods backed by the good name
of their maker. The sliced, wrapped loaf *of bread
and the can of soup or fruit have eliminated hours of
kitchen drudgery. Modern bathroonis, furnaces, and
electric appliances, have swept away inefficient, -
laborious methods. The motor car has revolution.
ized our way of life.
Advertising has played apart in these advances,
because advertising has made mass productionlids- „
tibia, and .mass productionhas brought the can of -
soup, the electric washer and the motor car within
every fatnily's reach.
Tilts newspaper looks on Its display and classified
advertising as an important part of its servite UV
the community.
Dial 527-0240 Seoforth