HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-01, Page 8TH 'HURON AXINISIT011,-SE4FAiri q1kro ExpOsrrolte $04F9RTH, agog FEB, 1,1968 WNSALL .*110,01* AVM** A 1.045UUNN'ti cliekb0 _. 4•15114lialf15044515 , 041110501. *Prat 11•11#1115150, '- 13-Achied4 " Illtreetsorlpt , 111. foyers i.07) ' 1116 Jaelotheer 1941Yeeteet.ftr tentitunt At.coueae anklet C4-Dinee -Bileaplie *5150*th int. . pediment t1 .neverente • --Eaalot•seet • -Fate geop's nicknan10 L. nits se,spece 08-A celtAnent 1 40-killovianco for wait* 42-Borderie 45 -Now DeOI agency (abbr.) 4T-Dlatatwe measure P -Winter vehicle 50 -Part of church 52 -Father 54-Tubercit- 1ea1s ' (abbr.) 55 -Note of scale , 15 -Platitude 9-0Iphthon• g 61 -Tavern ' 03 -Makes Into laW ' • BS -Tears 55-A continent .07.Romatf bronze DOWN . 1 -High • mountain 2 -Fondle 3 -Exists 4 -Flock • 6 -Fairy in The Tempest" eriontron, ft,nlver • Freacie StPrepetitheit .44,PoundJpg, • inetrument -12-Con3uncti0n 14 -genie medicine to T,Cont.edener POO OP POMM MEM= (MEMO CO EDEMEEN PO On MUM 00E0 ElEk0 00UM OMO 000010 MMUS 00 MOM EOM] OP 0E00 ONCE0 0E10 FlOWN POMO 0i00M MOM0 OH E0 OMOMME10 om oemmun cmpowm MOIDE0 OM OM Kippe Armu •Panbill ec ared *land 281400(*d lava 24 -Note of scale 25 -Force 21-i3edy of water 05 -Weird $2.0ries like 39 -Come into 53-G1r1's name view 57-Stafl 41 -Decorate 55-13abylonian 43 -Argus deity 44-A state 60 -Worm (abbr.) 12 -French 46-ConJunction article 48 -Evaporates 64 -Symbol for 51 -Black calcium SOLUTION • Cow ill.Periods of yoor ST -Beer ingredient NI -Floats In alr 1111111111i$Ailiik•Ill '71`...,., a ill III II • ill lo #,'..•;•. v.• AM 114 111111111'2111111111ni il.I:)6...)6 xo:..... III ,,ssta :•:,•.:e. 21 III ;::::'. rill:..:;.. n II 'all 111 25 ig:14 26. Ill iiite.44 1 a 29 30 cie.: •• ,....!..! 31 WI gill'," m./".0. ' 0:: .0.0 :4:40 35 "c74•; 'A'S! 36 III III a:::::, , •••••••• ::::; .11....., iiii" 611161Nii ilZki 1111 ii 51 ra •t 52 Il W11.1::::::$ 211W44..trt 56 ' Mil ..... II Or im :•:•:iifi •,xii. 60^ Nil ill ;70,705 III ilili al 11111111sig a II Maytag Kelvinator Admiral Electrohome Sales with Service Maytag Washers •and - Dryers, 3 y,ears •parts, labour service Bob's TV apd Appliances 129 Ontario St., Stratford Phone 271-6433 12'7 Queen St., St. Marys Phone 284-2290 Bob Weeks, Prop. "Bob's TV Since '53" 011010.0ro+0...00,4.0000.1.•+000••60,..0.0 BARBARA KIRKMAN The Barbara Kirkman Aux- iliary of Frit Church met in the Church Hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs, C. Reith presj. ded, and Mrs. R. K. McFar- lane read a poem, "Give me Faith". Mrs. Dale Nixon read the sexipture lesson and Miss Bessie Grieve led in prayer, Mrs. Ed Andrews gave a read- ing "Do You Just Belong", Following a discussion con- cerning the ftiture of the so- ciety and as a result of a se- cret vote, it was decided to continue and to make an ef- fort to encourage more inter- est in the society.. The report of Mrs. Mae Hablrirkf conven- er of the nominating conunit- tee, was accepted. Officers are: president, Mrs. Dale Nix- on; vice president, Mrs. R. S. Habkirk; secretary, Mrs. Keith Sharpe; treasurer Miss Janet Cluff; social convener, Mrs. Enos Boshart; glad tid- ings secretary, Mrs. Pearl McFarlane; ,home helpers, Mrs. C. Reith; Pianist, Mrs. M. R. ,Renie; supply conven- er, Mrs. Mae PpiTance. Arnold Stinnissen GROUP - LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR.MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES. Representing Sun Life Assurance Company • of Canada TELEPHONE 527.0410 17 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH Hybrid Seed Corn We have some of the highest yielding Hybrids offered by anyone, for most areas in Ontario. t•-• See our Dealers or contact ,us for prices and folders. Some Dealerships Open — Good commission. Belle River Grain & Seeds Ltd. -------- 296 Richmond St., Chatham, Ont., Phone 3544540 • It's profit all the way... when you own the factory... A flock of &bolas 288 chicks. 4t's a proven profit maker ... a proven producer. In five years of random tests in Canada and the United States, Starcross 288 consis- tently ranked on top as the highest producer of eggt on a minimum of food in any environment. Ask your nearest Swift Hatchery or your Swift dealer fOr facts and profit figures in dollars anti cents. 1 Fatrilly Kippen East WI held a fam- ily night turkey banquet in the Legion Hall Friday and after the banquet there was a short program including altar num- bers by John • and Dwight Kins- man, piano numbers by Janice Eyre, Maureen Connolly and Mrs. Kenneth McKay. Prize winners. at the euchre were: ladies' first, Mrs. Ross Broad - foot; second, Mrs. William Kyle; consolation, tVirs. W. J. F. Bell; men's first, W.J.F. Bell; second, Ross Broadfoot; consol. ation, Ron Chalmers. Mrs. Wil- liam Kyle was the lone hand winner. The children were entertain- ed at bingo by the committee in charge, Mrs. Alex McGreg- or, Mrs. J. B. Sinclair and Mrs. Campbell Eyre., C P & T Group Euchre Ten tables were in play for the euchre Wednesday night, sponsored by the 0 P & T com- mittee of Amber Rebekah and Qddfellovvs lodges. Winners were: laglieS, MTS. Elizabeth Ril- ey, Mr. Ed IVItinn; men, How- ard Lemrnon., Al' Corbett; lone hands, Mrs. Roy Pepper, Exeter. , In , the draw for a ;box of groceries, Mrs. Ray ,Consitt of Kippen was winner. Box of chocolates was won by Harold Rowe, Exeter. Mr Charles Mickle, , of Ila- Hensall PVC Has Meeting Hensall Public Utilities com- mission met on Wednesday, Jan- uary ,24, with all members pre- sent. John Sangster • wa,s wel- comed by the chairman on his first meeting with the com- mission. The following correspondence was read from George Arm- strong, being a, thank -you let- ter for a gift from the PUC.; Spiers Bros.; the Ont. Municipal Witer Association;; The •Ontar- io Municipal Electrical Associa- tion; The Association of Mun- icipal Electrical Union; Cana- dian Westinghouse Ltd.; and Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. • The list of arrears was re- viewed and found to be in the usualAlanditioni BMand accounts were or- dered paid on a motion by Sang- ster, seconded by Fuss. The above • were: Hydro, $7,884.- 95; water, $165.38. Bank balance to January 24, 1908 and after payment of accounts was: Hy- dro, $3,436.04; water, $801.12. HEPC Offers Reward Soinebody shot up a hydro transformer station north of Dublin over the "weekend and the HEPC is offering a reward of $50 for information that will lead to an arrest and conviction. The incident led to a power interruption on Monday which extended for more than an hour and affected users in parts af •McKillop, Logan and Hibbert as well as in Dublin. Jack Boytson, public rela- tions officer for Ontario Hydro said two bullet holes in the transformer tank, c,pused leak. Five holes were foufi'd in the meter house as well as Some ina_pole and around an •insulator. Power went off. at 41:30 a.m. Hydro speculate the centre was shot up by rabbit hunters ' and that a high powered rifle- -, perhaps a .303 was used. • -. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0244. Salon Colleen' offers Winter Specials Hair cut, any style , 50c Lanolin Permanent Wave • reg. $10 for $4.95 5 week rinses $2.95 with set Shampoo and set $1.25 For Appointments 0201.=12021 cCLURE Phone 91, Dublin milton spent the weekend with his • parents, Mr. and Mrs. L wird Mickle. Thirty two ladies from South. Huron attended the Leaders School for the 4-H viroject, "The Club Girl En- tertains" in Hensall United Church Monday and Tues- day. Dinner was served by. Unit 4 U.C.W. .Miss Sharon Carroll, Home Economist for Huron, assisted by Mrs. W. H. Paterson of Seaforth con- ducted the course. Mrs. R. M. Peck and Mrs. Harry Caldwell • are leaders of the !Hensel/ Club and any girl between the ages of 12 and 26 wishing to take the club is asks* to contact the leader. • \ UNIT ONE MEETS Unit 1 Hensel' U.C.W. met Thursday aftepoon with an attendance of 20. Mrs. Dave Kyle, unit leader, opened the meeting by reading, "Not I but Christ'. The devotional "Closing the door of the old year is like taking down a Christmaa tree" was given by Mrs; Robert Cook. The study on "Japan" was taken by Mrs. Edison Forrest. A fOr- mer teacher of the blind, Miss Azity Lammie, spoke on TweedsmUir Hall in London, •and told of incidents she en- countered while working with the blind. • Mrs. 'Lorne Hay, the hos- tess, and her assistants sef- ved lunch. 1 • The •ose of Christmas Seals, which provides funds for the control of tnbercolesis and oth- er impottant respliatOry 4i - eases, produced reeord reven- ues in. Ontario this year. An interim report by the Ontario Tuberculosis Association shows contributions exceeding $1,30%- 000, almost 140,000 higher than the 1960 Christmas Seal Cam- paign. In Huron returns. t� date, a total of $13,500 has been re- ceived and contributions ' con- tinue to come in officials said. Seventeen of the 47 provin- cial district volunteer organiza-- tions which are co-ordinated by the Ontario Tuberculosis Asso- ciation, achieved more than 100 percent of last year's re- sult, the highest being Grey county district at NM, of the 1966 total. York, which inclu- des !Metropnlitan Toronto, was 107% with more than 165,000 individual contributions. "The . results of the 1967 Christmas Seal campaign, while not yet complete, reflects a re- awakening of publicawareness of 'rp as the number one infec- tious-• disease — • in spite of drugs and selective use of vac- cines," said 'Dr. L. W. C. Stur- geon, President of the Ontario. "The problem of Tuberculosis is one of constant need! for Con- ti -el in Ontario where 5,900,000 lack immunity to the disease and at least 20 percent of the ,population carries the tuberculo- sis germ. Nearly 1i500 active evenue cas of 'Rubercuiosis were found in Ontario tasty, yesr and the incidence of the disease is especially high in the urban areas," he said, "The concern of the Ontario Tuberculosis As- soniation with respiratory dis- eases, other than Tuberculosis, is both broad based and grow- ing," said Dr. Sturgeon. `ilt stems from the high, percentage of lung and chest abnormalties found in •the course of Tuber- culosis case findings, We have been particularly, successful in detecting heart conditions and cancerbus lungs, which are im- mediately referred, to the fatu- ity doctor. Emphysema, bron- chitis and asthma are three oth- er diseaaes with which the Asso- eial.fou, is involved," he said. - "While generally concerned with air pollution as it relates to respiratory diseases, we are Specifically concerned with what we call "personal air pollution", that is the de- trimental effects of cigarette iminimpiiimo• gm, mouniammum;memaminri Use Expositot Want -Ads THE HURON ' EXPOSITOR Phone 5'27-0240 Is Higher smoking — in relation to can- cer of the lung and other res- piratory ailments'„ Dr. Stur- geon said. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office int Masonic Block Main Street Phone 5274610 Seaforth Monument Work All Types of Cemetery • Memorials OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & • SON Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas • FARMER, ATTE.NTION. CONCRETE sox We build 14 -ft. Diameter to 60 -ft high, You have a silo, perhaps you need anothet to fill your needs. Let us call on you and talk it over. Contact me: Arnold Hugill and Son 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich — Telephone 524-9437, collect For conclusive proof of GM leadership - in quality,istyling, performance and value,take the wile -a • during the national •now... 0 • MARK OF EXCELLENC GENERAL MOTORS DEALERS INVITE YOUto test drive the only cars that bear the Mark of Excellence. See, hear, and feel for yourself GM's margin of superiority over the other 1968 cars. Driving is believing! Come in today! Your test car is waiting.. ' • Left: Pontiac Parisienne Sport Sedan. Right:Chevrolet Impala Cu; storn.Coupe. 'There ig a difference!. And.we.060 prove it! • ,Discovey what our Mark of Excellence means in motion! Check in •20 minutes at your dealer's will prove 'ROAD TEST CENTRE! our point! During February, Chev-Olds and Give,u6 just a few minutes and Pontiac -Buick dealerships we'll prove that the Mark of, across Canada have been turned ExceTTence is far More than just intoRoadTestCentres,Specially a promise of General Motors ,marked demonstrators are on jengineering leadership. It's your ihe starting line. Come on in; —guarantee that you'll find more s pick your car and take a drive. Of the features you're lookind be glad you didl • for in any GM car. Rate the great ones... Whichever price field is yours, whichever car size appeals to you, however you like your car equipped, this is your chance to find -out what makes the '68 General Motors d ars so far 7head of the rest, The welcome mat . is out! Ycu can count on a warm welcorne at any Chev-Olds or Pontiac -Buick dealer's. But no pressure. The whole idea is for our cars to do the talkies). But •if you Want to talk trade or deal • —you've piCked the right time. poNnAd • CHEVROLE'T • othswt9Eag • BUICK • FIREBIRD • CAMARO • CHEVELLE • BEAUMONT • ACADIAN • bliEVYII • EPIC • VIVA ORVAIR • CADIUAC see-vour load authori2ed Gerierai:•Metiars deater WEST -END GARA:GESEAVORTII MOTORS 02 Hurn Street — Mitchell, Ontarkt Main Street North, Phone 521.11750 Seaterth, Ontario 4. •