HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-02-01, Page 54. 1I 4 4. 04 •R, 4. .•• TO USE PHONE 527-0240 • •••emo•ra,,,veo• • Ghre Club; This year's Glee Club eventUallY got underway last iveek Under the direction" of Mr. PlUmsteel and Miss Burnside. The club practises twice week- ly, in a desperate attempt to learn their musical masterpieces such as Oklahoma, to beat the Variety Night deadline. ''The pianist is Joanne Elligsen. We hold high hopes that the new members of the group, ,as well as the old ones, will con- tinue to produce the music en- joyed by everyone in the pre- ceding years and by the sound of it they are going to succeed and produce the best yet. Boys' Basketball: Last Tuesday, the boys' bas- ketball teams challenged the Wingham high school teams in Wingham, Both teams came up on the shy side of the ,Pore sheet. The Juniors' score was 29-22; the Seniors' score was 43-39. QIEL'S BASKETBALL On Saturday, the girls bas- ketball teams from Seaforth, St. lviarys and South Huron, met at the highsc,hool gym- nasium -in Exeter, each hop-. ing to win their own individ- ual games. Unfortunately for the ip- pets, (our senior girls), at- urday was their first ay of defeat. The St. Mafys team won 29-13 over the. Wippets. However they did manage a -21-4 victory over the South Huron team Mary Sills Christine Turnbull and Dew- na Reynolds shared the top scoring positions for the gam- 00 riga wick Ajai; seagtso P. nisb srbis Sy Margie Mbyte and Carol Shortreed Our.junior team w rr their first victory, Satur , when they defeated the St. Marys team 17-15, yet South Huron• . was able to lead them 13-9 in another . game. The main basket -getters for the day were Diane Dalton and Rita Van Dooren. OSAT All grade thirteen students, last inurbday, were in top shape to write Untar- .1o,s scnoiastic aptitute test. Tins test consisted of two primary sections, mathema- tics and Englisn, and a third more difficult test of either English ' or math. This last .portion, however, was just art _experiment on the -part of the Department of Education and has no bearing on results of the test. ' These tests are valuable in that they 'show, objectively, the relatiye intelligence of a student as compared to all other grade thirteen students in Ontario. However, some. tend td interpret the with too much emphasis and thus become unduly dejected or elated. CONSIRUCTION The homeeconomics roorri and library are nowin use- able condition and this shows the completion of the con- struction project. time ec. students, now have pleasant working 'con- dition§ and modern equip- ment with which to work, so if perhaps the schoolnfails to get' through .to son -W the acedemical subjects, it will turn out some well dornes#- cated ladieS. The library is a tremen- dous improvement over the one in the old 'school. With its carpeted floor it is a qui- eter and much more luxuri- ous room. It has two adjoin - News of Cr rty MTS. J. IL Jefferson spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Norman Jefferson, Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Alex atardinn• visited recently with Mr. and Mrs.. Wilmer Howatt, Landes- bor. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gar -diner were Mr,• and Mrs. Gordon Marquardt, Janet and David of Exeter. Miss Agnes Scott, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and Frances. The sympathy of the commu- nity is extended to the family of the late William Word -en whose death occurred in Sea - forth on Thursday. STAFFA A reception was held in Staf-' fa lien on Friday evening hon- oring Mr. and Mrs. Bill Par- sons oh their recent marriage. A good crowd was in attendance with Lampkin's Orchestra pro- viding the music for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert and family, Thames Road, visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and (Airs. Johnny Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple. man visited! 'Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Philip lames. in rooms, 4 librarian's Office arid a seramar room. Along with the new furnishings', the librery is obtaining some new arid interesting books with which to stock its shel- ves. Walton W.I. Set Plans • The Walton Women's Instit- ute met in the Community Hall. ,Vice-rpresident, Mrs, Alvin Mc- Donald presided with Mrs. Wil- liam Humpliries at the piano.. During the business part of the meeting a letter was read from the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario and one concerning the officers Confer- ence at Guelph, April 39, 'May I, and 2. It was decided to send a don- ation to the Northern Canada Women's Institute and the 75th Anniversary fund of MacDon- ald 'Institute. Card parties were planned for February 2nd and 16th with the following committees in charge. February 2nd, Mrs. Tor- rance Dundas, Mrs. Gerald Wat- • son, Mrs. George Wllliamson, Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs. Earl Watson: February 16th, Mil. Harvey Craig, Mrs. Gordon Mc - Gavin, Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. Ronald Bennett and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Nominating committee inclu- OM Mrs. Roy Williamson, Hrs. _George Blake, Mrs. Alexander Gulutzen, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr., and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. The District President will vi- sit 'the February meeting. , The program was in charge of the .committee on Resolutions, Mrs. George Williamson and Mrs. Allan, McCall. • The motto- -"Those who wear the shoe know where it pin- ches" was given by Mrs. G. Williamson. A reading .`A smile' -by Mrs. Allan McCall. Thelighlight of the evening was the showing of pictures of Newfoundland by Mr. Rollie Achilles. Mrs. A. McCall 'con; ducted A contest "Centennial Plus One". - . Lunch was served by Mrs. Wm. Humphries, Mrs. Graham Sholdice,- Mrs. Donald Achilles and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. The MoKillop Unit sponsored a progressive Lost Heir Party at SS No. 9 -McKillop with 10 - tables at -lay'. Prize winners were ladde high, Mrs. David Wats-on, La • eslow, Mary Lee- mihg; Gent's high, Mr. David Watson; Gent's low, Laverne Godikin; Nearest birthday, Di- anne Dennis; Lucky Cup, Tom Leeming. Mrs. David Watson acted as Master of Cererribnies for the following prcigram: Step Dan- cing by Dianne Dennis and Peg- gy' Dennis with Mrs. Laverne Godkin as pianist; Rev, Docken with his guitar sang,"The We Cooper of Fife" and "The Fax , Hunt"; Scotch reaci,ing, "The Young Lockinvar" by Mrs. Chas, McCutcheon; Dance bv Dianne and Peggy Dennis:. Solo. Rev. Docken "Saskatchew,an". . A social half hour was enioy- ed and lunch was served by the McKillop Unit ladies. A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs, Robert Shannon was held in the Walton Community Hall; Friday evening with a good 1 crowd, in attendance: During the evening the newlyweds were presented With a sum of money on behali of the community. Ian Wilbee's Orchestra-providedthe nuisic fol. dancing, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Love of Quill Lake. Sask. who have been visiting for the past six weeks with the former's. sister, Mrs. Walter Broadfoot and- other re- latives in, Seaforth and vicinity and London left on Monday to spend a week of two in Tor- onto before returning home.. Guests at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon 'McGavin over the week end included Mr. and Mrs, Williarn Dinsmore and family, Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin and family of Thornbury and Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and family. Mr. Leonard Leeming is at present confined to Seaforth Community Hospital. Miss .Nellie Baan of Guelph. University spent theweek end with her parents. Mi. and Mrs. Martin Baan. " Name Euchre Winners Prizes given at a euchre at the IO.O.F. Hall, January 25th, in the afternoon, under the auspices of the Order of the Eastern Star. Ladies first, Mrs. L es1,1 1 e Oliver; lone hands, 1rs. Jean Cairns; con- solation, Mrs. Lorne Dale; birthday prize, Mrs. Harold Maloney. Lunch was served under the convenership of Mrs. Forbes. • _52.onir nuFs SPORT SHIRTS Regular 3.95 to VA 19a$1 sleeve sport shirts left from our.hig fall stock, Slzeaamalli medium and large only, Re duced to half mice. - 1.97to3.47 30 ONLY Regular to 69.50 MEN'S SUITS They're all wool worsted suits from regular stook, but one of a kind left overs that we must clear. Need a second suit? Buy one crf these at 29.00 JUST -10 LEFT Regular 27.'50: WINTER JACKETS The The very best jackets by Croydon, Craft and others, all quality Bcirg lined. Sizes 36 to 44 only. To clear 18 oo Regular to 22.95 ,MEN'S WINTER JACKET Wools, Bengalines, Borgs and others! Some with de- tachable hoods. Sizes 36 to 44. Take them away at _. 12.��. • Regular 2.49 Boys' 8 to 12 year LONG SLEEVE " -.COTTON, KNIT SPORT • SHIRTS . • Plain shades, horizontal stripes arid novel knits, ' while they it 1.49 '.48TEWARILI BROS. For Enjoyable, Profitable Reading Mail This Coupon Today! THE HURON EXPOSITOR The ONLY newspaper -whose first concern is the Seaforth community. •Please enter my subscription to The Huron Expositor to start with the earliest possible issue. - Payment enclosed$ Send bill $ Name R.R. or Street ,Address ' City and Province • Zone 1. UBY S FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST Ib. 39! ,SMOKED PICNIC HAMS Ib. 43c LEAN BUTT CHOPS lb. 59c TASTY BOLOGNA, SLICED - BY THE PIECE ' 30c 3 lbs. $1 BREAKFAST BACON BROKEN SLICES WHILE THEY LAST 39c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 lbs. 89c A STORE SLICED BREAKFAST BACON . 19, lbs. $1 LEAN BEEF PATTIES . • 2 lbs. $1 SLICED PEAMEAL BACON •lb. 690, T-BONE OR WING STEAK 99c A