HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1968-01-25, Page 12'\
,Ito*THE FIR*91.1 ExPOSiTOR, sRAFowrifs, oNtf 1960
234. RucineiS Directory "44. Cards Of Thanks
Seafortb., Ontario
amid FUNERAL prmeroR
Night or Day Calls - 527-0510
Goderich St. W., Seaforth
Adjustable.hospital beds for
rent. ;
Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth
24. Cards of Thanks
A special boquet of thanks to
all those who were so kind and
thoughtful while I was a pa-
tient at the Seaforth Commun-
ity Hospital. A special thank
you to all the nurses and staff
for the splendid way they ear-
ed ter .me, ongratulations to,
Dr. Moya and Dr. Stapleton;
who made me well soNsosin.
Rev. Sharialea", viaits wefeare-
ry • comfortink. 'This was my
first experience in a hospital,
• it was really a nleasure beltag
a 'Dade/It in siva, a fine hos-
pital. --- Bola IVIavha 24-11x1
The family of thelate 'Mrs. El -
lea Bannen wish to express sin-
cere thanks to all their friends
and) neicilibors, who were so
kind at the time of their recent
bereavement. Thanks for he
cards whieh were sent to moth-
er while she was in the hospit-
al, and' for the floral tributes,
- mass offerinas. and contribu-
tions to Pinneer Mansoleem and
Ontario Heart Fonndation in
her memory and for the mes-
sages of cvmeathy. Thank -you
to Rev. 'Father Sullivan, Dre
Mayo and Bpx Funeral Home.
The kindhesses made our sor-
row easier to bear. - the fam-
- ily. ' 24-11x1
The family of the late Mrs
Thomas W. MnIkeillan wish to
express sincere thanks to
neighbors, friends - and rela-
tives for the many acts of
kindne'ss shown in our
recent' sad bereavemn t.
Special thanks for cards of syne
• oathv, floral. tribetes etc., Rev.
D. O. Fry and Rev. J. C. Brit-
ton, Nursing staff of Sea/north
Community Hospital, Dr. Sta-
pleton. and Dr. Mayo and' the
Whitney Funeral Home.
The family of the late Francis
James (Frank) Burns, of Dub -
lie, Onteveish to express their
sincere tbenks and apprecia-
tion to their reighbnrs anti
friends, The si-aff nf Seeforth
Community Hospital. the R.
S. Box Fon-r^1 Hnm, the''
pallbearers and Father R. Dur-
and fel- tsernn lOrdeesq arvi
sympathy :on the death of their
father. The Burns Fa--ailv
Miss Belle Campbell wishes
to express sincere thanks and
appreciation to relatives,
friends and neighbors for the
,floral tributes, memorial
cards, sympathy cards and
kindness recieved during her
recent bereavement in the losq
of a beloved mother. Special
Thanks to Rev. Douglas- Os Fry,
Rev. A. W. Gardiner. Dr: Mal-
ktse. Box Funeral Horne. the
Ktlherchan r sine Tenme
Staff and Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge. Menai
The family of the • lete Mrs.
Bertha Pollard wish to thank
their friends and neighbork for
the many expressions of kind-
ness shown to them during
their recent bereavement. To
those who called at the funeral
home and sent cards, vite ap-
preciate your thoughtftllness
and sympathy. - The McKer-
cher family, • 24-11-1
The family of the- late Fred
Cooper would like to express
their thanks and appreciation
for the many acts of kindness,
cards and expressions of sym-
pathy and beautiful -floral tri-
butes. Special thanks to Rev.
J. C. Britton, Doctors Staple-
tonand Moya, nurses and staff
at hospital`, Canadian Leeion
Branch 156, Ladies Auxiliary.
pallbearers and flowerbearers
and R. S. Box Funeral Home.
- Mrs. Fred Cooper arid fam-
ily. • 24-1 lx1
HOTHAM - In loving mem-
ory of a dear husband, father.
serandfather and great grand-
father, John Hotham, who pas-
sed away flee years ago on
ran, 25th 1963.
Enclosed in nur hearts of re-
Is a elester of beautiful mem-
led with love and tears.
Loving wife and family.
sn7 P;aelnee
TrRTCK - In Spaforth
16th to Ivrr. 1Vrrc.
a son.
WrIOVIT Sc-aforth Corn-
,„.,„ ihr r+rt n
Mr. pr. Mrs Pr
RR1, Dublin
s nseehter.
ryprr-v T-, R-afr,rth
'T4rNsr0+0 n
Otj, Trfr. ,r,r1 11/1"rq. John
,rth . a sail.
eltilDN7 .•••nfrIr-141 ("elm-
90,0 +,-, 'A/1,r TkOr.
T onhv TV.,h14n.
HUBERT In Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, on Jan.
23rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
vin Hubert, Seaforth, a son.
UNRAU - In Princeton Hos-
pital, Princeton, New Jer-
sey on Jan "13th to Dr. -
and Mrs,, DaVid G. Unrau
(nee Patricia Thompson),
a daughter.
Too Late
LOST in Brucefield area last
Saturday, black, tan a n d
white female Walker dog:
Answers to name of Queenie..
Call Ted Wales RR1, Bruce-
ieldc pleone 482-9867. tl-11-1
FOR SALE - 18 pigs 12 weeks
old and eight pigs 8 weeks
old, Maurice Ryan, RR2 Dub-
lin. t1-11-1
DIAMOND ring sale, 15% -
25% 'discount on entire stock
of diamonds, Savauge-Jewel-
lers, (opposite Post Office)
Evening. appointments by ar-
rangement, phone 527-0270.
TUBEROUS Begonia a n d
gloxinia bulbs, cut daffodils,
mums, cyclamen plants, mix-
ed pots, Steffen Flowers. Sea -
forth, phone 527-0800. 11-112
Katherine Jinn McGregor
and Eric Borden Judge, Lon-
don were united in marriage
In Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensall by Rev. John
Boyne Saturday afternoon at
3:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Alex
McGregor; RR2, Kippen, are
the parents of the bride. The
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Winston Judge, London,
Ontario. For b_er wedding the
bride chose a floor length
gown of white peau de soie
scoop neckline, bell sleeves to
elbows with empire waistline:
trimmed with satin braid and
tear drop pearls.
Her full length veil was
held by a petal rosette and
pearl head piece. She carried
a cascade of pale pink baby
tea roses and English ivy.
Mrs. Dave Mitchell of Dori
chester was Matron of Honor,
wearing a floor length gown
of royal blue pm -de -sole with
scoop neckline, .elbow length
bell sleeves, empire waistline
trimmed with sequins ro-
sette and veil to match. The
bridesmaids, Mrs. John Me -
Gregor and Mrs. Douglas Mc-
Gregor, sisters-in-law of the
'bride, were dressed identical
to the maid, of honor and all
carried cascades of yellow tea
The bride was given in
marriage by her father and
Mr. David Mitchell of Dor-
chester was best man. Mr.
John' and Douglas McGregor,
brothers of the bride, ushered
guests. Mrs. John A. MaGreg-
dr, Seaforth, graridmother of
.Ine bride, was organist. The
biride's mother chose an a-
vacado green crepe dress with
face bodice, avacado green and
black feathered/hat,' black ac-
cessories, a corsage of red ro-
ses. The groom's mother wore
midnight blue two-piece wool
suit, sequin trimMed with
and a corsage Of yellow rases/
The wedding reeeption took
place in the thureh Parlor. '
• " For a Wedding trip to the
Southern gotta the bride
M Exposit& Classified will
pay you dividend& Rave you
tried One/ D1td.527-0248.
changed to a cherry red dress
with coat and hat trmmed
with black mink and black
accessories with an orchid
and tea rose corsage.
On their return the couple
will reside in .London.
Guests were Present from
Seaforth, Goderich, London,
Windsor, Leamington and
News of
News of Hensall
.7' •
.Legion .
C-1 Zone Conamarider Edward
Bell and his installing team
from Blyth installed officers of
Hensall Branch of the Canadian
Legion, 468, and Ladies' Auxil-
iary in a joint initallation gere-
mony at the Legion Hall, Hen -
sail, Friday evening.
Legion officers: President, E.
R. Davis; vice-presidents, Stan
Kochan, Paul Neilands; past -
president, Ted Roberts; secre-
tary -treasurer, John Rea; See
geant at Arms, Ed Little; exec-
utive, Harry Horton, Wilmer
Dalrymple, Garnet .Allan, Mur-
ray Traquair.
Auxiliary: President, Mrs.
Garnet Allan; vice-presidents,
Mrs. Grant McCljnehey, Mrs.
Vic Stan; past president,- Mrs.
Harold Campbell; secretary,
Mrs. W. H. Bell, treasurer, Mrs.
Grant Bisback; pianist, Mrs. Ed
Munn; executive, Mrs. Gordon
Munn, Mrs. Paul Neilands, Mrs.
Wilmer Dalrymple, Mrs. Jack
Simmons, Mrs. Mary Taylor;
Sgt. at;,ArAls, Mrs. Harry Hor-
ton; s v.orts, Mrs. Wm. Smale,
Mrs. Clarence Reid. 1.
On Saturday Zurich defeated
Hensall '7-3 when goals were
scored by Fred' Eider, Brian
Canipbell and Gordon 'Dick. ,
At Kippen East WI- January
meeting Mrs Harry Caldwell
and Mrs. John S' clair were pre-
sented with gift ill recognition
of their Baking/with Yeast club.
' Mr. and Mrs. Eric Richter,
Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Watson, ,;Seeforth, were
Sunday guests with Mrs. C.
Christie and Catharine.
Garry Ald.erdice who has
been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, following
treatment of a fractured leg he
sustained in an accident has re-
turned' home. 4. •
Hensall defeated Monkton
4-1 on Thursday at Monkton.
Goals were scored by Fred Eld-
er, Brad Pryde , and Allan Sar-
Guests on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and
family were Mrs. .1". E. Burns,
and family, London, and) Mr.
Barry Morlock o Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross- MacMillan,
David and Tommy, Waterloo,
spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird
By the bag
Ever since Sir Walter Raw-
leigh planted potatoes on- Ms
estate ni Ireland, potatoes
have become increasingly av-
ailable to cooks everywhere.
Because today's housewives_
de.manded speedier ways of
serving potatoes, lood proces-
sors have provided them in
the can or frozen package as
well as M the box as chips or
dehydrated slices, granuales
or flakes. Although these pro-
ducts are all extremely use-
ful for the busy housewife,' it
must be remembered that the
processing adds to the 'cost.
The best buy is still fresh po-
tatoes sold in the bag. Fresh
potatoes can be served for as
little as. one to two cents per
serving providing an extrem-
ely inexpensive food.
Considering the size of her
family, the housewife may
buy potatoes in bags ranging
in weight from 5 to 75 pounds.
The most popular sizes ,are 10
25 and 5(0 pounds. The larger
size is the most economical
buy providing, of cotirse that
there is adequate storage
space. Good flavour and qual-
ity are best assured if potatoes
are stored ,away from light,' at
a temperature of 45°F to
50°F, with good air circula-
Canada No.tgrade potatoes
are ,available all across Can-
ada. In order to meet the sten-
dards for this grade, potatoes
must be of good quality, with-
in a certain size range and be
relatively free of defects or
decay. Certain tolerances are
alloWed, however, for damage
during harvesting or shipping.
-Many of thedefects can be re.
moved when the potatoes are
Mrs. Annie Veal of Exeter
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Elwyn Kerslake and family.
Quite a number of Winchel-
sea people attended the funer-
al on Saturday in Exeter for
the late Miss Dora Delbridge.
She used to be a resident of
this) community.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hut-
ton visited on Ftlday eve-
ning in Exeter with ltite. and
Mrs. RusSell
. Mrs. 'John Coward visited
on Wednesday with Mr, and
Mrs. Bev Parsons and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bev Parsons
and family of near Exeter,
visited on Sunday with Mrs.
John Coward.
Mr and Mrs. Gerry Grbb
and Michael of Farquhar
and Miss Ruth Herne -of Lon-
don, visited on Stniday with
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne
and Raymond.
Mrs. Wm. Walters visited
on Saturday at •Mr. Maurice
Quance's home M Exeter.
Miss Kathy Hein of Clin-
ton spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and
Mr.- George 'Bailey visited
in Inirktore on Sunday with
his sister, Mrs. AH Collier.
Mr. and Mr. Sanford Hut-
ton and Diane spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
Glenn- Shields and farhily of
ListOwel and also visited San -
ford's father who is a patient
in Listowel Memorial Hos-
Master Dennis Hutton ;Dent
the weekend with Donnie
Hutton at liNtowel. •
News of.
News of Walton
The aarlatil Meeting at Da VS
United ' Church Was be1,4 Iast
Wednesday evening. In he
church with a good attendance.
Rev. D. E. Docken Opened the
meeting with hymn 378; follow-
ing with the rending. if serip-
ture from Paul's" letter to' the
Romans, chapter 12. Mrs. Camp-
bell WeY -acted as pianist for
the evening. Prayer was offer-
ed and anwelcome extended to
all. Mrs. 'Harvey Craig was ap-
pointed secretary for the eve-
ning. A minute's silence honor-
ing the deceased members of
the congregation was observed
and prayer was offered. In the
report of the session, Rev. Dock-
er thanked the congregation for
their hospitality and making
them feel at home in their new
charge, ale° the response of the
members in coming to open
house at the manse. A confirma-
tion class of fifteen members
is being prepared to become
church members this SPrittn.
The United Church Men's
Council including Emerson Mit-
ehell and Roy Williamson will
remain in office for the time
The treasurer's report was,
discussed. The members were
cormended ea their M & WI fund
efforts, having,glien $300 more
than last year. The minister en-
plained• the M si ig unified bud, -
get. .
The Hi C report was present-
ed by Mrs. Nelson Marks who
remarked about the good work
that had been accomplished.
Mrs. Walter Bewley thanked
the teachers for their help giv-
en during her term as leader
of Mission Band. The newly ap-
pointed leader is Mrs. Merton
Hackwell. Each member of the,
church will be assetsed about
60c for Presbytery project fund:
Mrs. Ronald Bennett reported
for the Scouts telling about
work accomplished, hikes and
of their summer trip to the
east coast. .,
Mrs. Docken' will essist with
the CGIT work.
The Sunday School report
was 'given by Mrs. Nelson Reid
who particularly stressed the.
success of the Christmas con-
cert. Mr. Martin Baan voiced
his appreciation to the Sunday
School teachers and hoped that
more would come forth to „help
in' teaching -the classes. Mrs. Wil-
liam Roe outlined some of the
accomplishments of the United
Church Women. Special events
included World Day of Prayer,
Easter Thankoffering, film
.strips, Sunday service, annual
Presbytery,. Alma College, work
shop at Blyth, Cut out and stuff-
ed toys for Ontario' Hospital,
Goderich, helped a needy fami-
ly, Toe Alpha, turkey supper,
farewell party and open house
at the manse.
Mr. Lavern Godkin announc-
ed the following new -members
on the board of stewards for
1968. Ross Bennett, Howard
Hackwell, Donald 'McDonald, Ray-
Huether and Jack Bosman. It
was ,decided to send out four
financial reports during the
Church services will be with-
drawn ' during the minister's
holidays the last three Sundays
in August. The session will pro-
cure a supply pastor for March
Mr. Martin Baan :Moved a
vote of thanks to the treasurer,
Mrs. Harvey Craig for her dili-
gent work during her time in
office and to Rev. D. E. Docken
for his work and leadership, ex-
pressing the wish that we be-
come better acquainted and
hoping they will remain with
us,for some tirne.
Mr. Docken replied on behajf
of Mrs, • Docken and limself;
stating that they have been
very happy and quite at home
in their new charge.
• Social Evening
A social evening was held in
the Community Hall last Thurs-
day honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Mitehell newly weds.
Fourteen tables were at play' in -
progressive euchre with the fol-
lowing as prize winners: ladies'
high, Mrs. Ernest Stevens; la-
dies' low, Mrs. Campbell Wey;
gent's high, James McDonald;
gent's low,' Clayton Fraser: -
During the lunch hour 1Vh.
and Mrs. Mitchell were, called
to the platform and an address
was read by Mr. James Knight
and Mr. Jan Van Vliet, Jr. pre-
sented them with a purse
money. Mr. Mitchell thanked
the neighbors and friends for
the evening and. hoped they
wealvisit them. • '
The 8th lind 16th Unit lagies
served lunch.
M. and Mrs. Ted Robinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rath -
well spent Sunday with
friends in Thamesville.
On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Robinson attended the fu-
neral of a relative in Thedford.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Bride visited Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie
at Wirigharn.
Mx. and Mrs. R. M. Scott
visited on Saturday with Mr,'
and Mrs. Eldin Kerr, Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell. M od dess Of
Every Week more people dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
ad`Oornplished bY low coat Ex-
poSitor Went Ms. Dial 52/7-0018.
and Area
Mrs. Nell 141yGovin and baby
son; have returned home from
Clinton Public Hospital.
Mr. • and Mrs. Wilbur Turn-
bull left last Sunday fin. Flori-
da where they yin' spend the
next two months.
McKillop Unit
The McKillop UCW Unit met
at the home a Mrs. Keith Rock
last Wednesday afternoon with
18 ladies present. Miss Ethel
Dennis presided for devotions
opening the meeting with a
reading, "A New year's Wish".
Hymn 148, "Breathe ori me
Breath of God" was sung follow-
ed by the scripture reading
from Psalm 21, by Mrs. Murray
Dennis, ending with a prayer.
Miss Ethel Dennis read a
poem, "Time". Mrs. George Love
gene the meditation, 'Labour-
ers Together with God". The
topic Christian Warriors, was
given by Miss Tennie Dennis.
Hymn 485, "Jesus Keep Me
Near the Cross". Mrs. Lavern
Godkin presided, for the busi-
ness. Reports were presented,
piens were made to hold a lost
heir social at No. nine school
Friday evening.
Lunch was served by Miss
Tennie Dennis, Miss Ethel Den-
nis, Mrs, ;Murray Dennis and the
Officers for McKillop Unit
1968, four presidents, each to
have three months: 'Mrs. Lav-
'ern- Godkin, Mrs, Glen McNich-
ol, Mrs. Merton Hackwell, Mrs.
Donald Dennis; secretary, Mrs.
George Love; treasurer, Mrs.
Norman Schade; supper com-
mittee, .Mrs. William Roe, Mrs.
John Burch; visiting committee,
Mrs. Roy Wildfong, Miss Ethel
Dennis; copper contest leaders;
Mrs. 'Murray Dennis, Mrs. Lyle
Osborn; pianists, Mrs. Campbell
Wey, Mrs. Neil McGavin; nomin-
ating committee, Mrs. Stewart
McCall, Mrs. Gordon McGavin,
Mrs. Murray Dennis.
Euchre Party
A progressive euchre party
sponsored by the Women's In,.
stitute was held in the, Commun-
ity Hall last Friday evening
with the following aa prize win-
ners: ladies' high, Mrs. Jack
Bosman; ladies' low, Mrs. Wil-
bur Turnbull; men's high, Mr.
Rollie Achilles; anen's low, Mur-
ray Houston. Holding lucky
card, Joan Simpson; lucky cup,
Miss Tennie Dennis.
Committee in charge were
Mrs. Herbert Traviss, Mrs. Her-
bert Williamson, Mrs. Allan Mc-
Call, Mrs. Edward Miller and
Mrs. Rae Ifilether.
Mr. and Mrs: Earl Steel of
London, visited last week with
the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Leming.
Itilisa Mary Mowbray who was
confined to Seaforth Communn
ty. Hospital for a few weeks
has been transferred to Victoria
Hospital., Lendon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Docken, Mr.
tiscar Docken and Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Uberigall of London,
were weeketid guests with Rev,
and Mrs. D. E. Docken at the
Mission Bond
The Walton iVIission and met
'Sunday nyrning with- Rick Mc-
Don * ripening with the "call
to w 'ship". Hymn 584, "Can
a little c ml d like me" was sung
with Clayton 'Fraser at the
piano. Mrs. Merton) Haelrwell
taught the children a new song
and read a story.
Offering was received and
dedicated by Rick McDonald.
The treasurer's repqrt was giv-
en by Roger Humphries and
Joan Bennett read minutes.
Bruce McDonald will be pian-
ist for the February meeting.
Hymn 587, "Birds are singing,
woods are ringing" was sung
after which classes were form-
ed under the leadership of
Sharon Marks, Mrs. William
Coutts, Mrs. William Roe and
Mrs. Merton Hackwell. The
meeting closed with hymn 614,
"When , He Cometh, when He
Cometh" and the benediction.
Hi -C Group
The Walton Hi -C group met
Sunday evening in the church
school rooms. The opening
hymn 016 "Holy Spirit hear as"
was follewed with the roll eall
which- wa$ annwered by nam-
ing your favorite bird. The busi-
ness was conducted by the
president, Mary Bewley, The
,treasurer's report was given by
Carol Wilbee. Plans were com-
pleted far a croninole social
In connection with Youth
Week which is from January
28 to February 4, plans were
made to have the Hi -C conduct
the Sunday morning church
service on February 4, with the
Hi -C group forming the choir..
Glenna Houston and Larry
Walters gave a report On their
fine days at Toc Alpha confer-
ence at Niagara Mall, during
Christmas holidays.
An Expositor Classified will
pay you dividends. Haven you
tried one? Dial 527-0240,
SPARE RIBS -i• 59c
, lb. 95c
Sirloin Steak i13. 99.
Ib. 69c
lb. 89c
Phone 527-0240 : Seaforth
Gingerich's Sales & Service Ltd.
(Seaforth Sale)
Beatty Washer, model 521 - 3 cyc- t non
le, list $329.00 Special .PA 07
• Beatty Dryer, model 521 - 4 pro-
gram and timed, list $219. Special
Matching Pair Only $450.00
1 Only Beatty Washer
Model 1967 - List 354.95
Special $255
Beatty 14 cu. ft. Refrig-
erat9r, frost free
List 449.95 . • • • •
• Special $325
Beatty 10 cu. ft. Refrig-
erator, auto. defrost, `2 -
door, List $299.00
Spec. trade $249
Iteatty Range, 24"
List $199.95
Special $1145
23" Fleetwood model 991
• List $329.00
Special $245
7 Piece 'Chrome Table and Chairs
*st 189.00 Special
Bedroom -Suites, Double Dresser, elan
Chest and Bed, list $245. Special #IFu
E• xtensioniable," four
hairs, buffet and
IOnly one left
1 Beatty Range', 30",
The range with so
much to offer, fully
only $198
Fleetwood Sterio $269
List $399.00 Special
List $189.00 Only $129
12" Portable Fleetwood
• Recliners
List $148.00
Only $85
Card Tables
$5 and $9
2 -piece Sklar Chester-
field and chair, list $369
° Special $245
Space Savers
Only" $45
Desk and Chair
List $99.00 and
now on!y $69.77
Swivel Chairs
List $79.00
Now $55
Special prices on all small Appliances
Radios only $17.95; GE Steath Irons 03.99
And Many More
Don't FOrget ,Our Store Remains Open Over the Noonhour
Evenings By Appointment